Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 26, 1911, Image 6

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what God’s word says. These actions of
hers and mine have nothing to do with
Editorial Snap Shots.
the Taylor meetings. She was not a
convert to Christ during those meet­
Now ia the time to prepare
ings, but she was made a convert to
for the county fair.
Have a
Presbyterianism by her own folks, and
little of the booster»’ spirit ami
likely others. I then ask, Whij violated
help along the county fair in and the evangelists who are in
the agreement that no one was to in­
every possible manner. Let’s tfie revival business for the anil that all other churches are EDITOR OF TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT.
fluence anybody in favor of any church
all be patriotic towarilsour own money there is in it.
the works of men and a sin to
D ear S ir :
those meetings?
county and exhibit the liest that
affiliate with. Religious wran­
Since my name has been dragged in­
I note that the Editor says
is produced in Tillamook.
gles by self-conceited, prejudi­
Another gixxl
suggestion ced persons keep a great many to print bicause of a PRIVATE inci­ “Evangelist Taylor wanted to read
was made on Saturday after men from attending places of dent, dealing with one of the members the Whittemore letter at the revival
The birth rate in Tillamook noon after tile farmers’ meet­
of the Church of which I am a minister, meetings, but Rev. S. G. Finney,
County last year shows a good ing adjourned by Mr. C. Kunze. : worship, anil as they (Jo a great and since I have been openly declared pastor of the Presbyterian Church,
growth in this infant industry. It was a milk contest. Besides 'deal of harm, our advice to the a knocker and a man of bad faith, un­ for fear it might impede the good
Why ni t exhibit some of these a three days milk contest at the church people of this city is to fair, unchristian, etc., kindly grant me work of the revival meetings, re­
miitiimonial crying machines fair, it was suggested that be­ cut it out and live together in space ia your paper for reply.
quested that it be not read.” That
and midnight disturbers at the tween March 1st and the date brotherly love, conceding to First, in reference to Eunice Whitte­ shows that Mr. Finney knew it was
county fair ? Sure thing ; for of the fair that any dairyman
more’s church fellowship. On last Fri­ wrong to make this private matter
Tillamook county can produce who had a cow and wanted to gious liberty and freedom to day, when I read Mr. Morris’ article public during the meetings, and if
some of the finest, prettiest enter the animal for a week s
choice, for no one church should I in your paper, I called on Miss Wh'tte- it was worng at that time, it would
babies in the state.
rnilk contest could do so by in­ claim that it is “It” in the reli­ more and asked her if she had been a be wrong at all times. Suppose,
Absolutely Pure
forming the committee when a gious world and lielieve that it member of the Presbyterian church in Mr. Morris, that I would get hold of
only baking powdee
When the county editors meet disinterested person would lie is endowed with special wisdom Corvallis before she went forward in some of your private correspon­
in this city next Monday we will sent to take the amount of milk from above to be a judge of other the Olson-Moss meetings recently held dence and publish it broad cast made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
vouch for it they will not paint at each milking and a test churches. The editor has lived in this city. She replied that she had through the county papers, how
By that long enough to respect the been sprinkled, when about five or six would you regard me ?
the metropolis of this county taken of the same.
NoAlum, No Lime Phosphate
red, but they will don the red arrangement a dairyman could opinions of those who differ one years old, into the Presbyterian church,
And now, Mr. Morris, I am satisfied -------------------------------------------------------------- ---
paint and go on the war path enter a cow when he tnought i with another in religion, and is i but had fallen away and was not a that when you wrote the article re­
to Insist und bootn all parts of she was at her best for a week. broad minded to that extent Chsistian when she became a member ferred to above, you acted as a cat’s also, that in attempting to
Tillamook county.
