TIGI AMOOK HEADLIGHT JANUARY 19, 1911 Tha Rajahs of Bustar. READY FOR A JOKE annot blame me at the judgment AN UNREAD REPORT. The rajahs of Bustar are hybrid of our God. Read carefully the rajputs, claiming to be of the faini|y 'ollowing reference» and all, anil Th» Mathods of Barney Barnato In Hia Th» Custom» Official Had a Sansa af of the moon, and have reigned in Hus- Humor Himself. think : Mining Venturas. tar for betweeu five anil six biiiclnxt 1. —Christ must have fir»t place in I d the smoking room of the Hotel years. The family liears the mime of Rev. V. E. Hoven ‘ Knocks” your Barney Barnato before the tragic life or none.—Matt, x., 3B-37. Iles Brltaiuilques at the lovely re Ratbputty. and every year the rajah a Sister Church in a Letter if you yield to friend» or relative» termination of his career was wide!/ des sort of.,Mentone. on the French Ri­ has to sit on the rntli at the festival of known because of his large fortune and change from the Church of to a Young Woman. Christ to please them, Jeans says won in mining ventures. Ills rapid viera, some three years ago two Eng­ the Dusseerali wearing the jewels of we are not worthy of him. Such a accumulation of wealth was popularly lishmen met. After half au hour s the goddess Dunteshwarre. the tulelary EDITOR OF TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, step you cannot afford to take. attributid to luck, but luck of the per 2. — To change from the Church of sistent variety usually rests upon a «■onversation the Englishman from goddess of the state, which nre biou tit I would like to have a little space Manchester »aid to his new acquaint­ from Dautawura temple for the pur­ Christ to another church not named in your paper regarding the follow­ pose. in the Bible, is to deny Christ. The more solid basis than mere chance. ance from London: ing : church named in the Bible (Matt. An insight to Barnato’» methods Is af­ "Save for the Jewels be Is clud o-,|y “ I say, old fellow, would you inlud Last September the following : xvi., 18 ; Rom. xvi., l«l is the body forded by an incident recently related In wreaths of flowers," says a writer taking a small parcel for me to Paris letter was sent to several of the of Christ. Eph. i.. 22, 23. If you by A. A. Blow, an Ameri. an engineer In the Wide World, "and when we go back upon Hi» church, His once lu Barnato’s employ. After an and have ft sent to this address there? saw him be looked very solemn--al- Protestant churches in thia city : laxly, you go back upon Him. The Pm leaving for Milan in the morning. ” D ear B rother .—Y ou and your Presbyterian Church is not named exhaustive examination of a mine most ashamed of himself—as he passed l>eople are most heartily invited to in The Londoner willingly consented to us. whose purchase was uuder considera­ the Bible, and many of it» prac ­ attend, cooperate ami enjoy with “In connection with this ceremony are not found in the Bible, tion Blow prepared an elatsjrute mid do this much for one of his coutitry- us tile revival services to begin tices hem e it is not of Christ, but of men. voluminous report. It wus accompa­ men. there used to be a brutal custom of Lord’s Day, Sept. 25th. risk your salvation upon nied by maps and selections and was “Awfully good of you. I’ll have the dragging the rath, u huge sort of jug­ We give the converts liliertv to go I Don’ ’ t s word» and works. a piece of work of which the engineer boy take the parcel to your room In gernaut car weighing many tons, over into the church where, under God, man X — To join a church not named felt that he could be Justly proud. they feel nearest the Saviour and the Bible is to stand for the When It was handed to Bsruato to the mornlug,” acknowledged the Eng­ the bodies of live bulfaloes, often only most in harmony with the word of in partly killing them. division if God ’ s people, to hinder lishman bound for Milan. God. Absolutely Pure "This horrible practice was stopi td the answer to Jesus’ prayer for the . read, however, the latter laid it aside In the mornlug the puckage was left United we can take Tillamook for union unopened. of his followers, John xvii., by British officials.” Tho only baking pnwdar Christ. Come let us work for the at the other’s room. be said “ Tell me about ft, 1 21. and to hinder the salvation "So that is what be calls a small made from Hoy al Grape salvation of hundreds who are 20, Blow proceeded to make an oral re- without God and hope in the world. of the world all of which is sin. Indispensable. parcel,” he exclaimed. “And what Cream of Tartar I. Cor. i., 