Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 05, 1911, Image 5

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The fire insurance lose of L. C.
Quick's barn was adjusted by the
Fireman's Fund Ins. Company to­
The Basket Ball game which was
Dr. Morris, eye s|>ecialiet.
Try Mrs. Hill’s home made mince day this fire occurred on last played at the Opera House Monday
night between the Mount Angel
Cube and the Tillamook Commer­
Coal, delivered, $10.00 a ton. D.
the purpose of receiving members cials was attended by a large num­
L. S hrode .
into the church next Sabbath morn- ber of people who watched the Cube
Pennies Wanted at the Tillamook
ing at 10 o'clock sharp in the Prea- defeat the Commercials by a ecore
County Bank.
byterian church. S. G. F inney , ■ of 25 to 17. There ie no fault to find
Four lots for $1,000, your own Pastor.
with either team, but the Cube are
terms. D. L. Shrode.
J. J. Hudson, of Cloverdale, re- certainly a clean bunch of players
For cement by the sack or the ' ceived a high grade Guernsey bull, and we hope them all the success
barrel see D. L. Shrode.
8 months old, on the Elmore. He we can for the rest of the season.
House for rent and furniture for bought it of R. G. Van Valgah.
Jett Fleck, Lyle Roes and Earl Ford
sale. Apply at this office.
of Cresswell, Oregon, paying $75 were each fined $10 ae the result of
■ a drunken brawl in Clement’s sa­
Special price on Alfalfa hay, ton i for it.
lots $25.0a—R osenberg B ro ».
C. J. Chaffie, father of George loon Tuesday. It eeems that Fleck
Geo. W. Kiger returned from a i Chattie, bought the John Johnson had been looking for trouble and
business Up to Portland this morn­ property in Sunnymead, the consid­ when he come across Lyle Roes,
eration being$8IJ0. Mr. Johnson left the latter struck him in the face,
blackening it, then Earl Ford, who
Wood for sale, any kind or any on the Elmore for Washington,
wanted a band in it, struck Fleck.
amount.—For prices see George • where lie intends to live.
It ended in each being arrested.
Mrs. McGhee has leased the Watch Fleck left for hie home at Hebo
Some choice nursery stock for ’ Tower and will open it as a rooming Wednesday,glad to leave Tillamook.
sale cheap. Must sell at once. — D. I.. house on the let of January. 1 lie
Go to F. S. Whitehouse & Son
building has been newly renovated
S hrode .
the leading agents, for Bond, Acci­
Four lots, 52H X 105, for $1100.00
dent and Fire Insuiance, as they
cash. In block 10, Park Addition.— by month, week or day.
write more than three-quarters of
H. Sours.
Star brand process barley, $1.25 the insurance written in Tillamook
Highest Price paid for Hide», Fur- a sack ami $.31.50 a ton ; oats, $1.85 County, because they are better
and Sheep Pelts. N. Melchior, Till­ hundred, $.36.00ton ; bran, 95c. sack equipped than any one else in the
$29.50 ton ; mill chop $1.05 90 lbs. business.
amook, Ore.
F. D. Small and family went to sack, $22 ton ; shorts $1.35 80 lbs.
Portland Wednesday to be gone sack, $33 ton.-W m . CURTI8, The Largs Tillamook Timber Transfer
Grain Man.
about a week.
Geo. W. Kiger and his Portland
When you come to Tillamook go
associates have lately closed a deal
to the Watch Tower for first class
(lie city, and who turned bis office with the Miami Lumber Co. of San
over to Dave Martiney on new Francisco for a tract of 2500 acres of
Jim Vernon left for Astoria, on
year’s, left on the stage thia Thurs­ timber land on the Wilson River,
the Elmore Wednesday to visit his
day evening to join his wife at San known as the Hadley land.
relatives there.
Mr. Kiger has had thisdeal under
J ose.
way for some months, but due to
If. Sours, cheapest and bestpa|>er
Henry Jennings, who has been the forest tire scare of last summer
hanger in town.
