(Tillamook Vol. XXIII. No. 3. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JANUARY 12, NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING To Members of the Tillamook Commercial Club A Special Meeting of the Club is hereby call'd for Friday Evening, January 13, 1911, at 7: 30 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of requesting the Port of Tillamook to send representation to Washington City, 1).C., forthwith, to guard our harbor improve­ ment project and assist our delegation in the Congress in pro­ curing the same. This is the most important matter that has ever come before us for consideration, so all members will try and lx? present. WEBSTER HOLMES, President. Attest: ERWIN HARRISON, Secretary. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS I)r. Morris, eye specialist. Coal, delivered, $10.00 a ton. D. L. S hrode . • Pennies Wanted at the Tillamook County Bank. Flour and feed of all kinds at the Tillamook Feed Co. Four lots for $1,000, your own terms. D. I.. Shrode. For cement by the sack or the barrel see D. L. Shrode. * Special price on Alfalfa hay, ton lots $25.00.—R osenberg B ros . Dr. B. J. Sharp will leave Sunday for Nehalem to be gone a week. The Tillamook Feed Co. will make you the right prices on your feed.* Six feet of snow on the summit is reported by the Trask mail carrier. If it goes with the feed business goto the Tillamook Feed Co. for it.* Wood for sale, any kind or any amount.—For prices see George Gaston. * Some choice nursery stock for sale cheap. Must sell at once.—D.L. S hrode . • Four lots, 52V4 X 105, for $1100.00 cash. In block 10, Park Addition.— II. Sours. L. M. Kraner and Dr. Brown were in from Cloverdale the first of the week. - Ed. Hadley has sold his saloon business on Main street to J. B. Stephens. Shrode wants to see you at the Tyler Building, It’s to your inter- est to call. Fred R. Beals left last week for California and i» expected back in a few days. Highest Price paid for Hides, Fur- and Sheep Pelts. N. Melchior, Till­ amook, Ore. . • Ye cold blooded and ye chilly, King & Smith Co. set up stoves on short notice. • When you come to Tillamook go to the Watch Tower for first class accomodations. * H. Sours, cheapest and best paper hanger in town. Leave orders at King & Smith Co. • A few of Mrs. Allender’s friend» made her a delightful surprise on her 88th birthday. Call and get our price on feed of all kinds.—T illamook F eed Co., successors to C. S. Atkinson. * An almost nevz No. 6 Shora pleas separator for sale or trade, at a bar­ gain. D. I.. Shrode. House and Two Lots for Sale, :heap. Easy terms. Enquire at he Headlight office. Does that suit need pressing? If io take it to the Tillamook Steam Dye Works and have it pressed ight. * A marriage license was issued the >ast week to Clarence M. Hayes and 4rs. Ora B. McCoy, both of thia »lace. JltaÖliobt The Tillamook Feed Co. is com­ posed of Charles Kunze, D. L. Slir^de and George Williams. A letter addressed to **A. Petter­ son, care of the Headlight,” re­ mains uncalled for at this office. Buy your groceries where you like and your feed from the Tillamook Feed Co. at the Tyler Building. * Save money by having laying hens picked out from inferior ones. I guarantee my work.—H. B ooth . * How about that old summer suit? Have it dyed by the Tillamook Steam Dye Works for winter use. * Select your Heating Stoves from the largest assortment in the city. Prices reasonable. —K ing A SMITH Co. • The old roof on Long’s saw mill collapsed Thursday morning when several men narrowly escaped seri­ ous injury. You can find a nice new line of goods at Mrs. Wade’s /millinery parlor, just north of The News office in Bay City. If that suit neqds to be pressed for the dance or show, phone the Tillamook Steam Dye Works and they will come after it. The person who borrowed the