illainook Vol. XXIII. No. 33 ItaÖliobt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JANUARY. I9, I9II Special price on Alfalfa hay, no In the report of the Commission iota $25.00.—R osenberg B ros . er’s court last week several persons E.J. Claussen, of Portland, a grad­ 1 received warrants for care of and uate of the John Marshall Law supply of merchandise to the county School of Chicago, is in the city and [poor, but Mrs. M. A. Kimball, who expects to either locate in this city' i was one of them, had an idea that people would think that she was re­ or Bay City. Above are the first two quotations of our literary ceivingcounty aid, whereas she was Tom Brown was declared insane contest. Eight more will follow, two in each of the and taken the insane asylum at Sa­ caring for county poor. succeeding issues. The Golden Gate leftport Sunday A bauk draft need not be sent by regis­ lem on Sunday by Ira Smith. The We invite every’ person in the country to take cause ot Brown’s insanity was too noon with L. A. Wegner, Emmett tered mail so far as safetty is concerned. Jenkins, Eugene Jenkins, S. A. much booze. part in guessing their authorship and will give The person to whom a draft is made prizes, $15 to the nearest correct answer, $10 to the This is the time of year when Brodhead, C. H. Woolfe. Ed Hadley, payable must endorse it before it can Lanterns are in use every day. We Mr. West, Paul and Lawrence Tay­ second aud $5 to the third. There are no conditions have a large assortment of Lanterns, lor, G. W. Taylor, Carrie B. Taylor, be cashed. or requirements w hatever, simply get all the ten Lantern globes, Burners, Wicke.eic. E. C. Soule and family, Mr. and quotations and then address us a letter with your Mrs. Hovert, C. E. Owen, E. Garlick If a draft purchased of us should mis­ —K ing & S mith C o . » answers, marking letter “ Literary Contest,” and family as passengers for As­ carry or be stolen, notify us aud we will E. C. Sowle and family left for giving your uaine and address and name of school, toria and Portland. She also carried California on Sunday to remain this trace it up or issue a duplicate without if a student. winter, after which they will return a full cargo of freight any red tape.” At a meeting of the Executive Remember the quotations aud remember we are to their farm, 4V4 miles from town, Board of the Tillamook Commercial which they recently purchased. glad to take care of your banking business, no matter how small. U. S. Scott, bridge contractor for Club, it was decided to call a meet­ TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK the P. R. er 100 of himself as Evangelist, LA. Weg­ Foley Kidney Pills. A11 honest and • See Frank Hanncnkratt, 2 mile« the Grain Man, or H. C. Kunze will lbs.—W m . C urtis , The Grain Man. * ner musical director, Mrs. Carrie B. effective medicine for kidney und e»t to call. north of Tillamook. bladder disorders.—C. I. Clough. Nothing li ike a F«x»t Warmer for sell you hay as cheap as anyone. There will be a free weekly even­ Taylor, as Cornet soloist and per­ sonal worker, and I J aul Taylor as cold drives. , get one at the Tillamook Quality considered. ing c I ubs at the U. B. Church for Mr. Chaffee, who bought the John those not raised in America who boy soloist, left on the Golden Gate Feed Co. Report of the condition of the Sunday. They were very succesa- See the L. 0. B. C. about the social Johnson property in Sunnytnead, would like a better use of the Eng­ i ful in their meetings here. There has had the house papered and Mr. lish language. Spelling, writing [ they are to give on St. Valentine’s were 124 professions and much good Layton has moved his family in. and grammar will l>e taken up. All evening. The people At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close The person who borrowed the are welcome. See Mr. Emerick the done in other ways. Highest Price paid for Hides, Fur, gave over $1200, including expenses wire stretcher from Alex McNair A Pastor. of business, January 7th, 1911. and Sheep Pelts, N. Melchior, Till- j and free will offering, to Rev. Tay­ Co.’s hardware store will please re- Mr. Farmer : Why not harness aniook. Ore. • lor. His offering was over $500. The , I turn it as he is in need of it that creek on your place and have meeting was a Union meeting. RESOURCES. “ Mrs. Nolan and son, L’z Nolan, I Watch thiB paper for further tips electric light in yoiir house and left on Sunday to make their home President Holmes of theCommcr- i concerning what is to take place in barn ? We are prepared to quote Loans ami discounts .................................................. .............. $ 238,772 49 in Portland. | the near future in the way of a social you on the necessary pi|>es and I ; cial Club, received a letter from Overdrafts, secured and unsecured................. 