nuLAMUOK HEADLIGHT FEBRUARY 2, 1911 D&’q glass for beer and 15c a drink .STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) for whiskey ? Isn't that rub­ ,>ne year............................................ 1 1 .50 bing it into the “wets'' good ami 75 Six months........................................ 50 hard, as well as making those Three months........ ........................... who patronize the saloons pay an exorbitant price for their (^i: ^illainooh Mjcubligbt, drink. So much for the nahxin monopoly in this city. KATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES. Editorial Snap Shots. The Smith Ixiya are again in | jail and the taxpayers ¡ire put to the ex|>ense, not only of pros­ Help Ixxist the county. ecuting them, but have to lx mi ril There is something The editor* have a ixxjeters’ them. I wrong somewhere, for the boys baud wagon of their own. tippear as though they would A j.oixl many persons “rub­ rather lx* in jail than have their bered" when they saw the edi­ lilterty. Is this the fault of their parents, their home, their en­ tors' hobnobbling together. vironments, or are their parents to blame for sparing the rod and not keeping the lx»ys under Probably the boys restraint ? art not so much at fault after ¡ill when the conditions sur- rounding their young lives are Gee ! Even in dining anil taken into consideration. We wining the county editors there hear quite often about bad boys are those among the pencil land b:nl girls, but it is often pushers who are still in the comfortless homes and the Lad “dry” column. example of the parents which help to make bail boys and bail Don’t erect any more concrete girls, and in some cases we buildings without providing tor think it would be more sensi paved sheets. A modern, up- ble to lock up the parents, for, to-date building with a muddy, to ¡i large extent, this is where dirty road in front of it, don't the blame belongs. When boys' are allowed to drift along, with compare very favorably. no work or ambition to employ their time and mind, with little .* t • • • . Speaker Rusk indicated his comfort in the home, anil bail confidence in the ability and example set by parents, it is not integrity of Representative A very surprising, after ¡ill, that G. Beals by appointing him on there are so many bad boys. the special committee of five having in charge the investi­ The editors of the county had gation of the asylum mana e- out* object ill meeting in thin ment. city on Monday, and it was to We carry a Large Stock of and China POWDER Oils. Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Dream of Tartar No Alum, No Ume Phosphate Agents for the Great Western Saw Final Notice. N otice I s H ereby G iven .—That the un* derMunefl, as administratrix of the estate ol II. W. IJAMS. deceased, has tiled her final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, that Monday, the 13thflay of February. 1911, in the hour of ten <>zele. and the settlement of said estate. All ¡»ersons having objections to said final account are hereby required to file the same with said court prior to the time fixed tor such hearing Date of first publication January 12t 1911 LADKA N. KI-RKON. Administratrix. Singer Sewing Machines. Now is your opportunity a machine that will last you time, on easy monthly, pa that you will scarcely mi no interest. I personally guarantee evi chine and will keep it in rep of charge. Your old machine will tn* taken as part payment. Machines delivered at your home, on free demonstration trial. Call iti ami see the New Singer (56. BL'VI i ETT S hipman , Tillamook. Ore. Whalem's Jewelry Store. ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County rillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy. Manufacturers of FIR, SPRUCE and H em lock LU M BER KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ÂLL KINDS OF Tlie Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County. New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and First Class Lumber of the Best Quality. LET US FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBER BILL. KIDNEY PILLS for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. I oley s Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Chas. I. Clough. ri I ■ Pneumonia Follows a Cold. • It is reported that Bay City ia to have another newapaper. The city on the tmy would lx* •howiug better judgment if the people there would give the Ba\ City News ita unanimous sup port, which it ia justly entitled to. Not only will another news paper in that citv prove a finan­ cial failure, but it ia sure to widen the breach of factional atri*e at a time when there should be united effort to liooat that city. Aaone of the editor booster» of tike county we want to give a won! of fatherly ad vice. and that ia tn cut out all factional strife ami rally to the support of the present news pa tiers. \\ hen the city gave the five ■mloons a mouo|Mi|y Of the sa­ loon business it made a gixsl many person llr*tia> .56 ■ *’* »«wr *“ -**-* '*•«, (»«raalNd for nnaw raan. Wise Dental Co.,i~ Painless Dentists Ortli. Inn r*w "S •"*•**• «O*TL*«0. OM I * M la IT II founau I Foley’s When her child is in danger a woman will risk her life to protect it. No great act of heroism or risk ot life is necessary to protect a child from croup. Give Chamberlain's Tortured For 15 Yeata. < «»ugh Remedy and all danger ia By a curv defying stomach trouble avoided For sale by Lamar's Drug that buttled dis tora. and resisted Store. For Stomach Trouble, Sluggish sll remedies he tried, John W .Hod­ ders. of Me there. Tinware Hardware, get together and boost the en­ tire county. For the next few years it will be necessary for Tillamook county to do a large amount of publicity’ work for the purpose of inducing indus­ tries and new settlers to locate here, for the only way to suc­ ceed is to get in and hustle like Administrators' Sale. other parts