Hi » r“ >• "■ A TILLAMOOK ) r \TP< GP aUHffCRIPTION ^ITgJCTLY IN ADVANCE.) ■ >io- vea>............................................. aontha............................................ Thu-« mouth»......... ............................ 0e many week» now tie- fore businesH will brighten up and autos will liecotne the rage. Tillamook is alright. i I I !* -V- T I ( i $ « 4 I / I 1 an annual “Harvest Home," which are in vogue in otherj parts of the world in the fall of of the year. "Hurrah for the Tillamook Editor-B«n»ster»’ Assra-iation ! Now, together : Heave, oh, heave 1” 'This is now G. Id, Huff, of Arlington, Ore., who previously resi«le«l in this coun­ ty, wrot«- in renewing his sub­ scription. Thanks, Bro. Huff, for your liest wishes for the suc­ cess of the association, and we may add that in getting toge­ ther the editors have no special or private interests to boost, but the interests and the develop­ ment of the entire county. HEADLIGHT, FEBRUARY 16, 1911. ians heal themselves with such Very likely Dr. Herbert Howe, of __ Denver University, ia so sour and abridgements. homely that he could not hire a Surgery has achieved the remark­ pretty girl to let him hug her for hia whole «alary. That accoiints able feat of curing blindness by the for hia diatribe against hugging. insertion of a glass lense into the Fortunately nature ia more potent than college faculties and ao the human eye. Dr. William C. Win­ good old practice will not cease. slow, a noted archaeologist of Bos­ What a sad old world it would l>e if | ton, now past 70, is enable«! to le- youths and maidens were to atop sume his studies after four years of dancing ami uolxxly’a arm ever en- circle«! uolxxly’a waiat henceforth blindness by such an operation. forevermore. Professor Howe, When he does not wear the lenses avaunt. —Oregonian. nothing but a white glare is seen, Amen to this. Why, courting but with them all obj«icts are vis­ a girl would lose half its charm ible perfectly._______ if a fellow could not hug her in Just what is meant by the recent­ the good old fashioned way ly much discussed term “scientific whenever he had an opportunity management,” as applied to the to do so without being seen. It is railroad and other industries, and a fact that some persons are too which is credited to Frederick W. straight laced and sanctimoni­ twenty-six . years Taylor, for ous to live in this world, and in the Midvale expert who are continually chiding an Steel Works, ¡9 told by Arther W. young people about dancing anti Page in the current number of other innocent amusements, Work, gives Taylor’s which the.v look upon as a sin World’s own explanation under four heads: to indulge in. We suppose, scientific analysis of the elements however, there will alway lie a of each piece of work as to how it few straight laced fossils who can lie beat done, selection of men will say to the young people best fitted for each kind of work that they must not do this or must not do that, for whenever] and training of them in the right way to do it, adequate supervision a voting fellow gets smitten on a girl he is going to «lance with “"<• 1“*^««"« wh*th the men f ! an incentive to practice the best her if they enjoy that kind oi metliuds ami the management to amusement—ami hug her in a do all the work which it can.do bet- genteel manner whenever he i ter than the men. lias an opportunity, and, Gixi ——--- — bless them, the young women Final Notice. like to I m ? hugged. Perhaps N otice Iff H kxeby G iven ,—That the un- Prof. Howe is one of those who dersixned, as administratrix of the estate oi would rather hug a cat or a D. W. IJANIS. deceased, hat» filed her final account in the County Court of the State of dog. _______________ Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, that Notice of Sale of Tide Lands. N otice is H ereby G ivbn ,—That the State Lami Board of the State of Oregon will sell to the highest bidtler at its «iffice in the Capitol Building, at Salem. Oregon, on April 11. 1911, at 10 o’clock a.m., at said day, all the State’s interest in the tide and overflow land« herein- after described, giving, however to the owner or owners of any lands abutting or fronting on such tuie ami «.verfiow lands, the preference right t«» purchase said tide and overflow lands at the highest price offered, provided such offer ia made in gixxl faith, and providing also that the land will not be sold nor any offer therefor accepted for less than $7.50 per acre, the Board re­ serving the right to reject any anil all bids. Sai«l lands are situated in Tillamook County, Oregon, and described aB follows : Beginning* at a point, the south- east corner of D.L.C. No. 39, T. 1 S., R. 10 W. of W. M. and running thence : S. 61 degs., 00-W., 854.0 feet along high water line. S. 77 degs., 3tr \V., 182.0 feet along high water line. South, 76.0 feet along low water line. N. 82 degs., 20- E., 382.0 feet along low water line. 5. 