T illamook Hieak on the who because of injuries received Also, all of the household effects, during foot-ball season has been canned fruit, potatoes and supplies following subjects for the day, a.tu. advised by hie physi?ian to take a belonging to said estates, with all “A Bible school Vision," p. m. and appliances thereto, and “The Sleeping Pilot On A Sinking six months rest. This will neces­ tools also a quantity of hay. sitate the lose of our most valuable This sale was postponed until Ship.” man, at least until base-ball season. the above date owing to a mistake You will be most cordially in dates. Friday night the members of the Said sale to be made uuder order welcomed. Emersonian Literary Society gave of the County Court of Tillamook U.B. Church Notes. one of those shows which are County, Oregon. M. A bplanalp , Administrator. There will be the following characteristic of all the High service« at the United Brethren School shows. At both shows the Tortured For 15 Years. Bible school at 10 a.111., house was packed and from all By a cure-defying stomach trouble Church. that could be heard everyone got that baffled doctors, and i..™ resisted .._ ....._ 1 I preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., ‘■ Christian Endeavor at 0:45 p.m. twice his money’s worth. After the all remedies he tried, John W. Mod- “ Coining to seemed ' Morning theme : last show the members of the Stu­ dera, of Moddersville, Mich., ¿aeejneel doomed. He had to sell his farm dent Body were entertained by and give up work. His neighbors Christ in behalf of others.” Even­ “ Emancipation, the Emeraonians at the Gem. said, “he can’t live much longer.” ing theme: Lunch was served after which each "Whatever I ate distressed me," Lincoln and Christ.” he wrote, "till I tried Electric Bit­ went to hie respective home, The ters, A pleasant and well attended which worked such wonders total receipts were $59.50’ and after for me that I can now eat things I social and reception to the goodly the expenses are paid it ia expected could not take for years. Its surely member of new members was given that there will be at leaBt $30 which a grand remedy for stomach by the young people, assisted by will go to the Gilford Stillwell trouble." Just as good for the liver the Ladies’ Aid, at the U.B. Church and kidneys. Every bottle guar­ Park. anteed. Only 50c. at Charles 1. last Tuesday evening. Mice have been litering to quite Clough’s. an extent in the school house of Final Notice. You are probably aware that Monday noon one of the pneumonia always results from a N otice I s II erkhy G iven ,—That the un­ late. ’Freshiera’ commonly known as cold, but you never heard of a cold dersigned, as administratrix of the estate of I). W. IJAMS, deceased, has filed her final pneumonia when account the ‘Infant’ captured one of the resulting iti in the County Court of the State of ’s Cough Remedy was Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, that loqg-tailed enemies of woman, and Chamberlain used. Why take the risk when this Monday, the 1 3thday of February. 1911; in turned it loose in the assembly remedy may be liad fora trifler-For the hour of ten o'clock a.m., of said day, at the court room of faaid court, has been ap­ room during study period, but he sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. pointed by the said court as the time and place for the h a ring of objections thereto, if j knew not that Prof. Baker could How to cure a cold is a question any there be. and the settlement of said read thoughts and after a private in which many are interested just estate. All persons having objections to said final account are hereby required to file interview with the young man now. Charnberlain’sCough Remedy the same with said court prior to the time for such hearing. Tuesday morning, it was announced has won its great reputation and fixed Date of first publication January 12th, immense sale by its remarkable 1911. LAURA N. KEKRON, that he had something to say to cure of colds. It can always be de­ Administratrix. ths school. We hope it may have pended upon.—For sale by Lamar’s the desired effect upon his actions Drug Store. NOTICE OF SALE OF and tend toward making a man of Speedy Relief from Kidney Trouble TIDE LANDS *1 had an acute attack of Bright ’ s him. disease with inflammation of the Notice is hereby given that the Carpenters were busy putting an­ kidney’s and bladder and dizzi­ other division in the High School. ness,” says Mrs. Cora Thorp, Jack- State Land Board of the State of Ore­ “ A bottle of Foley’s gon will sell to the highest bidder at This time it was in the eighth grade son, Mich. room which was petitioned for Kidney Remedy overcome the at­ its office in the Capitol building at Sa­ reduced the inflammation, lem, Oregon, on April 11, 1911, at 10; the purpose of moving the seventh tack, took away the pain and made the grade room. Mrs. Ford has taken bladder action normal, I wish every­ 00 o’clock a. m., of said day, all the I charge of them and Miss Seston one could know of this wonderful State’s interest in the tide and over flow lands hereinafter described, giving, j who h*s been the principle of the remedy.”