.'brl< ¡unify iliam 00k ol. XXIII. No. 34. îlraiiliijljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JANUARY 26, I9II. --------------------------- —--- - ---------------- H. Sours, cheapest and best paper in town.' Legve orders at 3.--“ Put not your trust in money, but put hanger King A Smith Co. / * your money in trust.” Ernest Beeletz vs. /Geo. Eichinger was a suit for tresspass and $5(100 o. 4.-“ Do not squander time, for that is the damages tried in Justice Stanley's stuff that life is made of.” court on Thursday. The jury de­ Above are the third and fourth quotations of cided in favor of Eichinger. our Literary Contest, two having appeared in There will be la reception to the previous issues and six more are to follow. new members oythe M.E. church in Todd’s hall on/Saturday evening, Every person in the County is invited to try and which will take the form of a social, guess their authorship and to the most suc­ the ladies serving refreshments. cessful will be awarded a cash prize of $15, Snow Drift tlour, $5.00 a bbl. and the second 110 and the third $5. There are $1.50 a sack. Ijghthouse tlour. $5.40 no requirements or conditions at all, simply a bbl. and $1.40 a sack. Im­ wait till all ten quotations appear and then perial tlour. $5.75 a bbl. and $1.45 make your answers aud mail them to this bank, a sack —W m . C urtis , The Grain marking the letter “LITERARY CONTEST,” Man. • signing your name and address, and name of Haye you a heart? If so, come to school, if a student. the ’.’doings” on St. Valentine’s eve­ Remember the quotations aud remember we ning. If you have no heart come are glad to take care of any of your wants of anyway aud we will supply you with a financial nature. as many as you need. Ask the L. D. B.C. about it. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF The passengers who left on the Sue H. Elmore on Saturday were TILLAMOOK. F. F. Snyder, Ed. Snyder, E. T. Haltom, Miss De Par, Mrs. Janies Walton, J. H. McCallum, J. Brant, J. R. Brown, A. Russell and a num­ Special price on Alfalfa hay, ton LAMOOK JOTTINGS lots $25.00.—R osenberg B ros . ber of passengers from bay points. Sermon subjects next Lord's day The Tillamook Feed Co, has a Morri*, eye specialist. as follows: Morning—” The New a foot warmer at tin Tillamook good supply of choice seed oats. Testament Church and the Creed.” Call and get prices. Co. An almost new No. OShorapless Evening—" Working All Day.” 11, delivered, $10.00 a ton. D. separator for sale or trade, at a bar­ If vou want to enjoy a real live rode . ’ prayer meeting, cotne to the Church kinies Wanted at the Tillamook gain. D. L. Shrode. of Christ next Wednesday evening. If Dement’s Best don’t give satis­ ty Bank. * Mr. Farmer : Why not harness T. Haltom left on a business faction, your money will be refund- that creek on your pla^e and have ed. — Tillamook Feed Co. on Saturday. electric, light in your house and The Tillamook Ice and Cold barn ? We are prepared to quote >ur and feed of all kinds at the Storage will pay you the beat price you on the necessary pipes and mook Feed Co. SB for your chicken and fish. machinery and give you the benefit 'O of the Headlight staff are Dement ’ s Best high grade li a rd of expert advice in installing. Ask n with measles. wheat flour, at the Tillamook Feed us about it, T illamook E lectric lite a fall of snow was experi- I Co., every sack guaranteed. Alley, Fred Zaddach, Peter Heieel, L ight A F uel C ompany . d on Wednesday. C. Ray and R. Y. Blalock were ap­ Call and get our price on feed of United Brethren in Christ—Bible pointed a committee to make ur lots for $1,000, your own all kinds.—T illamook F eed C o ., school, 10 a.m. Preaching 11 a.m. arrangements. F. R. Beals state«! ib . D. I.. Shrode. Beginning with Saturday evening the Alco Club successors to C. S. Atkinson. • and 7:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor, . that Representative A. G. Beals r cement by the sack or the dance will start at 9:30. Buy your groceries where you like 5:45 p.m. There will be a ten was making an effort to get an el see D. L. Shrode. * and your feed from the Tillamook minute story sermon in the morn- . The attention of the dancing public is called to appropriation from the Btate legis­ you are looking for a high grade Feed Co. at the Tyler Building. * their Valentine Cotillion Saturday, the evening ing for the boys and girls. Morn­ lative for $8(1) towards the fair. r Dement’s beet is it. * of the fourth in which the evening is to be divided Attorney E. J. Claussen has de­ ing theme : "Warning example.” Chas. Adkins, Win. Illingsworth >tn, on the 21st, to the wife of j cided to locate in this city and has Evening theme : "A Successful into two programs. The first part for gentlemen’s and John W. Adkins, the latter es Kodad, a daughter. Wicked Man.”