riLiLAMOUK H ü JADLIG-HT FEBRUARY 16, Aöll Fast Steamer * gate ! EN Ves Tillamook for ria and Portland HURSDAY of Each Week ht and Passengers / - I FOR RATES— ADDRESS J. R. GLADDEN, Agent AMOOK, OREGON Furnishings—Modern Fixtures, utrally Located. Id Water on Lach Floor, eals 35 and 50c. oents and up according to Room. , Dining Room and Ladies’ Parlor. Hotel in Tillamook County. Prop P. R. & N. CO. TO RUN TRAINS IN JCLY. So Says Mr. S. G. Reed, of Port­ land— Walks from Timber to Nehalem Over Road. R. H. Todd, Mgr. Child Portraits Made by Us are Child-Like. Jusi as our portraits of adults possess strength and character. We are experts in lighting and posing, and our equipment is complete. Come in and see our line. Monk's Studio, Next to the Post Office. HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Them. We Sei! Them. W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Next Door to Tillamook Connty Bank ¿XPORT BEER KAISER BLUME Unsurpassed, Non Intoxicating. MALT TEA ERY Special Brew Water How to cure a cold is a question in which many are interested just now. C hamliertain'sCough Remedy han won its great reputation unit (■immense sale l>y it» remarksbie I cure of colds. It «-an always lie de- tended upon. ftrr sale by latinar'« >rug Store. I I ook Iron Works I achinists A Blacksmiths LtNorer’« Work aad Heavy Forging Vater action normal. I wi«hevery- P one <-e with game In Six two years old heifers, to freshen any other mode of flight will habitual­ in spring.—For sale see Frank Tone. ly bulk at this shot and acknowledge Wood For,8ale. their inability to make it. Yet once its principle is understood Wood for sale. Spruce and Hem­ and the lesson learned the dropping lock body, dry at $1.25 a cord on the of an overhead incomer Is as easy as place, 7 miles south of Tillamook.— anything can well be. The miss is al­ T. D alpaz . ways made by the sportsman shoot­ ing under and behind the bird, and For Sale. there Is but one way iu which the er­ ror Is to lie avoided. Complete Creamery Outfit, con­ To make the shot the gunner should wait until the bird Is about to pass sisting of Engine. Boiler, Simplex over him, then, bringing up his gun. Combined Churn and Worker, Bab­ follow in from belilud, cover the bird cock Turbine Tester, Scales, Cans, and swing In abend of It and. main­ etc. Address Newton Courier, Lat- taining the same rate of speed, press ourell Falls, Ore the trigger the instant the bird is hid­ den behind the barrets. Do not stop Stray Notice. the swing of the gun and be sure the bird shall have disappeared from A Brown Mare came to Ike Quick’s sight. If the shooter will observe this place on January 10th. Owner can rule he will be surprised how easily have the same by paying expenses. and Invariably he will kill his bird.— Recreation. The Way to Bring Down an Overhead Incoming Bird. For Sale. Registered Holstein Bull Calf, tin extra fine animal, dam giving over 74 lbs. of molitics of the his­ torian. Most histories are written many years after the history was made. In these drcunistaiices no one can step forward nnd dispute the historian. History la studied at school and for­ gotten at home. We are told to Judge the future by the past, and after we read the his­ tories we are as badly muddled as ever. Home ata teamen make history, but most of them make speeches. Judge John O'Qreat’a House. John O'Groat’s bouse was formerly altuatwl on Dun« snsliy head, the moot northerly point of Great Britain. It took Its name from John of Groat, or Groot, and his brothers, who came, it la said, from Holland about H8tl. The exprewiou so often heard, “From John O'Groat'a to Mud's End,” means the whole length of Great Britain from north to iwith, like the other ex­ pression. "Worn Dan to Boershelia." meaning the entire length of Palestine. All tha Difference. A Sensitivo Child. Farle Ci» Mo thia Io the baby. ehT I used to look just like him at 'hot age What's he crying about now! Niere Ruote—Oh. Furio (ine. he h.-a rd whet you said —Chicago News ! Farm for Sale. A SKILLFUL SHOT. The weight of te«tlinouy Is in favor of Ht. Luke as the antbor of the Acts of the Apostles, though some r«o«1 the proprietor of Hie A. D. 125.