182 75 Ye cold blooded and ye chilly, [! Manager C.C.Chapman, of the Port- Bonds, securities, etc............................................. or see the LD.B.C. about it .. 51,278 05 machinery and give you the lienefit King A Smith Co. set up stoves on . | land Commercial Club, notifying Banking house, furniture and fixtures ........ . .. 4,817 28 Try a bale of third cutting Cali- of expert advice in installing. Ask hort notice. * him that the transportation com Other real estate owned 5,141.03 ............. ............. 1 fornia Alfalfa or Oat Hay, the beat us about it, T illamook E lectric R. C. Hovertand wife left on Sun­ mittee of the club and a numtier of Due from hanks (not reserve banks) ....... ............. 2,979.9« | and cheapest quality considered. L ight a F uel company . day for S|x>kane, where they will Portland business men would pay Due from approved reserve banks ................... 20.161 6« See Wm. Curtis or H. C. Kunze. * The Elmore arrived in fiort Satur­ Tillamook a visit, coming here on make tlieir home. 1,278 8» John Moon, who has been spend - day. Ed. Hadley, Sr., Clarence Ed- the first trip of the anvil. The Ex­ Checks and other cash items.......... 35,545.64 I ing the winter in California, has re­ ner and father, Emil Larsen, J. H. ecutive Boardof the TillamookCotn- Cash on hand.................................. .......................... turned to hie Nestucca home to take Pask. E. J. Claussen, Joseph Coop­ tnercial Club on Monday instructed $369,157.75 Total ........................................... ...................... up the ranch work with his son. Dee er, Lucy Lowers, Mrs. H. Mitchell, the entertainment committee Io Frank Mitchell. W. Dnrer and wife, make arrangements fora meeting at , Moon. LIABILITIES i Ed. Hadley,who has been visiting A. Baumgardner, M. Simondson. the club rooms on their arrival in $ 30,000.00 his old haunts in the Middle States John Moon, and Peter Svenson were this city. Owing to weather condi­ Capital stock paid in • • .................................................... 1,500.00 Surplus fund ............................................................. • • • the passengers. returned to his home in Tillamook tions, nothing ha* been heard of 7,658 33 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes (mid Saturday after a visit of about five H. S. Martin, representing the the date they would arrive here. 2,235.36 Dur to banks and bankers ■■■ ■■ ......... weeks. I Northern Express Co., was in thia Go to F. 8. Whitehouse it Son individual deposits subject to check 199,778.12 ............... Be sure and take part in the First [ city for several days looking over the leading agents, for Bond, Acci­ 5,041.23 Demand certificates f Oregon, County of Tillamook, NS. ant afternoon was participated in by ’ church. There will be an oppor Having sold my baainess <0 the ” Drop in and book I, Erwin Harrison, Cashier of the above-named liank, do i tunity given to anyone who wishes Tillamook Feed Co., and wishing to over twenty ladies of this city. Around.” The passengers who arrived on to join the Batrtiats. Elder Blalock I Ira ye town aa soon as possible, all solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best if E rwin H arrison , Cashier, the Golden Gate Saturday were: J.S. ex|»ect« to lie away the first Sunday I persons owing me will please call my knowledge ami belief, SuI*'«'rilied and sworn to before me this 18th day of January, Campbe’l. Jessie Painter, F. D. in February holding special meet­ ■ and »eltle either by rash or note. Small. C. Zweiter. C. Lutchg. A. ing*, and will not fill hi* lime at Accountsare |tayabh»l«* D.L. Slinxlc lull. Myrtle Mills, Notary Public. Correct Attest ; Carl Halierlach, II. T. Hotts, M. . liar« Kaufman. W. Stak. U.S. S-vtt. F.H. Tillamook for February. All come I or niyaelf. I rison, Directors. , next Sunday. You are wekome. R. I- Charle». C. S. A t KLKM'X Neilson, 11. Baffin, • o. 1.—“ Ready money is Aladdin's Lamp.” o. 2.—“ He will always be a slave who does not know how to live upon a little.” If a Bank Draft Is Lost Your Money Is Not TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK, bamar’s Variety Store, NEW GOODS on each boat I