79 degs., 45' E., 554.0 feet along low water line. North, 577.0 feet along low water line to point of beginning. Containing 5.67 acres of tide lands fronting and abutting that part of D.L.C. No. 39, situated East of a North and Sonili line through the center of Sec. 11, T. 1 S.. R. 10 W. ofW.M. ¡also Beginning at a point 2371.0 feet South and 2640.0 West of Section corner common to Sections 14, 15, 22 and 23, T. 1 N., R, 10 W. of W.M., on high waterline, running thence. North, 110.5 feet to low water line. “ 42 degs., 40- W., 270.0 feet along s. low water line. S. 41 degs. 05- W., 155.0 feet along low water line. S. 69 degs., 00' W., 175.0 feet along low water line. East, 135.0 feet along high water line. N. 43 degs., 3tr E., 270.0 feet along high water line. N. 60 degs.. 15' E., 145.0 feet along high water line to place of be­ ginning. Containing 0.487 acres of tide lands fronting and abutting on Lot 6, Section 22, T. 1 N., R. 10 W. of W.M.; also Beginning at a point on high water 2371.0 feet South and 2640.0 feet West of Section corner corninoti to sections 14, 15, 22 and 23 and running thence, North 110.5 feet to low water line. N. 42 degs., 40-E., 515.0 feet along low water line. N. 70 degs., 30- E., 242.0 feet along low waterline. S. 70 degs., 15- E., 343.0 feet along low water line. S. 50 degs., SU' W., 198.0 feet along high water line. S. 5 degs., 35' E., 70.0 feet along high water line. S. 88 degs., 30- W., 183.0 feet along high water line. S. 66 degs., 00- W., 625.0 feet along high water line to point of beginning. Containing 4.859 acres of tide land fronting and abutting Lot 5, Sec­ tion 22, T. 1 N., R. 10 W. of W.M. Applications and bids should be addressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked “ Application and bid to purchase Tide Lands.” G. G. B rown , Clerk State Land Board. Dated this January 27th, 1911. The syatem of giving road work to men who are not able to do a good day’s work is a good thing for those w ho are making There is not much «loubt : but a livelihood that way, but it i.» tough on the taxpayers and it what the Golden Gate ci ame near meeting a like fat«- as that is tough on the roads. which sent the Argo to the bot­ The channel had changed Will Tillamook County vote tom. two shallow "dry” at a special election thi> again, making year? Public sentiment will channels. This was the condi­ soon change when the voters tion of the bar when the vessel see how difficult it is to convi> t crossed in last week and, from a saloon keeper. Ix*t a dairy­ wlial we can learn, bumbed on Fortunately the man’« stock get out of the pas- the wav in. tureand stray into the city ami Golden Gat«- did not lose her see how quickly it will I m .- placed motive power and was able to get inside. It was a close call, in the pound. however. It places captains in We are glad to see that the a predicament, when attemp- Nehalem Enterprise is a live ing to cross in to find two chan­ Ixioster for roads in the north nels and cannot tell which is end of the county to connect the safest of th«* two. It is tak­ with Clatsop county, especially ing desperate chances of hit or the Necurney Mountain road". miss in a dangerous location. Monday, the 13th day of February. 1911, in the hour of ten o'clock a.m., of said day, at Don't heed the knockers, Bro., It has always been thus and it Most everybody in Tillamook the court room of paid court, has been ap­ by the said court as the time and but keep oti boosting, and it will continue to I m - so until tilt­ ' City have heard about the Stur­ pointed place for the h aring of objections thereto, if won’t lie many years before Ne­ project of confining the channel geon channel, and old timers any there be. and the settlement of said estate. All persons having objections to halem will have one ofthepret to one place is carried out. still talk about it as having said final account are hereby required to file same with said court prior to the time tiest, delightful highways in the lieen the best channel and a big the fixed for such hearing. state. That alone will attract Date of first publication Ji January 12th. engineering blunder was made When th«- news of the loss of 1911. LAURA N. KEKRi ION. thousands of visitors to Tilla­ when the dyke was put in to Administratrix. the Oshkosh reached this city mook and Nehalem. make