TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 12, 1010. Orley Kellow, roadwork.......... U. G. Jackson, Blue prints .. V. G. Jackson, surveyor......... Claim of F. C. Skomp for $216.34 (). H. Schrader, surveyor Hull Johnson, roadwork......... was rejected E. W. Stanley, Justice .......... R D. No. « Claim of road report G. W. Harris, interpreter for $21.24 was rejected. M. A. Kimball. Co. poor........ Ill the matter of the contract with L M. Smith, Co, poor ............ Lee Tittle for making a till near the Mary Conklin, Co. poor Nelson & Co., mdse................... Maxwell place, the county agreed to J. C. Holden, stationary pay 25c. per cubit yard. | j. C. Holden, drayage............. In the matter of the petition of < 11. Crenshaw, salary George Loerpabel ai county road, it was ordered that the i H. Crenshaw, Co. poor ........ road be opened. A. Finley A Co., Co. poor In the matter of the incorporation I Till. Electric L. A F. Co........... Bodyfelt, board............... of Bay City on the petition of W. S. Wm. E. W. Stanley etal, election Cone, it was ordered that the pe­ School Dist. No. 8, election School Diet. No. 39. election tition be dismissed. The bends of David Martiny as D. S. Boyakin, elections ’red Zaddach, roadwork county treasurer, Henry Crenshaw | l- H. B. Johnson, road work us sheriff, and J. C. Holden as coun­ W. H. Leach, roadwork Wm. Scott, due on license . . ty clerk, were accepted. A contract was entered into with Glass A Prudhomme, mdse.. F. Goodspeed, salary.......... the Electric Light Co. to furnish H. |. C. Holden, salary ............... lights for the Court House for $8.55 j salary / I Pearl Phelps, salary ............... per month. In the matter of dividing the coun­ K. Mills, salary ... .......... ■ • • Aecldm, salary............. .. ty into road districts, it was ordered j | ‘ohn " . . W. Todd, salary................... by the court that the county be di- C. I. Clough, Co. poor............. vided into three districts, to wit : Dr. Bott Is, Co. '• poor ........... J1 No. 1 Beginning at the N E , .... cor , A. M. Hare, salary .. i,..,.. J H. Johnson, salary sec 1, tp 3 N, R 0 W, thence W al ,on ‘f if. A. Ri< liurds A Co , , mdse. the N boundary of the county, to Work in R. D. No. 1. the S W cor of lot 4, sec 30, tp 1 N, Emil Ross.................................. R 10 W, thence E to the S E cor-of John Larsen .............................. sec 27, tp 1 N, R 0 W, thence norther­ Wm. Schollmeyer..................... E. Worthington ....................... ly along E boundary. George Henderson ..... ... No. 2—Beginning at the N E cor Joseph Angelo.......................... of Sec 33, tp 1 N, R 0 W to the S W M. Kermpel ............................ cor of lot 4, sec 30, tp 1 N, R 10 W, Hugh Barber ............................ thence southerly along the west Ed Braumersreuther............... boundary to the S. line of tp. 2 S, Fred Zaddach...................... T. H. Pitts .......................... R. 11 W.; thence E. along to the S. Gordon Pitts.............................. line of tp 2 S, R 11 W, and 2 S 10, 2 I. ester Pitts................................ S 9, 2 S 8, 2 S 7, 2 S 6, to the S E cor Gem Ludtktf................... ........ E. Rhodes .................................. sec 31, tp 2 S, R OW, thence norther­ Joe West .................................... ly along the E boundary to the place Dan Alley .................................. of beginning. Julius Tohl............................... No. 3—Beginning at the N E cor Wm. Zattman . ....................... Work in R. D. No. 2. of sec 6, tp 3 S, R 6 W, thence W alongtheN line of tp 3 S, R 8 3 S 7, Andy Hayden .......................... Pete Cassidy ............................. 