Leave orders at
serving out a sentence in the county has been unable to close this deal
King A Smith Co.
jail on a charge of bootlegging
This is one
Mrs. Hill is baking at night ami since the April term of circuit court until a few days past.
can now supply the demand for her was released Monday. Henry’s ap­ of the finest tracts of timber on the
Wilson River. The Miami Lumber
home made bread.
pearance don't speak very well for Co. formerly operated the Holison-
Clarence Edner went to Portland the joys of jail life.
ville mill on Tillamook Bay are now
on the Elmore Wedneadoy to be
The Rural Free Delivery, which closing out their entire holdings in
gone about a week.
Congressman W.C. Hawley was in­ this county, both timber and mill.
An almost new No. fi Shorn pleas strumental in securing, was started
separator for sule or trade, at n bar­ Thursday.
There having been no Joint Installation of Officers of
gain. D. L. Shrode.
made, Postmaster
O. E. S & A. F. & A. M.
House and Two Lots for Sale, Baker appointed Merril Smith tem­
A joint meeting of the orders of
cheap. Easy terms.
Enquire at porarily to carry the mail.
Eastern Star and Ancient Free A
the Headlight office.
J. J. Walter, president of the Ne-
Save money by having laying hens carney City Hydrocarbon Oil Co. of Accepted Masons for the installation
picked out from inferior ones. 1 Portland, is intown attending Com­ of the officers elected to serve for
the year 1911, was held at the lodge
guarantee my work. H. B ooth . • missioner's Court.
He expects to
rooms on December 26th, 1910. Past
How about tliut old summer suit? leave for tile Oil well at Necarney
Masters Severance and Talmage
Have it dyed by the Tillamook City today where his men reported
conducted the services in a very
Stenin Dye Works for winter use. • that they had struck oil.
impressive manner in the presence
P. Coulson utid John Creecy were
John Aschim, who has been depu­ of a large gathering of members
in town the first of the week doing ty Sheriff during the past term has and invited guest.
resigned his position and intends to
bueinesa with our merchant«.
The following is a list of the
Does that suit need pressing? If work at something of more financial officers installed :
so take it to the Tillamook Steam importance. Sheriff Caenshaw has
Order of Eastern Star—Lillian S.
For Bale
Dye Works and huve it pressed appointed Chas. Johnson an hia Groat, W.M.; Lulu Crenshaw, A.M.;
Baled hay, $21) a ton.
• deputy and we think him to be a Henty Morris, Sec.; W. A. Williams,
good man for the place.
25 extra good cows, selected.
Treas.; Annetta B. Mason, Con­
B C. Lamb left on the Elmore for
4 horses.
Mr. Farmer : Why not harness ductor; Ruby
Morris, Associate
Portland, where he wua called on
Farm implements.
business, He will return on the that creek on your place and have Cond.; Hnriet Sarchet, Chaplain;
See Frank Hannenkratt, 2 miles
electric light in your house and Lola M. Shrode, Organist.
next boat.
south of Tillamook.
You can find a nice new line of barn ? We are prepared to quote Lamb, Rebecca Williams, Rose W.
good* at Mm. Wade’s millinery
parlor, just north of The News machinery and give you the benefit lotta Lamb, Rays of Central Star ;
of expert advice in installing. Ask Margaret Nolan, Warden ; Capt.
Notice is hereby given that hunt­
office in Buy City.
uh about it,
T ii . i . amook E lbctric Groat, Sentinel.
ing is strictly prohibited on what is
If that suit needs to be pressed
L ight A F uel C ompany .
Order of A. F. A A. M.— Carl known as the Elmore ranch. Per­
for the dunce or show, phone the
Kild Snodgrass, who has been Haberlach, W. M. ; Carl Wallin, sons who do so will be prosecuted.
Tillamook Stenin Dye Worka and
J ohn H athaway .
visiting with relatives in Texan and S.W. ; M. V. Stillwell. J.W.; Thomas
they will come after it.
Oklahoma, returned to thia city Contes,|Treas.; George Willett, Sec.;
The person who borrowed the Monday, coming in on the Elmore. Ira Smith, Rollie Watson, Stewards;
Oat Hay For 8ale.
wire stretcher from Alex McNair A Edd nayn he han been enjoying Ralph Hannenkratt, Tyler.
