« ilkimook UcaMiijljt L- Vol. XXIII. No. 36 io. 5.--“Our greatest glory consist notin never falling but in rising every time we fall. io. 6.--“ The struggle for to-day, is not alto­ gether for to-day--it is for a vast future.” Above are the fifth and sixth of the quotations of our Iterary contest. See previous for the earlier ones and watch be coming issues tor the remaining four. As we have before stated, the contest fot the guessing f the authors of these quotationsis open to every per- pu in the county and prizes will be given to the most pccesstul three guessers in the respective amounts of $15, lio and $5. Wait for the whole ten quotations and ben mail 11s your answers, giving name, address and ame of school, if a student. Remember the quotations and remember we are equipped to take care of your banking business of every kind and descriptions and are especially desirous of taking care of the people with small ineAs. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TILLAMOOK. ie only United States Government Examined Batik in the County. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FEBRUARY a, I9II Special price on Alfalfa hay, ton lota $25.0).—R osenberg B ros . Snow Drift flour, $5.90 a bbl. and $1.50 a sack. Lighthouse tlour, $5.40 a bbl. and $1.40 a sack. Im­ peria) flour, $5.75 a bbl. and $1.45 a sack —W m . C urtis , The Grain Man. • Walter Clark, ’who has been liv­ ing in the Webb Maddux house dur­ ing their absence in California, has again moved into his own residence in Sunnymead. Mr. Maddux in­ tends moving his family in from Portland as soon as they are able to travel. Constable Dawson went to Sand­ lake the th st of the week and arrest­ ed a Chinese doctor named John Chang, who, it is alleged, has been practicing medicine in the southern part of thecounty without a license. The complaint was sworn to by Drs. Smith and Boals. Preaching services both morning and evening at the Presbyterian church next Sunday by the pastor, Rev. S. G. Finnev, to which all are cordially invited. The strmon in in the morning will be on “The kind of members the church needs,” and in the evening “Jesus and the wo­ man of Samaria.” Star brand process barley, $1.25 a sack and $31.50 a ton ; oats, $1.85 hundred, $36.00ton ; bran, 95c. sack $30.00 ton mill chop $1.05 90 lbs. sack, $22 ton ; shorts $1.35 80 lbs. sack, $31.50 ton; wheat, $1.90 per 100 lbs.; cracked corn. $1.90 per 100 lbs.; oil meal, $2.75 per 100 lbs.; midds., $2.00 per 100 lbs.; $38.00 ton -W m . C urtis , The Grain Man. There was a good attendance'at the social given at tl»e Presbyterian church on Friday evening, when the Rev. S. G. Finney, in a few ap­ propriate remarks, welcome J the new members to that church. The remainder of the evening was spent in games and a social time, the ladies serving refreshments. Too much praise cannot be given to the members of the Dramatic Club for the manner in which they preaeuted the play "Arizona," as every part of the long cust was ren­ dered in a manner that twspoke of careful study. The minor details were looked alter, and no part of the play was omitted. It would not lie fair to single out any particular one and say he or she was the best. The difference in the parts must be con­ sidered, consequently some were more pleasing than others, but it was a beautiful play well rendered. Mr. McCowell has had a number of requests to repeat the play, for there were a number of people who could not attend on the nights that the play was given, and who are desir­ ous of seeing it. It has not been decided whether the play will be repeated. Such plays have a ten­ dency to advance the moral stand­ ard, and more of that character would be a good thing. Ji5o per year The Man with a Checking Account Can Tell You of Its Many Advantages It is estimated that ninety-five per cent of the business of ottr country is transacted by means of checks and drafts. Under no other system could we reach the high state of de­ velopment attained in the last fifty years. A checking account, with this bank will sitnplyfy the transactions yon are now doing on a cash basis. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK TILLAMOOK, OREGON Smith Boys in Trouble Again. Sheriff Crenshaw went to the Mia­ mi river on Tuesday and arrested the 7th and 8th School Flashes. Smith boys of that place, who had The Tillamook Feed Co. has a entered the Miami I.timber Co.’s Meascls '. Yes, that's the name good supply, of choice seed oats. store at Hobsonville last week, tak­ of them. The writer of this column Call and get prices. * ing a number of hats, shoes and has been having pleasant time with Morris, eye specialist. other merchandise. They entered the meascls for the past two weeks An almost nevz No. 6 Shorn pleas ; afoot warmer at the Tillamook the building through a side win­ which has been the cause of no separator for sale or trade, at a bar­ Co. dow. The sheriff found Louis, jr., High School column lately. gain. D. L. Shrode. 11, delivered, $10.00 a ton. T>. and Roy Smith, two of the brothers, The past week the attendance of The Emersonian Literary Society [ROUE. • and arrested them, and found the the school have been greatly re­ inies Wanted at the Tillamook will give an entertainment on Fri­ stolen goods on the boys. They duced by the large number of day evening at the Gem. lly Bank. * were given a preliminary hearing (s'ople who have had to leave If Dement's Best don’t give satis­ ur and feed of all kinds at the before the justice at Bay City on school on account of the meascls. faction, your money will be refund- mock Feed Co. Wednesday, and they were bound There have been about eighty who ed.