T illamook BURNT CORK. ■a Used by Minstrel Perform- L Whan “Blacking Up.” Ipular impression as to the ap- I of burnt cork by minstrel Irs and actors in general Is I rubbed on the face and bands layer from a cork whose end is liu a convenient gas jet. This [oil Is. however. Incorrect. The fork used by minstrels and ■ tbe product of the theatrical nctories,” just as is any other I or pigmeat employed by tbe bn. puse makes it In the following The corks are placed in three iels. resembling wash boilers, les punched In their sides aud Alcohol is sprinkled over the id they they are “fired.” When Is have been properly charred placed in muslin sacks, which ided in barrels of water. This li forces the powdered charcoal the sacks into the water. all the charred corks have prked through the sacks Into er in this way the water Is j through a close canvas sack, (at remains in that sack Is pr the i>erformers. Tlie stuff )p in cans, from which, when >trel is ready to “black up.” he little of the black paste in his ■id applies It to his face, neck letimes his hands.—New York A CURIOUS BIRD. Misted Hoactzin When Hatched Ha* Four Leg*. ■rested hoactzin of British Gul- ■the only survivor of a certain ■ birds most of which are now ■ only as fossils. The hoactzin n tiie most secluded forests of ■America, and its survival be- ■s congeners is doubtless owing ■^tiring habits and to the fact ■ feeds on wild arum leaves, [give its flesh a most offensive ■rendering it unfit for food. Ihief peculiarity of the hoactzin Is ill the fact that when it is Id it possesses four well develop- I. The young birds leave the nest ■mb about like monkeys over the ■ ng limbsand look more like tree ■than birds. I modification of the fore limbs I at once after hatching, when bus of the digits fall off and the [ clawlike hand begins to flatteu become wing shaped. Feathers ippear. and liefore full growth Is fd not a vestige remains of the hl character. adult birds not only have no upon their wings, but their is even are so poorly developed me would hardly suspect that In sstliugs we have the nearest ap- li to a quadruped found among lg birds.—London Tit-Bits. [ Tung Po and Teamaking, bro Is but one way of making tea. Knless the water boiling be an pour on water spoil* tho tea. B teapot Itself should be heated I hot before the tea is placed in it ■he boiling water poured on. It Id be scalding hot water or the I b will float to the top. ■ less authority than Tung Po. the ®se poet, is quoted for n recipe for kklug. He says: “Whenever tea I be infused take water from a ■ng stream and boil it over a live- le. It is an old custom to use run­ I water, boiled over a lively fire, I from springs in the hills is salti ■ best and river water the next. ■ well water Is the worst. A g fire Is a clear, bright charcoal I When making an infusion do not ■ he water too hastily. At first It Is to sparkle like crabs’ eyes, then ■what like fish's eyes, and lastly nils up like pearls Innumerable iglng and waving about. This is ■ ay to boil water." "Touch Not the Queen.” kier this title a Paris Journal pro­ Is to give an account of the tragic p of the queen of Siam, who was reatly loved as her consort. Some B ngo her majesty was boating ladles of the court in a lake in tbe »■ns of the palace at Bangkok. Tbe overturned, and tbe queen could iwlm. She was surrounded by nu- *us (tersonages who could have Il her life, but no one has tbe right ■tend the hand upon the queen, king alone could have held her up prevented her from sinking, and fas nowhere at hand. Respectful- I be court allowed tbe queen to i ■ Chippendale'* Own. I it genuine Chippendale T absolutely, sir." lut this looks like a crack right So“— one by Chippendale himself, str, la of rage when be beard the union called the men out.” — London ¡h. Tha Other Was Important. 9» great desirea of my life bara i gratified. One was to go up la in* hip.” nd the oiherT' b get safety beck to earth."-Bx- ige A Real Pretty Excuse. sale's Mother-Beaaie. dij you le< Mr. Snuggle have a klan? B»-sata a, mamma He said it would ba a Iby kisa, and I was Just dead mi­ to hare him go.—Puck. e Judk Ions reader of judicious ad toemeats always gets mor? tkau mouey'e worth. - Fl rida 1 Ines DISLIKES INNOVATIONS. headlight , J anuary 5. 1910 The Mayor’s Message HEADQUARTERS FOR To the Honorable City Council, Gentlemen: . . Agreable to the pro- Sir Frederick Treves, the distinguish­ ed British surgeon, in his book “Ugan­ ' visions of our city charter, I herewith I da For a Holiday’’ has a word or two , submit to you, the condition of the, > city at this time, as it appears to me I to say about the rhinoceros. “The rhinoceros is the embodiment together with a few recommendations, i of blind conservatism,” bo writes. "Its FINANCES hide is impenetrable. Its vision Is weak, The general fund of the city is at while its Intellect Is weaker. It has, present in fair condition. All outstand- however, two marked qualities—com­ ing warrants are paid and a balance of1 bativeness and a sense of smell. It Is aroused to its maximum energy by tbe approximately $300 appears to be on presence of anything that is new. This hand. The street fund is less fortunate. object need not be a thing that is ag­ gressive or inconvenient. Its offensive­ There is an outstanding indebtedness ness depends upon the fact that it Is against this fund, amounting to more unfamiliar, and the more unfamiliar than $6500. tbe object Is tbe worse the rhinoceros The charter, under the construction acts. ’ recently put upon it by our courts, per­ "When a rhinoceros smells a man be mits a levy of only