So don’t Each cow's test to lx* kept a that he has never attempted to j of the Church of Christ. These facts paw for somebody. Why did you so build
.......... up .....
his own church, Mr,
put any impediment in the secret until the fair, when the force his religious views upon neither Mr. Olson nor I knew anything suddenly become sensitive to Spiritual' Hoven ought to have s been
’boys” way, for they’re going cow giving the best test be anyone or to pull down or pre­ about. Whether she was a member of things as to speak for the other broad
------ 1 —
---• exercised
minded and
given a valuable prize.
to whoop tfie county up.
sume to be the judge of what the Presbyterian church, after she had churches in town? Since you are not a the Christian graces and not at­
I is right or wrong in any of the fallen away from Christ, is a matter Christian yourself, you had better get tempt to denounce a sister
It would be a good idea, we
The business men anil farirt- churches. It is religious fanat­ for the Presbyterians to decide. In right first with God, whom you have church engaged in exactly the
think, now that the “get toge­ ers made a big mistake wlieti ics, thinking themselves so the Church of Christ, a person who has wronged these many years by withhold­ same Christian work as his own
ther” spirit is increasing, if the they failed to purchase the much holier than the rest of the fallen away from Christ, is not a mem­ ing your service and influence, then church. That is knocking pure
dairymen would “get together” Anvil a few years age. ( )ne common folk, who do that.
ber any longer. We therefore did her you can begin to teach others. Before and simple.
Another thing,
once a month and discuss mat­ argument made then was that
a favor in restoring her to Christ. Mr. you dabble again in private church Mr. Hoven laid himself open to
ters pertaining to successful she could not come up the
Morris is very profuse in his article, matters, please remember that you are public criticism when he tried
For Sale.
and profitable dairy in all its slough, She, however had no
acknowledging this favor done his sis­ not a Christian, neither are you my to impress upon the mind of a
pLn«es. The Tillntnook Com trouble in doing so on Friday.
ter-in-law. He also states that, “she overseer and that you are taking up a young girl that it was a sin fol
mercial Club has already offered It was possible in days gone by sisting of Engine, Boiler, Simplex I was told before being baptised that subject entirely out of your jurisdic­
leave his church and join ano­
the club rooms, and we believe to head off and discourage
she could retain her membership in the tion.
Truly yours,
ther, which he characterizes as
if lectures, followed by discus­ opposition in boat transporta­ cock Turbine Tester, Scales, Cane, ! church with which she was affiliated,
V. E. Hoven.
men's works.
Mr. Hoven is
sion, would bring out a great tion. That is no longer possi­ etc. Address Newton Courier, Lat- 1 which was the Presbyterian church, of
[Mr. Hoven has placed a wrong entitled to his opinion, but h«
deal of valuable information.
ble, for Tillamook cannot be
Corvallis." That is not so. Neither construction on the paragraph the will find that the people are too
editor placed at the bottom of Dr.
” bottled up ” again in the
Annual Meeting of the Red Clover Mr. Olson nor 1 told her any snch thing, Morris’ letter about the Rev. S. G. broad guaged to coincide with
It was suggested on Satur­ manner that it was. The repu­
for we did not know she had ever been Finney. The letter was not read at him. To carry that kind of anj
Creamery Company.
day by several who have taken tation of Tillamook County
a member of the Presbyterian church. the revival meeting because Mr. Fin­ argument farther, we ate won­
a lively interest in the County anil the large amount of busi­
Al the annual meeting of tile Red Again Mr. Morris lays: “It seems that ney did not want anything to oc­ der whether it was the works
Fair, that a mode 1 barn he ness that is increasing every Clover Creamery Company held at the minister of the latter church cur to mar the good work, and for of men or His Satanic Majesty
erected us one of the exhibits, year is now attracting steam­ the creamery on January 24th, the (Church of Christ) discovered that tne the same reason, and for no other, that made the Rev. G. F. Zim­
that the editor kept all referrence to
with all the modern ideas of boat men, not only from Port­ follow mg reports were received and young lady intended retaining her the letter out of the news item. The merman the spiritual adviser of
light, ventilation and drainage,
membership i n the Presbyterian letter was not considered a private a Christian church. Certainly
business transacted.
communication. We thought the
and with the latest designs m business, one San Francisco
Frank Severance was unani­ church.” That is also a falsehood. 1 matter had all dropped until last it was a victory for Old Nick.
