Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 12, 1911, Image 7

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three Great Channels.
MBau being—man, woman
■Bro and cont let. neuras-
deep sea fisherman. athlete
—feeds the blessing of God
nse, and ouly three, great
■tap'insibility. recreation
on: work, play and love,
any life is happy in spite
I nd pain, successful despite
Bhiilores. Without them a
ski- heart, severs his con-
felt Ion with God. if you
tap a headstrong, fatuous
ipverreachlng himself you
Skim responsibility, recrea-
■ttlon. If you want to put
■aspiration into the gelati­
mer of a street walker or
tag mentality of n hysteric
■furnish Just the same trio
Beation and affection. In
■be healing power which
■ give in real life, and real
[just these three things.
Beds are fixed for all of us
me all sufficing bounty iu
if we can get aud keep in
¡ For Whooping Cough.
Klarming relic of medieval
tame to my notice recently
■was discussing with her
ir the probability of her
Bing whooping cough, which
prevalent in the community.
Beeper, a most dependable,
■iper. of more than average
I aud judgment, said: “Mrs.
fou ll let me I can keep your
pm having whooping cough,
pts of children from having
Wouldn't do it without telling
Bartha, what Is It?"
tch a live mouse and kill and
kid stuff it and bake It and
[the children. It Isn’t bad to
| of course they don't know
is. That would spoil the
riend’s exclamation of horror
I with conviction. "I’ve given
>f children, and never one of
I whooping cough.”—Mary
lutz iu Designer.
■ When Wagner Died.
fly all the visitors to Venice,”
■iter from that city, “go to the
■in palace to see the place
■aguer lived nearly a year and
Be died Iu February. 1883. We
we here on that glorious spring
■n they bore the muster away,
member the long line of mourn-
kes, wish that the palace could
inong other mementos a pic-
nha( occasion. The great state
lontaiued Anton Seidl's orches-
id after It came barges with
I nobles, great men and women,
leepest mourning. This Is the
rhich some artist should flx on
But, ulas. be who saw It
lever know what it represented
he had been here at the time,
isle, under Seidl und Neumann,
effect on the mourning throng
ih could portray.”
There Is nothing to mark the Arch
House, where Carlyle was boru. lu the
Scottish village of Ecclefechati. from
the other lowly dwellings timt line the
village street, und a native guide will
be needed If the pilgrim desires to
lind his way to Carlyle's grave; lieuee
the story o? the great writer's brother.
James, who was met one day lu the
village by a baud of Americans. Igno­
rant of Ids identity, they asked him
the whereabouts of Carlyle's grave.
“Which Carlyle?" "Oh. the great Car­
lyle, Thomas Carlyle.” With unmoved
face he gave the Information asked
and was iewarded with a tine outburst
of hero worship, "We have come all
the way from America.” said the
spokesman of the pilgrims, “to lay
this wreath on our great teacher’s
grave.” "Ha!” rejoined James, still
unmoved. “It's a gey harmless occu-
pation!” All of whlch. and especially
that “Which Carlyle?" goes to show
how vain is the search of the man who
visits Ecclefechan on the lookout for
worshipers of Carlyle.—Argonaut.
last survivor of the Revolution-
ar was John Gray, who died In
county, O., aged 104 years, on
126. 1368. He came to the Buck-
(tate early In its existence. For
¡years before he died he drew an
11 pension of $500 from the gov-
knt, General John A. Bingham
g got a special act through
bss for this. Gray's father was
at the battle of Stillwater and
ok his place In the army, being
llxteeu years old then. lie serv-
rough the remainder of the war.
nllltary record is on file at the
of the state commissioner of sol-
clalms.—Columbus Dispatch.
The Bull of Perillus.
Hilus of Athens Is said to have In-
M for Phalaris. tyrant of Agrigen-
[ 570 B. C-, a brazen bull which
led on the side to admit victims
were to be roasted by the fire
th was built underneath. The dy-
groans of the sufferers resembled
ily the roaring of a mad bull, Pha
greatly admired the Invention and
ray of test roasted the inventor
Later the populace rose in re-
on and burned Phalaris.
notice a lady has received by
dess a prescription from her doctor
B bat was It?”
Fold her to brace np and she would
p K."
Fell, well. Here's a case of drug
) treatment by wireless prescription
a sickles« Illness. What an age we
I in!”—Philadelphia Ledger.
