riLiLAMUUX HEADLIGHT FEBRUARY Q, ¿Oil RATES OE SUBSCRIPTION. of a saln keeper selling whis­ key to a drunken person. This was not dispute«!, but the city Six months...... recorder contended that it was Three months not a sale and freed the saloon keeper, who was not even de­ <1* (Çilknnook fteabíígbt. fended at tile trial by an attor­ ney. Conse<|uently the City Attorney feels as though the Editorial Snap Shots. City Recorder is not giving him a square deal. Say, Tom, is Buri less men say collections that a dose of undetiled, straight are slow, Perhaps some of their Home Rule ? customers are standing them This is what Albert Tozier, off and the money is going over for many years secretary of the the bars. Oregon Press Association and Send a copy of the annual edi­ Past President National Edi­ tion of the Oregonian to your torial Association, wrote the friends in the East and Middle editor in regard to the editors West It is full of valuable in­ of this county gifting together formation about Oregon umi to boost Tillamook County : Tillamook as well. “B ro . B aker : Mighty glad to see the editors get together. If it is impossible under the Such moves help any county. city administration of Mayor Keep a fraternal feeling and for­ Don’t cut prices. Talmage to convict saloon keep­ ever boost. ers, then it is time to ask for a Boost your county and accept rec ill on all th«* city officials or clean, legitimate advertising. 1 the Tillamook agitate for a commission not congratulate a saloon—form of government. County editors.” As Mr. Tozier has been a great flow funny. One person will friend to the newspaper frater­ step into the editor’s sanctum nity of this state, we accept his and commend him for some- congratulation and appreciate thing he has written, while his good advice in behalf of the others will criticise and abuse booster editors of this county. .STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) »In« year............ 1.50 75 50 him for the same article, This goes so prove that this depends on whose ox is being gored. The sheriff has started in to llect taxes. The agoney will Representative Beals has suc­ ceeded in getting $1,500 incor­ porated in the expense hill of the state legislature for the fair to be held in this county. We hope he will succeed in keeping that amount there, but he have our doubts. But there is noth­ ing like hustling, and no doubt Beals is doing his level liest to secure the appropriation. We have been pestered by an unusually large number of let­ ters, already written, to send to this county's representatives in favor of the passage of n bill providing for u State Industrial Accident Commission. We did not do so, for it looks us though somebody must lie looking for soft jobs with little work. The state Inis altogether too many commissions. State Dairy and Food Com­ missioner Bailey is at the end of his political rope. Incom­ petency and petty pilfering ap­ pears to b«* tin* accusations brought against him, anti from nil nppearnnee was holing down tin job for tht* money that was in it und what lie could get out of it. The state needs a live, energetic dairy and fixsl com missioner, but not of the Bailey stripe. We wish to extend our hearty congratulations to th«* daily < >regonian u | mhi reaching its fiftieth birthday, with tlx* I i <>| m * lint it will I m * us strong a factor in helping develop Oregon in the next fifty years as in the past, for nil fnir minded |M*rsons must admit that the daily Or«* goniuti has dune wonders in helping to boost nil parts of th«* «fate The local newspapers have been pounding away fora long time for paved streets and for cement sidewalk, and it looks ns if something is to be done to bring about these improve­ ments, which have been too long delayed. The dirty, filthy condition of I lie business streets is a disgrace and the old, rot­ ten sidewalks all over the city are dangerous to pedestrians. There is a good deal of city pro­ perty held for speculation, and these persons will do nothing to improve it until they are forced to by city ordinance, yet improvements of property by residents owners adjoining the same helps to enhance the value of vacant city lots. That is the reason, we contend, that an or­ dinance should I m * passed com pelting ail property owners to construct cement sidewalk in front of their property. It will be economy to do so, and those who are holding property, and who will do nothing to improve tin* city, will have to do so. they well get facts about the country where they propose to locate, and this is the reason the local newspapers are receiv­ ing so many requests for sample copies of Tillamook papers. HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’^ SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES GOVERNMENT MAY NOT HEAR EXPENSE. Tillamook Taxpayers Must Show Reason for Im provement of Wat­ erway. Unless taxpayers of Tillamook Bay regions and residents of other places who have inleiests in that territory und are concerned in