of Oregon. This is This is something which will what the Tillamook County N otice I s H ereby G iven , That surprise some people. There Editor-Boosters’ Association is the undersigned, adinistratiirof Jlie are 30,000 town lots in Tilla­ going to do, but it will lx* neees estates of Louis Neiderberger ami mook county. It will not lx* nary for them to have the moral I Louis Blattlar. deceased, will, on long before they amount to 50, and financial support of the Saturday, the 14th day of February, 000 if much more bench pro­ commercial bodies Mid bin iness 1911, at the flour of I o’clock KM., at tlie late resilience of thesaid Louis perty is platted out. If the as­ men. Heretofore, comparative­ Neiderberger ami Louis Blattlar on sessment is tiny where near what ly little money have lx*en ex­ the North Fork of the Nehalem River they are placed on the market pended in publicity work for in TillainiMik County, Oregon, sell at, tire town lots at lx*tich re­ Tillamook county, the burden at public unction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the follow­ sorts should help to swell the of this having fallen on the ing described property belonging to county's finances newspaper men. Of the num said estates : 2 sows, eroiis functions of the Till.’i- A number of pigs, Bro. Trombley is the man ■ nook Cotnmercial Club and 1 ha iy rope and carrier with har- poon i fork, who carries the empty sack of other like organizations, this 1 ’ harness, the Tillumook County Editor- is the most important work 1 wagon, Boosters’ Association Anyone just now for the whole 1 plow, wanting to make a monthly or county, and the sooner tliev 1 saddle, yearly donation towards pub admit this, much easier will I hydraulic ram. I mowing machine. licit) work should not I m * back it be for the editors to ob­ Also, all of the household efike's, ward in making lilieral dona tain results for the efforts canned fruit, jxitutoes ami supplies tions, for it's motley and ginger they intend to make to develop, belonging to said estates, with all thal makes tile mate go. Till* open up mid populate the conn tools ami appliances thereto, and Press of the county will give tv, ns well as induce industries also a quantity of hay. Said sale to lie made under order credit for all money contributed to hx'Ute hen*. The editors arc of the County Court of Tillumook for publicity work. showing their patriotism anil I County. Oregon. faith in I'iliamook county, ami I M. A bplanalp , Administrator. The TilluiiKMik County Editor it is to be hoped that it will be For 8ale. Boosters’ Asai elation passed a the means of permeating tlte resolution that, on account of iMMisting and get together spirit Baled liny, $2U a ton. ho many business men lx*ing all over the county. It is going 25 extra good cows, selected. to take a gissi deal of |x*rsis- 4 horses. bilked mill fleeced with adver Farm implements. Hsing schemes tliev had no time teilt effort and entail consider See Frank llannenkrutt. 2 miles to inquire into, that these mat able expense for it publicity north of Tillamook. ters be first referred to this ns campaign for Tillumixik county for the next few years The Foley Kidney Pills are a reliable, sociation, which is in a position to give the best of advice. editors will do their part, and remeily for backache, rheumatism mid urinary irregularitie». They Business men, who are pestered nil others should help tllisgixxi are tonic in action, quick in results work along and subscribe a cer ­ every once in u while with nd and afford a prompt relief from all vertising fakirs will be able to tain amount every year for that kidney disorder.— C. I. Clough. :et riil of them by referring purpoae. ________ Those beastly, dirty, muddy streets and gutters are a dis­ grace to the city and only tit for hogs to wallow in. If the gutters can't be cleaned out a little disinfectants should lx* used to kill off the disease breeding germs » I '“•« •ubstitwtea.—C. 1. Clough The valued family re­ cipes for cough and cold cure, liniments, tonics and other remedies have as careful attention here as the most intricate prescrip­ tions. Our fresh, high grade drugs will help to make these remedies more effec- tive than ever. Right prices assured. are • I I * i The boy or girl with alf defect of. vision is greatly handicapped in the pursuit of knowledge in the school room. If your tx>y or girt does not show a high |*f centage of average in the school report the probubilij ties are that there is s. ■inel thing the matter with the I eyes. To find out costs yo«| nothing if you will 1)1 i<| them to me foP exam i hr * tion. It doesn’t pay W guess about the eyeniíBi of your child—it is b< ttrrj to see that the ___ eyes a" right. If glasses are neelM' I am prepared I to furili«*! thing that will! the exact tU_„ meet the needs of the caiN Rememlier l that they arri guaranteed one ) f»r.| for and I am in ate here to _ ’’ Traveling f»- them good, kirs are not." ■ V I I I also CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. « ¡¡1 g Dr. H. E. Morris, I s. VIERECK, I the Tillamook. Bakery, EYE SPECIALIST. TILI.AMfXtK - OREGOH OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. I Corner Stillwell Ave. and First St. West, and both Phones. _________________ A Morning Remind« You awake with a mean, ns F£3I ALTY IN Alt KINO OF CAKES taste in the mouth, which rent* ALL KINO OF MEAD A piece of flannel dam|>ened with Chamberlain’s Liniment and bound on to the effected parts ia «ulterior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the aide or C * ■ w _ cheat give it a - trial anil you are .a ** a - - - — -• than certain to be --- more ------ — »■aa a aal | * 11.* 75 * f j with the prompt relief which it afford». - SoM by Lamai's Drug ( Store. you that your stomach is in al condition. It should also re* you that there is nothing so F for a disordered stomach Chamberlain’s Stomach and LÀ Tablets. They