3 S 8. 3 S 9, 3 8 10 und 3 S 11, to the S. Barber ................................... Pacific Ocean, thence in u southerly E. J. Bartrow............................. direction along the W boundary to Chester Hoskins ..................... the sec line on the S side of sec 14, Geo. Eichinger........ ........ .. Ed Tomlinson........................... tp 0 S, R 11 W, thence E onfS.boun- E. Crumloff ..................... ... d.try line to S E cor of sec 13, tp 0 S, Mark Hobson........................... R 9 W, thence N 2'< miles, to Yam­ Bob Kennedy ............................. hill county line, thence W 3 miles to Warren Hoskins...................... lohn Hickey................... ......... W line of sec 3, tpO S, R 9 W, thence Wm. Hoskins, gravel ........... N to NEcor sec 21, thence totp 4 S. R Geo. Hoskins ..................... 9 W, thence E to S E cor sec 18, tp William Derby ........................ .............. 4 S, Ro W. thence N to place of be­ Chas. Graves Deck Johnson ........................... ginning, Blnke Thompson ............ In tile matter of a levy for the 1910 Work in R. D. No. 3. assessment roll, the court found J. W. Ferguson......................... that it will require $200,532.49 to de­ I. . Close ................................ fray the expenses of the county for S. E. Boenaea . ........ i.axioo L Anderson........... Roads ............................... 89.SM.73 Chas. Svenson .... I.(•».Ill IL Svenson ...... Advertising ......................... N. Glud ..................... Total ................... $3«, 532.49 N. Erickson............. It was ordered that the following Jim W imh I wuh I rate of levy lie made on taxable M C. Trowbridge. property tn the county with the ex- Henry Ohls ............ caption of .till for road puriMiees Dolph Tinnerstet .. within Tillamook City : C. Dye ....................... Library .......... .ta«»|5 $210.04 John Langley ........ Scalp ........... .uiiuu WO l UB L Stillwell ............. .... Schools i»i 14.902 04 —. Leseli (HI Roads ........... 80,51*4.73 J. Illlngswortli ... General Fond . uütvm 111,531.4X1 N 1. Dye ................. Kelly Coffman........ Total .913909 I 314,532.49 L. Jones......... .... ......... The special I levies |. II. Jones mecial school tax Nate Sherimiii........ were us follows II. Christensen District lio. 7 ... 1.5 mills. II. Marble ............ 18 1.5 ,. P. Sherman......... .. 21 ... 10 A. Sherman ........ 33 .Stentile mln. C. Christensen . :«7 ... 3.0 mills. H. A. Leach ........ 40 ... 1.0 mill. Frank Dye ........... 43 • . 2.5 „ Connie Dye .... 45 ... 5.0 „ Work in R. D. No. 4 47 5.9 „ In the matter ot uppomtment of Olwin Blum Road '«uperviaora for file year 1911, C. K. Peiirami the following persons were up Henry Schild Charley Iteamimd pointed - lohn Proctor.......... Roud Dist. No. I Fred Zaddach Ziirtliieli Road Diet. No. •jl , —W. H Alderman. John Road Diet. No . X Forrest J Ayer. A me Blum........... Carl Posetti ....... The Tillaims >k Headlight and the Fred Blum ............. Tillamook lieraid were designated John Blum .......... '. \\ ill Turner........... county official nrws»>a|>era. The up|M>intment otC. A Johnson Riley Simmons Albert Ihirby ns deputy sheriff ass approve«!; ss II II. Johnson was also the ap|H>intmeiit of K l^each............ Max Reiclimuth Milla as depute clerk. A Hart Darby rhe lollowing hills were ai««> al­ Work in R. D No. 3. lowed : J Lewallen ............................ John McNumer. mdse Clsude Lewallen....................... ><-, urtty \ suit a Metal Co t Davis ........................................ Gilbert A Sone, mdsr . If Haye................................... King A Smith, niilee Ed Carter.................................... Ira Diamond, roadwork .... V. Si Edwards........................ Wm. C Thun. Ibr................. W B. K Rvdtwrg................. ... 4>rley Kellow................................ Commissioners’ Court KI :«>.<» George Kellow ... will lie found in the big-farm locali­ ties throughout the state. This route for reaching Coos Bay is in some respects less satisfactory than a more direct route from a point farther south, but it will open up new territory between Siuslaw and Coos Bay that could not be reached by any of the roads formerly pro­ posed. With so many new electric and steam lines now opening up I new regions in Portland’s trade territory, there will be no difficulty in finding satisfactory locations for all of the many thousands of new­ comers whom the railroads promise to bring this year. 15. tn P. H. Messner ... 82.30 W. F. Messner........ 32.30 Ernest Maker........ 62.00 Tom Kellow............ 1.00 Isaac Hill............... 2.3) ! Arthur Strut ........ 8001 E. Strut................... 27.001 Henry White 35.00 N. P. Hanson........ 11.20 Frank Schmeltzer. 200 I. C. Foster......... . .85 F. Stichler............... 133.33 Webster Hudson ................. 50.1» , Ole Redberg............................. 150.00 T. A. Porter.............................. 9.95 L. L. Redberg........................... 12.901 James Lane . ........................... 5.15 I |. M. Weiss ......................... 21.25! Work in R. D. No. 4. 7.60 A. M Austin............... . ............. 5.00 800 O. W. Werschkul..................... 2.50 200 Arthur Edmunds .......... .. • • 2.50 _______ Saves Two Lives. 1.86 Neither my sister nor myself C. J. Blanchard road 15.00 might be living to-day. if it had 2.50 21.90 Harvey Parker, chainman .. 1.25 not been for Dr. King’s New Dis 18.00 Ed Reaves, chainman ....... 1.25 covery” writes A. D. McDonald, of Robert Lyeter, chairman. ... 25.00 Fayetteville, N. C. R. F. D. No. 8, 5.00 Herman Farmer, viewer.... 47. <» 5.60 "for we both had frightful coughs 50. (X) Peter Norberg, viewer ........ that no other remedy could help. 133.33 Trask River Bridge. We were told my sister had con­ 50. (X) Hull Johnson............. ............ (1.00 sumption. She was very weak and 50.00 Albert Darby.............................. 9.(0 had night sweats but your wonder­ 25.00 Roy Powell.................................. 13.50 ful medicine completely cured us 25.00 Gus Peterson.............................. 12.00 both. It’s the best I ever used or 45.83 Bell Johnson............................. 20.(0 heard of.” For sore lunge, 5.85 coughs, colds, hemorrhage, la- Wheeler Road. 40.00 grippe, asthma, hay fever, croup, 1(X).(XI Ross Clements, chainman ... whooping cough, — all bronchial 75.IX) Fred Zaddach, viewer........... troubles—its supreme. Trial bottle 4.00 Frank Wakley, viewer........... free. 50c. and $1.00. Guaranteed Geo. Loerpabel, axeman .. by Chas. I. Clough. C. S. Larson, axeman ......... 2.50 A. Zimmerman, axeman.... Foley Kidney Pills 2.50 A. Emery, axeman ......... Are tonic in action, quick in re­ 3). IX) F. Coroner's Inquest, Body of Ed sults. A special medicine for all 14.50 Lynch. 8.75 kindney and bladder disorders. Carl Shortridge ....................... . ■ 1-0° 10.50 Mary C. Abbott, Wolfeboro, N. H., C. Edner ........................................ 1-00 5.00 says : “ I was afflicted with a bad A. M. Austin ............................. l.(MJ case of rheumatism due to uric 9.00 2.40 acid that my kidneys failed to clear 5.00 Dr F. W. McKnight............... LOO out of my blood. I was so lame in 5.00 H. Crenshaw................................ ................ l-<*> niy feet, joints and back that it” was 33.25 R. N. Henkle....... 