TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 10, PEOPLE YOU KNOW SUPREME COURT WORK, 1911. FORGOT THE KEY, Hew the Justiess Prepare Dseisisns Than th* Locksmith 8how«d Him How to Open ths Door. and Dissenting Opinions. When Mr. and Mrs. Eastend started On Saturday evening each J uki Ice re­ They May Not Be Quite So Nu­ ceives from the chief Justice au en­ out to spend the evening In pursuance velope containing the names of the of an engagement they paused on the merous as You Imagine. cases the chief Justice has dec ided to front steps long enough for Mrs. E. allow the Justice to write the opinions to propound the usual query, "Have on. and the chief Justice alao uotities you got the key, dear?" GUESS AS TO THEIR NUMBER, the Justices of the hour of the confer­ "Yes. 1 guess so," said Mr. E. "Wait ence ou Monday morning. The confer a minute. No, I haven't, either. What do you think of that? Must have left Than Do 8ome Thinking and Figuring ences are usually held In the confer­ ence rcscui under loc ked doors. The it ou the dresser.” ■ nd Sas How Far From Your busts "Well, here's a pretty how-de-do!” chief Justice firesides, and cases are You Coms and Incidentally Learn taken up or postponed according to the exclaimed Mrs. E. as her consort sav­ fl How Many Folks You Don’t Know. wishes of the Justices or their readi agely but fruitlessly rummaged bis Iild you ever have the exiwrleuce of ness to consider them. Each Justice pockets. "How are we going to get In walking dow u Main street with u man is furnished with a loc k book, lu which to get it?" Hubby first tried the lower windows, who Is running for office? All the time he may enter the details of a case, the be is bowing right and left to people record of the vote on conference aud to find them all carefully locked. you meet, beveral times In a block lie the Dual disposition. On a case be­ Neighbors awoke to the situation aud will stop to shake hands nith uu ac­ ing assigned by the chief Justice to a hegau to be helpful. "Ger a ladder," said one. Justice to write the opinion of the quaintance. Varnish, Doors, Window “Get a jimmy,” said another. "You seem to know every oue," you court the opinion when written must "Get au aeroplane, ” said a third. be agreeable to the Justices. If not say to him almost enviously. Various other expedients, ranging "That's right," be replies, not wlth- the dissatisfied Justice will promptly out some pride. "I guess I du know write a dlsseutfng opinion. In some from derricks to dynamite, were sug­ Finally one neighbor brought Instances four of the Justices have gested everybody worth knowing.” Yet how many people does he know? each written a dissenting opinion, but a ladder which wouldn’t reach the Agents for the Western How many people do you kuow your­ the- usual custom is for one to write second story w ludows by six feet. It self? Did you ever try to figure it out? |t and announce that Hie others con­ was suggested that the Are depart­ ment be summoned. Rejected. What proportion of the |a*ople iu the cur Before a case Is reac hed for argu­ By this time the engagement hud to United States do you know? Certainly you don't know- the one-huiidretli part ment the Justices familiarize them­ be called off, and the remarks Mrs. E. The Reliable Tillamook County of them. Even the president of the selves with its records and briefs, aud was making to the female contingent United States doesn’t mid couldn’t If when one Is directed to write the* opin­ of the assemblage will not here tie re­ ¡X lie kept traveling all the time, niuking ion he makes a study of the case, long corded. As u last resort a locksmith u host of new acquaintances every day. or short, as its gravity demands. This was suggested, aud Mr. E. departed In To kuow the one-hundred th part of may take a few days or months. The search of one. At the eud of an hour the people in this country would be to opinion Is dictated, and after being he returned with a stolid looking Ger­ know in the neighborhood of n million typewritten It Is corrected. boiled man bearing an armful of tools. "Vlch toor?” lie inquired. IK-rsoiis. No: it is perfectly safe to say down and revised: another copy Is then "This one." hh I new acquaintances u week tif the* opinion to the publishers of the Look and Ida geuerul air of Misery, United States auprenie court re|s>rts, Suddenly an Idea came to her — to ■ '-n, ,e there are weeks and weeks that Machinery, and tlm case Dually becomes one of liinke this man Rich, ao that he would n il,,- n<> new iicqualutiimen nt nil, thousands In the law libraries to be no longer have to delve and struggle Birst Lumber of the ' -I tlieu there are times, such ns pic- nlc week aud vacation week a ml rend mid rerend If of moment or to be to eke out a Bure Living, Bo she forgotten If mere detail.