TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JANUARY 26, 1911 ON SEA URCHIN. ay In Which ths Glutton Irtish Devours Its Prey. a to the death are common be- sea urchins aud starfish. Tie _ ah when ready for battle raise« one Of his arms toward the sea air bin. Tbe urchin »hoots out all bla bristling spine«, or needles, and. in addition to bls always visible arms, brings out uii arm that 1s never seeu unless It Is needed for active use. This usually invisible weapon Is a sort of nipper, edged With teeth. During one hgilt be tween a sea urchin and a starfish the bta.fish, with u sudden moveuieut, b> ' e off the pincers of the ur< bin. 'lie pincers remained luibidd.'d In tbe licbh of the starfish, Kinding Ida chief v.-e-tpon gone, the uri lilu drove ull his neerlles Into the buck of the starfish, not all together, bill one lifter another, with nil the method of calcu­ lated action. As the needteu eutere»! the back of the starfish the starfish broke them, one by one. Tbe urchin, rendered powerless by tbe loss of his needles, made a few mechanical move ments In self defense mid then lay mo­ tionless and powerleaH on tbe water. After a few minutes' hesitation and a close scrutiny uf Id; HUbJ«« t the stur- fi«h approached the urcblu and pre- But us the pared to devour him. urchin wits six times larger than hl« mouth he turuisl out Ills stomach in the milliner noted by nuturalluts as u common miineuver of certain nuiuiiils mid, having rejected bls stomach lin­ ing. Inserted tbe urchin's carcass. HplueH and all. During the time con- sutnid by hiui In the struggle of di­ gestion he was closely observed. Hav­ ing writ bed In agony for Home days, be began to show a change of appeur nine The distention of tils middle de- crenHi d. mid Ids movements lost their spasmodic character. Later be was Hoell to move wltb more activity. One morning, wnrnied up for action by tbe power of the sun’s heat, be moved bla stomach rupidly from aide to aide and from top to bottom und rejected the spines, 11ns. bone plates. Jaws—every­ thing Hint had not disappeared during the process of digestion. The elimina­ tion accomplished mid Ids ap|H-tlte Hnt- Isfied, the sturfish replaced bls stum ach in Its normal |><>Hlti<>n mid resumed th" e'en tcuor of bls life. — Harper's Weekly. THE BUDDHIST HADES. HOTELS IN PORTUGAL Eight Easy 8tagei of tho Most Awful Kinds of Torture. The places of tormeut to which all wicked Buddhists are Io be assigned on tbe day of final reckoning Is a ter­ rible place of punishment. This Bud dblstlc bell Is divided Into eight “easy stage«.” In tbe first the |a>or victim Is com polled to walk for uutold ages lu bls bare feet over hills thickly set wltb I'edhot needles, points upward tn tbe second stage tbe skin Is all carefully filed or rasped from the body and Ir rl tat lug mixtures applied, lu tbe third stage tbe nulls, bulr aud eyes lire plucked out and the denuded body suwed aud pinned Into ull sorts of fuutastlc shapes. The fourth stage Is that of “sorrowful lamentations.'' In tbe fifth the left side of the Issly and the denuded bend are carefully roast­ ed. Yema. the Buddhistic Satan, su­ perintending tbe work, Ill the sixth stage tbe arms ure turn from the body and thrown Into an Immoline vat among tbe eyes, nails and hair pra­ vloUHly removed. Then to plain hour Ing of tbe sore footed, blind, maimed, roasted and blwsllng victim tbe whole horrid mass Is pounded Into a Jelly In the seventh stage the other side of the victim and bls feet are roasted brown, aud then comes tbe eighth and last stage. In which the candidate Is thrown Into tbe bottomless pit uf perdition. Paying One's Bill There Becomes a Duel In Politeness. When traveling for the first time to Portugal one is apt to become exas­ perated when be desires to settle up with bls landlord at tbe hotel. When tbe traveler asks how much bis bill is tlie landlord bows graciously, smiles suavely, rubs bls hands together aud replies that tbe bill is as much as tbe guest wishes to contribute. This is simply the opening of a duel of politeuess. for tbe hardened traveler nt once tbnuls the landlord for bls con­ fidence In him aud again very courte­ ously asks for a detailed statemeut of bls account. Still the bill is uot forth coming. for tbe landlord declares that he does not wish to Insult bls guest in uny such manner. Finally tbe land­ lord does reckon up the charges on Ids fingers. When be has finished lie asks tlie traveler bow much tbe sum total Is. if the traveler hasn't kept track of It the landlord very laboriously goes over tbe account again. If tbe guest has footed up the bill the landlord ta sure that It cannot lie so much aud in slats ou a re-reckoning. Tbe result Is tbe same, aud tbe laudlord Invariably ne-y a long rope. As they scaled gases become mingled and form a mix doue In tbe open alr-aud as much After graduation U wall of lee they slipped ou the edge ed gas, possessing all the dreaded playing likewise. of a frightful chasm Tbe guide wus qualities of each, wldch Is known as boys aud girls should continue to cul “after damp,*' and It la the mixture tlvate the outdoor life and families ut the end of the rope. Without bls weight there wus a of gases which destroys any life that should continue the practice.