TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 5, 1911 ORKGON CURIOUS, of Tillamook Commission, said Till­ in converting these latent resources UNIQUE AND . ALONE. into tangible wealth. amook's proposal, like that of Bay There are billions of feet of the City was conditional on the Govern­ Freak Legislation Entails ment providing a channel depth of finest lumber in the world which Penalties. will be of little use to its owners un ­ 14 feet at low wafer to Bay City, where there is a depth of three feet, til it can reach the world’s markets That Oregon will pay dearly for md of 10 feet from Bay City to the by way of the economical water its direct legislation and suffer routes. It is from the marketing of bar. That depth, said Mr. Botts, heavily in the end is the opinion of would give a road 22 feet deep at this timber and the direct benefits Henry James Ford, of Princeton that will result that Tillamook will From the Oregonian. high water and ships could then be University, who is at the Portland. floated carrying as high as 1,500,000 recoup for the very heavy expendi­ Mr. Ford is professor of political feet of lumber. He said the first ture she is about to make to secure economy and has courses of study the necessary channel. The matter Bond» Worth $150.000 Taken g| proposition wan for the Port to con­ in Federal, state and municipal tribute $300,000 for a 10-foot channel, is one that is of direct interest to governments. He is regarded as an I ( f $050,000 in bonds to be is­ Portland, for whatever contributes sued by tlie Port of Tillamook later $375,(14» for a 12-foot road and authority on those subjects, and is ¡0 and Hay City the Whitney finally $450,(11) for 14 feet, each ad­ to the prosperity of Tillamook also taking his present trip to study the Lum1 er Company will take Portland is also ditional two feet being estimated to aids this city. $150 0 41 worth at face value. governments of the Western Canad­ pleased to note that our Port of Two icputable bond houses cost $75,(11). ian provinces and Oregon. It was pointed out by Mr. Botte Portland plan for improving water­ I have ottered to take over a por­ “Oregon is the only place in the tion of the issue and a private ways where the Government is slow that while Tillamook had a popula­ world,” said he, “where the initi­ w citizen will Imy about $1(11,(11) in taking hold is finding favor else ­ tion of 1300 it was growing rapidly worth. ative exists in the form you have it- and was the center of a rich agri­ where in the state.—Oregonian. Suitable rock for jetty con- It seems to me that you have run strui tion has been found on the cultural district. The slough lead­ wild. It furnishes to students of bay, thereby le'sening the first Milker Wanted. ing from the bay to the city was tor­ political economy a practical illus­ <■ -(¡mate of cost. tuous, he said, and had many sharp Willi 20 feet of water on tlie Wanted, a First Class Milker, a tration of direct legislation, and ite bends that handicapped navigation, married I,ar and a channel of 10 feet to ________ man. A good house to live outcome will be of much interest, Bay City and 14 feet to Tilla­ but by deepening the roud and ill. Apply to J. 11. llathi.way. Till although I apprehend generally mook, lumber carriers can be dredging away the bends the dis- a mook. that those who have made a special loaded having a capacity of t mce would be shortened and pto- from I.(*«»,<»<» to 1,511),(XII feet. Team for Sale. study of the subject cipi predict the Besides being the outlet for vision made for the storage of logs ultimate outcome. new One Driving Team, with the finest belt of standing tim ­ !! in booms. harness for sale, Price $100. Apply World Is Astonished. ber in the world, Tillamook 9 Mr Hawkins Tells of Conditions. to A. Emerson, near Maple Leaf Bay districts have offered the "It sometimes is necessary for N Government the largest initial Russell Hawkins, of the Whitney Creamery, Tillamook, Ore. the body politic to have an emetic sum for harbor improvements Lumber Co., said the last general I ever made. to clean out the old infection and Notice. cruise made by the County of Tilla­ corruption of Borne Bystem which ib* mook showed that there is 20,000,000,- A draft No. 1303, dated Dec. 5, on has proved harmful to the people at When citizens of Tillamook and 000 feet of timber standing, the fig­ large. The convention principle of Buy City met with engineering ure representing what the trees the Bay City Trust Co. for $40.00, in government has proved a disastrous by favor of U. G. Jackson, signed would cut and did not include waste. officers of the United States Army, failure in America and has done after having traveled from the Coast He said the belt extended for a rad­ the Bay City Land Co. has been lost more to create graft than anything district and some of them com ius