Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 12, 1911, Image 8

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Get afoot warmeratthcTillamook
Feed Co.
Special price on Alfalfa hay, no
lots $25. 90.— Ros ex he rg B ros .
Nothing like a Foot Warmer for
cold drives, get one at the Tillamook
Feed Co.
If Dement's Beet don't give satis-
fiction, your money will lie refund
ed.—Tidiiniook Feed Co.
B. C. Lamb returned to Tillamook
Wednesday, «riming in over the Ne
carney trail from Seaside.
Plaaki r Bros.
have completed
their p1111111>ing contract on the new
house built by Herman Sunder. .
Dement’s Best high grade hard
wheat flour, at the Tillamook Feed
Co., every sack guaranteed.
zl petition is being circulated to
have the meetings of the Commis­
si mera’Court m< ntlily, which would
otteneiqiedite roadwork, ns petitions
have now to lie held over two months
before they can be acted upon.
I. H. Moore, one of the leading
dairymen of Tillamook County, ar­
rived in Dallas yesterday, accompa­
nied by his wife, fora few days' visit
with Mr. and Mrs. <». E. Dennis, of
O akdale. I'olk County Observer.
Star brand process barley, $1.25
.a - ack and $31.50 a ton ; oats, $1.85
hundred, $30.00 toil ; bran, 95c. sack
$29.50 ton ; null chop $1.05 HO lbs.
-■ k. $22 ton ; shorts $1.35 80 lbs.
»ack, $33 tqn ; wheat, $1.90 per 100
lbs. - W m . CUKTIH, The Grain Man. *
M. F. Leach killed a hog this
u eek which weighed (¡80 pounds,
which is one of the biggest hogs
ever raised in Tilluuiook county.
It had been grain fed for about
twelve months.
How's that for
Tillamook production ?
The Board of County Conimi»-
sioners, including County fudge
Homer Mason, and Commissioners
H. V. Alley und H. Farmer, which
convened on Wednesday of lust
did, not , adjourn
Wednesday evening of this week.
The anow which has been falling
the past week is giving the young
people of the town a great deal of
enjoyment A large number of the
young folks of the High School and
town have been enjoying the plea­
sures of coasting on Perkins' Hill
this week.
Mr. Farmer : Why not harness
that creek on your place and have
electric light in your house and
barn ? We nre prepare«! to quote
yon on the necessary pipes and
machinery and give you the benefit
of expert advice in installing. Ask
us about it, T illamimhc E i .ICTKIC
L ight a F url C ompany .
County Treasurer Dave Martin?
bus been securing signatures to n
pefltion this week which is to lie
used in trying to obtain n raise in
th«- Treasurer's »alary. The salary
is only $550 u year nt present and
the petition culls for it raise to $l<<i
n month or $l2tl) n year
The (net
that all the business men of the
t >wn have signed the petition »|M*iik»
strongly in favor of it.
taken sick. At the time of death
Mias Arrance was 17 years old, was
a girl of very pleasing disposition
and leaves many friends to mourn
their loss. The funeral services were
held from the Methodist church on
Saturday, interment being made in
the l.O.O. F. cemetery.
A serious accident, which might
have prove«! fatal, happened to W.
1». Gladwell last Thursday when he
fell from the roof of his barn at
It seems that while Mr.
Gladwell was on the roof his foot
»lipped and as he had no way to
catch himself, befell about ten feet,
lighting head first on a piece of 2 X
11 and cutting a gash which started
below the right eye, up over the
forehead, then to the back of the
head. The skin was cut through to
the skull the whole length of the
gash. Dr. Smith watt called to dre»«
the wound and at present report»
Ids patient recovering rapidly from
t'.ie injury.
The regular series of meetings
which were being held in the Com­
mercial building for the past month
and which were planned to I m - closed
on Sunday night, are being contin­
ued. because of no means by which
the Taylor family can leave for On­
tario wher» they hold the next meet­
ings. I'p to the present time there
have been 124 professions with peo­
ple stepping out at each meeting.