1-50 agony for me to stop. I used Foley 31.25 P. J. Sharp .................................. O. L. Frisby ................................ 1.50 Kidney Pills for three days when I 34.25 J. F. Craig .................... 1-50 was able to get up and move about 87.50 L50 and the pains were all gone. This 34.25 Earl Charlton.............................. 7.50 great change in condition I owe to 20.00 W. C. Hawk, coroner............. 2.50 Foley’s Kidney Pill and recommend 15.00 Inez V. Bozorth, sten............... 2.50 Cor. Inquest, body of C. Laughlin. them to anyone suffering as I 5.00 W. C. Hawk, coroner............... 7.50 have.”—C. I. Clough. Thos. Coates, sten...................... 3.00 Emmett Jenkins......................... L50 A Reliable Cough Medicine Dr. R. T. Boals ......................... 1-50 Is a valuable family friend. W. G. Dwight........... ............... L50 Foley’s Honey and Tar fulfills this Capt. Robt. Farley ................... L50 condition exactly. Mrs. Charles T. P. Johnson.............................. 1.50 Kline, N. 8th St. Easton, Pa., states: B. J. Mills .................................. L50 “Several members of my family Thos. Coates ............................. 1.50 have been cured of bad coughs and Carl Shortridge ......................... 1-50 colds by the use of Foley's Honey Anna Fitzpatrick....................... 1.50 and Tar and 1 am never without a Ollie Case...................................... 1.50 bottle in the house. It soothes and E. F. Laughlin.......................... 150 relieves the irritation in the throat E. F. Fitzpatrick......... ............... LOU and loosens up the cold. I have Alex McNair .............................. 100 always found it a reliable cough W. C. King ................ LOO cure.”—C. I. Clough. Homer Mason............................... 1.00 C. S. Wells.................................... 100 Look for the Bee Hive Dr. S. M. Kerron ....................... 1.00 On the package when you buy Cor. Inquest, body of H. H. Hays. Foley’s Honey and Tar for coughs 7.50 and colds. None genuine without W. C. Hawk, coroner . 2.50 the Bee Hive. Remember the name. 77.25 Inez V. Bozorth, sten. 1.00 Foley’s Honey and Tar and reject 1825 G. H. Higgins ....... 1.00 any substitute.—C. I. Clough. ............... 10.85 W. C. King 1.00 C. E. Reynolds .......... 28.00 1.00 Foley’s Kidney Remedy An Ap­ 25.75 J. S. Plasker................. 1.00 22. »1 T. P. Johnson.............. preciation. 1.40 .......... 33.31 B.- H. Miller L. McConnell, Catherine St., El- 1.50 mira, N.Y., , writes : " I wish to ex 81.50 Dr. I. M. Smith.......... 1.50 press my appreciation of the 47.50 Dr. R. T. Boals .......... le great 1.50 good I derived from Foley’s II 37.50 J. H. Rosenlierg......... Kidney 1.50 Remedy, which I used for a bad IS. 25 R N. Henkle ............ 21.25 cuse of kidney trouble. Five bottle* 2S 25 did the work most effectively and The Siuslaw Country. 18.75 proved to me beyond doubt it is the 21.25 rnoHt reliable kidney medicine I Oregonian. 07.50 have ever taken.”—C. 1. Clough. I 21.50 From Eugene comes the report of 27.50 the successful financing of an elec­ 3 25 14.1» tric line from the Lane County capi­ 300 tal to the Pacific coast. The line as 20.1» proposed will reach tidewater on the thorn ,09 !>.• bSM Is Ut» habit at parlas. 22. to Siuslaw River, forty-four miles west Will as4 roa allíaaa that »• otar rsa a aahataatlaTaav- 13’25 lag oa all work ao.l row caaaot (at bat tar galalaaa of Eugene. From there to Florence oh raw bar- 19 50 (alai alata aaS 9 25 at the mouth of the river, the dis­ Isa work tor sat- •°d:; rokir 12.25 tance is sixty miles. It is also stated !.