of 20 miles south of Tillamook. and payment on same has been to be found in our form of govern­ stopped. polled to make the journey on 15 miles north ami about the same • Signed, U. G. JACKSON. ment. No lurn- horseback to arrive in time for the distance to the eastward. “I do not blame people for rebell- her is exported now, he said, be ­ session, it was brought out that Singer Sewing Machine. But your direct ing against it. the project for harbor work was not cause ot the inability of mariners to Now is your opportunity to get legislation is the astonishment of only meritorious mid one that es­ reach mills and docks and that in a machine that will last you a life the whole world, Generally, when tablishes a precedent in the annals the past material for foreign markets time, on easy monthly, payments we speak of freak legislation, we of Government aid of the kind, but could be handled only by lightering that you will scarcely miss and think of Switzerland and New Zea­ that the development of the lumber to carriers anchored in deep water. no interest. land, but Oregon outclasses them. I personally guarantee every ma- industry for other than home con Mr. Hawkins said that because of chine and will keep it in repair free It is so far from them that I doubt sumption was nt a standstill until rail tarriffs and market conditions of charge. if there is a comparison. Noone in the way to the sea is in shape to it would be impossible accurately to Your old machine will be taken Switzerland ever heard of such form as part payment. accommodate vessels of at least the gauge the probable movement in­ Machines delivered at your home, of direct legislation as you have out draft of those in the coastwise land, but that 40 per cent of the cut on free demonstration trial. here. In the first place, their refer­ trade. would cover it, because only the Call in and see the New Singer G6. endum system is a relic of the mid­ Bay City Will Go Limit. best and finished material would BL'WI i ETT S hipman , Tillamook, Ore. It is little used, and for Whaletn's Jewelry Store. dle ages. In offering to provide $211»,000, go east, the rough being market­ the masses to initiate laws would be which represents its share and pro­ able in California and offshore, Fine Dairy Farm. as strange to them as some of your bably more of the expenditure, Bay while with the opening of tlie Pana­ City will bond for every penny ma Canal it could reach the Atlan­ 380 acres, aerea, lyinff lyinç 3 miles from Hood River Apples, although the Florence, the banking and shipping Apples would be more pleasing. allowed by law, for but 10 per cent tic Coast market. of the district, with regular Swiss Are Incredulous. of tlie assessed valuation of the Mr. Hendricks Assures Support. center boat to Portland. “I remember that Charles Edward port district can be collected for R. J. Hendricks, of Salem, who is IA) acres is dyked tide marsh, all harbor work, while Tillamook, with interested in Bay City a i president in grass and worth $:«!) per acre, Russel in his letters on Switzerland’s $450,000 to be provided, is about of the Bay City Land Company, 41 a res tide marsh in grass and government tells of a Swigs who had $100,000 short of what can be drawn said that community was willing to not dyked, worth $100 per acre. 210 lived over here for years and had al­ acres rolling bench carries 4 million on the 10 per cent levy, as the total stand by its proposition. feet of virgin timber, worth $0000— ways participated in oftr elections. assessed valuation of the j»ort dis­ Wells Gilbert, president of the at local mills in logs at $5.00 per When he returned to his native land trict there fa $5,5«),0(1). Wilson River Lumber Company, thousund. This 210 ucres after it is he used to regale his neighbors by Even in the face of that fact, ex­ prefaced his remarks by saving he logged, will be worth $1(1) per acre telling them of the big ballots and for pasture and apple raising. pressions at that meeting left no did not wish to voice a discordant Fresh water trout stream runs the frequency of the elections. His doubt that the remainder of the ■tote, but that in his opinion it was through the tract. Fine building neighbors refused to believe him Only 30 and so big were his stories, from possible fund will be placed at the not necessary for mills to be located site, but no building. dispornl of the Government if it is on the upper reached of the bay be­ minutes by motor luiat to bank at their viewpoint, that he became Portland boat landing. Good deemed Imperative. cause he thought the fear of toredos school, church, stores, creamery, known as the biggest liar in Swit­ But it was also strongly emplui eating the piling at Bay City was mill, etc., near building site. Total zerland. That Swiss, luckily, never present value, $70,700. I want to heard of Oregon. sized that in