ri LLAMOOS H ü JADLIOHT FEBRUARY 2, 1911 A Modern Shipwreck. THE NEWSPAPER MEN comend that an experienced engineer Notice of Sale of Tile Lands. la an account of tbe wreck of the and road builder be placed at the head N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That ■ainug ship Carnarvon Bay on King GET TOGETHER. of tlie road work, »0 as to insure per­ tlie State Land Board of the State of Island. Australia, it is related thut manent and systematic, ns well as Oregon will sell to the highest wbeu tbe vessel struck tbe captain Form the Tillamook County economical bidder at its office in the Capitol road building. Building, at Salem. Oregon, on calmly took a cigar from bls pocket, Editor-Boosters’ Association. In as much as we fully realize that April 11. 1911. at 10 o’clock a.m.. at bit tbe end off and lit It before order said day, all the State’s interest in lug tbe boats to be launched. Even The newspaper men of Tillamook toll roads have been a curse to Tilla­ the tide and overflow lands herein­ this display of lack of fear did uot en­ County got together and to stay to­ mook and Yamhill counties in the past, after described, giving, however to tirely prevent some degree of panic gether in un effort to boost the en­ and deeming further extension of the owner or owners of any lands among tbe men. however, und seven or fronting on such tide tire county and to foster a boosting highways a menace to tbe futur« wel­ abutting and overflow lands, the preference men pushed off iu tbe port lifeboat, spirit amongst their constitutents. fare of these counties, therefore be it right to purchase said tide and leaving twenty-two to scramble into Kesohed That we, the Tillamook overflow lands at the highest price the starboard boat. Iu spite of the There is to b • no "knocking,” no factional or sectional strife amongst County Editor-Boosters’ As'sn oppose offered, provided such offer is made captain's orders tbe men in the port tbe editors, for tbe association is any means or measures taken for a con­ ill good faith, and providing also bout refused to come alongside, aud that the land will not be sold nor going to give one steady, persistent tinuation of toll roads within these any offer therefor accepted for less those in tbe sturboard boat shouted pull to boost and develop every counties. Asssociation ¡than *7.50 per acre, the Board re- that if they did uot put off tbe masts would fall on them. Instead of hurry­ se ti m of Tillamook County. Tbe Resolved That roads leading from 1 serving the right to reject any and ing to tbe boat the captain strolled to I all biilF. Said lands are situated in editors are a unit on this point and Tillamook into both Clatsop and Yam­ Tillamook County, Oregon, and his papers, hls cabin aud collected ................ they are broad-minded enough to hill counties be so improved as to per-1 described as follows : After he had entered the bout he know Hint when one section is bene- mit winter travel, and that the propo- 1 Beginning at a point, the south­ transferred five men to the port boat tiled by industria lactivity other sition of improving the “sour-grass’’ east corner of *D.L.C. No. 39, T. 1 aud made for Tasmania, 100 miles S., R. 10 W. of W. M. and running parts of the county are benefited or cutoff be encouraged. away. He and the mates steered in thence: roused to activity. This is the spirit turn, while tbe men balled with empty S. 61 degs., 00- W., 854.0 feet along Tbe newspaper men, wilb the biscuit tlus. uud forty eight bonrs later in which the editors have entered high water line. exception of Editor Miller, who bad S. 77 degs., 30' W., 182.0 feet along both bouts reached land.—Chicago this editor-boosters’ campaign, anil to make tracks for home, being on high water line. News. to assist in every possible way the the anxious seat in anticipation of a I South, 760 feet along low water line. commendable work tbe commercial feet along most happy event in his family cir­ N. 82 degs., 20- E., 382.0 Oddities of Cecil Rhodes. bodies have tuken in hand. So low water line. cle. were entertained at dinner at the ■ S. 79 degs., 45' E., 554.0 feet along lie possessed few Intimate friends, there will be no friction, but united aud uot eveu to all of them did be dis­ Rumsey House. The evening was low water line. action, notwithstanding that the 1 spent at the dub rooms discussing North, 577.0 feet along low water close bls band. Mere acquaintances editors huve formed an exclusive line to point of beginning. disliked bls moody silences, varied | with some of the members publi- { organization to make things hum Containing 5.67 acres of tide lands city work uml other matters that the fronting and abutting that part of ; with Ats of rather boisterous fun. in the