—C. I. Clough. however, to the owner or owners of Fairview school during thia winter Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor has designed and taken charge of exercise insufficient mastication of any lands abutting or fronting on such food, constipation, a torpid liver, tide and overflow lands, the preference ' the sixth grade downstairs. worry and anxiety, are the most The Emeraonians give their pro­ common causes of stomach troub­ right to purchase said tide and overflow ’ gram this Friday and from all ap­ les. Correct your habits and take lands at the highest price offered, ' Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver provided such offer is made in good pearances it will be a good one. Tablets and you will soon be well faith, and also providing that the land At present the two sociaties and again.—For sale by Lamar's Drug will not be sold nor any offer therefor the Junior and Sophormore teams Store. accepted for less than $7.50 per acre, are making preperationa to play the Board reserving the right to reject I a set of games at the Opera any and all bids. Said lands are situated House, Friday night. The line up in Tillamook County Oregon, and des­ of the teams are as follows: — cribed as follows: Ciceronian. i*** Emersonian. Beginning at a point at the Govern­ Ralph Himes C. Howard Harris ment Meander corner between sections II. Sappington On March ist we will in­ 2 and 3, T. 2 N. R. 10 W. on the South V. Stanley R. F. F. Ebermnn L. F. John Ebinger augurate a new residence rate. side of Nehalem Bay, and running iBenlyStain R. G. Arthur Wallace For the first two units (kilo­ thence: EP. De Lillis L. G. W. Anderson watt hours) used per month for N. 49° 29' E. 151.0 feet along high Sophormore. I Junior. each 16 candle power lamp or water line. [Howard Harris C. Arthur Wallace its equivalent installed we will N. 42° 48: E. 7.75 feet along high ■ I. Sappington R. F. John Ebinger line. charge 15c. per unit as at water V. Stanley ■■■'. Eberman L. F. N. 40“ 0J' E. 595.0 feet along high present. For all excess the Lacar Aschim R. G. Benly Stam water line. |W. Anderson L. G. Harry Ebinger charge will be roc. per unit. N. 82» 51' E. 266.5 feet along high ■here may be some changes but Checking of lamps for this rate water line. this is the arrangement at present. will be by request only not N. 21« 31- E. 255.0 feet along high I We hope that all who can will go earlier than Feb. roth or later water line. N. 7-07' E. 402.0 feet along high Io the boys play and encourage their than Feb. 25th. waterline. favorite teams. Good swappy ELECTRIC West, 12.0 feet to low water line. ■atnes may be expected by both TILLAMOOK S. 9» 44' W. 400.0 feet along low Beta of teams as they are nearly LIGHT AND FUEL CO. water line. ■qual in weight and strength. W ill S palding , S. 34 5.3' W. 248.0 feet along low Eome see the best of all indoor water line. fame« and spend the beet evening General Manager. S. 32 51' W. 266. 0 feet along low Bf tbe winter. t ater line. Go to F. 8. Whitehonae 8e Son, S. 40’ 18- W. 584.0 feet along low On Rainy Days he leading agenta, for Bond, Acci- water line. ent and Fire Insurance, aa they 43 24' W. 80.0 feet along low wat­ A Fish Brand Slicker er S. line. trite more than three-quart era of he insurance written in Tillamook S.-49 29' W. 72.0 feet akng low will keep yon dry because they are better water line. than any one else in the Aid five yea fall walae ia South, 60.0 feet to place of begin­ eeasfert and leaf wnar ning, containing 1.55 acres of tide land r fronting upon Lota 4 A 5, Sec. 2, T. 2 S3.OO LaGrippe Coughs. N. R. 10 W. fittARAITna WATtaMMf Strain and weaken the system Applications and bids should be ad­ Bold V nm-cl.1. R*uil»n th. oMBtry nd It not checked may develop dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk, State mt. Bod for mt Fro. Cstalagw i.'o pneumonia. No danger of this bn Foley's Honey and Tar is Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and mark­ A. J. TOWER CO. i tew promptly. It is a reliable awt»«. u a. a. ! ed "Application and bid to purchase mfr medicine for all coughs and tide lands." TOWeiCA'»ADUSCO..Ul »Id* and acta qnickly and effect- T ooooto , caaaaa ■**!* ’ely» in cases of croup. Refuse G. G. Brown, nbsHtuea.—C. I. Clough. Clerk State Land Board. Dated this January 27. 1911. VA UDE VILLE SPECIALTIES. SOLOS, QUARTETS, Etc. Special Feature : K Reel from that famous novel SGOLDEN “ UNDER BOTH FLAGS,” Story of that GREAT WAR BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH. Come and have a laugh. It will do you good. ADMISSION, lOr. Complete set of Abstract Books in office. Taxes paid for non­ Residents. Tillamook Block. GATE; Leaves Tillamook for Rstoria and Portland Both phones. •« ■ « C arl haberlach , I ■ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I Tillamook Block. THURSDAY of Each Week Q EORGE WILLETT, A ttornhy - at -L aw . Freight and Passengers. Next to Tillamook County Bank, T illamook A ttorney - at -L aw . Office : Opposite Court House, T illamook , O regon . T. BO ALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Tillamook Block. New Furnishings—Modern Fixtures. Centrally Located. Hot and Cold Water on Each Floor. M. KERRON, Meals 35 and 50c. Beds 35 cents and up according to Room. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Tillamook Block, R. H. Todd, Mgr. P. W. Todd, Prop. R. I. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Office over J. A. Todd & Co.. Tillamook, Ore. Child Portraits Made by /