coming to the front exaggerated. ell amt will take $20,000, with $5 “They tell inejthat you have 40 ex­ with local assistance the taxpayers President McMaster, of the Port­ (1) cash and balance long time with I. Il the' hud shouldered u huge re­ land Chamber of Commerce, told ecutive heads in Oregon and that per •er cent interest. til msibility mid Hint with other the engineer officers the Chamber each has his own lawyer, his own G eo . M elvin M illew , I Box 35, Eugene, Or. clerks and his own method of con­ contiiliutions to the Government in hud adopted resolutions favoring land sales anil the like, it had con- the improvement and had heartily ducting business. No good results Saves Two Lives. are possible under such a system of tributed and stood ready to proffer endorsed it. and he hoped the board “Neither my sister nor myself government. more of its wealth to an extent that would report favorably on it, tie might be living to-day, if it hail “My trip to Western Canada was made it not unreasonable to expect cause it was one of the most impor­ not lieen for Dr. King's New Dis­ a handsome appropriation from tant steps touching the future of covery” writes A. D McDonald, of for the purpose of studying the Fayetteville, N. C. R. F. D. No. 8, business efficiency of the provincial Congress so that the dream of a the Oregon ("oust country. “for we both had frightful coughs governments. There the Adminis­ modern waterway could be realized. Gua Nelson andC. W. Pike, of the that no other remedy could help. Colonel Biddle Investigates. Port of Bay City Commission, who We wire told my sister had con­ tration performs tile function of Colonel John Biddle, chairman of had ridden overland, were the sole sumption. She was very weak and conducting the government. The the lioanl ot engineers, delved into representatives of that laxly, while had night sweats but your wonder­ legislative portion of the govern­ the question minutely, as lie mid Mr. Botts wus accompanied by A.G. ful medicine completely cured us ment cannot originate laws without! both. It's the best I ever used or Major C. W. Kutz, of Seattle, were Beals, also of the Port of Tillamook beard of.” For sore lungs, the approval of the government or I All of the I • with Major Morrow, in charge Coiuniisaion. coughs, colds, hemorrhage, la- administration forces. grippe, asthma, liny fever, croup, business is conducted under one I • .I the First District, when he visited whooping cough, — all bronchial authority. All branches of the gov-1 I 1 .imook last September and Tillamook's Self Help. troubles—its supreme, Trial bottle . »thered details that comprised the eminent are performed under one I free. 30c. and $1.00 Guaranteed administrative board. It is conduct-1 preliminary rep< rt to the chief of It is doubtful if any other com­ by Clias. I. Clough. engineers. ed on the same principle that you I munity of similar wise in the United Foley Kidney Pill. In opening the session Colonel States ha. ever made such a liberal would conduct the business of a I Are tonic in action, quick in re- Piddle stated that all previous re­ contribution for waterways improve­ suits. A speciul medicine for all corporation. ports on the undertaking had been ment ns that pledged in aid of the kindney and bladder disorders. Majority Does Not Rule. adverse until the statement for­ pro|M>aed Government work which Mary C. Abbott, Wolfeboro. N.H., “In Oregon you evidently have! warded on October 2. 1WI0, and thut ia necessarv to put TillnmiMik and says : ” I was afflicted with a bad the opi>oaite. The legislation ial case of rheumatism due to uric since a suitable quarry lind been Bay C ity on the list of deep water acid that my kidneys failed to clear formed by the masses. Many of I found from which jetty material |M>rta. Making a comparison from out of my blood. I was so lame in your laws, complicated and full of II could lie drawn that lessened the a population stand|*oint, the $tBOl- my feet, joints and back that it was technical matter, are adopted -not I first estimated cost. Fortunately. (W guaranteed by these two |mrts agony for me to stop. I used Folev by a majority of your people, but I Kidney Pills for three days when j Major Morrow had all data from for a twenty-foot channel on the bar was able to get up and move about by a majority of the votes cast. The, surveys and examinations so that and a Iti-taot channel inside i.about and the pains were all gone. This only way that Oregon's government II an estimate wus compiled for the the same as a $«>,(»»».111» fund for great change in condition I owe to could be conducted to advantage II cnlightment of the Washington I' Itortland. This city haa never balk­ roley a Kidney Pill and recommend would tie to conduct it the same II them to anyone suffering as I authorities and the estimate was ei 'd nt any ex|>enditurv for improving i have."