—Imle|a-udeiit swooped dowu mid touched the plow ON - Imrch fair week, when you meet a w ith her wand- she was. of course, In­ r of people, so that two n week Is a visible mid Instantly it was changed Ths Secluded Duchsss. tulr average, You have been meeting The Duchesne du Maine. who hold to Solid Gold. Then with an amused penpie. say. for twenty-live years her court nt Sceanx during the reign but kindly backward glance the Benev­ That's 2,500. lau't It? Is it possible that .von know only of the regent, was an Imperious old olent Fairy went ou her way. A year later, remembering the oc­ lady. One day. according to "A Prin­ 2.000 people? You thought the num ber would be far more than that? cess of Strategy," when she was III currence. she flew over to see how the But hold ou You don't kuow nearly ■he complained to the doctor that lie Farmer was eujoylng his Good For­ She found him lu the Fields, that uiauy. There are lots aud lots waa not curing her quickly enough. tune of people whom you knew tweuty What was the go-al. she wanted to plowing lalstriously, ‘and If anything years ago that you don't know now. know, of con>|>elllllg tier to go without be ami Ills surroundings looked Mean­ sm, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities, You cannot even remember their so many things and making her live In er and More Miserable than they bad Much surprised, the Fairy seclusion? "But," refilled the doctor, before. ifythe blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitutes. names or what they looked like. flew closer. Just lu time to hear him Just sit down aud try to remember "your most serene hlghm-as lias nt pre­ Sold by Chas. I. Clough. tlie names of all the laiys and girls ent forty |H-ople at the chateau!" murmur: “I wish thia ding-busted plow waru't that were tn the same room In the “Forty or fifty people!” said the du pul-llc school with you. You cannot chesne. "Well, for a princess that Is so heavy!" Old Soldier Tortured. The Benevolent Fairy eyed Idin Pity­ remember half of them or a third of practically seclusion." "For years I suffered uns ingly: then she once more touched the able torture from indigestion them or n tlftli of them It Is safe to plow with her wand, and It again be­ stipntion and liver trouble,” wrote say that of every two persons you Net a Chanesl PPOPXIETOK met In all your life you have forgot teu A man told another man a few days came a tiling of wood and Iron. Then A. K. Smith, a war veteran at Erie, l*n., "but Dr. King's New Life one. The chances are that the uuin- ago how he had been buttoning bls she flew- sway, and the Farmer rc-sum Pilla fixed 1 i me nil right. They're Iwr of i—iple you kuow by name Is wife's rtreas for five years aud Dually, cd Ills Toll. Try them for any After all. are there not some folk ■imply great, nearer LlkXl than It Is 2. lu order to even the account, he laid aromuch, I' liver or kidney troMtilc. Of course a preacher with a thou­ a shirt made to order with sixty tlv» who woukl die of thirst adrift on a Only 25c. at Charles I. Clough. river? — Clifton B. Dowd In Lippin­ sand members In hl* ehurvli Is expect­ buttons down the back. ed to know them all by name. Hut •TIM you make her button It?” cott’s. Medicines that aid nature are all the same you will Hud him saying eagerly Inquired tlm secourt party. Boiler Work, Logger's Work and Heavy Forging always moat effectual. _______ Chamlier- A Dual In Undrsas. to tils w ife with a glad smile. Inin's Cough Remedy nets on this Fino Machine Work a Specialty. Dueling. though not dead, was dy­ plan. It allay« the cough, relieves I "My dear, who was that young lady “I triad to snd fell down like slip­ -J who s|aike to us Just know?" ping on a banana skin,” replied the ing out eveu lu Roger»' time aud was lhe lungs, ojienM the secretions and It Is imsluess, too, for a merchant to llrst |>arty. "Bhs promptly told me Io Uot taken very seriously. The poet's aids nature in restoring the system remember nil of bls thousand custom button the top button aud let the oth­ biographer tells the quaint story of to a healthy condition. Thousands era. but very few uiervhanta are aide to ers alkie, explaining that they would how Mr. Humphrey Howarth, a sur­ have testified to its superior excel- do It. Feasibly some of the |H>litlclsus not show when I had put on my coat" geon. when called out made hl* ap­ ence. Sold byi-atnar's Drugstore. pearance In the field stark naked. Tlie and public lecturer» may know a con —«'Iik ago Tribune. Solves a Deep Mystery. astonished challenger asked him what pie of thousand persona by name, but "I want to thank you from the be meant. "1 know," said Howarth, very