TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 10, 1011. the incorporate limits of Tillamook are better than the average, and City, Oregon, shall at any future Missouri Josephine’s Sarcastic jj Either to apply for the large time be granted to such pexgpnor quite an unusual heifer. .STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) government dredge which was person so convicted for the third • >ne year........ Josephine weighs around 13M built by the government for use violation of the provisions of this Six months .... pounds, while Colantha Fourth’J in improving the liarlxirs along ordinance ; and, provided further, Three months this coast or let the work by­ City Council Passed Ordi­ that no license for the sale of in­ Johanna, the Holstein of RosendaH contract. Capt. Hosford, one of nance to Regulate Saloons. toxicating liquor within the incor­ Wis., the cowthat formerly held the! porate limits of Tillamook City, world’s record, weighs 1600. The] the owners of the Golden Gate, The following ordinance to regu­ Oregon, to any person who has advantage of 300 pounds gave thj who has looked the situation l>een convicted for a felony, within over, has made the statement late saloons was passed by the city two years after the expiration of the Wisconsin cow additional staminj that it would take comparative­ council on Monday evening which sentence imposed for such crime. to stand the strain of the year’J ly little time and expense, with contained the emergency clause. Provided that in any complaint milking test to which she was subJ filed with the City Recorder for any a large suction dredge, to im­ The ordinance ia similar in most violation of any provision of this jected. Josephine has smashed the] So Tillamook i» to be the ter­ Now that Tillamook County prove the channel to this city. respects to that »ent out by the ordinance, it shall not be neces­ world’s record for all periods upto] minal of the I’niteii Railway». Greater Oregon Home Rule Asso­ sary in sHid complaint to specify eleven months, and has produced has a county surveyor who has Mr. Steven» «ays bo . ciation as a "model” licensing law. the kind of intoxicating liquor sold, iieeu schooled in the art of 52 quarts of milk in a single day,] So Tillamook City is to have The only change in the ordinance bartered, exchanged, given away and averaged 47 quarts for sii| scientific and systematic road or otherwise disposed of. a “model” saloon ordimmce. as originally drawn, was in making building, we are inclined to S ection 12.—The number of li­ months. She was one ton ahead efl That is a move in the right di­ | the hours of closing one o’clock in­ think that it would be a good censes issued by the City Recorder rection. But we want to say stead of twelve o’clock, the city for the sale of any of the liquors the world's record at the end of nine] plan for the County Court to this, that without a “model” council being lined up as follows: mentioned in Section 1 of this ordi­ months of her test. She is now let] give him some supervision of citv council and a "model” For one o’clock, Shortridge, Van­ nance, and in force and operation ting down and is giving about 99 road work. There is to be a at the time of the passage of this A LiH is introduced in the large amount of money expend­ public sentiment to back it, it tress and Wilt; for twelve o’clock, ordinance, shall not be increased, pounds a day, so that she w ill need] every drop of her 2660pounds’ mar] state legislature to have the ed this year on road work, and won't amount to very much. McNair and Hathaway. until such time as the population gin to break the year’s record in ad-| However, as the new city coun ­ matter of salaries for county as the Headlight has persistent­ S ection 1.— It shall be unlawful of Tillamook City, Oregon, shall dition to the others she has already officials settled by a vote of the ly advocated having an experi­ cil is responsible for its intro­ within the incorporate limits of exceed 2500. S ection 13. —No license issued by captured. Josephine may miss the Tillamook City, Oregon, to sell, duction, it is up to the admin ­ people in each county. enced person at the head of the istration to see that the law is barter, exchange, give away, or the City Recorder, now outstanding, year’s record by from 160 to 300 road work, this would be a good otherwise dispose of any spirituous, or that may be issued under and by