county the next few years. { assis iation will strive to carry out. I). I..C. No. 39, situated East of a They considered him exclusive, mo- The editors were the guests of the rough and overbearing. And it A vote of thanks was extended to North und South line through the rose. Tillamook Commercial Club and all center of Sec. 11, T. 1 S.. R. 10 W. must be admitted that he was a good the Tillamook Commercial Club. hater, violent when thwarted and at the newspaper men in the county of W. M.; also Beginning at a point 2371.0 feet | times bluut to the point of rudeness. were 1 resent, Those from the north South and 2640.0 West of Section It is difficult to be sufficiently uncon­ missed cdnnectipns. Editor Miller Teachers' Examinations. corner common to Sections 14,15, ventional to shock a mining camp, but missed the boat and was not present 22 and 23, T. 1 N., R, 10 \V. of W.M., N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That |>erate unit _____ ___ ____ 11 collect for all advocate«. They were unanimous lines under the control of the com N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That things to be thought of was the light­ in their contention that the county puny after January 1. 1911, is now the County Court of Tillamook ing of a Are, and this task was tackled court should employ an engineer the proper one to make payment to County, State of Oregon, on the by the duke's host, Ixird Kelvin. All are 17th day of Junuary, 1911, duly ap- Instead of ptaeiug some paper in and experienced road ¡builder to for dues for the month. requested to look after thia mutter (Hiinted the undersigned as Admin­ plan out and supervise all road regularly so that everything may istrator of the Estate of WILLIAM grate and some wood on that in work, ao thut it could be done ays- 1 be ....... obtained. LtTherefore call upon II. JONES, deceased, and that nil orthodox manner be amazed the tematieully mid the taxpayer« get Mr. I ones, nt the Central Office, or persona, having claims against lookers by desperate efforts to kindle send check by mail ut the eml of said estate, are required to present a handful of sticks at a gas burner. value for their money. They pro­ each month them with the proper vouchers to Ordinary mortals may be pardoned for tested against TiUumook mid Yam­ Tillamook. Oregon. Jan. 31. 1911. hiv attorney, A. S. Dresser, Room taking some satisfaction in the fact hill counties leusing toll roads mid 319 Worcester Building, Portland, that even so great a philosopher as W. S. Bl’EL, Secretary. Oregon, within six months from lord Kelvin did not know how to light characterized it us u menace to the date of the first publication uf both counties. And to make a coast Life Saved at Death's Door. a Are." thia notice. I never felt so near my grave." automobile road the editor-boosters D avid W. J ones , were heartily in favor of the county­ writes W. R. Patterson, of Welling Reeky Road to a Title. Administrator of the Estate of ton, Tex., as when a frightful cough William B. Jones. "Does Marie expect to marry tbe court improving the main road to amt lung trouble pulled me down A. S. D resser , count?” Dolph, mid they thought that Yam to 1(19 iHHimls, in spite of doctor's Attorney for Administrator. "Not Immediately. There are three hill mid I'olk counties should have treatment for two years. Mv father, Date of first publication, Febru­ questions to tie settled first " enough interest in good roads to mother and two sisters died of con ary 2nd. 1911. “What are they?" sumption, and thut I am alive to­ improve the main rouds in their day IS due solely to Dr. King's New “He must prove that be Is a count.” Notice of Sheriff's Sale counties. Likewise, they favored Discovery, which completely cured “Well, that would settle It. wouldn’t the county meeting Clatsop county me. Now 1 weigh 187 |H>unds and N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That ttr have been well mid strong for with u good road. “No. He must also prove that he Years Quick, safe, sure, its the by virtue of un execution duly These were some of the resolutions best remedy on earth for coughs, issued out of the Circuit Court of Isn't married.” •Well!” which were adopted : colds, lagrip|>e, asthma, croup, and the State of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, on the Sth day of "Then be must prove that be wants Reaulvsd : That this Association pled­ all throat und lung troubles, .kk'. December, 191er 14. 