wire stretcher from Alex McNair A Co.’s hardware store will please re­ turn it as he is in need of it. * Postmaster W. F. Baker has been notified that Merril Smith has been, appointed rural mail carrier for R. F. D. No. 1 from Tillamook city. The Tillamook Lumber Manufac­ turing Co.'» saw mill, after being closed for several, months will re­ sume operations about the first of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Carl llaberlach re­ turned on Saturday from visiting their relatives at Clackamas, While outside Mr. llaberlach went to the Sound cities. This is the time of year when Lanterns are in use every day. . We have a large assortment of Lanterns, Lantern globes, Burners, Wicks,etc. —K ing a S mith C o . » There will be preaching at the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening by the pastor. Rev. S. G. Finney, when an opportunity will be given to those desirous of joining this church. • The regular servicee will be re­ sumed next Lord's day at the Church of Christ. Sermon subjects: Morn­ ing—“In Christ.” Evening—“The Church of Your Choice.” Snow Drift flour, $5.90 a bbl. and $1.50 a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.40 a bbl. and $1.40 a sack. Im­ perial flour, $5.75 a bbl. and $1.45 a sack.—W m . C urtis , The Grain Man. • Mrs. McGhee has leased the Watch Tower and will open it as a rooming house on the 1st of January. The building has been newly renovated and furnished, electric lights. Board by month, week or day. • Bank Is Looking for Security & The affairs of this bank are directed and man­ aged by men of business and experience. Below appears a list of the Officers and Director» of the Tillamook County Bank. M. W. HARRISON, Pres. H. T. BOTTS, Vice-Pres. ERWIN HARRISON, Cashier. DIRECTORS : W. M. HARRISON. CARL HABERLACH. H. T. BOTTS. D, FITZPATRICK M. APPLANALP. >i-5o per year rjaaswawaMaaMSSnsKMssMSSMasUMmi * Children’s Rubbers, sizes 11 to 2, 29c. pr. Boys’ and Girls’ Rubber Boots, $1.50 pr. Youths’ Soag Proof Boots, >1.75 pr. Ladies’ Wool Undergarments, <1.50 values 79c. Ladies’ Flannelette Emb’d. Gowns 79c.; Skirts Emb’d. flounce, 49c. aaaMBMMMawiwvw mww — mww — a»s ini 11aw OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS AT YOUR DOOR TO-DAY, THE JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE,” Brings to You Economical, Underpriced, Values. 44 Truthfulness of statement in every detail is the foundation upon which this big store was made possible, constructed tor our large family of patrons and friends. Your children trade here to-day, you as a child did trade, and in years to come we want your children’s, children to trade here. It’s the store that exists and alive for your confidence to day and years to come. NEVER BEFORE have we been able to put forward anything like these values. 4000 yds. Valenciennes, torchon and Mecca Laces and insertion, values to 15c., Clearance x j Sale .... 4c. yd. 3(M) Pair Golf Gloves, for Ladies’, Misses and Children Fancy Wool knit, 50c. sellers, priced nr at the Clearance Sale zac. pr. 47 doz. Huck Towels, large size, fancy and plain borders, good 15c. value. n Clearance Sale • C* CH. CLEARANC SALE OF CLOTHING The continued, unexpected selling lias made it necessary for us to bring forward garments that will be classed as superior to twice the price quoted. It’s up to us, however, to make good, just as we Advertised. Sec the Big Show Window, of unusual importance will lie Radical Reductions of SUITS HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX OVERCOATS. Garments that “Reforms” the man. ay $20.00 Suit SchA’ffl^ », »» »» »» »» »» 22.50 »» »» 25.00 »» ♦» 27.50 »» »» 30.00 »> »» 22.50 Overcoat 25.00 »’ »» Home of Hart, & Marx Clothes, 77 »7 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 $18.30 20.25 22.35 24.25 26.65 20.35 22.35 77 77 77 Entire Stock of, lute Fall and Winter Suits and Over- coats at phenomenal Clearance Price Reductions. MEN'S SUITS, new fall and winter styles, cloth of wool cheviots and fancy serges, a lot comprising values to $15.00, ♦ 1A EA Clearance Sale........... .............................. ..................... «PlU.Dv oUll MEN'S SUITS, latest English fancy worsteds, superior workmanship, nobby styles, latest winter creations, $1.50 to $20.00 values........................ r................................................ .'. YOUTH'S SUITS, latest fancy and plain worsteds, and classy designs $14.65 Suit Hun .xbanner a Marx ages from 13 to 17 years, regular values to $14.00.... We put these superior Boy’s Suits in lots, regard­ less in many cases of price, to make quick, energetic, fast selling. LOT 3—Another Boy’s Suit Special, 8 to 14 year« sizes, also new popular worsteds latest style cut, remarkable$10.00 Sult $7.85 Suit STYLISH SUITS for’the LITTLE GENTS, Russian Elouse and Buster Jlrown styles, made of Scotch plaids and grays, also fancy worsteds. $5.75 $5.50 age» 8 to 17 years, values to $0.00. January sale.... $4.45 Suit $4.90 LOT 2—Boy's Suits of smart make up, blue serges, fancy grays and $4.00 browns; extra pair trousers, knickerbocker style, KE Q •«. $ 00 seller...................... OUlL $3 75 LOT 1—Consisting of Fancy 'Csssimeres, Scotch tweed» and im­ ported Corduroy»; tan», browns and gray» predominate in colors, Values, Ja^yR^cX.nce Values, D D Values, D D Values, •i H Values, » $4.85 $4.65 $4.10 $3.35 $3.10 Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit BOY’S OVERCOATS, stylish long cut, military and regular collars, fancy woof worsteds, $0.50 values, $4.45, $5.(0 value BALCONY DEPARTMENT. LADIES’ MISSES’ THE BEST NEWS YET Suits, Furs, Waists, Cloaks, KnitWcar, Flannelette Gowns, Hoods, Knit and Flannel Skirts, Sweaters for Women, Children and Infants. EXTRAORDINARY CLEARANCE REDUCTIONS. 29 Tailored Suits, beautiful two piece models, materials of broadcloth, fancy serges and cheviots, semi-fitted coats, ♦17 hand braided and embroidered up to $90 values yl 4 • i O Olli L Misses Dresses of blue anil auto red wool serges, trimmings of braid and «ilk, a positive new model of fashionable design, ♦(" QO ages 12 to 15 years. Clearance Sale Reduction Price .. Women’s one price dresses of Chiffon Panama and Sheer Wool fab­ rics, trimmed with Oriental braids and laces to ♦ » E It Q.,;«- correspond, $22.50 value............................................ fl «/.“«J OU IL Women’s Frocks of Taffeta Silks and fine wool materials, new fall Children's Cloaks, never was such a stylish lot put before the buying public, strictly man tailored, handsome creations, our reg- ♦J AE Ular selling price for these were tip to $10.00. Choice. pLv« and winter styles, values to $1(450....... To-day the Depositor in Any xgn $8.48 Suit Women’s Gowns, one piece effects, made of English Mohair, also broadcloth, neatly tailored, and dress styles, special sale. 07 price ................... ,................................................................ ......... ecial item. English tan rubber cloth, Win the Jot, regular $3.75 seller, ages 5 to 13. Clear- ♦ » A7 ance Sale........................................................................................... ^l.vl Silk Petticoats, entire stock put in onemasaiv* bargain heap, sightly and gorgeous taffetas of twotone7.75 Dow filled Silk covered plain and figured effects at ... Comforts, 13 16 ea. 06 90 ea. $3 00 Wool nap, Cosy, »now white or gray Blanket», af.................. .. ............ 82 35 pr 52.00 E itra Heavy 12 4 Cotton Blankets, white, fin, gray, at ..... .. XI 69 pr. 85c. Cottim Blanket*, fall sise. white tan, gray, at ............................................... BLACK LADIES' HOME JOURNAL •ixee 22 to 31 Waist, 65c. ▼glues. 33c. Pair. PATTERNS