TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 12, 1910. AND SALE OF STOCK PROCEEDS. ONLY 11 DAYS MORE OF THIS GIGANTIC SELLING EVENT ! Our regular 12'4c. Outing Flannel, sale price, yard 7c. Ladies' Fine Wrappers, sale price - - 50c. LADIES’ HOUSE DRESSES. Gibson style, Cuff Collar and Belt of Natural Linen. Regular $2.00 values, sale price - - $1.50 Regular 2 00 one piece I tresses, sale price - 2.25 Ladies' 5)c ribbed Pants, sale price - - .25 .adies’ fleece line vest. 35c. values, sale price .21 LADIES’ SWEATERS. Regular $5.50 all wool Sweaters, sale price 2.55 » » * • 1.65 * * t » - $3.00 1.75 - 1.00 59 FREE ! We will give absolutely free a ticket bear­ ing a number, to each of the first 100 per­ sons who enterour doors Saturday at open­ ing hour, 9:30 a.m. You don’t need to buy a cents worth; the numbers will be handed out as the first hundred enter. You may have the lucky number. It costs nothing to try. Five holders of numbers will each be presented w ith a 10 yard dress pattern. Free. SHOES at Exceptional Under-Pricing. $3.00 4.00 3.50 3.50 2.50 2.50 Vitz & Dunn - - Riches Julia Marlowe Boy's Capan - Children’s Shoes - - - - - - - 1.50 2.00 1.75 2.50 1 50 1.25 HANDKERCHIEFS All of our 8c. Ladies’ Handkerchiefs, sale, 3 for 10c. All of our 10c. Ladies’ Handkerchiefs, sale price 5c. Ladies’ initial Handkerchiefs, sale price, 3 for 25c. Ladies’ Fine Belts, values to $1.00, sale price, 35c. Children’s Jersey Leggings, |75c. value, sale price, 5('c. : This is a Sale with a Reason and a Purpose. We have recently become a member of the International Mills Syndicate and in order to meet our contracts with them, to take our portion of their New, Clean Merchandise at Factory Prices, we are compelled to sacrifice our entire stock. We must reduce our stock and raise the cash. Therefore, the whole stock goes on sale, not one single item will be reserved. The entire stock will be sacrificed. We care nothing lor for profit now. All must go. A representative of the International Mills Svn- * 'dicate will be in charge and not for one minute will he allow buying enthusiasm to lag. Read on. < fur Regular 50c. Suspenders. sale price - Our 50c Heavy Logger’s Hose, sale price per pr. Canvas Gloves, sale price, per pair - • A_ k •*’ $1.90 Gauntlet and Dog Skin Gloves, sale price $1.(Ml Golf Shirts, sale price - - - Bath Towels, full size, sale price - - 50c. And still another Towel sale price 35c. Ladies’55c. Hose, sale price 10c. Ladies' 75c. Fancy Hose, sale price ÖC 27c 49c. Men’s SUITS and OVERCOATS, 1-2 Price. Blankets and All Bedding at Cost and Less DURING THIS GREAT SALE. FRANTIC Crowds battling for the first choice at the wonderful bargains offered in this great sale. an army of clerks working as they never worked before in (heir efforts to serve the ever increasing throng which fill the aisles and every inch of available upuce in this store and overflow out into the street urr inspiring sights that may lie seen In re any day «luring this great sale. There's nothing lijtc it ever luip|H*ned before in this community. Only 11 Days More. MIRACLES Remember the Place! MASON, PENNINGTON & CO., TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Of under-pricing are the rule in this great sale ; true to the iron clad policy of this store, every promise made in our adver­ tising has been religiously kept, every claim made good and people, who, judging this sale |by others they had seen came to scoff, stayed to buy liberally. The steadily increasing crowds since the begin ning of this great event are indisputable evidence that w e are keeping faith with the people. If you are wise you will follow the crowds. Only 11 Days More. I