—C. 1. Clough. way that you would a business cor- II lor n depth on the bar of 2i) feet. the highway to the sen. Imt a $3n. poration-for the greatest results. II A Reliable Cough Medicine Jetty to Coat $1,700,000. (limn fund for such a purixise u- lour recent ballot containing the I " „' “ ' “ «' ’ ' f family friend. The jetty project, it was stated might make our citiaena study over Foley . Honey and Tar fulfill, this designation of various laws which I would entail au ex|>enae of approx, the matter longer than the people «»ndltion exactly. Mrs. Ch.rle. were proposed for adoption is with I imstvly fl.TtlUUt, and for work in of Bay C. ity ami Tillamook consider- Kline. N. Sth St. Easton, P».. states out a parallel in history. New Zeal I •Sever.1 member, ot my tamilv the Hoqunrton Slough and on the e I their pru|KMition. Swit-| have t>een cured of bad cough, and and does not vote that way. channel to Buy City would demand As an example of self-help in the cold, by the use of Foley’s Honey serland does not. Oregon is alone I tNii.dit M"1 J “,n never without a in thia respect—odd. curious, and! matter ot river and harbor appro- , Major Morrow said, from offhand pristions, Tillamook and Bay Citv bottle in the home, it «xtthe. and It will not always be this I relieves the irritation in the throat unique. estimates. thut of the fmuiD to be have established a bright and shin­ and loosens up the cold. I have way. Maytie you will come out bet. I collected from Ismtls, the channel ing precedent, which, if followed by “'»ays found it a reliable couch ter in the end. Anyway, you will | from Hay City to Tillamook would | communities in other |>arta of the cure. —C. I. < lough. pay for it. You are far from having I necessitate an ex|H*nditurv of $».18. I United Stated would serve to remove la representative form of govern■( Look for the Bee Hive (•*>. while that from the )>ar to Bay ' any retiming traces of the “pork ' ment. o, > .«he package when you buy City would coat but leaving i laurel” ¿diuui which haa ao long Foley a Honey .nd T.r for coughs ----------------------- “ a surplus from the l*urt of Tills ' restevl on river, amt hartxvr» bills. ■ nook s fund of $12. (U) and from the | It ia eminently proper that thia ÄÄ A0”/!*). Take Foley*• Honey .nd T.r. It Bay City account of $LAKtlU faith which the Tillamook people give, qmck relief .nd expel, the The question arose as to whst I have shown in their port should lie ny .utwtitute. —<. I t lough proportion ot the l\»rt • Remedy T°‘ W *r *** •nd — >t contain, money appreciated ami rei-igmml bv the Foley'. KM.ey prectatio. ’ A. A** A» ! 1 could be used on the bar. and it Government with an !" *' Catherine St.. KI appropriation •»•k'fent to complete the N ' ' wr”ee " « to ex. —» neceasary of the funds for other than channel channel T“ There are few, if any, re- press uiy appreciation of the great improvement, might result ro.ult in tat. tax- I gion. in Oregon where N.tu’ro s'\ I SÄirÄ'TJa'C Æ TILLAMOOK BAY IS TO HAVE OUTLET. Federal Government is Offered Large Sum for Harbor Improvements. "AR 01 The First Principle Of the Salaried Man Should Be O TO SAVE. It is possible that luck may play an import­ ant part iu the quick making of fortunes, but it has nothing to do with fortunes ac­ cumulated from the savings of labor. A bank account, however, will be of as­ sistance and the young man or woman who will take this method of saving from his or her salary will eventually reach the de­ sired goal. This bank welcomes the accounts of those people who are working on salary and have a desire to save a part of it. f A V•••*«••«•% • ■ I ■ I c <0 TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. « I » Steamer «•* MMBI I .* » « Mi Botts K.plain. ProBo^l. a r. 1 •" the Tillamook count l dow>*.** “ to » healthy condemn. i fa Sue H. Elmore” (CAPT P. SCHRADER) MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH (CAP. T. LATHAM). Tillamook & Portland. Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday. Couch St. Wharf, Portland. “ That’s All.” THE TILLAMOOK, OREGON. New Furnishings—Modern Fixtures. Centrally Located. Hot and Cold Water on Each Floor. Meals 35 and 50o. Beds 35 cents and up according to Room. Large Office, Dining Room and Ladies' Parlor. I est Hotel in Tillamook County. P. W. Todd, Prop, -A. R. H. Todd, Mgr. HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Them. We Sell Them. w. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. for children -* c?u*h med'cinel . For either acute or chronic kidney wind that disorder*. for annoying ami pnfr.- Thoulâmi" Chamhrrt-t-.'x <' most effev tu.l for01*!« *• fnl urinary irrrgutaritie» take th.Tit T^nm.-i jl k *- •"«* •'«toy Kidney Pflta. An honest and For .ale bv •’•rn>ful drug. . effective medicine for kxlm-y aud For ml« by Lam.F. Plug Store. bladder di-onterw-C. I. Clough.