the improvement of the waterway tile with the tioaril of engineers, of the rivers and harbors committee, at Washington, aiiditional reasons why tile Government ahould shoulder the bulk of the expense in ileepening the liny, there are prospects that the undertaking will not be commenced. Major J. J. Morrow, Corps of Engineers. S. A., was yesterday apprised from Washington that tfie hoard was oi the opinion that the amount of present and prospective tonnage does not justify the esti­ mated expenditure, tint that l>efore a final report was filed it was re­ quested that those interested pres­ ent additional data. That can be done in writing within six weeks or an oral hearing can be arranged for, the address 'given of the hoard of engineers being rooms 507 to 510 Colorado building, Wash­ ington, I). C. Acting on the information con­ veyed Major Morrow caused letters to tie forwarded to about 20 persons who had appeared at a hearing held tiere the latter part of Dec­ ember ; when Colonel John Biddle, Major Kutz and Major Morrow sat as a board. At that time it was proposed that the Port of Bay City derive from taxation $200.(JOO and that the Port of Tillamook secure $4«l0,000 to be merged with Govern­ ment funds for the construction of two jetties at the mouth of the bay that would give a depth on the bar of 20 feet. It was suggested to the special board that the channel to Bay City from the bar be dredged to 16 feet and to Tillamook 14 feet. It was estimated that the jetties would cost $1,0)0,(W, the dredging $606,450 and $20,0(11 was suggested for the an­ nual maintenance of channels if Tillamook was included. The board stateci ill the report for­ warded to Washington that in the opinion of its members it was in- advisable to improve the road Our contemporary is advocat­ ing that the people of this city I subscribe for and buy up mill I cites, to be given to persons above Bay City and while the jetty who may want to locate fac­ estimate was not altered the dredg­ tories in or near this city. We ing cost was dropped to $144,000 and shook! look ut this matter from $5000 recommended for the annual different view point. First, we inaintenance of the road from the an* inclined to advocate patro­ bar to Bay City. Even with that change Washington nizing all business and indus­ trial enterprises in this city, 11 tile i a I s were advise«l by wire that which have been started on their the residents of TilhmuMik were own merit, without lM*ing subsi­ willing to provide sufficient fund* dized, for no city can hope to so that with the contribution of Bay succeed when the people trade City a total of $436,000 could be in other places or cities. It turned over to the Government, it limy I m * necessary nt some fu representing one-fourth theapprox- turt* date to offer inducements imate cost. The intelligence from Washing­ to obtain industries, but this should not be done in competi­ ton is in effect that the lioard of tion with those who have had engineers does not concur in the to pay for their sites. For in ] I opinion of the special board, as stance, tlx* mill company was I the Government would lie called on made to pay nearly $10,000 for It,» ex|M-nd $1,306,000, which they land alone, ami some of which I believe is not justified from a stand at exorbitant figures. lint nol |Hiint of commerce to I m * tienefited Major Morrow says on«* offered to help tlx* company | <>r created. out, nor was anything asked, I that the official notiticution of the for it was a business venture an«l I iittitud«* of the tHiard of engineers to help tlx* city with a pay roll. I does not sound the death knell of We nr«* ready to coincide with I the project, ns there remains an our contemporary to this ex-1 opportunity on the part of the tax­ tent, that those who come here! payers further to exploit their to start factories should I m - pro) showing us to the necessity for im­ tected in securing factory or| provement. mill sites from those who would I Pneumonia Follows a Cold hold them up. The snap shot I man is not much stuck on I mi - I , Hut never follows the use of Holev's Honey and Tur, which nus men, who usually sell out I checks the cough and expels the at tlx* first opportunity, making! c«>ld. M. Stockwell. Hannibal. Mo., the other fellow |Miy, while he I says, ” It lM*ats all the remedies I pockets and gets out with the]! ever used. I contracted a bud cold and cough and was threatened with money pneumonia, line Isittle of Foley's We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware and China Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window Sashes, Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy Manufacturers of FIR, SPRUCE and H emlock LUMBER KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese, The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County. New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and Eirst Class Lumber of the Best Quality. LET US FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBER BILL. ft I for all