the middle channel and < n 'Tuesday it was received with in digging the cut off to the NOTICE OF SALE OF profound regret, and following The increase in tax money to dock at Bay City. Not only TIDE LANDS so closely the close call that the be collected this year is $50 000 was it an engineering blunder Golden Gate had of being wreck­ Notice is hereby given that. the above that collected last year. to divert the natural channel, ed last week on Tillamook bar, That is going it some, for not but experience have shown that State Land Board of the State of Ore­ the sail news was certainly most gon will sell to the highest bidder at many years ago that amount of shocking. It was another case it now takes considerable money its office in the Capitol building at Sa­ money was « nough to run the every year for maintenance, and where a empty vessel, without lem, Oregon, on April 11, 1911, at 10; whole expense of the county. It as the Sturgeon channel would ballast on board, was caught at 00 o’clock a. tn., of said day, all the to be hoped that some of the sea in a furious gale, to lie toss­ have obviated all this, there is State's interest in the tide and over flow county’s outstanding indebted ed about helplessly like a cork some goo«l horse sense in the tiess will be reduced this year. logic of those who contend that l»nds hereinafter described, giving, by the angry waves and furious It is one thing to collect taxes, however, to the owner or owners of wind. Tile loss of the vessel is if Tillamook City is to have a but to expend it economically is any lands abutting or fronting on such good channel to the bar, and a serious mishay, but th«- tragic a problem even the most «•arc­ which can be kept open at the tide and overflow lands, the preference death of Captain Latham ami ful and conservative county offi­ right to purchase said tide and overflow th«- crew of the Oshkosh is de­ least expense, then the Stur­ cials become perplexed over. lands at the highest price offered, plorable. It will be remember geon channel should be decided provided such offer is made in good upon by the Port of Tillamook. ed that it was the Oshkosh Some of our moat enthusiastic faith, and also providing that the land which went to the assistance of The question of maintenance is harbor improvement b«M>sten> will not be sold nor any offer therefor th«- ill-fated Argo ami picked up something which the Port must have even gone so far ns to re­ accepted for less than $7.50 per acre, not overlook in coming to a iii due thing ment to udjucent property.and dustries started, S. 9» 44- W. 400.0 feet •long low 319 Worcester Building, Portland, Scraps. ___ ___ ___ county IIO person should I m * allowed to can be relitil on, tilia water line. Oregon, within six months from locate a saltxin in a street where the coming summer will have S. 24 53’ W. 248.0 feet ■long low the date of the first publication of Epochal is word to be sparingly this notice. the property owners und busi­ an unusually large number of water line. D avid W. J ones , ness men are opposed to it. As visitors,soon* intent on pleasure used, but an aeroplane that could S. 32 51 ’ W. 266. 0 feet ■long low Administrator of the Estate of while others safely ascend from and land in the it will, no doubt, com«* liefore and recreation, William B. Jones. water would cull for an adjective of water line. the city council before long, it will I m - l«M>king for business or A. S. D resser , S. 40 18’ W. 584.0 feet ■long low thia size. other locations. Ami with the ia within their (tower to restrict Attorney for Administrator. water line. Date of first publication, Febru­ One of ille liumors of American the sultMtns to their present lo­ prospects of the United Rail S. 43 24' W. 80.0 feet along low wat ­ ary 2nd, 1911. ways rushing its road through |M>litics ia the existence of a cl a Ha cutions. er line. this year will help to make a who want protection for their own Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. S. 49 29- W. 72.0 feet along low Owing totlie recall law, both busy year. But. as we have products and free trade for ever- water line. in Oregon and Washington, the stated, this county must have thing else. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That South, 60.0 feet to place of begin­ jterson who occupies a public transportation before industries by virtue of an execution duly ning, containing 1.55 acre« of tide land position never knows when his can I m - o|M-nit«-«l. Iowa is thinking ot again amend­ issued out of the Circuit Court of ing her constitution to prohibit the fronting upon Lots 4 4 5, Sec. 2, T 2 the State of Oregon, for the County h *n«l is going to fall into th«* of Tillumook, on the 8th day of liquor traffic, having abandond the N. R. 10 W. |M>liticui Imsket. Over in Seat W«* lire sorry if we slightly Applications and bids should be ad­ December. 