enforced. The Oregonion had vinous or malt liquor, or any other virtue of this ordinance, shall be pounds, but not more than 300, ac­ The 1st May is the date set for way of gradually working into some pointed remarks on the intoxicating liquor, Provided, however, cording to the men who milk tier. except for transferable. running trains over the P. R. & a new system without having The test for the world’s record for "model” license agitation, and sacramental and scientific purposes, that upon a bona tide sale by one to employ a person especially N. Co.’s railroad. The time without first having obtained a person or firm holding such a a year ended January 17. it hits the nail squarely on the will soon roll by, and on that for that purpose, and probably license therefor, as hereinafter pro­ license, the Common Council may * head. It says : in its discreation, upon a proper vided. date we hope to hear the fami­ the most economical arrange­ THE “ MODEL ” LICENSE. application made therefor, and the S ection 2. — At the time of making Obituary. liarcommand : "All aboard!” ments that could lie made. We now ha»—or will have if application for the license herein filing of a new bond, by order direct simply offer this as a sugges­ it Portland be approved by Mayor Simon—a provided for the applicant shall tile the City Recorder to take up and Augusta McDivit was born] tion for the court's considera­ “model" liquor license ordinance. It with the City Recorder a bond in cancel the out-standing license of in Aileene Seattle, Wash., March 18, l*.08,l Four Tillamookers left for the is the fruit of the ante election pro­ the sum of one thousand dollars, vendor and issue a new license to tion. Hawaii Island on a pleasure mises of the Home Rule Association. with two or more sureties, or the thej vendee for the unexpired term and died at the home of her parental trip on Sunday. How they in­ The dairy men, more than any­ The association, it would appear, bond of some legally authorized of the license cancelled without the near Tillamook City, Oregon, Jan i tend to get along without being one, should take a lively inter­ was acting in good faith, through­ surety company, conditioned that payment of any further license fee. 9, 1911, aged 2years9 months and 22| SECTION 14.—In as much as the the campaign, and after. Our he will keep at all times an orderly chaperoned we do not know, est in the proposed county fair, out prohibition friends may be surprised house, and that he will at all times constitution of the State of Oregon days. Her death was thought to brj unless they expect to engage especially in stock features. A but we hope they are not disappoint­ comply with all the conditions of has been changed since any legis­ due to a ruptured blood vessel caus-] the services of a dusky maiden large number of them look with ed. the Charter of Tillamook City, and lation on this subject has been ed by violent vomiting brought on] Yet it is not to be taken for grant with all the provisions of all the passed by Tillamook City, and in­ by stomach worms. when they arrive there. Her illness] considerable pride upon the ed, now that we have a “model” li­ ordinances of said city that are in asmuch as the present city ordi­ blooded tdi-. k they have import­ cense, that there is nothing more to force at the time of the issuing of nances are inadequate to regulate was very short and her sudden death] One of the State legislators ed into the county, the stoc k ex­ do for control, regulation and reno­ such license, or that may subse­ and control the sale of intoxicating is a sad blow to her parents, as she] liquors in this municipality, an was a kind affectionate child, and! has introduced a bill for free hibits at a county fair will en­ vation of the saloons. No law is quently be passed in this behalf. self-executing; not all saloons are Provided, that before such license emergency ia declared to exist, and baths in public schools, By able them to make comparisons law-abiding without duress ; some issue the said bond shall have been it being deemed necessary’ for the of a very helpful disposition. She! way of a passing remark we and discuss the merits and de­ saloons never were and never will approved by the Common Council, immediate preservation of the is survived by her father, mother, I are inclined to think that it merits of different breeds and be willing to obey the law. The sa­ and the applicant