Small Things.
Fe are too fond of our own w BL
j want to be doing what we fancy
fhty things, but the great potart ■
do small things, when «ailed tn
tn. In a right spirit—B. CseS.
-There 1« no doubt that n a tare’s
rks are indeed marvelous. Bbe—
Crt’t they? Only fancy, even tbs
lest Insect has its Latin asms.—
n M A. P.
taicker—Did be make himssff M
isable to the firm? Böcker—Tra,
cb so that when be left they i
re detective« looking for him -N
•k Tlmrai
one <u himself. He l‘-ft his native
towu lu Tennessee years ago aud lo­
cated iu Philadelphia to practice law.
He has been uniformly successful.
His brother, on the other band, re­
mained behind at tile family home­
stead. Returning to his native town
some tlmp ago. the attorney met an
old darky in the road.
“Hello, uncle.'" he said. But the old
man did not recognize the boy be used
to know in the prosperous looking citi­
zen who addressed him.
"Well." asked the lawyer, "how are
the Blank family?”
“Ob. they’re all right," said the old
darky. "Jim Blank has gone to Phil­
adelphia und done made a lot of mon­
ey. He's u lawyer, sail.”
"Is that so?" answered the attorney.
“And his brother Tom. how is be?
Has he made a fortune too?”
“Lawdy, no!” answered the old
darky, shaking hfs head. "He ain't
no lawyer. Marse Tom wouldn't take
a dishonest penny from nobody.”--
Philadelphia Times.
Ths Czar’s Snuffbox.
A Russian Railroad.
Czar Paul's snuffbox was as sacred
as the imperial crown itself. No one
was allowed to touch it. Iiaploff wa­
gered tha he would take a pinch out
of it Ons morning be walked up to
the table 'liic stood near thy bed on
which the czar still reclined and bold­
ly took from it the majestic snuff­
box. Openftig it noisily, he Inserted
his fingers, and. while Paul I. was
watching him In stupefaction at such
audacity, he sniffed up the fragrant
powder with evident satisfaction.
“What ure you doing there, you
rogue?” exclaimed the czar excitedly.
"Having a pinch of snuff, sire. I
have now been on duty for eight hours
and, feeling drowsy, I thought it
would keep me awake, for I would
rather break the rules of etiquette
than neglect my duty.”
Paul burst out laughing and merely
“That’s right enough, my lad. but as
the snuffbox is not large enough for
both of us you can keep it for your-
Nicholas I. of Russia had quite an
original way of transacting business.
He sent one day for his engineers and
gave them eight days to bring him the
route of a railroad to connect St. Pe­
tersburg with Moscow. At the end of
the allotted time the plan was pre­
“What." said he. looking at It. “what
is all this—these twists nud turns, this
serpentine track?
You must have
misunderstood me.”
"Sire,” said the spokesman, “we
have drafted the shortest route which
would embrace on the line the leading
towns and villages.”
“Give me the pencil and rule." he
said, and he struck a bee line from one
city to another. “Here—you under­
stand me?"
“But, sire, you leave the large towns
entirely out of sight!”
“That is their affair. Let them come
within sight."
And so the road was made as
straight as an I.
From some examination papers in a
Massachusetts—we repeat, Massachu­
“Capillarity is when milk rises up
around 'the edge of the bottle aud
shows good measure.”
“The settlers gave a Thanksgiving
dinner to the Indians for their kind­
ness and to the Lord for fair weather.
They kept up their festivities for three
days, eating all the time. A party of
sixty Indian warriors came, rolling
their warhoops down the bill.”
“Henry VIII. by his own efforts in­
creased the population of England
“Esau wrote fables and sold them
for potash.”
“The Lupercal was the wolf who
suckled Romeo and Juliet at Rome.”
“Llncolu has a high forehead, which
la a sign of many brains.”—Every­
ast Revolutionary Survivor.
His Brother Was Different.
A noted Philadelphia attorney leils
“Which Carlyle?”
Juvenile Wisdom.
Nslson as a Courtisr.
JANUARY 12, 1911
We carry a Large Stock of
Hardwaro, Tinware
and China
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Agents for the Great Western Saw
The Most
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
Lumber Manufacturing Compy
Manufacturers of
Ths Kauri Gum Diggings.