10-13. port. Fraternally yours, Three camels presented themselves might it contain? A package of such Keep on the »afe side. Would Finally be exclaim- Barnato dozed. (Signed), No Alum, No Lime Phosphate size the custom ufficers would certain­ at the dock where tlie ark was tied up, like to talk with you, if you can ed: V. “ E. HOVEN, “ ........... Minister. come over. ly want opened. W’hat—cigarettes and whereas but two animals of a kind 1). O. OLroN, Evangelist. because I tbluk you ” 1 employed you Faithfully your friend and brother, know something about this business, 3,000 of them! Is it possible that auy hud been called for. During the Olson meetings a (Signed), V. E. HoVJSN. EXTENSION TO TILLAMOOK “One of you fellows will have to one could have the audacity to ask young relative of mine was per-| This letter was handed to Miss and I do not. Now. I do not want to such a favor—to smuggle 3,000 ciga­ step aside!” shouted Noah very per­ WILL GO FORWARD AT ONCE. suaded that it would be proper lor Whittemore one evening during the hear all of this scientific rot about this rettes into France! That chap shall emptorily. mine. All 1 want you to tell me Is United Railways to 1 illatnook to i her to become baptised by immer­ Taylor meetings. 1 do not care to whether it Is good business?" But the three ships of the desert pay for this, for I shall declare these be C.mpleted in Twelve Montlia. sion, which was done. She was get into any newspaper controversy cigarettes aud leave them to be called smiled knowingly. Blow told him “No,” told before being so baptised that about this matter, but in view of “I.” said the first of them, “am the “Then that settles it,” said Barnato. for when the duty Is paid.” Electric cars will be operating she could retain her membership I all these things, was it in a spirit "You are willing to accept the respon­ The Londoner left Mentone that aft­ camel which shall pass through the over the extension of the Oregon in the church with which she was 1 of fairness that Mr. Hoven entered sibility of turning down this property ernoon. The following day’ he was In eye of a needle sooner than n rich muu Paris ut the Gare de I’Est, his luggage shall enter the kingdom of heaven.” Electric Railway from Salem to Eu­ then affiliated, which was the Pres­ the Taylor meetings and were his at the price offered?” ”1,” said the secoud, “am the cautel gene before the end of the present byterian Church, of Corvallis. After 1 r.ction honorable and Christian "Yes,” was Blow’s reply, “but 1 ready for examination. “Anything dutiable?” asked the cus which so ninny people swallow w hile year as a result 01 the conferences being baptised she was told that like ? The young lady entered the want you to examine the reports, map», straining at a gnat.” held in the past few weeks by John she was then n member of the church of her choice, entirely upon assays, plans, etc., and see the rea­ toms officer. “And I,” said the third and lust, "Nothing,” replied the Englishman, F. Stevens, who has returned to Christian Church, also known as' her own wish, no relatives nor sons I have for my conclusions.” “am the camel whose back was bro- “Why should I do this?” Baruato In­ “excepting In that parcel there.” Fortland, and officials of the llill the Church of Christ, ft seems that friends having influenced her in ken by the last straw.” “What does It contain?” system in the East. the minister of the latter church | any way. 1 am not a member of quired. “You tell me that it Is not Whereupon Noah, perceiving that “Three thousand cigarettes.” said the ‘ good business. ’ Aud as I cannot un ­ Mr. Stevens, who is presiilent of discovered that the young- lady 1 any church am! am not well versed, derstand your report why should I Londoner, with a smile upon his face posterity could 111 spare any of these tile North Bunk road und who has intended retaining her membership in the Bible, but I do like to see waste my time on anything that Is not —a smile of embarrassment at having and would be lost for Illustrations charge of all the Hill construction in the Presbyterian Church and fair play. without them, graciously made an ex­ such a parcel with him. good business?”—Moody’s Magazine. work in Oregon, said tlmt work on affiliating with the church here, it The Frenchman raised his hand» In ception In their favor.