for such license public peace, health and safety, one sister and one bi other, who will I would be more appropriate to animals. There are those who loon problem is not sol veil, therefore shall have paid into the treasury of this ordinance »hall be in full force greatly iniss her from the home I with the adoption of the model or­ Tillamook City, Oregon, the sum of and effect from and after its have a political bath at Salem prefer the Holstein, the Jersey, dinance. The next thing is to have eight hundred dollars ($860.00). passage by the Common Council circle. In the midst of our grief I Guernsey, etc. One thing that and loneliness weknow that the Fa-1 for some of Oregon’s freak leg n model Council to enforce the model S ection 3.—No license shall be and its approval by the Mayor. would lie highly interesting to law. A model law, not observed, is issued under thia ordinance for a S ection 15.—All ordinances and tlier doeth all things well. He has ialator«. leas period than one year. parts of ordinances in conflict taken this little bud to bloom for the dairymen would be a milk­ just as bad as no law at nil. The Council, having reserved to SECTION 4.—The annual license The ordinance passed bv the ing contest between the differ­ itself in the model law full authority fee for such license shall be the herewith are hereby repealed. Him above and the tender little feet city council to prevent persons ent breed«, and if they could ar­ over saloons and control of saloon sum of eight hundred dollars will never be wounded by the thorns] congregating on the sidewalks range for a numtier of cows to licenses, will be jointly responsible ($800.00). of Life’s journey, for little Aileene| “Move On” Ordinance. S ection 5.— It shall be unlawful, and streets is a move in the enter the contest, the dairymen with the police for their orderly con­ is with the angels in that beautiful] duct. Let that fact not be forgotten within the incorporate limits of The city council passed the follow ­ right direction. Yet it seems to who curried off the honors would during the next municipal Clllll- Tillamook City, Oregon, for any city “where the streetsare of gold.”] ing ordinance on Monday evening, tis that there are other obstruc­ feel elated. We hope that the paiffn. ________________ The funeral was held at the U. B. person to sell, barter, exchange, tions placed on the side walks Grangers will take an active give away, or otherwise dispose of which is to prevent persons from church in Tillamook and the little any of the liquors mentioned in congregating on the streets and body was laid forest in the Fairview Boulder Creek. quite often which should be put part in the fair. By helping to Section 1 of this ordinance to any’ sidewalks : make this year's fair a success, a stop to. cemetery, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. anil Mrs. Nicklau«, O. W. miner under the age of 21 years, The people of Tillamook City do it would lie an easy matter in or to any person who is an habitual Kinnamon and others went sleigh The "model” licensing ordi­ another year for the Grangers drunkard, or to any person in an ordain as follows : ForLaGripje Coughs and Stuffy riding to Beaver last week. S ection 1. It shall be unlawful intoxicated condition. Colds. nance contained the emergency and the dairymen to form a We wish to correct a statement we within the incorporate limits of Till ­ SECTION (5. — It shall be unlawful, Take Foley’s Honey and Tar. It clause, which prevented "the county fair iissoliution, which amook City, Oregon, for any person gives quick relief and expels the within the incorporate limits of made some time ago as to Mr. people" having n voice in the would insure nil interesting Krake's intention to build a bunga­ Tillamook City, Oregon, to keep or persona to congregate or stand, cold from yoursystem. It contains matter. That looks us though fair every year if they under­ or remain in one place upon any low. The mistake was due to our open any room or place where any sidewalk, or in or upon any street in no opiates, is safe and sure.