L4 illa nun» li Vol. XXIII. No. 37. TILLAMOOK FEBRUARY g, Igll >x.5o per year Mrs. II. T. Botts ia expected home next week from Oklahoma and Texas, where she has been visiting for some time. Her father, Mr. S. A, Bryant, of Oklahoma, is expected to come with her. IN Mrs. Hill has moved into the building vacated by the Parker Bros., where she will have more accommodation to serve meals. Give her a call. Home made cakes, breads, salads, etc. The two year son of Jim Brown, the Grand Ronde mail carrier, has recovered sufliciently from the In connection with our immense stock of all kinds of Mill Feed, Grain, etc., we operation which Dr. Boals per- have added a full and up-to-date line of Groceries and Provisions. formed on him two weeks ago to Above are the fifth to ninth quotations of our be able to be taken home. Iterary contest in which every man, woman and child in the Which will be sold at the following prices : S. M. Batterson, while driving iounty is invited to take part. To the ino^t successful one some cattle down the Bay City U answering the authorship of these quotations, of which road, was thrown from his horse Elaine Coal Oil, per case here will be ten in all, will be awarded a cash prize of $15, $2.90 near the saw mill. No serious ¡econd $10 and third $5. $1 00 201bs. Fine Granlated Sugar ............ injury was received, however, other 1 Dozen Cans Corn 5.60 90 Best Fruit Sugar, per sack................ than a sprained ankle. Wait for the whole ten quotation to appear and then 5.40 Dry Granulated Sugar, per sack ... Irrite out and mail to us your answers, signing your name Teacher attending the examina­ l.(X) 99 9 9 Tomatoes 90 Extra C. 201bs. for ................................... tions this week are: Miss Winnie ind address and name of school, if a student. 1.00 Cutie Sugar. 151bs. for ........................... Spencer, Miss Bertha Heiser, Miss 1 dozen Bottles Catsup........................... $1.00 Remember the quotations and we hope they will be Gertrude McKimens, Miss Alina if aid in yonr daily life. Remember the value of having Minced Sea Clams............... . 1 1.20 Ripley, Miss I.uella Sweeney, Miss ranking connections which are satisfactory and remember we Inez M. Seston. Mrs. A. F. Foster Red Seal Lye ............................. 1 1.00 ordially solicit your business, large or small. Arbuckle . . .................................... Per lb. 221c. and Mr. J. D. Eldridge. 321c. 1 ’¡oncer Milk............................... 1 lib. tins .................. ,, Royal Club, 1.00 - The passengers out on the El­ 30c. 31b. tins ................... ,, Royal Club, 1 Carnation Milk ......................... more were:—B. Drew, George Yol- 1.00 25c. White Seal man, B. F. Wiseman, H. Dewitt, 1 Cans Cove Oysters.................. 1.00 25c. Winner . J. A Johnson, A. McNary, L. D. 'he only United States Government Examined Bank in the County. 22ie. Caracola 3 Bottles Stuffed Olives ................... . 25 Reed, E. Johnson and J. Johnson, o Bottles Olive Oil .......... ....................... also about ten passengers from 25 Bay City, Garibaldi and Bay Ocean. 3 Cans \'an Camps’ Pork and Beans. 25 LLAMOOK JOTTINGS In buying Furniture, remember Justice Stanley lias set the trial Snow Drift .................................. Per bbl. $5.Ct» Sardines, in oil, per can.................. . .. . 5 that Jones Knudson Furniture Com­ for a preliminary hearing of John 5.40 Light House............................. ,, pany will give 10 per cent discount Chang, the Chinese, doctor for next Dr. Morris, eye specialist. 2 cans Salmon ......................... .......... 25 Saturday. It was on the complaint Pennies Wanted at the Tillamook for cash. Arm and Hammer Soda, per pkg . . . 5 A clam supper will be given by of Dre. Boals and Smith that Chang lunty Bank. Black Pi pper, per can............................. the ladies of the Presbyterian was arrested for practicising with­ 5 Small White Per lb. 4 le. Born, to the wife of Bert King, Church at Bay City on Friday out a license. He. Large White Mustard, per can ..................................... 5 I Tuesday, a son. evening. The steamer Anvil made her Pink.............. 7c. D. T. Edmunds was in from Pa­ Alspiee, per can ............ . . ................... 