. ... I TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 12, 1910, To the People of Tillamook County * We HEREBY Offer Our Third Annual CLEARANCE SALE for cash I i commencing January 16th to February 15 per cent Off on all Iron, Wood and Brass Beds. Children’s Cribs. 11 11 Dressers, Chiffonieres and Commodes. » 11 20 n Dressing Tables. 11 15 11 Hall Trees and Hall Seats. 11 China Closets. n 11 Buffets. n 11 Dining Tables. 11 >> Library Tables. 11 11 Stands. V 11 Rocking Chairs and Dining Chairs. H 11 Cupboards and Kitchen Tables. 11 11 Rolled Top Desks and Flat Top Desks. 11 11 Ladies’ Desks. 11 11 Combination BookCases. 11 11 Couches, Davenports. 11 11 Morris Chairs. 11 11 20 11 Lace Curtains, Portiers and Lounge Covers. 11 15 11 Blankets, Quilts and Pillows 11 Mirrors. 11 11 Carpets, Rugs and Art Squares. 11 11 10 11 Linoleum and Floor Oil Cloth. 11 15 11 Matting. 11 Ostermoore Silk Floss and Felt Mattresses. 0 « 10 11 20 >» Wall Paper. w 15 11 High Chairs. 11 . I • JONES-KNUDSON FURNITURE