—New York American ewell restaurant. “When he was through hie dinner,” A Hard Stunt. explained the waiter exclt««jly, “be “A man can Just simply went ernxy." "Hare yo«r ever felt that yoo must “But did he pay ns he went?”— get upotalrs at 2 a. m without waking Catholic Ktaiulard and Times. your wife?”-t’bicago Renwd Herald. But never follow« the use of Foley’s Honey and Tar, which check the tough anil exfieln the cold. M. Stockwell. Hannibal, Mo., says, ** It beats all the remedies I ever used, I contracted a bad cold an«l cough ami was threatened with Iineumonia. Ont- t»ottle of Foley’s toney and Tar completely cured | me.” No opiates. just a reliable household medicine.—C. 1. Clough. bia Bottling Co., oria, Oregon- Mineral GintUnun In Whits” and ths Idea of the Red Cross. Acta of the A post la a. THE Mlpthonx, Bartlett "TH* (Nehalem Enterprise.) President S. G. Reed, of the Ger- man-Americaii Bank, of Portland, accompanied by Winfield Trom­ bley, of Bay City, came down the P. R. & N. Co.’» track Tuesday from Timber, where they left the train and walked the intervening distance to S. M. Batterson’s place, a distance of thirty-five miles that day, which is indeed a good hike for any man to make. Thev continued on their journey to Nehalem next morning, when Mr. Trombley left for Bay City at Balm and Mr. Reed continued on his way to Nehalem. He went this route for the expre.-s purpose of satisfy­ ing himself as to when the road will be completed To his satis­ faction he found everything pro­ gressing rapidly along the entire line and expects to see trains running from Portland by the first of July, The road bed is in ex- ; cellent condition notwithstanding the fact that we have had heavyi rains all winter, Very few slides have come in, only on thia eud near the falls about two miles above Batterson’s place, where a | large amount of dirt will have to COSTLY DROP CURTAIN. be moved before anything can be done. Many have contended that the road was simply a logging Tha One Meiasonier Didn't Paint For a French Theater. road and built on a cheap scale The enterprising manager of a thea­ in every respect, but Mr. Reed ter called upon the famous French art­ contends that this is not the ease. ist Jean Louis Ernest Melssonier on He found that everything has been one «K-ca-iou and aske«l him to paint a done with the purpose of making it drop scene for a certain theater and a modern road in every particular. name Ills own terms. The bridges are all substantial "You have seen my pictures, then?” structures but expensive owing to asked Melssonier. “Oil. yes.” exclaimed the manager, the length and depth of the can­ yons to be crossed. The road bed “but it is your mime I want! It will in most cases is built wide enough draw crowds to iny theater.” "And how large do you wish this for a double track and the fact of curtain to lie?” inquired the artist. the matter is that it will come up to “Ah. well, we will say 15 by 18 me­ any road in the state when it has ters.” been ballasted. All the tunnels Melssonier tooR up a pencil and pro- with the exception of one are nearly- ceedeil to make a calculation. At last completed and the distance to be he looked up and said, with imper­ graded still is probably two miles. turbable gravity: "I have calculated and find that my But a large number of men are working at these points so that it pictures are valued at 80.IM10 francs per meter. Your curtain, therefore, will not require much time to do will cost you Just 21.tWI.000 francs. the necessary excavating and thus- But that Is not all. It takes me twelve once for all connect this vast coun­ months to paint twenty-five centime­ try with the outside world. Supt. ters of canvas. It will therefore take Kumpe, of the Sweeney Construc­ me Just 1U0 yearn to finish your cur­ tion Co., has established a camp tain. You should have come to me at the former headquarters of the earlier, monsieur. I am too old for the company when the work first undertaking now. Good morning.” started on this end three years ago Arabic Numerals. and is pushing the track laying as An Illustration