one and one half : will charge him with maniacal vio- mills for street purposes. This levy Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window ! lence, although the man may be mere­ ly sitting on a stool reading Milton. amounts to a little less than $900 which Sashes, The massive beast will dash at him ] is entirely inadequate for street pur- like a torpedo or a runaway locoiuo- i poses. After consulting with you each five simply because tbe smell of him j individually, and with some of our citi- is novel. Actuated by this insane bate l zens whose resourcefulness can not be of whatever savors of an innovation, questioned, I will make some recom­ Agents for the Great Western Saw the rhinoceros has charged an Iron wa­ mendations, tending to relieve the sit- ter tank on the outskirts of a camp I uation for the present, as hasty and and has crumpled it up as a blacksmith ' ill advised recommendation in the face would an empty meat tin. ' of this deficit would be useless. Our The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County “A conservative rhinoceros with a | streets are in such condition that im- . senile dislike of anything new once i charged a train on the Uganda railway, , provement is in order all along the but with no more serious results than line. At this time, however, I recom­ the tearing away of the footboard of a mend that an appropriate legislation carriage. As regards the rhinoceros in be passed at once to submit to the peo- i this case, It appeared surprised that a i pie an amendment to this clause of our thing composed, as it had imagined, of i charter, to the end that the next ad­ flesh and blood could be so hard. It ministration may not meet with the went off with an additional grievance | same embarrasment. and an Increased swelling of the head.” The water fund of the city is creat­ ing a sinking fund, that is very flatter­ MOSCOW CATHEDRAL. ing to all, and the expense of the city for its fire protection and municipal Fantastic Looking Edifice Erected by water supply has been reduced to a Ivan the Terrible. minimum. One of the most extraordinary and IMPROVEMENTS fantastic Christian places of worship Manufacturers of in the world is the Cathedral of Mos­ The streets in the business section of cow, known as Vasllt Blajenni, strange our city should be improved with a not only in outline and conception, but good hard surface pavement, and ce­ even stranger in its history. No one ment curbs. This may be done at the knows the architect’s name, but the expense of the abbutting property. All story goes that the czar ordered his sidewalks in the business section here­ eyes to be put out directly the church after constructed should be of concrete was completed, so that he should nev­ er be able to surpass his work. The and made to conform to street lines idea of the building was inspired by and grades as established by our city the wickedest and maddest monarch surveyor. It is to be deplored that who ever sat on a throne—Ivan the I those already laid permanently have Terrible, czar of Muscovy. not been made on proper grades, for if The architecture is in every respect the grades and street lines when once extravagant and barbaric, and the col­ established are not binding on the own­ oring is garish in the extreme. It has ers of the abbutting property, then the nine chapels, roofed by nine cupolas, office of the city surveyor is superflu­ each different and each stranger than the other. One resembles a pineapple, ous and the money paid as compensa­ i another a melon, a third is said to ape tion for his work is wasted. A first class sewer system is one of a hedgehog in its appearance, and the rest are more or less grotesque. Some the crying needs of the city. The con­ are gilt; others are painted in brilliant struction of a proper system will re­ The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County. hues. Indeed, the only description is quire pareful consideration, not only that it is a nightmare of a church, the from the ways and means committee, New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and fitting legacy of a ruler who grilled , but from the engineer. It appears to his counselors in frying pans and me at present- that the most difficult Hirst Class Lumber of the Best Quality. clothed his subjects In bearskins in j problem to overcome is securing suffi­ order that trained dogs might worry LET US F'lGUNE ON YOI.IK LUMBER BILL. and tear them to pieces.—Strand Maga­ cient fall to carry off the sewerage. A city hall, sufficient to the needs of. zine. the municipality and one which will be > an ornament to the city, and the pride A King’s Hobby. The late king of Siam had an extraor­ of its citizens, is to be seriously con­ dinary hobby—that of collecting empty sidered. No man of any pride what- matchboxes of all nations. In this ' ever, would conduct a private business connection an Interesting story Is re­ of the same importance as the business lated. During one of his visits to Eng­ of this municipality in the building we land the king while passing down Bond I now have. street one afternoon, accompanied by In making any and all improvements ■ for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. two members of bis suit, espied an empty matchbox which had been dis­ i undertaken, as well as the transaction JL Foley’s Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitute*. carded by Its owner and thrown away I of all business coming before us, I re- into the middle of tbe thoroughfare. | commend careful economy, and the Sold by Chas. I. Clough Without a moment's