—C. 1.1 of the liquors mentioned in Section Clough. the city administration don't took, us they should, the man­ ignorance of carpenter’s terms. His 1 of this ordinance are kept or sold said Tillamook City, after having intend to allow "the people” to agement of those most pleasant new residence is quite a large two- or kept for sale, between the hours been requested by the marshall or Singer Sewing Machines. butt in, which is another in- affairs. story structure, whicli will make a of one (1) a,m., and five (5) o’clock any police officer of said city to tance of choking off "the peo­ a.m. on any day of the week, move on to some other place, or to Now is your opportunity to get handsome home when finished. Tillamook County is lamtid or on the first day of the week disperse. ple." ______ a machine that wilf last you a life W. I). Gladwill ia »lowly recover- commonly known as Sunday, or S ection 2. Any person upon con ­ time, on easy monthly, payments to make rapid progress the next Railroad news looks good for few years. With the comple­ ing from his injuries, although still during the times on which general viction before the City Recorder of that you will scarcely miss and Tillamook City, Oregon, of a vio ­ or city election are held. Provided Tillamook. With the I’. R. & tion of the railroads and the almost helpless from the bruised further, that nt all times the win­ lation of Section 1 of this ordinance no interest. I personally guarantee every ma­ N. Co.'s railroad to lie in opera prospect of lmrlair improve­ neck and shoulders, and his eye dows to the above specified places shall be fined in a sum not less than chine and will keep it in repair free Hut lie shall not be so shaded, screened, $3.00 nor more than $25.66, or by im­ of charge. lion in May and the work on ments, great things are expect­ still being in a bad shape, Your old machine will be taken the United Railways tube rush ed in the near future. It used does not sutler so much pain unii obstructed or covered, from and prisonment in the city jail not less above five (5) feet above the level of than two nor more than ten days. as part payment. ed to completion, ........... utlook to be, on account of its isola­ thinks he is on the mend, The acci- the side walk, as to prevent the SECTION! All ordinances or parts Machines delivered at your home, ia exceedingly bright for this tion, that Tillamook County dent happened to Mr. Gludwill interior of such rooms or places of ordinances in conflict herewith on free demonstration trial. while helping Mr Krake ’ s boy lay- county, This is a pretty good was little known or talked about from being plainly visible, across are hereby repealed. Call in and see the New Singer slogan "Keep vour optics on in other parts of the state. B urdett S hipman , Tillamook, Ore. It ing shingles on his new cheese fac­ the whole width of such windows from the outside. Whalem's Jewelry Store. Tillamook County's rapid de is quite different day, for there tory. The scaffolding gave way let­ S ection 7.—It shall tie unlawful, The World’s Record Dairy Cow They velopment and growth I" The is more talk in Portland and ting them slide off the roof. within the incorporate limits of Owned By Missouri University. Constipation is the cause of many railroads, and the improvement other parts about Tillamook fell «bout 12 ft., Mr. Gladwill strik­ Tillamook City, Oregon, for any ailments and disorders that make ing ou his head and shoulders, cut ­ person to sell, barter, exchange, of the bar, will make things . than any county in Oregon, and Missouri Chief Josephine, the life miserable. Take Chamberlain's hum in Tillamook the next few this is Isiund to bring new life, ting n bad gash on his forehead, give away or otherwise dispose of, world’» record dairy cow, owned by Stomach and Liver Tablets, keep or to purchase, or receive, or to M-.iis. _____ new activities and new money beginning just below his left eye attempt to purchase, or receive, or the Agricultural College of the Uni­ your liowels regular and you will and across to the middle of the fore ­ procure any of the liquors men­ versity of Missouri, has produced avoid these diseases. For sale by to help develop it. And for that The ordimmce passed by the reason there will I m * mi usual head, then back to the top of his tioned in Section 1 of this ordinance, calve» that are valued at more than Lamar’s Drug Store. city council on Monday gave large number of visitors who head, making a wound in which Dr. at or during any time when the the champion herself. Josephine rooms or places where such liquors the five saliMins a monopoly in will comi* to Tillamook with Smith took 21 stitches. Did You Ever Try are sold, are closed by virtue of is 8 years old, and is valued at $50») H. I this city, and “the |>eople” were the intention of locating here, Jensen has built him a this ordinance, or at any place or more, and would probably bring HARRIS ’^ NEW FEED AND I urred and aide-tracked, for it and it is natural to ex|>ect that roomy fruit and vegetable store- other than the places where such that figure in the open niaaket. liquors are lawfully kept for sale. contained an emergency chmse. travel will b<- heavy on account house this winter. The building ia LIVERY BARN, Missouri Josephine's Sarcastic, a S ection 8.