4 . f i V A / • TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JANUARY 12, 1911 STEALING A BATH THE “HEATHEN CHINEE.” Ths Filial Chinaman. Many examples uf Chinese filial piety from the jumping off place of county fair in this city, which, i •trike the occidental reader as ridicu­ Cardt Brat Harte Wrote Into ' the Northwest who are willing if properly managed, will prove And th« lous. There is the famous story of 1.50 a great attraction this summer Hia Flowing Sleeves. 75 i to spend large sums of money Lao Laltsu. which Mr. IL F. Jobustou to home seekers, summer visi ­ 50 I to assist Uncle Sam to improve Every one who knows American repeats in his "Lion aud Dragon lu the harbors on the Pacific tors and automobile parties, as Adventure of a Trio of English poetry Is i familiar with Bret Harte's Northern China.” L ao ’ s parents lived “Heathen Chinee. - written in the ear- to such extreme old age that lie was Coast. We find that quite a few well as an interesting time for |y seventies at the time when the feel­ himself a githleas old uian while the dairymen and others. It is Tourists In Germany. of our citizens think that H. 1. Lmooh Ijtabligbt, ing on the Pacific coast ran high they were both still alive. "Conceiv­ j Botts and another person favor­ necessary that everybody in the against the mild eyed Celestial aud ing it his duty to divert their atten­ able to him should go to \\ ash county interest themselves in aitorial Snap Shots ington. We think so, too, ami this event and do what they can A PRINCE AND A PRIVATE TUB voicing that feeling by portraying the tion from their weight of years and hero, if such a term may be applied to approaching end, he dressed himself they should "Get there!” as to have an exhibit of some kind at the fair. Now is the time to Hi» Autocratic Highn«»» W»» Shame­ Ah Sin. as a crafty card cheating up in the clothes of a child anil played Help boost the county and the quickly as possible. villain who outwits the sharps of the about in bls parents’ presence with prepare and plan for it. It is county fair. fully Ignored and Enraged, and Hit California mining efimpa. the object of making them think they assured, now that the club is at It is not generally known, however, were still a young married couple con­ Why wouldn’t it be a good Luxurious Bath W»» Shamefully Ap­ the back of this undertaking, that the poem is unique in that it templating the innocent gambols of propriated and Abuaed. This is how one of our sub- idea for the different interests that every feature will tie taken contains an error which the author scriliers renewed his subscrip­ at Bay City to get together and their infant son.” Parker, Wilks aud 1 had been "doing ” care of. One thing is apparent failed to detect when reading the gal­ tion : “Snap shot man ; here work together ? If the city on A similar case Is that of Wang P'ou, Germany on the cheap, and I don't ley proofs and which survived and already, that cash and other the bay ever amounts to any­ you are for another year.” know which of us enjoyed It least. still survives all attempts at correc­ whose mother had an unconquerable valuable prizes will be offered thing which we hope it will dread of thunder and lightning. When Parker grumbled the most, but then tion. Perhaps it is the only instance she died she was burled in a mountain it will be by united effort, not for stock, dairy, vegetable, fish, In literature where a grossly patent The State Legislature con­ by strife and antagonism. This fruit, poultry and Grange ex­ be always did, and. though Wilks and I error in the copy reading of an after­ forest, and thereafter, when a violent vened on Monday, and instead tried to look on the humorous side of hibits, thus making it of suf ­ thunderstorm occurred, Wang P’ou. of multiplying the state laws it is the spirit we want to see cul­ ficient interest to induce those things, we lost flesh over it. We had ward famous article, whether prose heedless of the wind aud rain, would tivated, not only amongst Bay or poem, has persisted through nu ­ would be a good thing to de­ City boosters, but amongst those who can do so to prepare an happened upon a heat wave and swal­ merous editions despite all efforts of burry to her grave and throw himself crease their number. It is to be a county lowed a tremendous lot of dust and _ knees. "I am here to protect to his who are boosting other parts of exhibit. author and editor to kill it. the county. A large amount of affair, and we believe that by tiles thrown In gratis, cheap though our | The poem was written while Bret you, dear mother,” he would say. it is 3»l publicity work will have to be united effort of the Press, the tariff was. But we couldn't swallow I Harte was employed on a San Fran- "Do not be afraid.” Taxes come high, midis in Tillamook City. Too undertaking the next few years commercial bodies, dairy asso­ the foreign titles that cropped up j cisco daily and. to him, was merely Making a Gunstock. hfgbv probably, for the goeeii doing since a person. Sooner the county See Frank Hannenkratt. 2 miles I attacked a cart wheel affair on the deavor. finally gave up all hope and him one evening benrlng unpleasant resigned himself tv the butchered read­ news, and he therefore postponed the the Headlight, the pioneer gets down to a practical, uni­ north of Tillamook. floor and after a stiff struggle man­ ing.