1910 until paid and for the to he awake with rheumatic iMiina 1 publish on various occasions such in­ sum of *10X01 as a reasonable at-' now Bleep in comfort Foley Kid formation as may from lime to time ney Pills did wonderful things for torney's fee and coats and disburse menta of suit taxed at $35.80 and be desirable. me Try them now. C. I. Clough costs and all accruing costs cf sale Resolved : That the holding of a Til­ and put the purchaser of said real LaOrippe Cough». property at said sale in immediate lamook County Fair is unanimously Mrain and weaken the system possession thereof, to satisfy said endorsed, and that the same will meet und if not checked max develop lodgment and decree. with the tulleat support of the Asao into pneumonia. No danger of this Now. therefore. I will on Saturday ehxtion, that its final coMumation may when Foley's Honey and Tar is the 4th day of March A. IX 1911. in t.iken promptly It is a reliable be a rousing success. front of the Court House door in family medicine for all coughs he ami ar... Resolved That this Association fully colds, and acts quickly an." effect aaiil County und State, sell to the highest ami lieat bidder, for cash endorse the paaaagv of the bill before ively hi cases of croup, Refuse in hand, the following described »uliatituea. — C. |. Clough. the legislature to mtablish the publi I real property, situated in Tills cation of the dolinquent tax lists of the I •nook County, and deacnlied as Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor follows, to-wit ; cxntntr and session laws of the state, j exercise insufficient inastication of Lots 3 and 4. of Block K Park Resolved . also that our representatives rood, constipation, a torpid liver addition to Tillamook City. Oregon, in th« legislature be notified to »up- worry and anxietv. are the most all in Tillamook County. State of £>minon causes of stomach troub­ Oregon. I port this bill les. Correct your hsbits snd take Dated Tillamook. Oregon. Janu­ IU» Ivsd That we are in hearty ac­ t haniberlaiu’s Stomach and Liver I ary 31st. 1911. cord with the mevement for good roads Tablets and you will soon be well I H. C renshaw . again.-For sale by Lamar'a Drug for TfHamook «emty^and would roc- Sheriff of Tillamook Countr State of Oregon 1 T PAID ADVERTISEMENT. THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH AND THE CREED. The Creed That Needs No Revision. I.--Meaning of the Word Creed. From Lat. Credo—" I believe.” What do you believe? Depend the source of faith. See Rom. 10:8, 17. This alone will gjye J Divine creed. II. --Christ the Creed. 1. —The foundation of Hia Church, no other. Matt. 16:16, 18; J, ç. 3:11-15. A man-made creed ia a man-made foundation fw man-made church. 2. — Christ only makes Christians only. John 20:30, 31; Acts 2:22, 5:42; 8:5, 35; 9:20; I. Cor. 2:2. They preached Him only. division then amongst God's people. 1 III. --The Greatness of this Creed. L—Sinjple, Matt. 16: Iff—Just one article. To trust in a person cod within the radius of every man. 2. —Profound, John 7:46. It satisfies the greatest intellects. N'oJ can pass beyond Jesus; not so with human creeds. 3. —Comprehensive. Eph. 1:10. The Bible, God, Holy Spirit, Churl Eternal Life—all is summed up in Him, hence the greatntn] the Divine Confession (Matt. 16:16) which people made in thj days. 4. —Divine, John 1:1, 14. No a stereotyped system of doctrines, but) living life-giving person. 5. —A Pattern, I. Pet. 2:21. Must have a model for imitation. etract rules do not develop the soul nor hold it under its greats ■train. 6—Universal, Rom. 16:25, 26; John 3:16. All Christians were uiiid in Him for over 300 years, or until men began to make creeds.! 7. —Perfect, Lk. 23:4 ; Heb. 4:15. Imperfect man can’t setup ad feet standard of life. That is why all man-made creeds d revised every little while. J Not in WHAT I have believed, but in WHOM.-] II. Tim. 1:12. V. E. HOVEN, Church of Christ. RED UCTION of R A TE On March 1st we will inaugurate a new residence rate. For the first two units (kilowatt hours) used per month for each 16 candle power lamp or its equivalent in­ stalled we will charge 15c. per unit as at present. For all excess the charge will be roc. per unit. Checking of lamps for this rate will be by request only not earlier than Feb. 10th or later than Feb. 25th. Tillamook Electric Light and Fuel Company. WILL SPALDING, General Manage] Child Portraits Made Us are Child-Like. Jusi as our portraits of adul possess strength and character We are experts in lightii and posing, and our equipnie is complete. Come in and s our line. Monk's Studi Next to the Post Office. The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. AULiEN. Proprietor. Headquarters for Travelling Men. Special Attention paid to Tourists. A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodate* Steamer Sue H. Elmore” (CAPT P. SCHRADER) MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH (CAP. T. LATHAM). Tillamook & Portland Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday Couch SÌ. Wharf. Portland. " That's Ail » »