—It shall be unlawful, Another instance wherein "the of the many attractive beach 12 X 39 with a numtier of shelves to within the incorporate limits of 3-year-old ¡heifer of Missouri Chief If not, give him a call. people” have been fooled and resorts having lieen placed on store canned fruit, etc. Tillamook City, Oregon, for anv Josephine, ia her most noteworthy deprived of their right to parti­ the market. We understand that work will be minor over the age of sixteen vear's calf, and ia also valued at $5060. She Everything first-class. Lisiking at the Second cipate in direct legislation, and situation from all sides, we ex­ resumed this week at the Gladwill or under the age of twenty-one has a milk record of 40pounds a day when we hear ao much in (Ire pect to see a great den’ of acti saw mill, after several weeks’ “va- years to falsely represent to any block South of P.O. l>erson or persons, that he or she is testing 9 percent butter fat. which gon utamt tin- sovereign will of vity and bustle in Tillamook as cation." of the age of twenty one years or ia better per cent of butter fat than "the people." Who's "the peo- Mrs. Lulu Dinges» was called to more, for the purpose of obtaining Josephine herself has shown, and > W. G. HARRIS, Prop. soon as the wet season is over, procuring from such person or pie" in this ease ? mid during the summer months Beaver lust week by the illness of or more milk than the big champion persons, any of the liquors men ­ Her the visitors who will come to her sister, Miss Laura Bays. tioned in Section 1 of this ordi­ Holstein ia now giving. Josephine Í The snap «hot man hila called I this county will lie large. It will two little daughters, Wilma and nance. M has reached 110 pounds of milk, or , S ection ».—It shall be unlawful, 52 quarts in twenty-four hours, but I a meeting of the county editors' lie a surprise to many visitors Meltha, remained with their aunt, within the incorporate limits of for January :*>. They are the the progress the county have Mrs. Della Jensen. City, Oregon, for any at the end of her year'a test she is 1 he chief topic of conversation Tillamook real live boosters and who linve made in dairying anil road person or persons to whom a now giving around 35 pounds a day. among the boys now-a days is slid ­ done a large amount of puhli- building. license has been granted under the Missouri Josephine’s Sarcastic ia ing down hill und the manufacture provisions of this ordinsnee, or sny city work One object of the showing form that indicates cham­ The valued family re­ meeting is get together midi 1 One thing must not tie over of sleds of various sues and designs person in his employ, to permit pionship possibilities later. No any minor, or any woman, or any cipes for cough and cold bids fair to become quite an indus ­ Work together in the interest of | iliHiked. The I ‘ort of Tillamook girl to visit, or frequent, or loiter in price is placed on the heifer, which cure, liniments, tonics and Tillmnook County. A» the edi-i win orgntiized mid elected for try. any room or place where any of will be kept by the Agricultural Ray Krake has gone to Tillamook the liquors mentioned in Section i other remedies have as tors have the lioo«ting mid get, the express purpose of improv­ College for experimental pur ¡mses. together spirit, we hope that!; ing the witter front and channel to go to school for awhile. He wilj 1 of this ordinance are sold or kept Josephine's Chief Pontiac, another careful attention here as for sale, either as g*ueat. servant, sentiment will prevail in nlfl to this city. In view of this make his home with his brother Al­ employee, waitress, actor, actress, heifer out of Josephine, is also a the most intricate prescrip­ parts of the county, for in pull] fnct it is not surprising that n bert. while there. dancer, singer or musician. tions. very good milker, though her record