—Chicago ■ li.iuee for the others to regalu their may remain following a mine dlsuster. Record Herald. —Atlantic Monthly. footing; with It bls experienced eye Telephone Lios. told him there wus none With in­ At One Hundred and First street and Late Rising Birds. stant courage lie drew his kulfe from A pair of tinging birds had been ad­ Broadway u man was talklug Into a Ills belt and said quietly to the uniu telephone. Presently he was heard to vert iKed for aale. next him: "The property of a late rising fami­ say: "All right. I’ll come. I am now "Tell mother how It happened, Ed­ at Twenty-third street and Broadway. ly," the dealer stated. mond," "I wound up with that clause." he I'll be up In about half an hour.” He cut the rope und fell, never to lie "That chap Beems to have lost his said, "so iKiealble purchasers would Men «vaio not l>e scared off by the prospect of bearings," said a man wbo bad over­ an unearthly chattering at 5 o'clock In heard the error to locality. Absentmimfad George Dyar. “He knows where he Is all right.” At Clifford's George Oyer, the morning. Birds can be trained to wbo Ilves hi h y ns tbe miiu keep any kind of hours, if they are said a drug clerk. “He's Just putting who walked ( •fat's bouse In brought up by a family of ulghthawks up a bluff. It 1s quite a common bluff. Colebrook»' row |fao the New river, they learn to go to lied at midnight Men wbo have a mighty high regard neck deep. 0o In- retired by and get up at 1» a. m . along wltb the for truth at all other times do not hesi­ Lauib and lite with hot brandy, rest of the folks, but If they are tuck­ tate to tell a whopper about where 1 .ntnli wus fiMfi* tired uf relating the ed to right away after Hupper they they are when talking over tbe tele­ incident DyST. * B faoffcuvive. abneiit wake up tbe neighborhood at a cor- phone. I have heard [tersons swear miadi d old schular.i bad l-elgli Hunt's mspoudliigly early hour the next morn­ over that wire that they were tele friendship «» wall Iks Muili's. mid the ing. It la advisable for any iiersoii phoning from points all tbe way from other e«»u,vl»t haa told how. calling on who in likely to lie abed until noon to Hobokeu to Amityville. They were Dyar In unawer to an Invitation to Inquire Into tbe early tralulng of a uot seasoned liars, either; Just wanted a few minutes' grace apparently and breakfast, It whs to find uo butter, no bird before buylug."—New York Suu. thought tbe easiest way to get It was knives and no spout on tbe teapot. to make out they were a mile or two Dyer was ho wedded to life lu the Inn American Golf. farther away tbao they really were.”— that he w» titled his lauudi-ese too Certainly yo t are In good luck an a New York Press. London Spectator. goiter If you go to America at all. for they are gloriously hospitable In that Cuttom In Spain. Th« Largest Islande. land. and. so far as 1 could see, tbe One thing specially Is vital to Spain: Australia I ihn long I hhmi m Idea that some have here—that the the h»a»t of the cotitbiviita and uot •• American's notion of the object of “Coatumbre." they say ("It ta tbe cus­ an lulum! Tbv largeat tetauda •rt playing a game Is purely to win It. tom”). It explains commercial honor Kruded downwarti lu the order of (belr not to enjoy the playlug Is perfectly tersely tor the Spanish business man to keep bls won! and pay his bills; ex­ »Ixe. a» follows Greenland, mistaken. I never had the Impression actly as It is equally customary for square miles; New Guinea, more strongly anywhere of being in him to lack what we call “bouor" to Borneo, 28U.Ü00; Madagascar, the company of men who were play­ some other departments of Ilf®. It is lu the absence of exact surveys these ing the game for pleasure, not for the areas are rough estimates aud must la* mere sake of whining the match. But customary to do or not to do. to like considered only as approximations, but then It la certainty true, as I heard one or not to like, a thousaud things. Why T It la not likely that careful measure of their Judges <| mean a legal Judge, “Custombre” Is tbe only reply. It Is menta will Introduce correction« so though be was a Judge of golf, tool customary, moreover, not to yield read­ large as to change tbe order of the say to an after dinner s|>eech that It ily to an Improvement or a luxury, four Australia is but slightly smaller la "the cleanest sport In America."— even as It Is sgaln equally customary, than tbe eontlueutal United States ex­ Horace Hutchinson to London Tele­ once tbe Spaulard has yielded to a ; given thing, to hold to It like adamant cluding Alaska Exchange graph —Arthur Stanley Riggs In Ceutury. Already Teat' ad. ”1 »oppose you always prefer to list men who are uot married!" I marked to tbe sergeaut who charge of the recruitlug »tatton t’aunoii »Irrel "No ; you re mlstakvu there. " he baa tene.1 to reply "I prefer married tueu t-iery time You eee we duu't have to go to the trouble of teachlug mar rled »tieu to t»bdy ." A'hk-ago New», Ths V«ics of ths People. Lady John Russell v tailed 1‘arta as a girl lu IS3O and witnessed the souhv what artificial enthusiasm for lavula Philippe, who bad Just beeu placed on the throne by tbe revolutkm. "It ta said." we