'tancheons, supply of fresh shipping firm, backed by the mously elected chairman of the never knew till Jan. 20, 1911, that she
week, when Dr. Morris, considering If it is a sin and denying Christ
water, etc. We are sure this business interests of that city, is meeting and after roll call of stock­ had been a member of the Presbyterian he
had a just grievance, requested to leave Mr. Hoven's cl'tird», it
would be money well spent and wanting to run a steami r here. holders anil the reading of the church. In my interview with Miss us to publish his version of the un­
must follow that persons leav­
would interest every dairyman
minutes of last meeting the Board Whittemore, she told me that when she pleasant incident.—E d . J
other cl'urcl'es and who
who visits the fair ns well as
Wluit will it cost to improve of Directors submitted their report came forward in the meetings, she did
join Mr. Hoven’s church have
give those who contemplate
not tel. Mr. Olson, nor myself, nor
as follows :
committed the same sin. The
building barns in the future Hoquarton slough ? Thut is
anybody else, so far as she knows, that Dabble in His Family Affairs. same rule should apply, for all
P ound ».
some idea how a model sani­
she intended to remain in the Presby­ MR. EDITOR OF TILLAMOOK HEAD­ tl’e Protestant c'nirces are
tary barn should be constructed. who have made a itiess. We Amount of milk received
terian church. She became a member
are inclined to think if plans I
worshiping the
same God.
during the year 1910. . 2,092,060.
of our C. E. Society, also of the Bible
were prepared nnd the work Amount
As this matter has already taken No one is infallible when it
Let's tuke oft our huts with all given out by contract work
School, aid attended all of the ser­ up much of your valuable space, comes to explaining the bible,
Amount of cheese manu­
due respect to Major Jay J. it would be done and at com­
vices regularly until Christmas. We I will be as brief as possible in and as each church is engaged
factured during the
Morrow and extend to him and paratively small ex|»ense. We
year .......
226.905.91 ha<l no reason to believe that she did answering the lengthy communi­ in Christian work, we do not
the other members of the Board will venture to say that it would Amount paid patrons
not intend to remain with us.
cation from the Rev. V. E. Hoven, think one minister in particular
of Engineers our best thanks not cost more than $150,1X10 to I
In the second place, the heading of which appears in the last issue of is infallible and possesses any
Dec.) .............................. $ 31,182.25
for recommending the improve­ improve the slough and open
the article states: “Rev. V. E. Hoven the Herald.
qualifications or credentials to
ment of Tillamook bar. The up the South channel on the
Average test butter fat, 4.02 per ‘knocks’ a siBter church in a letter to a
As Miss Whittemore is under become the judge of what is
project was turned down by the bay, which was the natural cent.
young woman.” I am very grateful age, a mere school girl, the rev. right or wrong in other Pro­
Board of Review at Washing­ channel and a big blunder was
Average price paid for butter fat to Mr. Morris for publishing in full my
Although turned down made when it was diverted. All (estimating Nov. and Dec.), 36.93 letter to Miss Whittemore, for people gentleman would have acted more testant churches. We are sorry
discreetly had he called at my that this unpleasant incident
again after another strong effort who knows anything about the cents per pound.
can now see what I told her, and the home and conferred with the family should have occurred, for strife
it will not deter the progressive previous condition of the bay
Average price paid per 100 pounds community gossip as to the subject
on the subject of her church affilia­ of that character does no good.
and enterprising citizens of this will agree with us.
Anyway, of milk, $1.49.
mattei of that letter can be stopped. tion, and not secretly attempting to So forget and forgive whatever
county from continuing their let the I *ort of Tillamook ask the
I did not knock a sister church, if there convince her that she should do a errors have been made, and live
efforts with more vigor anil Engineer's office in Portland
was any knocking done. If you will certain tiling, regardless of the together in peace and harmony.
persiBtance until they have ob­ to furnish plans so that bids Balance on hand last an­
nual meeting ................
$478.98 take time to read those Bible refer­ wishes, and without the knowledge No more reference to it will be
tained the barlsir improvements can be obtained from Portland,
ences , iven in that letter, you will dis­ of her family.
Received from manufact­
allowed in this newspaper.-^
they have demanded.
uring 10 months cheese.
San Francisco and Seattle con­
cover that it is the TRUTH of Jesus
E ditor . ]_______________
212,133.71 lbs. at l’4cts.
3,694.62 Christ that “knocks” the Presbyterian
tractors. Fourteen feet of water
said about himself and Mr. Olsen,”
The church goers of this city to this city is necessary, and
Teacher’s Examinations.
Total receipts .............
$4,175.58 Church. And I hereby challenge you I wish to state that not one word
anil vicinity have lieen most we've got to have it.
Total expenditures .........
3,772.54 or anybody else, to affirm that the Pres­ was said that would reflect anything
N otice is H ereby G iven ,— That
iitieral in donating money to
byterian church is a church of Christ;
evangelists, and it is to be ho|>ed
Balance on hand ....