Monday mid Tuesday nights Mr.
Taylor gave lectures on Amuse­
ments and Booze, at each lecture
having a filled house. His manner
of speech is such that those who
don't like what is said in every par­
ticular come each evening to hear a
man of great oratorical ability.
There will be lectures given each
evening until the boat arrives. These
lectures are given free in order to
give the people a chance to hear
lectures on important subjects.
The Presbyterian Ladies' Guild
have just finished a very prosperous
The officers are to be con­
gratulated on their efficient organi­
The following members
were elected for the coming year :
Mrs. Emmit Bales, Pres. ; Mrs. Ai­
derman, Vice President; Mrs. H. E.
Morris, Secretary; Mrs. C. I. Clough,
Treasurer. The Guild takes orders
for hand embroidery, quilting, fancy
work and their special delight is in
making the ever useful apron, both
fancy and plain, /liter the greater
part of the work of the day is done,
the entertainment ccmmittee serves
refreshments. The Guild is glad to
receive into membership not only
those who are Presbyterians but all
those who are interested in such
The organization holds a
bazilar just before Xiniis each year.
They have ninny pretty and useful
things for sale and the proceeds of
the past year were satisfactory in- I
An the “vacation days” are
just over, the Indies nre ready to I
lake up their work for the new year i
with enthusiasm.
Go to F. 8. Whitehouse 8c Son
the leading agents, for Bond, Acci-
dent snd Fire Insurance, as they
write more than three-quarters of
the insurance written in Tillamook
County, because they are better
Atthedruwingnt Manon. Penning­ equipped than any one else in the
ton A Co.'» Big Mill Euil Sale Wed business.
tiesday morning the first num tier
drawn wan 30, but the holder of
number $0 not being present the
second number drawn was 43, which
was held bv Mr».4'1»tide Christenson,
who sele« te«l amber choice of n prize
tin elegant blue serge suit. Another
<1 tni>-:- will lie held next Saturday
at 9:30 a. nt.
Under the management of the
AlcoClub, the Saturday evening
d titcen are now being well coniluct
e I, much to the delight of these
who prefer seeing these affairs car-
r ed on decently and renpectubly,
which in now a giaal feature of the
Saturday evening dance. The floor
of the (»jiern House bun been fixed,
nuking it equal to a new dance
('ora Airauce, who live«, with her
entn at Netarts, pa»nednwuy last
Death wan canard by
II I dreaded disease. c«in»iim|>tton.
it having been of the quick kind.
She lived tint a short'time after lie
B. D. UHMAR. Pro.
Uo««t«d in the
** Drop in and book
Isaac Henry, son of Mr. nn«l Mr». |
Albert Olds, waa born tn Tillamook.
Ore.. Oct. 28, 1910, and called to the |
better land Jan. 2. 1911, aged two
months, five days. lie was a bright
sweet child and th«- love of his par
ent»' and grandparents’ heart».
The funeral was held at the home |
of his grandparent». Mr. and Mr».
I. t . Quick, of South Prairie, con­
ducted by Rev. C. E. Pearson, on
Wednesday, Jan. 4, at 10 a.m., nnd
th«- little body was laid to rest in the
I. O. O. F. cemetery.
The young parent» and the feeble
old grandparents have the ayinpa.
thy «if the whole community.
We have enjoyed hie oratory, wit
and pathos and have felt the force
The monthly business meeting of of his logic.
A Party of Disgusted Americans J
the Tillamook Commercial Club was
an Overgrateful Driver.
We also wish to thank Mr. Wegner
In Mr. Howells' "Roman IIoll^J
Turns Down Improvement of
and Others'* Is this delightful ml
about fifty members were present,
Channel to Tillamook City. with President Webster Holmes in chorus work.
of nu adventure In n Roman «ah’]
Mrs. Taylor's many fine cornet
In returning from the Pinclo tbtotJ
the chair.