thought the mon­ ! practice of receiving a corresponding arch dashed Into the middle of tbe ■ benefit for each dollar expended. In I crowded traffic, grasped the much cov­ many instances in public officialdom be pursued by any man in his private eted treasure and was nearly run over I the idea seems to prevail that "the business. by a passing cab. The fact, however, | ublic pays the bill, no matter what IN CONCLUSION GENERALLY that he was able to add a new speci­ The offices to which we have been I he cost is. ” Let us scrupulously men to bls collection gathered under such circumstances more than com­ avoid thia great and growing evil, at elected, will call down upon us much pensated bim for tbe risk which he bad the same time avoiding the spirit of criticism and little commendation, yet it is the duty of citizens when called parsimony. run.—London News. upon, to accept these offices and use THE COMMERCIAL CLUB While thia organization ia no part of their utmost endeavor to fill them Gothic Architecture. Boiler Work, Logger’« Work and Heavy Forging. j Gothic architecture began about the the municipality, ita roster of member­ creditably to the public. ninth century after Christ and soon hip contains the names of most of our Fine Machine Work a Npeclalty. In cur associations with other citi­ began to spread all over Europe. Its progressive, enterprising taxpayers, zens we will hear much discussion of great feature Is the pointed arch, and and I feel it encumbent upon us to lis­ city affairs. Let us listen patiently to it was at first called tbe “pointed ten carefully to and act wisely upon expres­ style.” Most of tbe glorious old world any suggestions they may have to offer all such discussions and to all sions of opinion, remembering that to cathedrals are in tbe Gothic, and it us as to civic improvement generally. express our opinion outside of our Is generally conceded that for religious * ■ • • « a » « ■ a meeting weakens our influence. THE LIQUOR BUSINESS purposes no other style of architecture is so perfectly suited. It has been said In these public discussions you will The constitution of our state has re­ that tbe first idea of the Gothic was cently been changed, under the man­ encounter four different classes. There suggested by the interlacing boughs agement of the Home Rule Association, will be those who know nothing about and trunks of the great woods in which so that this branch of legislation has municipal matters at ail, but who do German Christianity was formed; The lx»y or girl with any not know that they do not know ; they defect of vision in greatly hence the name Gothic.—New York been delegated to municipalities, with­ in their respective borders. As this is are simply fools -leave them quietly to handicapped in the pursuit American. of knowledge in the »ch Til to some degree an experiment, I re­ their folly. room. If your boy or girl commend that legislation along the There will be those who do not know, Still Mora Painful. does not show a high per The Young Politician—I can assure lines laid out by this association, for and know they do not know ; they are centage of average in the you there is nothing more painful than the control of this business be enacted as children teach them. school report the protmbili- having to make—er—er—one's first as soon as it can be done conveniently. tiea arc that there is some­ There will be those who know, thing the matter with the speech in public Young Politician's THE POLICE FORCE do not know that they know ; they eyes. To find out costs you Wife—Ob, yea, there is, dear! Young nothing if you will bring While peraonly I have the fullest asleep - wake them. Politician (displeased» Then what Is them to me for examinu - it, pray? Young Politician's Wife confidence in our elected marshal, and There will be 'those who know, and tion. It doesn't pay to (sweetly!—Having to listen to It, my any one who may be appointed on the who know they know ; they are wise - guess about tlie eyesight night force, yet as disorderly conduct listen to them carefully, and follow dear. of your child—it is better to see that the eyes a re on the streets anti in public places their advice. Ha Was Conaidarata. right. If glasses are needed where intoxicating liquor is sold, is, by Mt us lie prompt at our meetings I am prepared to furnish Sbe-I should like fltat lovely pearl the public, generally charged as a ne­ the. exact thing that will and in the transaction of our business. necklace Ixx* wbat beauties they meet the needs of the case, are. He-It's better not to have such glect of duty by the mayor, I would re­ I’ Court of the Stair of Oregon, for amendment to the chart it which, if differ in opinion. Let us make as few them good, “ Traveling fa- • the County of Tillamook, ha* appointed tbe under»>gne«l. the adnilnletratnr of the I passed, will give the mayor authority mistakes as possible. latH. ’ The practice heretofore existing, of re- from th* date oftbla Respectfully submitted, __ _ ■ I »Otw«. I during the salary of an officer to force bated thl. Itaretnber ISth. IS IO TILLAMK C. W. Talmage. his resignation, is not good business M Aart.asaLr Administrator of the ettate e Mayor. policy, and such a policy would never Jan. 2., 1911. Hance tha Rhino Blindly Attack* Any- thing Naw to Him. & DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware and China ALEX McNAIR CO lillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. TOUTS KIDNEY PIILS Tillamook Iron Works General Machinists & Blacksmiths TILLAMOOK OREGON. HANDICAPPED ■ ■ Dr. H. E. Morris, J Si Lout* Hlaltlar deceaas*. ►