are told, "that any small buy to those days could exhibit tbe a Ing to curious sightseers by raising a < beer outskie the Tuileries window«, phen bls majesty, to whom any mani testation of enthusiasm was extreme ly precious, woukl a|>pear automati rally upon tbe Issleony and bow.” Heartless Huebsng "Want to go to tbe theater tonight "I have nothiug to wear." saM tbe WU, polutvdl.l One Formality. "Then well gw to one uf those tuov. "Oh. joy' She has written a tettar lug pSctnr» shows where It's dart saying »he will marry me." louts ville t'ourler Journal "Congratulation» VVbenT" Well <-r yua see her father has to Iml.w thta promissory note before It's r'xvl Ciat aland loader. I ill Hi» Preference. “Too can get an armful of daisies tor a dime,” pointed out tbe optimist, “and Just look at their bright, merry little faces!" "What do I want with an armful of daisies?" growled tbe pessimist. “I'd rather hare a cheese saud*lcb.”-New York Journal. A Snake Tal«. A man took bis small aon to tbs pork. They fed bread to the swans and then stood tor a tong time to front of a cage of serpents The boy looked at them with fascinated eye«. At last be exctetmed. “I like these falte «II right, but where are the aulmalaF*— Upptncott*«. DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Tinware Hardware China Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County IZMS./’ Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy Manufacturers of KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County. New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and Kirst Class Lumber of the Best Quality. LET US FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBER BILL. ffl f°r stomach troubles»—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad ■ breath,sick headache,torpidliver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Pleasant to take. Sold by Chas. I. Clough. Old Soldier Tortured. "For yenra I suffered uns| able torture from indigestion, ■tipation and liver trouble," wrote A. K. Smith, a war veteran at Erie, Pa.. "but Dr. King’s New Life Pills fixed me all right. They’re simply- great” Try them for any sromach, liver or kidney trouble. Only 25c. at Charles I. Clough. Medicines that aid nature are always most effectual. Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy acta on thia plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs O|>ena the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excel- ence. Sold by Lamar’s Drug Store. jfth At PROPRIETOR Î Tillamook Iron Works < 4 Í 4 General Machinists & Blacksmiths Boiler Work, Logger's Work and Heavy Forging, Fine Machine Work a Specialty. TILLAMOOK OREGON Solves a Deep Mystery. "I want to thank you from the txittom of my heart.” wrote C. B. Rader, of I.ewiaburjr, W. Va., “ for the wonderful double benefit I uot from Klectric Bittera, in curing me of both a severe care of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost help­ less sufferer for ten years. It suited my case as though made just for me.” For dyspepsia, indi­ gestion. jaundice and to rid the system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism, Electric Bitters has no equal. Try them. Erery bsittle is guarante«4 to satisfy. Only 3tk-. at Charles I. Clough. Death in Roaring Fir* I May not result from work of fire­ bugs, but often severe burns are »■«used that make a quick need for Hucklen's Arnica Salre, the quick-| eat, surest cur* for burns, wounds, bruises, boils, sores. It subdues mllammation. It kills pain. It »<>«>tlies and heals. Drives off skin eruptions, uiser* or (ulew. Only 25c. at Chas. I. Clough. Do you know that fully nine out of every ten caaea of rheumatism nr* simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism, and require no internal treatment whatever? Ap|dy ChamWriain's Ijm men t freely and see how quickly it give« relief For enle by Lamar's Dru* Store HANDICAPPED The boy or girl with any de'ect of vision is greatly- handicapped in the pursuit of knowledge in the school nx tn. If your boy or girl do«« not show a high |»er cefltage of average in the •Cl hool report the probabili­ ties are that there is some­ thing the matter with the eyes. To find out costs you nothing ?"« will bring them to me for examina- tion. It doesn't pav to gi'.ss about the eyesight of your child—it is better to nee that the eyes ____ are __ right If glasses are needed I am prepared to furnish the exact thing that will meet the needs of the case. Remcmler that they are guaranteed for one' year, and I am here to make them good, hire are not. »» Dr. H. E. Morris, EYE SPECIALIST, TILLAMOOK » OREGON. Administrator's Notice. « X otk - b n lluitr Orvas.—That the Ceaaty Coart of the State of Orvaon fnr ***• Coa«ty of Till«mk. ha» .»ppo-ntM the umtmined the MtmtotatratoTof the «tate of LOVIS »HTTLAI. deev .wd, P*w»'*» haetax clans» agaia.t tbe r »late, are hereby mt aired to present tbe Mme together with the proper voucher» to the «adenigwed. either at the oltee of H r. Bott», »ttuewey-at-taw at Tillamook City. Oregon or to T H Horne ntto7 ner-at-law. at Tillamook City, "regno ■** month» from the date of thia Doted thia tleeoaber 13th. 1910 m AnpiLaaaav. Adminietmtor of tlx eetate of 1-onl. toaitlar. <1ti,amd