Kauri gum. found underground In
New Zealand and dug to the amount
of a million aud a half yearly, is used
chiefly for furniture polishes and var
nishes, and most of it Is exported to
America. The industry of digging P
Is unlike any other In the world. A
kauri forest is a beautiful sight, but
kauri gum country is treeless, barren
and desolate, even and swampy very
often, with singularly heavy, cloggy
soil, out of which the gum formed on
kauri pines of ancient and long van
lshed forests Is dug or speared. There
are whole stretches of this treeless
kauri country with nothing but a lit­
tle scrub and fern growing on it. Some
of the gum diggers—about 3.000 In all
—are Maoris, pleasant, friendly na­
tives; some are British, and a certain
uumber are Dalmatian/.—Argouaut.
Thoughtful Girl.
The young man was calling on the
girl. He didn't know her very well,
but she looked good to him. He want­
ed to call again the next night, but
hardly had the nerve to ask jtermlsslon
to do so.
"I'd like to come up again,” he said
when he was ready to go liome. “How
about next week some time?”
A look of disappointment came over
her face. “Next week?* she said.
“Why, isn't that—er—well. I'll tell you
what to do; yon come up tomorrow
night and we'll decide which night
next week you may call.”—Detroit
Nelson was the hero of England
•ven in his own time, but not ap­
parently of the court Samuel Rogers
recounts a conversation with him
which appears in the life of the poet
by R. Ellis Roberta. “I heard him
once during dinner," says Rogers, "ut­
ter many bitter complaints (which
Lady Hamilton vainly attempted to
check) of the way he had been treated
at court that forenoon—the queen had
not condescended to take the slightest
notice of him. In truth. Nelson was
bated at court; they were jealous of
him.” But then it must be remem­
The Soul of the Hou- .
bered that Rogers was renowned as a
There are big bouses and small,
particularly ill natured gossip.
handsome and plain, dear and cheap.
but every house is like a suit of clothes
Ths Ruling Passion.,
in that It makes such a lot of differ­
It Is related of a certain German sa­ ence who is walking around in It.—
vant. to show how strong the ruling Life.
passion Is in death, that as he was
True enough. If she'» there, it seems
dying he exclaimed in French, in like home; If «he isn't, it doesn't, No
which language he was deeply learn­ amount of elegance of edifice or fur-
ed, “Je meurs” (I die). Pretty soon he nlshfngs can compensate for her at>
opened his eyes before passing away sence. She is the Indispensable fac-
and added: “Man kann auch sagen. tor to any borne life worthy of tbe
Je me meurs!” ¡One can also In French name.—Troy Press.
use the reflexive form of the verb “to
die”) His last flicker of interest was
Look About You.
In the word more than in the fact of
It Is wonderful how much one can
learn by cultivating the habit of ob­
servation. As you walk In the street
Disraeli’s Humor.
1 was Introduced by particular re­ or ride tn the car you pick up a sur­
quest to Mrs. Wyndham Lewis, • pret­ prising amount of Information Our
fellow beings are Intensely Interesting,
ty little woman, a flirt and a rattle—
indeed, gifted with ■ volubility I and they are constantly teaching us
staould think unequaled and of which something or other. Do not let your
1 can convey no idea. Sbe told me knowledge stagnate. Put it to some
■be liked “silent, melancholy men." 1 practical use.
answered that I bad no doubt of It—
No Ono to Oo It
Letter of Benjamin Disraeli to His Bls-' I
"You say you have three small chil­
dren. Can't you And work?”
The man with the three days' beard
An Optimist.
and the ragged trousers wiped away
“Pa, what is an optimist?”
“A b optimist, my son, is a man with a tear.
“Alas, mum." be said. “It wouldn't
11 cents In bls pocket who doesn't
grow sarcastic when be reads that bis be any good They ain't old enough to
«wentry's per capita wealth is 137."— work yet."
Birmingham Age-Herald.
“John, the cook has been drinking
Worth Trying.
“1 washed Willie’s psnt* t'udder day. again.”
"Is she very drunk?"
Bad dey shrunk so dat de po' chile kin
“Oh, very. She says she'll never
ks'dly walk In ‘urn. Won'er bow I
us.”—Washington Star.
gwan fix urn’’
“Try washin' de chile. Maybe be
In th« Tails.
shrink too.”
“I understand your consim. married
a straggling young man.”
“Tea. be struggled all right, trat he
couldn't get away from her. "-Pitts
burg Press.