—ruck. It is unnecessary for me to take the Eugene extension will begin as is common knowledge that the the air and laughed heartily. He. too. up Mr. Hoven’s last letter given VOCAL TRAINING ABROAD soon as the route is select« <1. was as ready for a good joke as any Methodists, United Brethren, Pres above, as its unfairness, especially A Famous Vine. Rights of Way SurveyeJ. In the Cumberland Txidge portion of byterian and Christian Churches in the light of Hie invitation to the Tha Handicap American Muaic Stu­ one. and on each piece of the English­ man’s luggage went his O. K. cross. Four or live different rights-of. united in holding the late Taylor the royal gardens at Windsor there Isa dents Face In Parie. i other churches, is apparent to all, Hardly realizing what had happened, vine, known all over England as the v_me available and all of them revivals, with the understanding: “ The American voice is better ban ­ and the other churches ami people the Londoner found himself riding In Cumberland Lodge vine, which Is a i... i e been surveyed. Three of these that any convert was at liberty to , can see the unfair methods used died nt home than abroad.” Is the con- a taxicab along the streets of Paris shoot of a still older vine which grows he iti the valley mid the others lend join the church of his or her choice; ' against them. elusion tbat years of experience have with the parcel of 3.000 cigarettes un­ at Hampton Court, but the shoot has led Mr. Savage to reach, “for here It over the hills. Mr. Stevens will that the services were for the ad­ der hia arm and nothing left to do but fur outdistanced Its parent In dimen­ Respectfully, Is better understood than It Is there. to deliver It as he had been asked. spend the next lew duysin consider­ vancement of Christianity and not H. E. M orris . sions and productiveness. In England Vocal training acquired. Europe offers ing the advantages of each, after for the furtherance of any church We understand that Evangelist the advantage of generations of tradi­ grapes are generally grown under which he will select the line that is or creed. glass, and the Cumberland I-odge vine Taylor wanted to rend the Whitte­ tion ami an opportunity to crystallize BEAT THE BANK. in his judgment the most advisable. In view of the invitation from the more letter at the revival meetings, Individual ideas of Interpretation, has a great glass structure. 120 feet Contracts for the construction resident minister of the Christian but Rev. S. G. Finney, pastor of the Here the singer has his courses of A French Naval Officer’s Daring Ex- long by 20 wide, all to Itself. Growing work will held at once and the road Church and of Evangelist Olson, with astonishing luxuriance, the vine padiant at Monte Carlo. Presbyterian church, for fear that technology; there be finds the Beaux rushed to completion. As the line, and the open understanding be­ spreads Itself over a roof area of 2.400 Arts for iHillshlng. Those who have visited Monte Car ­ which will be virtually 7.1 miles In tween the several ministers prior it might impede the good work of “One thing that must tie keenly felt lo have heard of If not seen the pitiful square feet and bears annually a crop length, will be built over n country to and during the r.-cent Taylor the revival meetings, requested that by Americans studying In Paris and ruin of many an unfortunate person I of approximately a thousand huge that will permit of comparatively meetings, I was surprised to see it be not read. Eli. who for years have spent tlielr money who has lost bls last franc in playing bunches of the finest flavored grapes. and time there Is the chauvinistic at­ at roulette In that palatial gambling These grapes are frequently found on easy grades, little difficulty is ex­ the following letter, which is given Farm for Sale. titude of the French toward American den. All are not so fortunate as to the royal table, and Hie subject who is pected ill having it built before the in full: have an armored cruiser at their dis­ presented with a basket of them con­ end of the year. A franchise has I have been informed that you ! For sale by owner: The south singers. “ chore are. it seems. 3.000 American posal, as was the ease with a French siders himself highly favored. The already been secured In Eugene, as intend to leave the Church of Christ hall of the place known as the Hill shoot from which the great vine has well as in several of the smuller and join the Presbyterian Church. place on the Nestucca River, half ’ music students in Paris. You can naval officer some years ago. He had grown was planted in 1775. count on three fingers- these In that gone ashore In the morning with I wanted to see you, but oppor- I towns through which the road will tunity did nut present itself, hence of mile of Hebo, will sell with or number who will ever really ’arrive.’ naught in his pockets but his own build. I write this. Of course, I cannot without cattle, some one is going In many cnses their people are slaving earnings. By noon It was all gone. Cliff of Natural Glass. No definite plans have been made hinder you from doing anything, ' A cliff of natural glass can lie seen If be but had another 500 francs he to get a bargain, it is going cheap. at home to meet constant demands but I want to set before you some for the extension of the line south results of your action, if you leave Easy terms. Write for price.— for more money. Yet those students wus sure of winning. During those in Yellowstone park. It Is half a mile or west of Eugene, although Mr. the Church of Christ, so that you' H enry THOMPSON, Hebo, Ore. have no more chance of a Paris en­ morning hours of failure he bad work­ long uud from 150 to 200 feet high, gagement than an icicle in regions ed out a system, and with Just a few the material of which It consists being Stevens spoke hopefully of such ultra tropical. procedure ut some future time. He franeB more success was certain. He as good glass as that artificially manu­ “At the Paris Conservatoire, a most would use the ship’s mouey. Perhaps factured. The dense glass which denied, however, any connection “ ARIZONA.” excellent Institution, they b’nd native it was not Just the right thing to do. forms the bnse is from seventy-five to betweeu the Hill interests mid the pupils on conclusion of study for years but in another two hours he would be a hundred feet thick, while the tipper Lune County Asset Company or any of apiienrances at French opera having suffered and survived other local corporation organized Here it is at last, “Arizona” in 4 acts, Opera houses. In Paris there are the Grand able to return It, would have recouped portion, recently for the ostensible purpose House, two nights, Thursday and Friday, January 26th Opera, the Opera Comlque and the his own lose and have wou who knows many ages of wind and rain, has natu­ rally worn much thinner. Of course what fortune besides. ot building u railroad toward the anil 27th. Absolutely the best show ever given in this I.yrique, all signing them for engage­ At sunset he returned to his ship a the color of the cliff Is not that of nat­ const by way of Elmira mid with the ments. From these they are In turn Following are the names of the people taking sublet to such outlying theaters as ruined man. The system, like all sys­ ural glass—transparent and white—but probable intention of eventually city. tems of the sort, had failed. What Is mostly black and In some places parts : thoae of Bordeaux. Lyons and else­ was to be doue? To return home mottled and streaked with brownish reuching Coos Buy. where In the provinces. The French would mean a dishonorable discharge, red and shades of olive green and Col. Bonham, 11th U.S. Cavalry Coaat Line to Be Built. Mr. John Aschiin do not want the money to go out of lifelong disgrace. If not even more se­ brown. “Wehave no purpose at present,” Sam Wong Howard Woolfe the country. vere punishment. Death seemed the he suid. “except to complete the Henry Canby B. J. McCowell “And still the cry Is: ‘Go to Paris to only alternative. But no; he would Exclusive. work ulready undertaken. Thia, in Mrs. Canby Go to Paris to study!“’—Wil­ make one final attempt to save him­ Miss Daisy Allender study! At an evangelistic service at Glasgow addition to the Deschutes line and liam Armstrong In Ainslee’s. self. He would force the authorities the preacher at the end of Ills sdd.ess the Oregon Electric extension, will Estrella Bonham, wife of the Col., Miss Eliza Dawson of Monte Carlo to return to him what cried, “Now. all you good people who include the completion of the Unite«! Lena Keller . . Elsie Lamb Whan tha Proas Waa Rastrictad. he had lost or be would blow up their mean to go to heaven with me. «laud Railways to the coaat with a termi­ Lieut. Denton, lltli U.S. Cavalry, Horace Sappington Many of the restrictions that ham­ gambling palace! up!" With a surge of enthusiasm the the Influence of the press re­ nal at Tillamook. Bonita Canbv As soon as he was again on board audience sprang to Its feet, all but Mrs. J. Hiner pered mained lu force until the cloae of the his order was: “Clear decks for action. “We are planning to start work Miss Maceullongh, a school teacher, eighteenth century in England. It was Raise the muzzle of every gun and let an old Scotchman in the front row, on the Tillamook line lieyond the who sat still. The horrified evangelist Miss