$401.04 i. e., a church founded by the Lord but credit upon the reputation of the County Superintendant of Tilla­
himself or Mr. Olsen.
mook County will hold the regular
A religious controversy in a
in future that they will I m * just
Jesus Christ, wearing the Bible name,
In view of the^fact that the Rev.
as liberal ill supporting the local new'spa|>er is out of place, es-
having the Bible creed and practicing V. E. Hoven took an active part examination for applicants for State
and County paiærs at the Court
pastors, who are not receiving peeiallv in a amall town like
Bible things in a Bible way. Remem­ in Evangelist
Union Room in Tillamook City, as follows:
the amount of salary they are thia, for it not only creates bad
ber, to prove the above proposition, meetings, one would conclude that
deserving of. It may Is*, how blood tietween people who have Cash on hand..................
For State Pepers.
the Bible only is admitted as proof. he did not condemn the other
ever, that we have here another
Wednesday, Febru­
churches, and it was during these ary 8th, 1911, at 9 o’clock a.m., and
instance where people will give attempt to force their dogmatic Building ............................
1,50000 to defend, defend it, or forever hold
meetings that the aforesaid letter continuing until Saturday. Febru­
With so Machinery, tools etc....
their money to help strangers ideas to the front.
600U0 your peace.
was handed to Miss Whittemore.
and neglect the local pastors, many sects, creeds and different Real estate ......................
ary 11th, 1911, at 4 o’clock p.m.
In the third place Mr. Morris states
Judging from what was said in
the same as they have done in interpretations put on the bible Account
Wednesday — Penmanship, His­
that, “the young lady entered the that letter, and his acknowledgment
Manufacturing Nov. and
business transaction, buying by mon who have made it a life
Dec. cheese.........
church (Presbyterian) of her choice, as being the author of the same, tory, Spelling, Physical Geography,
wares from strangers at a much study, and with demouinationa
Reading, and Psychology.
entirely upon her own wish, no rela­
were his action consistent with the
Total resources .. .
larger figure than they could multiplying every year, we,
Arithmetic, :
tives nor friends having influenced her contents of this letter ?
obtain the same goods at less like a great many persons, hold
Theory of Teaching, Grammar,
LI A Bl LIT xa.
in any way." That is not so. Miss
Referring to the reverend gentle­ Bookkeeping, Physics anil Civil
broad views in regard to the
money from local merchants.
Whittemore stated repeatedly at my
man's remarks concerning my ver­ Government.
numerous religious beliefs and Capital stock outstanding
par value....................
$80000 house before my folks, as well as else­
14.07 where before others, that her folks acity, 1 wish to state that every
Friday — Algebra,
It must be that the Board of refrain from claiming one is Due patrons .....................
right and all other forms of Owing for Nov. and Dec.
word of my former communication Composition, Physiology, English
Review which turned down the
with v horn she now stays, were urging
which appeared in this paper was Literature and School Iaiw.
Tillamook fair project is imbued religious worship are wrong and
her all the time to come into the Pres­
the absolute truth and I can prove
Saturday—Botany, Plane Geome­
with Piuchot's idea of conser­ n sin in the sight of God. The
Total liabilities ........
$1.011.58 byterian church; that they made it so
the same; the accomplishment of try and General History.
vation, which ia totally differ persona who hold such nnrrow,
daubing people with epithets is
Excess of resources
ent to the Western idea of coil- contracted ideas, and who nrv
For County Papers.
over liabilities........
$2.210 49 would have to change her church mem­ very highly developed even in the
servution. I Pinchot’s idea is to continually attempting to force
bership in order to bare peace, and more lowly.
Commencing Wednesday, Feb-
Will Goerea. J. J. Rupp and M. that they were saying some awful
"hottie up’ " the Northwest.
ruary Sth, 1911, at 9 o'clock a. n>.(
I wish to inform Mr. Hoven that
whereas the Western idea ia to tire ¡lersons who are broad Abplanalp were elected directora things about Mr. Olson and myself. In
anil continuing until Friday, Feb-
for the ensuing year and M. W. view of these fsets, look over my I have a moral and legal right to ruary 10th, 1911,
“open up" mid develop the
at 4 o’clock p.m.
protect my family, or those under
"bottled up" resource« of thia to sec how narrow and preju­ Harrison, treasurer.
letter to Mias Whittemore, read the
Wednesday — Penmanship, Ilis-
country, It is no wonder that
A dividend of 10 per cent was de­ Bible references and you are bound to my care, and would ask him not to i tory. Orthography, Reading,
dabble again in my family affairs.
the West is relielling against gious matters. Church history clared on the capital stock.
admit my conclusions are true.
sical Geography.