5 Lima.............. 7c. A marriage license was issued the second trip to Tillamook, reaching » » le City this week. here on Saturday and leaving on Bayo.............. flic. Cinnamon, per can................................... past week to John Naegeli, of Switz­ S » • Clark Hadley is here at present erland, and Anna Schlappi, of Sunday. She had about 20 tons of the interests of business. freight for this city, ami it is ex­ Tillamook. Will Hoskins returned from The Ray Feed Co. has put in a pected that she will call here about isiness trip to Portland Friday. large line of groceries, and Carl every ten days with passengers Before you buy any Alfalfa or Oal Shortridge will be the manager of and freight. C. F. SHORTRIDGE, Manager Grocery Dept. IV see Wm. Curtis or H.C. Kunze. that department Mrs. J. M. Maddux and children, Neva and Liland, arrived on the The Eastern Star will give a play There will be special attractions the opera house in a few weeks. at the Star Theater on Friday even­ Elinore from Portland to the great Wood for sale, any kind or any ing. Be sure and see the play delight of Web. Mr. Maddux has one in crossing from Bay City to day morning, the cause of death Handley. It seems there was no moved his family into their house to Bay Ocean had been capsized, being pulinonary tuberculosis. dispute ns to Simmons being nount. —For prices see George “Under Two Flags. tston. * Alfalfa or Oat hay. Win. Curtis, in the south part of town and has but upon further investigation it She was a daughter of Judge Burch, drunk, who called for a bottle of taken full charge of his delivery was found that a couple of men had of Polk County,and well known and whiskey and paid for it, Frank has the Grain Man, or H. C. Kunze will Dr. Sharp, the dentist, business, which has been run the crossed the bay, and upon landing respected in that county. » Long taking the bottle with the sell you hay as cheap as anyone. Build oved into the Commercial past winter by Walter Clark. on the Bay Ocean side failed to The young people of the Preby- intention of getting Simmons out Quality considered. * N. P. Hanson was in from Hebo make their boat fast which allowed terian Church and members of the of town, who went away and left Attorney Webster Holmes has Write or phone to E. G. Ander- last week doing business in this the tide to wash it to the opposite Christian Endeavor of that church flic whiskey at the barn nnd fxjng jn, Hemlock, for Cedar Fence been appointed attorney for the city. Mr. Hanson has lived in shore. were entertained Tuesday night at returned it to the saleori keeper State Land Board in this county to pets. the county for 32 years and in that the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc­ and the money was refunded. succeed Attorney Botts. In response to a cablegram sent See the L. D. B. C. about the social time has seen many changes and in Switzerland, Nair. The merry crowd gathered Recorder llandley held that thia W. H. Elliott was arrested charged improvements in the county. He Adrian Tinner, ley are to give on St. Valentine’s at about 8 p. 111. and interested was not 11 sale and dismissed the with shooting ducks during the is one of those who have been a yesterday from the Fairview Dairy rening. themselves by playing games, all case against Johnson, which so stir- Association, Carl Haberlach this Died, on the 31st January, Alice, closed season, and pleading guilty subscriber of the Tillamook Head­ of which were very appropriate prissed City Attorney Willett that morning received a cablegram say­ le infant child of Mr. and Mrs. he was fined $25 and costs. light since it was first started in and amusing. At 10:30 cuke and he don’t know what to do in the ing he would accept the position as Captain Krrickson, of the steamer 1388. , G. Hodgdon. future. cheesemaker and would be here in punch were served to about fifty H. Sours, cheapest and best paper Northland, has resigned as her mas­ guests. The young people of the Who are, who are, who are we ? James Walton, Jr. , trustee for We are the girls of the LD.B.C. ! March. church have very interesting times Clyde Clements, vs. Joe Therdieh Inger in town. Leave orders at ter to navigate the Golden Gate, to I. stands for loyal, succeed Captain Levi Snyder. The Elmore arrived in port Friday at their Christian Endeavor serv- was a case tried before a jury in ing & Smith Co. * D for daughters true, afternoon with:—Mrs. J. M. Mad