—Tillamook Feed Co. over to the grand jury, Their bail are out a^ present, among whom in Plasker is doing business in The Tillamook Ice and Cold were placed af $1,000 each, and as are Clint King, Mabie anil Stella and this week. Storage will pay you the best price no one cared to go on their bond, Goyne and Lydia Crane. In place r cement by the sack or the for your chicken and fish. the sheriff brought them to the city of these a number have returned :1 see D. I- Shrode. * Dement’s Best high grade lui rd and locked them up in the county and are taking the places of the ir lots for $1,000, your own wheat flour, at the Tillamook Feed jail. It will be remembered that sick ones. b . D. L. Shrode. ’ . Co., every sack guaranteed. Walter and Louis Smith, jr., broke The Freshmen have received their other raft of*piling was receiv- into one of the stores at Garibaldi C«.ll and get our price on feed of large class (lag, also their class r the railroad spur. nearly a year ago, and were sen­ all kinds.—T illamook F eed C o ., pennants. The large pennant ie rou are looking fora high grade successors to C. S. Atkinson. tenced to terms in the county jail, * made of silk with the letters Demetit’s best is it. * The members of the M.E. church from which they were released a few Buy your groceries where you like T.ll.S. at the large eml, they being icial price on Alfalfa hay, ton and your feed from the Tillamook gave a social at Todd’s hall Satur­ months since. gold letters on a purple back day evening to t^e new members ¡25.00. —R osenberg E ros . Feed Co. at the Tyler Building. * ground. On the main body which which have been taken into that THE COUNTY OFFICIALS I a box of choice Valley apples is gold, are the figures 1911 in large Have you tried that New Dairy church since the late revival. A SALARIES. : Tillamook Feed Co. at $1.25. ’ Food at the Tillamook Feed Co., purple numbers. Although it is number of games were indulged in, ; Tillamook Feed Co. will make said to be the best on the market. * after which the joyous crowd were The Bill Passed the House-- not customary to approve of any he right prices on your feed.’ Freshman acts, yet we feel that Make money by guessing. The served to a dainty lunch. There County Court to Regulate they have made a. very wise choice t goes with the feed business First National Bank’s advertise­ were nearly two hundred present, Salaries of Deputies. in their ting and their pennants are the Tillamook Feeil Co. for it.* ment will tell you how. I.ook it up and all unite in saying that they the most handsome of any in the 'ore you buy any Alfalfa or Oat now. spent a very pleasant evening. Representative A. G. Beals intro­ school. Their colors, which are lee Wm. Curtis or H.C. Kunze. Owing to part of the Headlight TITe number ofcheck and savings duced a bill to regulate the salaries royal purple and gold, arc certainly >y say that the bread made staff, being down with measles, we accounts in the Tillamook County of county officials in Tillamook in good taste. We hope they will Dement’s best tlour can’t be had to curtail the size of the paper Bank in this city have steadily in­ County, which also provides for the not have the troubles with their • this week. creased from 870 in the early part of county court to tlx tire salaries of flag that the other classes have. The bill increases (he I. Alex. Watt left on Tuesday Highest Cash Price paid for all 1908 to 1700 at the beginning of this deputies. The Ciceronian program which sit her daughter at McMinn- kinds of Furs, Hides and Sheep year, or nearly double the number salaries of the county judge to was given Friday afternoon was $1,200 and the treasurerto ¿1,000 and Pelts. N. E. Melchior, Tillamook, of accounts in three years. Con- one of many worthy points. Only sidering the sparse population of $5.00 per day for the commissioners one who was to take part, failed to • od for sale, any kind or any Oregon. The respond when liis mime was called. mt.—For prices see George In buying Furniture, remember the county, this is a remarkable when transacting business. * n. that Jones-Knudson Furniture Com­ showing for one bank and speaks salaries of the county clerk, sheriff, But he found that it «losn't pay to assessor and school superintendent shirk duty, us he was called ti|s>n well for the community. te or phone to E. G. Ander- pany will give 10 per cent discount remains the same. Following is Monday morning to deliver a _ H. II. Rosenberg, who purchased Hemlock, for Cedar Fence for cash. the bill, which can go to a vote of S|>eech before the school. It showed « Wm. CurtilC ” the property belonging to Mrs. Eliza Alfalfa or Oat hay. the people, if bo desired : signs of much of pains and fore »e choice nursery stock for the Grain Man, or H. C. Kunze will Evans adjoining W. C. King’s pro­ Sec. 1.—That section 3088 of Lord’s thought in preparation and un- perty in this city, has had the house sell you hay as cheap as anyone. heap. Must sell at once. —D. 1- Oregon Laws be, ind the same is moved into the southeast corner of hereby amended so as to read as doubtedly Lyle will become a great Quality considered. * PE. orator some day. the lot and is having it remodeled follows : ode wants to see you at tli?