few other persona kuow that Mshsmst's Parliament bottom of my heart,” wrote C. B. many. When Disraeli was In Egypt the "that If any part of the clothing is Ruder, of Lewisburw, W. Va., “ for If this estimate ■cenni too low It la story la told In Mr. Mouy|iekiny*a bl- carried Into the body by a gunshot the wonderful double benefit I got IN THE WETTEST WEATHER* easily disproved All you have to do ography-be met Mebemet All. who wound festering ensues, and therefore from Klectric Bitters, in curing me NOTHIN« EQUALS The boy or girl with any Is to take i-euvll aud |m|wr aud ia-gln desired to Introduce |iarllaiuentary lu- I have met you thus." Ills antagonist of both a severe case of stomach defect of vision is greatly putting dowu the nntuea of your SC- stltutlons Into his cuuutry. **| will declared that lighting a man In purls trouble and of rheutnntistn. from handicapped in the pursuit qualutames Start with your owu have a |«rllameut." he said, “aud I uaturallbua would be quite ridiculous, which I had been an almost help, of knowledge in the school It family aud thru put down your cousins will have as mauy parllaiueuts as th« ami accordingly they parted without less sufferer for ten years. room. If your boy or girl suited my case as though made and your aecoud cousins and your king of England kliuaelf* Bo saying, further discussion. does not show a high per ¡ust for me.” For dyspepsia, indi­ WATERPROOF wire's relations Then put dowu th« his highness produced two lists of centage of average in the gestion. jaundice and to rid the OILED names of the people you know In the nauiM school report the probabili­ Dsfinita system of kidney poisons that ••».», hero," bs said "Here town you us.-d to live lu and the p«o- ties are that there is some­ "Madam"—« census taker waa speak­ cause rheumatism. Klectric Bitters ar» uiy psrilaiueuta But I bars mads fle you know socially. Follow that up thing the matter with the THEY UXX Will- V. tAR WELL Try them. Kvery I up my U1I1H1. to prevent inconvsuleuea. ing to b«r who answered h‘s knock- has no equal. with the peoph, you know In tmalnssa, to »lect them myaetf." eyes. To find out costs you AND WILL NOT LIAK "bow many children orar six and un­ bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. nothing if you will bring then — der twenty oue yaara of age bar* Only !kk?. at Charles I. Clough. KWC (W> -♦392 _*3i? them to me for examina- But you can't dispute these ligures mr SUITS »3« •• Fanny sf Him. tion. It doesn’t pay to It la too much trouble to think of all Death in Roaring Fire *» nrew< “I-etnme see." she reflected; "lemme Mtw faseutaw Here's the man com« guess about the eyesight cmuss net toe people you know. You’ll nevsr do It. Waal. air. tbar be two over sii May not result from work of Bre­ of your child—it is better to fix our clock. do upstairs and get see AJ.Towrs Co. aoa-roM.usjx. — New York World. inig». but often severe burns are to see that the eyes are re G wadiam Co. taarts - tooomto cam , It for him. won t you? Mr. Laaeubsw- M* two under tw»uty-on»."-Ev«ry- caused that make a quick need for right. If glasses are needed ft l«u t upatalra. la It? Mr* ! aten- body» Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the quick­ I am prepared to furnish Iwe Ortainly Where did you think est, surest cure for bums, wounds, the exact thing that will Prepe«a H waa? Mr Iauwabe«—I thought It bruises, boils, sores. It subdues meet the needs of the case. ewrvapondeut of th« New Tart inflammation. It kills pain. It I mk I run down.-Catholic Standard and Remember that they are Administrator's Notice. soothes »nd heals. Drives off skin overboard tbs fol low tag •V« guaranteed for one year, erupt.ims. ulsers or piles. Only and I am here to make ¿Sc. st Chas. 1. Clough. them good, • • Traveling fa- a** kirs are not. I» thia lb> you know that fully nine out of every ten cases ol rtieuinatiam nrv simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic .heumatiam. and require no internal treatment whatever? KYK SPKCIALIST. I>e»tlsy bears us to o«r lot. sad d«a- ¡Apply Chamberlain's Unimeut I heal) snd see how it . <*->? Is perhaps oar own wtu Dto TIIJ.AMOOK . OR KOON. relief For sale by IM* Store I DAIRYMEN’ AND S • SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of ■3 I Tinware Hardware and China Oils. Paint, Sashes Saw Great ALEX McNAIR CO Merchants in Most Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Com])) Manufacturers KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. New LET Saw Mill the County. Experienced Workmen and Class Best Quality. FIGURE YOUR LUMBER BILL. KIDNEY PIUS S Tillamook Iron Works Î 1 General Machinists & Blacksmiths. < 4 1 I TILLAMOOK, OREGON. FOR OUT DOOR WORK GARMENTS I Dr. H. E. Morris.