After discussing the solos have been enjoyed by every­
cab we had been able to get was tj
The report of the government
matter of holding a county fair, it body and have greatly helped to
last left of the very worst <abs |
engineers has been received at was decided that the executive board make the meetings enjoyable.
Rome, and we had bidden the drhJ
Washington, D.C., which is undertake the necessary arrange­ We hereby express some of the wait for us at the church steps. J
favorable in regards to Tilla­ ments, with the idea of holding the gratitude we feel toward the many without some hope that he wouid pH
mook bar improvement, The fair in August and then send the fine singers of Tillamook who have us false. But there he was, true!
beet exhibit to the State Fair at Sa­ night after night given their ser his word, with such disciplined tldfiJ
engineers recommend the irn-
lem in September. It seemed to be vices so freely and gladly, thus ns that of the Roman sentinels wM
provement of the bar and the generally agreed that to induce the making it possible for us to have used to die at their posts, and J
mounted to ours with the uiuttf
channel as far as Bay City, pro- dairymen and others to make ex­ such fine music.
prayer that we at least might real
vided thAt one fourth of the
We want to thank Mr. Paul Taylor home alive.
money is raised locally, The prizes be offered. A resolution was for his many fine bo I oh and hereby
Tills did not seem probable when tu
offered instructing Representative wish the whole Evangelistic party driver whipped up his horse. It al
engineers report adversely as
A. G. Beals to use his efforts to re­ the greatest possible success in the pea red to have aged and shkeiJ
to bay and slough improve­ peal the mortgage tax law, which
while we were In the church. althooJ
work of our Saviour.
ments, recommending that no was carried. A resolution was offer­
We have greatly enjoyed the mus­ we had thought It looke«! us bad J
appropriation lie made of gov­ ed recommending that the salary of ic of the orchestra and thank them eould be before, nud It lurched aland
lngly from side to side, recovering u|
ernment money for that pur­ the county judge be raised to $1WO for their assistance.
self with a plunge of its heavy lini
a year, which was endijraed by the
away from the side in which its bull
club. The question of bsfr. -, bay and to Mr. Shipman for the free use of
was sinking.
The Port of Tillamook is slough improvements was freely
his fine new Hallett Davis Piano, we
The driver swayed on Ills box. bar
consulting with Senators J. discussed from various view point», thank him for his generosity and Ing fallen equally decrepit. In spite!
Bourne and Chamberlain and which showed the lively interest kindness.
the restoratives lie seemed to have api
Representative Hawley to see that is being taken in this matter,
Lastly we thank those who have- plieil for his years and Infirmities. Hu
clothes had put on some such effsl
whether the engineers’ report i the Club virtually deciding that the so liberally by work and money of extreme decay as those of lllp Vat
slough would have to be improved made it possible for us to have such
can lx- modtfie«! so as to extend ¡r Till„inook city wou)d be handi.
Winkle In the third act; there va
a fine series of meetings here in danger that lie would fall on top 4
the improvement to the head of L apped for want of a deep channel
his falling horse and that their rai
as Tillamook
the bay, as far r.r
T1"““““1' in the development
’----- —* of the county.
We hereby also express ourappre- ment would mingle in one scaudalow
river ; also as to the advisa­
ciation of the work done by Mr. Er­ ruin.
, Tillamnok were present and they win Harrison as Treasurer of the
Via Slstlna had never been so frill at
bility of sending a delegation to
■ furnished a good deal of information
people before; never before had it ben
in regard to what is being done.
so long to that point where we wen
The E xecutive C ommittee
Another telegram announces
of the Union Meeting. to turn out of It Into the friendly ob
scurlty of the little cross street whirl
that the engineers at Washing­
would bring us to our hotel. We couk
ton may demand 50 percent of
not consent to arrive In that form; wi
High School Flashes.