ing altogether great rvaulU large numtier of persona are in- JtaCTlQN JO. --------- —The keeping on hand —-l"11, miiu . hu She is j of any of the liquors mentioned in is nothing extraordinary. will lie obtained. It ia natural] aiatent in regard to it, thinking Our fresh, high grade 4 years old and ia not on the market, Section 1 of thia ordinance, in any to suppose that this city will that it is of great importance to drugs will help to make | room or sny place within the in ­ also belonging to the University of give tiie county pencil pushers TillamiMik City that thia should corporate limits of Tillamook City, Missouri. these remedies more effec­ the glad hand when they meet’j tie undertaken tirat. ______ I Oregon, «nd the possession by the Othem tive than ever. Josephine's last calf, a bull, 'occupant or proprietor of such hen1 to talk over county affairs, there are who differ With them room or place or a license or dropped January 13, 1910, ia valued and who consider bar improve­ and publicity work. Right prices are also ' special tax stamp issued by the at SfkiMj. and would bring that figure. ments of tirat importance. We I federal Government, shall be prime He ia a typical Holstein, and will assured. i facia evidence that auch occupant Tillamook County in rereiv ' want to snv this that it is just or proprietor is engaged in selling, probably be kept to head the Agri­ ing n good many compliments, 'ns well to reserve one’s judg bartering, exchanging, giving away cultural College herd of Holstein». i ment until after the engineers not only ua to it» bright future, I or otherwise disposing of such There ia no price placed on him for at Washington, the river» and ■ liquora. but aa to the progress the coun­ purpoaea of aaie. harbors committee and Con- SffCTtON H.—Any person upon ty is making in good rood«. Another bull out of Josephine ia Reliable Druggist. I conviction of • violation of any of ' *ir’**" doe*, as there is a po». 1 hi» in from the Oregonian ; the provision« of thia ordinance owned by Dorsey D. Moss, a dairy­ . sibUity of the entire pn>|WMii- Th» coming of the railroad will Iwforr the City Rec order, «hall, for not interfere with Tillamook Comi­ I lion going over, it is us well to j the first offense lie fined not less man who livea a mile southeast of ty'« liberality toward» wagon roads. maintain a little pntience. One than $MUIX nor more that $li)U.UD- Columbia on the Ashland gravel In th» past th res years that isolated thing ia plain. The water front MASONIC LODGE. tor the second offense not less than road. The animal ia not lor sale. ’ When given as soon as the cronpy county has spent nearly $3uo.iU0 on mill Hoquarton slough must I nor more than $100.00; and ■'* ’ • breeding other animala. a cough appears Chamberlain's i I No. 57, meets on Satur- road work This year the County ; '2.r .Vi? *hird offense such person Court has mad» • levy which will ¡and will he improved. There Cough Remedy will ward off an shall be fined $1(1100 and the license fine dairy cow may drop calves that | day of each month in attack of croup and prevent all provide $1 AlUI for road ami liridge i ia no denying that. Two ways j | theretofore granted to such person. take back the wrong aide of the pur|K>a»a. It Is a difficult matter to | of making this improvement, danger and cause of satiety. Thou- * •* •**•*' ** revoked and can houae. or "throw tmek ” to rome I-O.O.F. Hall, at 7:30 p.m J4. .•”«,h*ra use it aucceaa-1 teach Tillamook urtr the present after plan« are prepared, via ’ | ?“» I * ’‘I. '. olher Is-ense for the ■ lull) Sara by Mmar'a Drug Store. I sale of iatuiaating liquors within •train of scroll breeding in the cow’s F kaxk S evkmanc E, W. M. NKTCtry. All Joaejffime . calve. H. F. M ukhis , Sec RATES OF I roads across the mountains, but once within the confines of that 1.50 prosperous county, the traveler will 75 ; find fiigfiways that would be a credit 50 I to much more pretentious commu- ities. Clatsop County, lying north of Tillamook, is also making liberal provision for 1911 road work a nd has plana for meeting Tillamook Coun­ ty with a first-class road over Ne- carney Mountain. When that road i is in »liape for automobiles, people will cross the continent to ut*e it. I “ MODEL ” LICENSE FOR CITY. SUBSCRIPTION. ^ilhimook Ijtabligbt, Editorial Snap Shots ri FAMILY RECIPES. * » « I : : K « I : For the Ambitious— SI felnibertfitp ? Education/ « 4 4 CLOUGH