—B. E. EMERICK, choice and the last to the ladies. taken rooms in Tillamook Block. being recently from Montana, had 11 Wednesday there were seven The floor at the Opera House has been placed in Have you tried that New Dairy Pastor. quite an exciting timeon the Wilson of snow in the mountains. Star brand process barley, $1.25 river on Friday with a conger, or j Food at the Tillamook Feed Co., fine condition, this together with special added >ecial price on Alfalfa hay, i°n said to be the best on the market. * a sack and $31.50 a ton ; oats, $1.85 mountain lion. features will give to the numerous friends of the The animal set $25.00.—R osenberg B ros . ■ Save money by having laying hens hundred, $30.00ton ; bran, 95c. sack them a merry chase which lasted club, something for which they can all be proutl “t a box of choice Valley apples picked out from inferior ones, I $30.00 ton ; mill chop $1.05 90 lbs. for three hours, but the plucky to attend. he Tillamook Feed Co. at $1.25. * guarantee my work.—H. BOOTH. * sack, $22 ton ; shorts $1.35 80 lbs. hunters kept on its trail. It was a sack, $31.50 ton; wheat, $1.90 |>er 100 hard chase over rough ground and he Tillamook Feed Co. will make Select your Heating Stoves from the right prices on your feed.* the largest assortment in the city. lbs.; cracked corn. $1.90per 100 lbs.; through the thick timber. The last oil meal, $2.75 per 100 lbs.; midds., The new vessel will lie larger than f it goes with the feed business Prices reasonable.—KINO A SMITH $2.00 per 100 lbs.; $38.00 ton -W m . attempt to avoid the vigilance of mained active up to the time of prostration. He came to the Pacific the hunters was when the conger the gasoline schooner Anvil which o the Tillamook Feed Co. for it.* Co. CURTIS, The Grain Man * crossed the river and was closely coast in pioneer days, and spent sailed from Portland last week on Make money by guessing. The efore you buy any Alfalfa or Oat The Supreme Court has rendered followed by the dogs, It sought several years in the mines of Cali­ her initial voyage to coast porta. see Wm. CurtisorH.C. Kunze. First National Bank’s advertise­ a decision in the case of Tillamook safety in a tree, when it was soon fornia, once picking up a gold She will be 125 feet long and have hey say that the bread m«de ment will tell you how. Look it up City vs. Tillamook County, in which shot. It measured 10 feet and nugget worth $11,(MX). He came to a beam of 28 feet and (I teet depth of n Dement’s best tlour can’t be now. I Portland the former sued for the road taxes weighed 250 pounds. 45 years ago and was hold. The Anvil is 116 feet long C. S. Atkinson, who sold his in­ collected within the city. The court It will be very difficult forthe peo­ agent and manager of the property and has a 24-foot beam and 18.5 feet marriage license was issued to terest in tee feed business, returned reversed Judge Burnett and decided ple of Tillamook or for anyone else of W. S. Ladd for many years. His depth of hold, being equipped with n M. Weiss, jr., and Mary E. to Sandlake with his brother’-iugene in favor of the county. The deci­ familiar with the situation to under­ home was on Grand avenue near twin screws and capable of con. this week. sion was rendered by Judge Mc­ stand why the Engineers’ Board of East Burnside street, but recently sidcrable speed. The Elmore in­ There will be a social at the Pres­ Bride. Attorney Botts represented Reviews at Washington lias disap­ he spent most of his time at his terests also own the steamer Sue H. ’ood for sale, any kind or any ount.—For prices see George byterian church by the members the county and Attorney Holmes proved the recommendation of the farm in Tillamook County. Elmore, which sailed last night for and friends of that church on Fri­ the city. Tillamook, and the gaaoline achoon­ ston. * special board on the Tillamook pro­ , ». The gasoline schooner Anvil came ject. The special board visited Tilla­ er Oshkosh, operating on the coast ’rite or phone to E. G. Ander- day evening. NEW BOAT ORDERED. route. The Elmore is 00.7 feet long, Attorney H. T. Botts prepared a in on Friday and berthed at the mook and found an immense agri­ , Hemlock, for Cedar Fence .<= • J bill and sent it to Salem, which Shrode dock. Thia ia the first trip culture and timber traffic locked up Gasoline Schooner to Operate with a beam of 23.8 feet, and her hold ia 8 feet deep, while the Osh­ in Coast Trade. >rne choice nursery stock for provides a way to increase the terri­ of that vessel to thia port. She has and valueless until the entrance to tory of Ports. fine accomodation for 51 night pass ­ the harbor was improved. So anx ­ Development of the Oregon coast kosh has a length of 80 feet, is 24 le cheap. Must sell at once.