1910, and to me directed, idea that a thing can bs made tie not many mouths ago a the same being issued in pursuance ruffled the t«-mp«-r of our cou- legal and u constitutional at the dressed to G. G. Brown. Clerk, State of a decree and order of sale, made mayor was elected by th«* mihsm tempomrv when we iidvtin«eed when the saloon element in in G. G. Brown, * in which suit F. R. Beals were lie given to those who an* de­ than can be done by­ any voice, plaintiff and I .aw re nee E. Sanders the saddle, city aliai i m become Clerk State Land Board. sirous of liM-uting industries in I Hut in recent years the wizard and Gertrude Sanders were sacks of years. They wete a liver and kid- sum of $101.00 as a reasonable at­ will furnish -ome information The duirv men mid others who along thotu- line anil it is satis American |M>tatoea. Even the «x?to- nev trouble. Then Dr. King’a New torney’s fee and costa and disburse ! Life Pills throttled them. He’s well have the proiMtsed county fair factory, then we an* ready to pus neeil not hope to escape the now. 1 nrivaled for Constipation menu of suit taxed at $35.80 and costs and all accruing costs cf sale in hand having been waiting to Ju|>anee<* talent for imitation. help Issist his suggestion. We Malaria, Headache. Dyspepsia 25c and put the purchaser of said real -.« whether !<« « pt.nt.itm- \ « « r-, O «<« I I , 1-tChaa I^CIough’a will conce«ie one point, that as property at said sale in immediate G. Deals will I m - sticct-aaful in Mr. Carnegie propose to fit the posaeasion thereof, to satisfy said j property in s some instances ia W hen her child ia in danger a procuring an ................................ It , |(| ,(( I Words of an international |>eace judgment and decree. ------ ter t«M» high, it mnv woman will risk her life to protect is to be h«>|H-eating here, and in this front of the Court House d«xir in be illuwed to drop. Th«- uint ••ir King.’’amt originally came from «-. «- >. o ■ Give ------- . . ------ Chamberlain's —■ said County and State, sell to the ahoukl tie, not so much in Imv- j rv«|iect some st«*|«s nhouhi lie German« N> c«>-,mqx>iitan a niel I.bU « higheat and beat bidder, for cash , taken to protect pentona from . avoided. -For sale by l^mar's"Drug ing mi extensive fair, an it is to! “ in hand, the following described ‘ being liel«l up by unscrupulous «sly has claims on the peace atxie. Store. realproperty. *’,u“ted in Tilla- have a fair which the producers * | i ! tricks. Anyway, we shall be glad, ties. mook County, and described as will takes pleasure and interest " LaOrtfns Coughs. ““d the system follows, to-wit : in. With that assured, there is to help txxist as b « m > u us we are * A Denver surgeon while engaged Lota 3 and 4, of Block 14. Park satisfied how much "dough" is I in __ _____ m _ _____ _ removing a vermiform sopen- Í . " “°‘ c*>eu b> U h * producers as i>n«1 then not haven great numy ing the human (rum divine H. CSBKSBAW. durable factory aitea. grow «ore wheo J ' Sheriff of Tillamook Countv. State of Oregon. T. BOÌT-S • A ttorney - at -L aw . H Complete set of Abstract Books in office. Taxes paid for non­ Residents. Tillamook Block. Both phones. c I ARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Jicittecliex* ^bvolint, 4 Tillamook Block. FORGE WILLETT, A ttorney - at -L aw . Next to Tillamook County Bank, T illamook - O regon . H. GOYNE, A ttorney - at L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, T illamook , O regon . T. BO ALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block. M. KERRON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Tillamook Block, Oregon. Tillamcok, R. I. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, BAY CITY, OREGON. R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Tillamook, Oregon. ] )R P« J- SHARP, RESIDENT DENTIST, Office across the street from the Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. -4 ^1^* SARCHET, . The Fashionable Tailor. Cleaning, Pressing and Repair« iug a Specialty. Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. I.Axn OrricR Bvinin a SrscucTv, Phone A. luOd ROWING & COWINC LAWYERS. R oom 334 W orcbstbr B i ildin «., T hird and O ak S treits Room Next to the U.S. Land Office. PORTLAND, OREGON. 2 ÿ £ rs - ALICIA PHELrA GRADUATE NURSE, MRS. PAGE’S TILLAMOOK, HOUSE, ORE. — A, I I ■ 1 »5® < Office over J. A. Todd & Co.. Tillamook, Ore.