of what mankind fast as possible. They expect to owes Io the labor saving Arabic nu­ be at Batterson’s within thirty days merals compared with preceding forms time, a distance of five miles from the of notntion Is shown in adding 1848 to bridge across the south fork of the 1848, the sum of which is expressed in Nehalem at Loinmen’s place, The only four figures, or 3GIMI. Meantime number of ties on hand now will in Roman characters we would have cover that distance and it is ex­ to denote 1848 with the capital letters pected that the Wheeler mill will MDCCCXLVIIL Repeating these let­ then be in operation so that the ters explains why Cicero complained work may go on without delay of the sweating toil of all addition. until they reach the crossing on On that account Homer's total of Aga­ upper Nehalem river near the memnon's fleet Is not tli«' correct rm of the different contingents to it mouth of the Salmonberry where a wbi< h lie gives of the Grecian states. span bridge will have to be put in. Herodotus Is worse yet when he gives Now until July first! Can we wait the total figures of Xerxes’ army after that long?_______________ enumerating the quota of the various nationalities w hich corn]M>sed It. Like­ Launch Goes to Tillamook. wise what n life Insurance company S. O. Murry disposed of tlie would now do without Arabic nu­ launch Richard, a (D-footer of t lie merals may be Imagined.—Dr. Wil­ cruising- type, to the Potter Realty liam llauna Thomson In Designer. Company, which firm proposes to How Machinery Braath««. operate it on Tillamook Bay be­ An English writer on engineering tween Tillamook, Bay Ocean and subjects, Mervyn O'Gorman, calls at­ Garibaldi, in connection with trains tention to the fact that a piece of ma­ of the Pacific Railroad A Naviga­ chinery, such as an automobile, laid tion Company. asl !e after being used Is in danger of The craft is expected to carry 1(0 Internal rusting through a kind of res­ passengers, anil as she speeds piration which affects cylinders, genr about 12 miles an hour she will lie boxes, clutch chambers, interspaces in among the fleetest in Tillamook ball bearings. and so forth. Every in- waters. She is said to have cost closed air space “breathes" by draw­ tag In air when a fall of temperature $8(0) originally, and is modern in contracts Its walls and expelling it construction anil equipment, Ireing when the walls expand through heat. electric lighted and having other The moisture Introduced with the air conveniences. It is planned to run Is delimited in the cavities and may her to Tillamook lie fore the opening produce serious damage through rust. of the coming treach season, so that The popular, belief that oil will pro­ she can carry the first vacationists. tect the inaccessible parts of unused For some time the Richard has machinery is fallacious, since nearly been out of commission, being laitl all oils take up about 3 per cent of up on the East Side, in the vicinity water In solution. of the fireboat station. Pneumonia Follows a Cold. BOTTLED B> " —1--------------- «■ AFTER SOLFERINO. "1 understand that the smart set Is snubbing the J»e H'l'ks t*e»sus« they have a skeleton In their closet.” “Not at all The snnti la because they didnt keep It there.’*—Cleveland lend­ er. GRAVEL SCREENED OR UNSCREENED. WOOD FOR SADB. Bell Telephone, 12117. Reduction Rates. of On March 1st we will in­ augurate a new residence rate. Eor the first two units (kilo­ watt hours) used per month for each 16 candle power lamp or its equivalent installed we will charge 15c. per unit as at present. Eor all excess the charge will Ire toe. per unit. Checking of lamps for this rate will Ire by request only not earlier than Feb. 10th or later than Feb. 25th. TILLAMOOK ELECTRIC LIGHT AND FUEL CO. W ill S palding , General Manager. kill ™ couch u. CURE ™ LUNGS Dr. King’s New Discovery foRcsisr* AWtt ALL JUaOST AMO IUM TfiOVLI». i Til'- defects of the mind, like Ihow of Ry desiring what la perfectly good we see part of the divine paver the face, grow worse as we grow old. — lto< befoucaukl. against evU. George Etat GUARANTIED 8ATIMFA0T0B* Ota MOM FT BBFUMDKU