Blanch Whittemore not till that period that newspapers them point toward the heights of Mo­ wrung his hands and, addressing Idin, present terminal ut once. It is not obtained the right to criticise the poli ­ likely, though, thut we can have it Dr. Fcnlon, Burgeon 11th U.S. Cav., Clarence Stanley cy of ministers and of the king. Mr. naco.” said, “My good man, my gd man, Whatever the sailors might think of don't you want to go to heaven?” completed within the year.” Cnpt. Hntlgman, 11th U.S. Cav. Carl Dawson Walter, the flrat editor of the Londou such an order mattered little; obey \\ hetlier the Tillamook road will Tony Mostauo, a vaquero . Clear and deliberate caiue the an­ Jim Hiner Time«, was prosecuted for cenanrlng they must. With all haste a messen­ swer. “Aye, Awtn gangin, but no wl’ be built by the company itself or Lieut. the Duke of York. He was sentenced Hallock, 11th U.S. Cav. Cloyd Dawson to pay a due of $250, stand In the pil­ ger was sent ashore with a note, and a pairsonally conducted pairty.'"-St. constructed by contractors has not the captain meanwhile paced the deck , lory for au hour, be Imprisoned for a In silence awaiting the reply-a reply James Gazette. I een determitied. but it is likely that i Sergt Keller, from Berlin, 11th U.S. Cav., the work will be done in the smile John Zumstein year and give security for his good be­ which meant life or death to him. Kindly Fruits. manner aa thut on the line thus far laiuut. i lltli U.S» Cav. . . Burr Beals havior for »even years. The order Finally the messenger returned car­ with regard to the pillory waa can­ rylug a bag of gold coins. That night The expression In the prayer book completed, the company building New scenery complete for this play. Heir Jim celed. but be had to serve bla term In part of the roud itself mid letting the French cruiser weighed anchor “Kindly fruits of the earth" has for Hiner sing the great Mexican love song “Adios Amor,” Jail. and quietly steamed out Into the Medi­ most persons no definite meaning uti contracts for tunnel and bridge con­ sung only in this play. terranean. her captain happy that he account of the difference In signifi­ struction. Sarno Thing. now attached to the word kind­ While both the Oregon Electric Seats are now selling at Lamar’s drug store You’ll Mr SImpaon was reading the news­ bad fared no worse and the authorities cance ly from that used when the expression of Monte Carlo only too glad to be rid mid the United Railway a are Is-uig have to hurry. paper. "Here's a Chicago man got so dangerous a visitor —Washington was first written. The word kindly In built with the immediate view of Into a drunken brawl and was stab­ of that connection meant as nearly aa Star. bed to death." ba said aloud. operating liy electricity, the road possible "of Its kind," ami the expres­ His wife glanced up from bar knit­ l»cda are so constructed thut they sion "kindly fruits of the earth” Virtuous Indignation. <( ting and commented. "In some low will ;>erimt the o|ieratton of heavy "The reporter who came to see about meant “the fruits of the earth each saloon, I suppose.’* steam trains That both roads will the fancy boll was a horrid creature." after its kind." “No The paper say» he got stabbed “WhyF eventually lie turmrd into steam MEETS IN THE In the thoracic cavity." Why Wasta Hia Braathf lines is u foregone conclueioa. Mr. "He asked for my picture to publish “Same thing You’d think the po­ with the account. and I told him Indig­ Teacher—Now, Tommy, suppose you Steven» «aid Inal night that thia ac lice would ckiae such a place up."-Na­ nantly I did not care for such notort- had two apples and you gave another tiou was very likely to be taken uii tional Monthly. •*ty• Then I had to go out of the room boy bla choice of them. You would trU both roads within the next tew years. a minute and forget my picture, which him to take the bigger one. wouldn’t Unfit. was lying oa the table near where he you? Tommy—No, mum. Teacher- Cadger—Old High roller baa Just been was standing, and’’— Why? Tommy—Cos ’twouldn’t lie nee- telling us about a time when be was •••ary —Suburban Life. "He took It and put it InT shipwrecked and all the survivors but “N no; be l-left It there .’’-Baltimore he Were eaten by cannibals. Badger American Fairly Warned. Best rif Music ami Floor Management Why didn’t they eat Mm? Cadger-I Hr—My dear. 1 can’t afford doa t know exactly, but 1 suspect there you that hat She .mill. r to tel when you ain’t sleepy an’ «R up when you are ” Toledo Blade. of Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. À