stomach troubles—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad ■ breath,sick headache,torpidliver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Pleasant to take. Sold by Chas. I. Clough. The valued family re­ cipes for cough and cold Sal«'Crwaa $5.00 " cure, liniments, tonics and 22k Taalt 4 00 • remedies have as 1 00 „ other Caaaair«.,, 1.00 ’ careful attention here as TMIan .50 9 the most intricate prescrip­ _ toto _ __ ! Hetaa 5.00 9 tions. tot »a* Ratto - £ CowllatiM I fm . _ For once the saloon interests in this city was rebuked The attempt of Clyde Clements to hataa 7.50 (I •* w 1. rtf »a, «man Ralalaaa Eafr'liaa -50 w Our fresh, high grade . .60 deprive uu ok) man like Joe ■ •>« ■aeu.aaaa ■ Sanaa »1ST MSTMOOS I ■ to make Thcrdich of the least* of the All -ork fully (■uaranteto tar nrtaaa raara. I N drugs will help building he now occupies de­ these remedies more effec- serves to be censured by all fair tivs than ever. Painless Dentists minded iierson». To drag an ’•*"« •*** T**? ** «•»*»>«••» HMTIMB. 0W ■ OWlen Imri I A M to i I If haftyi »tel ■ Right prices are also old, re»t»eetiiblc man into court, with practically no grounds up­ assured. Honey am! Tar completely cured on which to base a case, is tar o I me.” No opiates, just a reliable from right und taking the time I Tillamook County was out* of household medicine.—C. I. Clough. of the court with frivolous lift i the lM-st advertised eounties in gntiou Falla Victim to Thieves. the fiftieth anniversary number S. W. Bends, of Goal City, Ala ., of the Oregonian. Besides u has a justifiable grievance. Tw«> Reliable Druggist. V The fiftieth anniversary num gvtieriil write up of the county, hievea stole his health for twelve 9 t«er of the daily Oregonian was with other articles on railroad! years. They weie a liver and kid­ far in advance of all previ«>us building into Tillamook, liar ney trouble Then Dr. King's New annual editions. It was cer­ bor improvements and dairy­ Life Pills throttled them. He's well now. Unrivaled for Conatiii Constipation. rtrivHiMi tor _____, What They Will Ds for Yoa tainly a crackerjack number, ing, tile county hud a page ml-1 Malaria. Headachr. "*— Dyw|>e|Mi!a. r — Ä- ■ giving an enormous amount of vertiaement, which some of our at Chas. I. Clough* a . They will cure your backachs, useful information alsiut On*- leading citiaens cotisxler one of I When her child ia in danger a strengthen your kidneys, cor. gon, tuised on facts This, with tlx* most attractive advertise-l. ____ __ _ t woman will _______ risk her life to protec OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. a profusion of pictures, mnkea it meats in that nutniier. How r*' *ct oi heroism «>r risk rect urinary irregularities, build the most valuable edition ever «•ver that may I m *, this year's " chiw DP the worn out tissues, snd Corner Stillwell Ave. and First published to lioost th«* state It annual edition of tlx* < Irvgoitian I Cough1 Remedy ’an«! sh'da* grr"il eliminate the excess uric acid St. West, and both Phones. is not only a commendable «Mi will tie the mentis of bringing avoided. For sale by I amar's Drug that causes rheumatism. Pra- Yon awake with a mean, nasty tion, but also shows the en«>r hundreds • * * of * new settlers into St«»re. ▼ent Bright's Disease and Dia­ F£CHLTF IN ALL KIND OF CAKES taste in the mouth, winch reminds movie strides tlx* Oregonian, as the Tillamook county. It also you that your stomach is in a bed ALL KIND OF BREAD. bates, and restore health and well us the stat«*, have taken Wife Got T p Top Advice. proven once more that it is the I — wife wanted me to take our condition. It should also remind the pust fifty years. ausngth. Refuse tubati news|Hii>ers «>( Oregon that are Ikoy to the doctor to cure an ugly h you that there is nothing so good A piece of flannel dam|»ened with D- Frankel, of Stroud, doing the publicity work that M. ’ Sold by Chas. I. Clough. Chamberlain's Ianiment and I».und the me effected enecieo (»arts |«ans is superior auikcrior Chamharlam*, landLirer against Tillamook Justice” son in the East or Middle West Salve on it' She did so. and it to any plaster. When trouble*! with I Tabletv. the boil in a short time.” Remember the Name. last week, k « mm 1 und hard, and decides to come, aav to Tilla-1 cured Isnu^ back °r pains in the side or They build th Quickest healer of Hurns. Scalds. Foley s Honey and Tar for all hie keen sense of honor and lus­ •wook. they will invariably send ■ Cuts. Corns. are Hruises. Sprains, coughs and colds. for croup, bron­ cheat give it a trial and you please*! I -A~-------------- i.— ■ certain to be more than please*! tier received a nxle shaking. for a copy of a county paper«1 dwellings. Best pile cure on enrth. l muh ». iMmnvnro chitis. Ixtarsenea und and tor r»c racking with the prompt reliet r.z.LL LmarriffMna* - __ • - Rt* which it i " 11 l.*J,TT Only A-. at Charles I. [. I lagrippe coughs. No opiates. He was prosecuting n clear case The rensou of this is they know i > 1 |J