The following resolutions were
the cost to be raised locally and adopted on Wednesday evening, Jan.
made the driver stop, and we got oa
School started again on Monday and began overpaying him to releaa
there is danger, if an appeal is 11, 1911 :
We believe that great good has re­ morning after a three weeks vaca­ vs.
taken on the report, of not hav­
But the more generously we or«
Some of the students only
ing the project incorporated in sulted from these meetings, that wanted one week, some wanted two paid him the more nobly he Insist#
many more than those who have
ui>on serving us to our door.
the rivers and harbors bill now
come forward have been greatly and we got three which we hope will
At last by such a lavish expenditur
pending in congress.
helped to understand the great
as ought richly to provide for the fet
long vacations. We think that when remaining years of himself and hi
truths of the Gospel.
That we appreciete the fearless, school closes near the first of July horse, we prevailed with him to let q
For either acute or chronic kidney
disorders, for annoying and pain­ plain and fair way in which Mr. that some of the students will wish go and reached our hotel glad, al
ful urinary
irregularities take Taylor has presented the Goapel. that we had had no vacation.
most proud, to arrive on foot.
Foley Kidney Pills. An honest and
There are a great many cases of,
effective medicine for kidney and
questions on which he has spoken. measles in town at present and a
bladder disorders.—C. I. Clough.
number of seats in the High and
Grammar Schools are vacant at Japanese Natans Have to Be Handled!
With Gloves of Velvet.
present on account of this.
Japanese servants must be treated
The itch is also reported to be in
wltli tact, however trying they may tie.]
town and on account of this the
and often they nre very trying indeed,]
health officer has given orders that
especially the nesans, who are usual-|
no towels be used in the school un­ ly untidy, cross and lazy. Yet the]
til the danger is'past.
dear little things have admirers who]
Prof. Baker has received the lab­ praise their kittenish ways, their tiny]
oratory equipment which was sent hands and even, of all things, their]
for some time ago, and is getting it artistic temperaments.
A certain writer solemnly says: “A|
in condition to be used for impress­
Japanese nesan—any nesan, even one]
ing the laws of Physics more clear­ In a hotel—will set out your hairbrush]
ly on the students of the Junior and es, clothesbrushes, nail scissors. col-]
Senior classes.
Best of Music and Floor Management.
lar box and tooth powder on the at-]
The library has been rearranged erage hotel dressing table and make]
and after the books are catalogued a design of them—a picture, an artistk]
they can again be taken by those whole." All I can say is that no nesai]
who desire them either for reference has ever arranged studies of still life]
with the nail scissors and the tooth]
or reading.
powder for me, though, possibly lij]
way of compensation, one has started
Medicines that aid nature are
always moat effectual. Chamber­ little lakes of boiling water on my]
lain’s Cough Remedy acta on thia carpet when I rang for you. or toppled]
A live businesa training school. Endorsed by business men plan. It allays the cough, relieves over the morning tea tray and ar]
The school whose graduutes secure positions and hold them the lungs, opens the secretions and ranged the fragments in an uncos-]
aids nature in restoring the system
Living expenses low. School in continuous session. Send to a healthy condition. Thousands ventional design on my bed quilt, <x|
dragged a table with scraplugs la it
or catalogue.
have testified to its superior excel- minor key the whole length of the ve-l
ence. Sold by Lamar' a Drug Store.
If corrected roughly the maiden will
Solves a Deep Mystery.
“I want to thank you from the first cry and then leave. The hotel
bottom of my heart,
wrote C. B. manager is well aware of this—aware
Rader, of I^ewisburg. W. Va., “ for with all the nervous perception of I
the wonderful double benefit I got person whom one hasty or 111 consider­
from Electric Bitters, in curing me
of both a severe case of stomach ed sentence can throw into a slim-
trouble and of rheumatism, from tlsn seriously threatening his comfort
which I had been an almost help- and prosperity; hence his attitude of
J. P. ALiLiEN. Proprietor.
less sufferer for ten years.