Pinchotism when commenda­
The secretary was instructed to
Finally, because of all the above
Thursday — Written Arithmetic*
ble projects like the improve­ the Protestant churches of to­ call a a|>ecial meeting of the stock-____
facts _ in
this communication, I am
Theory of Teaching, (ira in mat*
ment of Tillamook tmr arc
knocked cold mid the grit and from the Church of Scotland ing the by-laws so as to provide for unchristian spirit during the recent sion with a Few Remarks.
Friday-Geography, School Law,
progressive spirit of this West and the Established Church of coni|>enaation to the Board of Taylor meeting». Ia that so’ My
Government, English Litera­
era coast is handicapiinl mid
Director» for theirtime and services. dealings with Miss Whittemore were
been clergymen in the latter,
Yours truly,
for it is doing more harm than ture.
lUade to suffer.
eorge WiLLKTT. Secretary.
entirely all right. She was a member good and creating an unfriend­
nnd as to whether the mother
of the Church of Christ and 1 was her ly spirit amongst church people,
churches or the disaenters are
County School Snpt.
Wood For Bale.
The religious controversy is 1 right or wrong in religious dog­
pastor. I simply gave her instruction, and those who do not attend
1 nd ni iniuiy wav a, for it has mas and forms of worship we
Look for the Bee Hive
Wood for sale. Spruce and Hem­ which was my duty to do. as to what places of worship are using it
<>n C--
the , package when yon buy
irsurrvcted church scandals in are in the same pew with those lock body, dry nt $1 25 a conf on the was involved in her proposed change of
Honey anil Tar for coughs
thia city and set |>eople to go« have not the presumption to say place. 7 miles south of Tillamdok.— church fellowship What other minis­
T. D a El* AX.
T None
____ „________
genuine without
ft is all re told nnd which is the correct form to
ter would not have done the same thii«
the Hee llivc. Retiiemlier the name.
re ashed about the scapegrace conduct public worship or what
Do you know that fully nine out if somebody had mdertaken to draw
Foley's Honey and Tar »nil reject
minister who was rotten egged: interpretation should lie placed of every ten cases of rheumatism away one of the members* I would say that we question the wisdom any substitute.—C. I. Clough.
the minister, a married man, ' on certain parts of the bible. 1 are simply rheumatism of the' have been unfaithful if I had not done of Mr. Hoven's actions in writ
who uiude improper pro|MWg|s> The editor believes that the muscles due to cold or damp, or what I did. I tried to have ber come ing to a girl o* that age upon
rheumatism, and require
that subject without the con­ Const i|Mtion is the cause of many
to a married woman ; the min ritual of theKvnngelical church, chronic
no internal treatment whatever* I to the parsonage so that I could have a I. sent of her relatives, and this ailments ami disorders that make
itter wlu> burrowed money and or wluit is known as the Church Apply Chnmberlatus Liniment talk with her about thsss things. She j '
Ide miserable. Take Chamlierfain's
... .r
1 *•the <•!? «rounds we can see Stomach ami Liver Taliieta. keei
ral> and see how uuk hly it
then skipped the country : the of England, lias one of the most ,r
did not come I
, relief
your bowels regular au<l you wil
minister who came here andi lieautiful und impressive forms St.»re For sale by Lamar's
thing wrote ber ths lettor. telling Ur1 i„'to
‘r1 *-• ™- m -« avoid these diseases. For sale b;
But we say thin Lamar # Drug Store.
started in to "reform” the city V 1 for public and private worship,
and held a revival meeting for
Continues to "Knock” a Sis­
that purpose, bnt he proved to all occasions. But we do not
lie a scoundrel and deserted his believe that we have any right ter Church--Dr. Gets Free
Sermon for Butting Into
wife and younK family ; the to assume the attitude of the
evangelist who abused people; self-righteous Pharisee
Strange Religious Views.
claim this is the only church,