icz‘s and attendance is increasing Justice Stanley's court on Tuesday. A business meeting of the Tilla ­ The Tillamook Ice and Cold B for the bible, and dux, Neva Maddux, Eiland Mad rapidly. C for the class that is loyal Therdieh has a lease on the build­ lorage will pay you the beat price mook Commercial Club will be dux, W. Hoskins, A. McNary, T. E. Thru and thru * held in the club rooms next Mon­ ir your chicken and fish. Pungborn ing he now occupies,and Clements, > Last Sunday Halsey Come to our social Valentine’s eve, Epplett, C. E. Himes, R. C. Ney, day evening at eight o’clock. and wife gave a dinner to their re- a local saloon keeper anil of boot­ A social will be given on Thurs- Feb. 13tli, in the Mason building, E. Williams, J. McClelan, B. Drew, W. C. King has been building a latives in this county, Twenty-four leg fame, who bought the building, ly evening, Feb. 18, by the Mod- hot house the past week. He be­ across the street from Rosenburg’s. Mrs. Simmondson, E. H. Daley, persons sat down to a sumptuous made an effort to deprive the old ■n Woodman at Todd's hall. Ira Smith and wife, W. A. Gallo; lieves in the policy of having veg­ Everybody welcome. spread which was greatly enjoyed man of his lease, setting up the Jacob Katr.m vs. Marie Kamm way, J. J McCormick, H. Parker Sheriff Crenshaw commenced etable life obey man’s desires. by all. Singing and other enjoy, plea that Therdieh had violated the a suit to set aside a deed to and Clark Hadley as passengers. collecting taxes on Monday, and ments usual at old time reunions conditions of his lease by allowing Try a bale of third cutting Cali­ «tain property at Nehalem. She carried a full cargo of freight were indulged in. Those present drummers and the band boys to fornia Alfalfa or Oat Hay, the best those who pay their taxes by the 15th Rev. S. G. Finney will preach at and mdse, for our farmers and The were Mr. and Mrs. W. E Noyes, G. use part of the building. and cheapest quality considered. of March will tie allowed a rebate ay City next Sunday morning, merchants. of three percent. The tax roll evidence proved that the old man Hoover. C. W. Thomas, Harry See Wm. Curtis or H. C. Kunze. * ad in thia city in the evening. amounts to $282,244.98. The sheriff, The Golden Gate was disabled Thomas, F. E. Norton, and W M. had not sublet the building nor Be sure and take part in the First so as to expedite the work of the The postmaster of Neskowin has last night in Tillamook bay. ft is Heaston and families, also Mr, F. E. violated the conditions under which signed and D. T. Edmunds has National Bank’s literary contest. office, is wanting those who require supposed that she rested on some­ Norton’s father and mother. Mr. he hail leased it. The jury took ten recommended for the position. See the prizes that are offered in statements of their taxes to send thing which injured her shoe, and Pangborn has made arrangements this view and gave n verdict the bank’s advertisement on this for them at once. favor of Therdieh. This this locking her propeller, she was to leave for his old home in Kansas in Make money by guessing. The page. — D. F. Thompson and wife have unable to move. She was towed as about the middle of March, where case caused a good deal of com- Iret National Bank's advertiae- Do not forget the annual dance returned to this county from several far aw oxbolt bend by the Oshkosh, ment in the city for it was generally lent will tell you how. Look it up he has rented his father's ranch. to be given by the Tillamook Hose months visit to old Ireland. Nels and succeed in reaching the send conceded that Clements was trying Torn Johnson, who runs a saloon Company at the Tillamook Commer­ A petition io being circulated by cial Club rooms, on Wednesday, Nelson also returned from a visit bend in the slough from this city in this city, hail a hearing in this to fori e the old man out of the building. Attorney Botts was the to Sweeden, where he had gone to with the aid of a launch, where she le property owners of the two Feb. 22. city charged with selling liquor to attorney for Thercich and Talmage visit relatives. They were surprised went aground. As the vessel was streets neineaa streets to have the Both houses have passed the bill to meet one another on the I leaking in the stern. Captain Groat an intoxicated |>er»on, John