<» that the line will be extended south alaaa oitraaUaa I wkaa al ales or 4.1» low work la ordoe- lai from Florence to Coos Bay. CaaialtaliaM Iras This enterprise, if it is carried to 1.00 ■alarC-awM $5.00 12.1» early completion, will mean more to mtndta Tuli 4.M SaldFUUaea 1.M 8 25 Eugene than any similar industrial 2.50 Eaaawl F>lbaga 1.00 undertaking that has been launched 4.00 4'lver FiHlafa .50 12.50 by the rapidly growing valley city. •tataa 5.00 5.1» As everything that l>e»etits Eugene krllWMIw, At» or any other Willamette valley city Flat- 7.50 5.1» •alale«« trtr-tiee .50 also pays tribute to Portland, thia .5,(11 11.75 city will incidentally reap the bene­ AM worh f«Uy ruarantted fer flfteeas raokra. 2.50 fits from the o|>ening of the new 7.J0 trade field. It is impossible for Painless Dentists 22.50 rentier Third end WnMestM ntTbUg ML 22.50 people who have not actually visited Fetner dtfleelwar« OAK to 0 » ll 22.50 the country to appreciate thorough­ 30. <» ly the resources and possibilities 1U0I for the development in the long- neglected localities lying west of the 311» Coast Range. 11.50 Tillamook and Nehalem on ac­ 17.00 8.25 count of the approaching railroads 4.50 are becoming lietter known and are 8.00 already attracting large numbers of 1850 9 50 new set tiers and increasing the out- 2 50 put of the great staples that have 2.50 made the region famous. What They Will Da for Ya« Natural 4 50 conditions, very similar to those U l <» They will cure your backache, 1250 which have made the Tillamook and strengthen your kidneys, cor. 15.75 Nehalem country prosperous, are to 7.30 be found in the new region townrd rect urinary irregularities, build 1250 300 which the Eugene railroad is direct­ up the worn out tissues, and ed. Irrigation is unnecessary. The eliminate the excess uric acid richliottom lands along the innumer-1 able streams that flow toward the ! that causes rheumatism. Pre. Pacific produce enormous crops of | went Bright's Disease and Dia. almost snjr vegetable, cereal or fruit bates, and restore health and which may tie planted. Although Strength. Refuse substitutea. the land when cleared tieeomes al­ most too valuable for stock raising Sold by Cha*. I. Clough on extensive sale, there will be a considerable range for stock for many years ami the dairy farms will naturally turn off many animals I which will latten to better ad vaatage Compare Our Prices Wise Dental Co.,i~- Foley’s Kidney Pills At» At» 3» 1# 3» a.oi and prove more profitable than thiate produced on more extensive ranges. The Siuslaw. like Tillamook. Ne­ halem and all the rest of the coast «-ountry. is so remarkably produc­ tive that it will always be a region of small farms, which, of «-ourae menus large popufoMoa and a high­ er average degree of prosperity than i ■ 4 Ü The Fast Steamer •GOLDEN GATE: : Leaves Tillamook for i Astoria and Portland, 11 ■ I » ■ Ü i ■ I « THURSDAY of ■ Each Week B B Freight and Passengers ■ ■ M ■ M < ■ ■ FOR RATES—ADDRESS J. R. GLADDEN, Agent. i THE TILLAMOOK, OREGON. New Furnishings—Modern Fixtures. Centrally Located. Hot and Cold Water on Each Floor. Meals 35 and 50c. Beds 35 cents and up according to Room. Large Office, Dining Room and Ladies’ Parlor. Best Hotel in Tillamook County. F. W. Todd, Prop R. H. Todd, Mgr. Steamer “ Sue H. Elmore 99 (CAPT P. SCHRADER) MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH (CAP. T. LATHAM). Tillamook & Portland. Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday Couch St. Wharf. Portland. " That’s All.” HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. Yon Use Then We Sell Th W. A. WILLIAMS & CO. Next Door to Tillamook Connty Bonk. i ÛXPORT BEER» KAISER BLUME. ii nsurpassed.Non-Intoxicating- MALT TEA 3eer, Special Brew. BOTTLED BY THE Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon- N«4a Water«. Sipthoaa, Bartlett llaeral Water.