“The bill introduced by Represen­ Sec. 3081 The county officers of As the debating team of Seaside by Emmett Bales. A new |>orch has tative Beale, so that the county Building. It’s to your inter- Tillamook.County shall receive as defeated Astoria in the annual been added along with other im ­ court can hold regular monthly com|>ensation for services the fol­ . Call. • provements. Mr. Rosenberg in­ lowing annual salary, from and meet, Prof. Rutherford, the manager meetings, passed the house. frett Leighton has moved into of this district hits made arrange­ tends living there the remainder of after July 1, 1911, namely : Watch this paper for further tips ouse recently vacated by John 1. County Judge, $1,200. ments for them to meet our team the winter, after which he will build concerning what is to take place in 2. County Commissioner, $5 per son. some time in the near future. It has a new residence. day for each «lay employed I in the the near future in theway of a social s thing like a Foot Warmer for been planned Ihnt the debate come county business. businei —------- — of ___nty The Tillamook Lumber Manufac­ transaction drives, get one at the Tillamook or see the L.D. B.C. about it. 3. County Treasurer, $1,000. off on the loth of thia month, but it turing Company's saw mill, which Deputy District Attorney Willett 4. County Clerk, Clerk. $1,000. Co. is feared that preparations cannot be 5. Sheriff. $1,000. has notified the bowling alley that gave the city a good pay roll for a made in that time as our material : the L. D. B. C. about the social Ö. Assessor, $1,200. long time, and which closed down they are violating a state law by was slow in reaching us and on 7. The county court of Tillamook are to give on SL Valentine’s last fall, is getting ready to start up running that place on Sundays. County may provide for such coun­ ing. again, th«* mill having been kept up ty treasurer, «xiunty clerk, sheriff account of the ’measles. There are Try a bale of third cutting Cali­ in good shape. The company has and assessor, such deputies and two beside the regular team who Sours, cheapest and best paper fornia Alfalfa or Oat Hay, the beet about 1,500,000 feet of logs on hand assistants as the court may deem are trying for a place on the team. ■er in town. I .eave orders at The question which has been and cheapest quality considered. to start with. Until business picks sufficient to properly and effectively ; A Smith Co. transact the business of said office, planned to be debated is, "Resolved, See Wm. Curtis or H. C. Kunze. * up the mill will not lie run its full and such deputies or assistants I e Anvil will leave Portland thia that the Chinese Exclusion Act rsday) evening and will have Mrs. Pate Wells left the first of the capacity. There is some doubt as shall be paid the sum, or sums, of should be extended to all Asiatic money to lie determined by said to the amount of lumlier that will ht for this city. week for Porttand to be at the bed­ people." The uonie teams are to be required for the local market this county court for their services. e weather the past week has side of her daughter, Mrs. Hazel 8. County School Superintendent. have the affirmative of the question. year, but as soon as the mill starts $1,000. wet and it turned cold again Stephens, who is very seriously ill. again it is excepted that things will 9. Any an«! all fees collected for Wednesday, with another fall of Be sure and take part in the First commence to move in the building any purpose whatever, by any and r early this morning, which National Bank's literary contest. line and make a break in the dull all of the county officers herein 1 disappeared. See the prizes that are offered in season to one of business activity 1 mentioned, shall be turned into the ' counts mints treasury. treasu the bank's advertisement on this and push. to (fenviztaH 10. Provided, however, that 25 |>er i pane- cent, of the legal voters of Tilla­ Tha passengers on the Golden I mook County may file with the As is usual at this season of the. - Gate on her last trip in were P. county clerk of said county, within ' year, business is unusually slow. ‘ Cassidy, P. Derosia, J. H. Myers, ninety days after the ailjoiirnmrnt In a few weeks business will pick up Mr«.'N. W. Clous, C. A. Typson, B. of thia legislature their referendtim and it ia expected that building will petition to refer thia act to a vote of 1 Smith, Nels Nelson and several the people of said county, and if be resumed. others. She had a full cargo of any such referendum |>etition la- ‘ Have yon a h«*art? If so, come to freight, consisting of a car loatl of file«i as herein provided, the county j the "doings” on St. Valentine’s eve­ Stndel«aker wagons for the Tilla­ court of said county shall make an ning. If you have no heart come mook Feed Co., a large amount of order referring this act to the vote of the |>eople of said county, and anyway and we will supply you with i hay for Rosenlierg Bro«., and feed ; the vote thereon shall be had at tin- 1 D. DAMAR, Pro as many as you need. Ask the I. D. and general merchandise. She left next general election in thia state. 1 B.C. about it. Lioeated in th« e