—D.I- Alfalfa or Oat hay. Wm. Curtis, engers and can carry 300 day pass­ ious were the Tillamook and Bay trade, which has been marked feet wide and her hold 7 feet deep. ROPE. . engers, and as she will probably City people to secure this improve­ during the past year, haa prepared She was also built by Kruse 4 Co., hrode wants to see you at tiie the Grain Man, or H. C. Kunze will make connections here during the ment that they agreed to tax them the way for further tonnage to and was launched at North Bend in sell you hay as cheap as anyone. ler Building. It’s to your inter- summer she will be instrumental in selves for a sum aggregating more handle the ocean truffle and Elmore 1(100. The Elmore waslaunched in Quality considered. « to call. 1000. Rev. S. G. Finney will preach at bringing in a large numtier of visi­ than $000,000-a sum that would A Co., of Astoria, announced the Nothing like a Foot Warmer for tors who will visit this county this have been highly creditable to com ­ I. W. W. Brown representing the awarding of a contract to Kruse A Id drives, get one at the Tillamook ! Bay City on Sunday morning and year. munities often times the wealth and Co . of North llerld, for the con­ Olson A Mahony interests and in in the Presbyterian church in this edCo. If ever there was a struction of a gasoline schooner charge of Couch street dock, has re­ The Oregonian last week contain­ population. city in the evening. See the I- D. B. C. about the social ed a telegram from Wrshington to meritorious projiosition in which that will have a speed of II knots, ceived an offer of the agency of the borrowed the The person who ey are to give on St Valentine’s the people of a community express and will be ready for service May 1. new achooner, as lie also handles wire stretcher from Alex McNair A the effect that the Board of Review ening. , . ed their faith in good hard cash it She will operate between Portland, the Elmores' business and it 1s Co.’s hardware store will please re­ had turned down the proposed pro­ was the Tillamook improvement Tillamook and Yaquina Bay |x>ints. planned that both shall operate Highest Price paid for Hides, Fur, ject to improve Tillamook bar. This turn it as he is in need of it. * nd Sheep Pelts. N. Melchior, Till- was no surprise to those who had project, and it ia a narrow, short­ The schooner will lx- of the twin from the same berth. Watch thia paper for farther tips mook, Ore. • been in telegraphic communication sighted |x»licy that has robbed them screw tyfie and e<|uip|*ed with two concerning what is to take place in Subscribe for the Headlight. Ye cold blooded and ye chilly, the near future in the way of a social with the Oregon delegation, but, it of the appropriation and retarded |K.in A. Alley and ’ a few days, who will be ready to priation. dent and Fire Insuiance, as they ildrid Burns. {collect taxes in alxiut a week. “ Arizona” to-night. Here ia a write more than three-quarters of Try a bale of third cutting Cali- play worth your time and consid­ the insurance written in Tillamook ! fornia Alfalfa or Oat Hay, the beat eration. A Letter play has never County, becanae they are better and cheapest quality considered, been presented in this city. The equipped than any one else in the i See Wm. Curtis or H. C. Kunze. * names of the people taking part, business Be sure and take part in the First wil’ assure you the carefulness ' National Bank’s literary contest. with which the players have been AGED PIONEER STRICKEN It matters not what amouut of See the prizes that are offered in 1 chosen for thia play. Go and see a E H Virgil. Long Resident of the bank's advertisement on this play that is a play. It's to-nigtit. Portland, Not Likely to Recover money you have to deposit—we will page. • The seat sale at Lamar's is un After a stroke or paralyei-t last accept it at this bank. We welcome John M. Weiss, jr., and Mary E. I usually large and everything is in Friday E. H. Virgil, a prominent the stnatl depositor, we extend to him Dunn. lx>th of Cloverdale, were readiness to offer to tile theatre I pioneer and wealthy resident, is in B. D. bRMflR, Pro going people of Tillamook a pls) the same consideration and coutesies united in marriage at the Christian ‘ a critical condition at his home. Does ted in the parsonage, Jan. 23rd. V. E. Hoven they will long remember. l>es. Burners. Wicks.etc. I of the proposed county fair with the and coming <0 Portland on ¡1 visit Executive Board of the Club. about a week ago lie was taken with —K ing a smith C o . • Around.” TILLAMCOK COUNTY BANK , A < onifsihy ¡slicing formed for Charles Kunze was chosen chair­ a severe cold, followed by iwralysia, TILLAMOOK, OREGON the purpose of erecting a $45.00| man. when a general discussion which left him helpless. He up- buMneas block opposite tlir Tilia- , ensued, it l»eing generally conceded l«eared to be sinking slowly’ and m«x,k Block, part of which will be that a rood fair could lie held, and steadily. Mr. Virgil ia 80 years old, but le C. Kunze, F. C. Norton, H. V. nee I tor a modern hotel Persuing Our Established Policy of CLOSING OUT Our line of RUBBER BOOTS at the end of the season We will Sell the remaining Stock on hand at the following prices MEN’S LONG all Snag BOOT MEN’S LONG Rubber BOOT MEN’S SHORT Snag BOOT BOY’S SHORT Rubber BOOT YOUTHS’ SHORT Rubber BOOT CHILDREN’S SHORT Rubber BOOT PATZLAFS “ ALCO Ltamar’s Variety Store, NEW GOODS on each boat [0] I0J W? Welcome Small Deposits #5.75 4.50 3.75 2.00 1.25