We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook
County’s Most Famous Cheese.
'The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County.
New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and
Hirst Class Lumber of tire JBest Quality
for all stomach troubles—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas In the stomach, bad
breath,sick headache, torpid liver, biliousness and habitual const i pg tion. Pleasant to take.
Sold by Chas. I. Clough.
Medicine« that aid nature are I
always most effectual. Chamber-
lain’» Cough Remedy act» on thin
plan. It allays the cough, relieves
the lungs, opens the secretions and
aids nature in restoring the system
to a healthy condition. Thousands
have testified to its superior excel-
ence. Sold by Lamar’s Drugstore.
Solves a Deep Mystery.
■‘I want to thank you from the
bottom of my heart,” wrote C. H.
Rader, of Lewisburg, W. Va., “ for
the wonderful double benefit I got
from Electric Bitters, in curing me
of both a severe case of stomach
trouble and of rheumatism, from
which I had been an almost help­
less sufferer for ten years.
suited my case as though made
just for me.” For dyspepsia, indi­
gestion. jaundice and to rid the
system of kidney |X>i»ons that
cause rheumatism, Electric Hitters
has no equal. Try them. Every
bottle is guaranteed to satisfy.
Only !5()c. st Charles I. Clough.
Death in Roaring Fire
May not result from work of fire­
bugs, but often severe burns are [
caused that make a quick need for !
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the quick-:
est, surest cure for burns, wounds, I
bruises, boils, sores.
It subdues
It kills pain.
ft .
soothes and heals. Drives off skin |
eruptions, ulsers or piles,
25c. at Chas. I. Clough.
Old Soldier Tortured.
“For years I suffered uns(>cak-
able torture from indigestion, con­
stipation and liver trouble,” wrote
A. K. Smith, a war veteran at Erie,
Pa., “but Dr. Kiner’s New Life
i Pills fixed me all right. They're
simply great.” Try them for any
' arotiiach, liver or kidney trouble.
Only 25c. at Charles I. Clough.
When buying a cough medicine
i for children itear in mind that
| Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
i most effectual for colds, croup and
! that it contains no harmful drug.
; For sale by laimar*« Ding Store.
For either acute or chronic kidney
disorders, for annoying and pain-
I ful urinary
irregularities take
I Foley Kidney Pills. An honest and
lay!”—New York effective medicine for kidney and
bladder disorder«. —C. L Clough.
Î Tillamook Iron Works
General Machinists & Blacksmiths.
1 4
Holler Work, Logger’« Work and Heavy Forging.
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.
r WF W W Vtr VWWWV wwtata
The boy or girl with any
defect of vision is greatly
handicapped in the pursuit
of knowledge in the school
room. If your l>oy or girl
does not show a high js-r
centage of average in the
school re|M>rt the pfobabili-
ties are that there D some,
thing the matter with the
eyes. To find out costs you
nothing if you wi ill
them to me for examina-
ft doesn't
pay to
guess IlitOHt
about the eyesight
of your child—
—it is better
to see that the eye« a re
right. If glasse» are needed
1 am prepared to furnish
the exact thhig that will
meet the needs of the case.
Remember 1 tliat they are
guaranteed for one year,
and I am here to make
them gissl. “ Traveling fa
kirn are not"
Dr. H. E. Morris,
will give you full value
for every dollar spent
and keep you dry In
the wettest weather.
suns »322
•3 a2
mo rvrirvwiftpe
AJLT ower C o , bostom . ua a —
Towu C anadian Causwvto rowwo c»-.
Administrator’« Notice.
M oths
ie Hsssnv
Grass.—That the
County Court of the «tale of (fragua, for
the Count, of Tillamook
hue appointed
the undersigned the ndmlnletretor of the
retate of LOttlS
RI.ATT1.AP, .leceseed,
anil all |ier«>ne having etalma aaainet the
<te, are hereby required to prerant
theea.se together with the proper voucher«,
to the umlrreigned, either ut the oAvr id H
T. Bott«, attorney at tew. at Tillamook
City Oregon ; or to T H Goyne, attor
•er.tl.«, at Tillamook City
within »I« month* from the del* of th le
Dated Ibi» I«et*»her tilth. I#l<»
M Xeei.inetr. •
Ad Ih intet r fetor of th« fttfelfe of
Lo«H BlfettUr. 4 «cfefeMd