It habitual meekness. He daresj not let
suited my case as though made his little lecture slide over the Hue
just for me.’’ For dyspepsia, indi­ which divides it from a scolding »nA
gestion. jaundice and to rid the Is careful to deliver a necessary el­
system of kidney poisons that
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
cause rheumatism. Electric Bitters bortation with a smiling face and fte
no equal.
Try them. Every quent laughs just to show that It i»
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation.
bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. really not a scolding at all.—St. Louis
Only 50c. at Charles I. Clough.
Important Club Meeting.
Every Saturday Evening,
9 12.
W. I. STALEY, Principal
Salem, Ore
The Best Hotel
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Meeting of Tillamook Hose Co.
The TillamtMik HoaeCo. held their i
regular monthly meeting Thur»«lay |
night at the City Hall. The offii’er»'
el«H-ted were: Allen Page.
___ Pres. ;
!’r V.
^’'trin. Set ; Jas. Walton
Jr.. Tress. ; J«ihn Anchiin.
----------- , Chief ;
Albert Flunk. Capt. 1st Hose Cart ;
Thon. Coates. Capt. 2n«l Hose Cart ;
Henry; l*la»k<-r.|fC»pt Hook and
ladder ; Ben Vantrenn. Capt. Kant
End llone Cart . A. K. Case. Capt.
West Kn«l Hose Cart.
Ths re|H>rt of the Treasurer was
rend and approved, alter which the
matter of the annual Fireman's I
dance was brought before the meet '
OUR FAITHFUL Bell Telephone, always at your elbow,
•nK- The President appointed as a
steadily increases in usefulness,
usefulness. It does a score of errands
Committee to take charge of thin
doiug one. You come to accept tele­
work |Dr H. K. Morris. Joe tiling,
worth nnd John As«-him. The dance hone service as a matter of course, like the air you breathe or the
will be given on the eve of Washing water you diink.
tod's birthdup
The lloae Company was pleased j
Your Bell Telephone performs these daily service« of neigh-
to have Mayor Talmage present at borhood communication, and it does more__ it is a
this meeting and thanke«! him forex universal system and enables you to reach any i < unit in the
one any time
pressing a desire Io help ths Cani.
within the range of the Long Distance Service.
________ _______
Death in Roaring Fire
May not Fesult from work of fire­
bugs, but often sevtre burns are
caused that make a quick need for
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the quick­
est. surest cure for burns, wounds,
bruises, boils, sores.
It subdues
It kills pain.
soothes and heals. Drives
__ _ off skin
eruptions, ulaers or piles. Only
25c. at Chas. I. Clough.
When buying a cough medicine
for children bear in mind that
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is
most effectual for colds, croup and
that it contains no harmful drag.
For sale by Lamar's Drag Store.
Marketing by Telephone
Wood For Sale
NEW GOODS Wood fur sale. Spruce and Hem-
i l«K , k tsidy.
dry at
25 a coni 1 on the
— $1
>l«e*. - 7 7 • indes southuf
on each boat H [dare.
Tillamook Bakery,
Krerv Hell Telephone is the Center
of the System.
Couldn't Kill Him.
"Spotted fever" received some qn«W
treatment in John Wesley’s day. ae-
«-ording to Wesley's journal of Sep­
tember. 17441. A man namtsl Joha
Trembath had tl* fever, and Wesley
wrote: “It was the second relapse into
the spotted fever, in the height of
which they gave nlm sack, cold milk
and apples, plums, as much as bo
eould swallow. I can see no way to
account for his recovery but that be
had not yet finished his work.”
Abraham Could Read and Write.
Some people persist in thinking that
the art of writing Is recent and that
in primitive timea poems and literary,
productions had to be memoriied. But
more than 3.000 years before the Cbri*-1
tian era people in Abraham's native
town wrote receipts for garden and
market products Just as we have theta
now, showing that the patriarchs cer­
tainly must have known bow to rend
and write —Dr. William Hanna Thom­
son in Designer