Sim­ A Johnson appeared for the saloon •red. introduced by Representative Beals steamer Lusitania as they were was ap|>ealed to and the govern­ mons, before City Recorder T. B. keeper. Highest Cash Price paid for all to regulate the salaries of Tillamook returning to Tillamook. They made ment scow was towed down, which I _____________ - ------ -------------------- - ¡nd» of Furs, Hides and Sheep county officials, which we published the trip across the Atlantic in 4*» will »*■ used to help pump the water 9R felta. N. K. Melchior, Tillamook, in full last week. days. out. She will probably reach her regon. * Ira Smith and wife returned Fri>- T. E. Epplett arrived Friday, on dock on to-morrow morning's tide. day from a trip to Portland and board the Elmore, from Espanola The following mined applicants, Newberg where they have been New Mexico, where he has been with at the examinations January 19-20, his wife, whose health he reports as visiting friends and relatives the were awarded diplomas by the being much improved. Mr. Epplett past two weeks. Board of Examiners: intends to remain here the re ­ The silver cup won by Andrew Ethelyn Crawford, Dist. No. 1. Christensen at Eugene in December mainder of the winter and if his Teacher, Miss Verna Seston. If you have never transacted your last, who was awarded the first wife's health has improved aiiffici- John Rock. Dist. No. 6. —Teacher. business by means of a bank account, antly by late spring she intends Miss Bessie Bays. prize for cheese, is on exhibition in we desire to have yon come to this to return to this place with her Delmar Scovell, Dist. No. A. Finley A Co’s store. Teacher, Miss Mary E. Hill. daughter Lena. bank and make your first deposit. Harrison Booth received a trio of Guy 1-oerpabel, Ella Told. Katie Star brand process barley, »I.») choice fowl by the last boat. They Loerpabcl. Don McKimens Diet. The first deposit may be aa small as B. D. ÜHJHAR. Pro. were purchased from D. M. Cal- a sack /ind $T2.(X> a ton ; oats, $1.85 No. 28.— Teacher. Miss Gertrude one dollar, bat once you have started, hundrrtl. $38*11 ton ; bran, Mfic. sack McKimens. breath, of Monmouth. Oregon, and I bo« a tad in th« your account will grow, much to your •re of the Blue Andelusian breed. $30.(i> ton ; mill chop, 96c. Mi lbs. i Daisy H. Tomlinson. Dist. No. 34. Teacher, Miss Winnie Spencer. sack. $21 ton ; shorts $1.35 HO lbs. satisfaction as well as ours. We make Have you a heart? If so. come to TILibHJHOOK HOTEL Gra< e Edmunds. Dial. No. 35.— sack.. $3100 ton, wheat. $I.M) f>er 1*0 it easy for you to have money in the the “doings” on St. Valentine’s eve­ lbs ? cracked corn. $2.rr |i*i lbs.; Mrs. I. H. Dunstan. bank—we help you save. ning. If you have no heart come oil /neal, $3.31) per 120 lbs. sks ; Mrs. Lucas, wife J. D. Luca-» who anyway and we will supply you with midda.. $1.95 per 100 lbs.; $.* 00 ” Di*op in and book as many as you need. Ask the I- D. ton; Alfalfa meal. $1. «1 per 100 Iba., ha" charge of the Goodsjieed ram h east of town, left last Thursday, ac­ Around.” B. C. about it. $28.* •» per ton. — Wx. C Carts. The companied by her son I.e«lie, in Snow Drift flour, $380 a bbl. and Grain Man. • response to a telegram stating that $1.45 a sack Lighthouse flour. $5.25 Last Sunday a small row boat her sinter, Josephine Burch, who a bbl. anil Stiff a sack. Im­ was found washed up on the beach has had poor health for alout two perial flour. $5.75 a bbl. and $1.43 wear the Life H-ixieg Station and years, wan not expected to live. a eack.-WM. CVKT». The Grain at first tt was thought that some Mias Burch breathed her last Tuea- Man. * 9 t No. 5.—“Do not waste your time figuring why a black hen lays a white egg—get the egg,” No. 6.—“ Our greatest glory consists not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” lo. 7.--“ The struggle for to-day, is not alto­ gether for to-day—it is for a vast future.” No. 8.—“An honest man’s the noblest work of God.” bn o—“T have five Hundred Crowns, the thrifty hire I savtd under your father.” BARGAINS ! BIG GROCERIES Prices Cut, Slashed and Slaughtered. Sugar. Coffee. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TILLAMOOK. Flour. Beans. THE RAY FEED COMPANY. & amar’s Variety Store, TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. NEW GOODS op each boat Start With a Dollar Have a Bank Account I