—New York Times. communication of It to the king till county newspaper, made it* form and economic system of aged to turn It. A flood of cold water next morning, when he explained that first tippearance on June 8, 1888. road building the better, but no Notice, gushed in along one side of the bath, he was afraid the tidings might have Muis Riding In Portugal. Talk about the great industries, one can expect those who have and it was all I could do to wrench In odd contrast to the modern rush Notice is hereby given that hunt ­ disturbed his majesty’s sleep. The the greut dairying, the great not the proper qualifications to the wheel around and stop the flow. and honk of the automobile and the king replied: "Nothing disturbs my seaside and beach reaorta, the do so. W’e contend that it is ing is strictly prohibited on what is As I did so light came upon me tn a clang of the trolley cars are the salolos sleep, as you may see from this in­ greut lumbering industries and just as important to have a per­ known us the Elmore ranch. Per­ flash. This was the prince's bath, pre- or small farmers of Portugal, who ride stance. The most dreadful blow of the great future and splendid son properly qualified to build sons who do so will tie prosecuted. psred for him a second time by his nonchalantly through the twentieth my life was my brother's death. The J ohn H athaway . obsequious valet. It was the glorious century hubbub on the back—the ex­ courier who brought this dreadful opportunities there are in Tilln roads as it is to require a person certainty of the fact that made me en­ treme back—of small, patient eyed tnook county. to l»e properly qualified to teach news arrived at 8 o’clock In the even­ Oat Hay For Sale. joy that bath as I have never enjoyed mules. Though the country has pro­ ing. For many hours I was quite school or make cheese. Road a bath before or since. The cheap gressed and the farmers are progress­ overcome, but at midnight I went to TMe board of county commis­ building in Oregon have l»een Four tons of extra good oat hay English tourists were one up on his sioners reduced the road super- left too much to those who have for sale. Enquire of V. Donaldson, serene highness, after all. Still, I ing toward prosperity, they have eoo- bed and slept my usual eight hours.” •latently refused to move farther for­ The story is told by the Duchesse de visors to three. T! in, we hope, had political pulls,and although Fairview. admit, when I bad finished tubbing I ward on the mule’s back In Portugal Dino, Talleyrand's niece, In her mem­ will lientt improvement, for too some g«xxl roads have been built lost no time in getting back to the than the last fifth of bls anatomy. Per­ oirs. fourth floor again. I told Parksr the many road bosses are an expen­ by some road su|M*rvisors,others Team for Sale. haps the custom arose from the time great news, aud we were Just discuss when the mule carried a large load sive affair. Next to un experi­ have squundered a large amount Son» of Butcher». tug It with rapture when Wilks came enced engineer, the court has of money doing a poor class of For Sale, a nice young; team of Just before the rider and the habit has Three of the stained glass windows tn, looking supremely dejected for the not been broken.-Christlan Herald. done the right thing in concen­ work. bay niarea. Apply to F. N. Elliot.. in the hall of the Butcher Guild, Len­ first time on the tour. trating the supervision of road do1». contain the portraits of Cardinal "The bathing place isn't open,” he The new Hoard of County Th» Myttia S»v«n. work in as few hands as possi Wolsey. William Shakespeare and snarled. "Had all the fag of going For Sale. Tbs Rossel Islanders in New Guinea Daniel Defoe In recognition of their Ide, and the courte has Is-en for- Commissioners ia alive to the there for nothing. What dirty beg ­ hold the number 7 In great awe. A connection with the meat trade. t ate in securing the services needs of the county in the good Werner Grand Piano in a hand­ gars they are!" natlv. policeman when asked what the The cardinal was the son of a “re­ f three good men fur super roads movement, for Tillatnk some unk finish. Thia instrument "Not all of them.” I replied. "Don’t visors, whose aim should be to County will expend n large I is practically new and can be had you worry, old chap.” And I described numerals in the local dialect were spectable" butcher at Ipswich, in Suf­ "ffava them readily enough, but hesi­ folk, and “the Immortal bard” assisted see that the tuxpnyera receive amount of money thia year for ut low coat. Stool uni scarf induci to him the position of the bathroom, tated at the number 7. You might not and he was off like a bare. During his always say that number, he explained while a youngster a butcher in bis na­ value for the money put into road nnd bridge work, in nil the rd. Call und see it at tive town of Stratford-on-Avon. large sum of $124,508.73. Thia absence we thoughtfully packed our roads. J oe T hkhihch ' s , —eometlmea it brought on thunder- Defoe, nowadays known as the au­ should prove that Tillamook The Fop Corn Palace- own bags and bls. In ten minutes he storma if you did. And you must nev- thor of “Robinson Crusoe,” but In his returned, fresh as a mountain daisy ia going to lx* one of the moat I 7s J* ,u when 700 *«t to day an adventurer and secret agent of and bubbling over with gratitude. progressive counties in Oregon I Adele Island to get cocoanuts or flab his government, was the son of a Farm for Sale. "Wbat sort of bath did you gstY ’ because tb. mo.t for g