Four tons of extra good oat hay
Co.’s hardware store will please re­ liiinnelf the very best while in the
The Senior and Junior Decons
sale. Enquire of V. Donaldson,
turn it an lie is in need of it.
aouth and that they had sunshine being absent their installation was
Those who left on the Elmore were nearly the whole time,
But for all |H>st|>oned until the next meeting. Fairview.
B. C. Lamb, Huliert Melchior, J Hinm that he is glad to again be in Tilla-
After the installation the mem­
Team for Sale.
Vernon. John Johnson and family, mook.
bers and invited guest adjourned
F. 1). Small and family and Clarence
The Commissioner*a court is in
For Sale, a nice young team of
Ed tier.
session Illis week, it being the first where n moat inviting and appe­ bay mares. Apply to F. N. Elliot..
An the result of the aulooha session of tin* new court, which tising banquet was spread by the
opening there has been u large num­ consiata of Homer Mason. County ladies of the O. E. S., which was
For Sale.
ber of fights tile paat week und an Judge, II. V, Alley und Herman disposed of in a manner highly
unusual amount of drunkenness on Farmer, eomminnioiiera,
There is creditable to the appetite of the
Werner Grand Piano in a hand­
the streets.
u large amount of work before the feasti rs and the gastronomic quality some oak finish.
This instrument
Snow Drift flour, $5.10 a bbl. and court thin aeaaion, and they are of the spread. Music, dancing an<l is practically new and can be had
$1.30 a suck. Lighthouse flour, $5.40 not ex|M*cted to adjourn before some
at low coat. Stool and scarf includ
The thanks of both orders are
u bbl.
und $1.40 u suck.
Im­ time next week.
ed. Call and see it at
due to the Commercial Club for
perial Hour, $5 75 a bbl. mid $1,4.5
The new City Council met and or­
its hospitality in allowing the use
a sack.—WM. CURTIS, The Grain ganised Monday night.
Alex Mc­
The Pop Corn Palace-
of the club rooms for thia occasion.
Nair wna elected Chairman of the
Carl; Wallin and Frank Severance
There will lie a business meeting Council the first thing, after which —Committee. A. F. A A. M.
Farm for Sale.
of the Tillamook Commercial Club the Mayor read his message and
Lillian S. Groat. Susan Hovert.
For sale by owner: The south
next Monday evening nt 8 p.in. to appointed the various committees. Annetta B. Mason, Ruby Morris-
half of the place known as the Hill
take up the matter of a county fair After appointing George Willet the Committee, O. E. S.
place on the Nestucca River, half
mid other mutters of interest to the City Attorney and I’. G. Jackson as
of mile of Hebo, will sell with or
cattle, some one is going
" I want to thank you from the to get a bargain, it is going cheap.
ed, there living no other business.
Write for price. —
bottom of my heart,1' wrote C. B. Easy terms.
Justice of the Peace E. W. Stanley Rader, of Lewisburg. W. Va., " for H enry T hompson . Hebo. Ore.
arrived from California, where he the wonderful double tienefit I got
Wanted to Borrow Money
lias lieeti visiting his old home for from Electric Bitters, in curing me
of both a severe case of stomach
the past month, Tuesday. He came trouble and of rheumatism, from
Wanted to borrow from $1,000 to
in over the North Yamhill road, en­ which I had been an almost help­ $1.506. Will give first mortgage on
It a good dairy ranch. For one year
joying the pleasures of riding horse less sufferer for ten years.
tan k on a fat stage horse.
Mr. suited my case as though made or longer.—Apply at the Headlight
just for me.** For dy«|iepaia. indi­ office or to J. N. Whitman. Clover­
Stanley says he s|M*nt a fine winter gestion. jaundice and to rid the dale. Ore.
in California and ie now ready to system of kidney |>oim>na that
I prosecute anyone who breaks the cause rheumatism. Electric Bitters
Old Soldier Tart* red
has no equal.
Try them. Every
•'For yearn I suffered unspeak­
bottle is guaranteed to satisfy.
able torture from indigestion, con­
A petition was filed in the County Only 50c. nt Charles I. Clough.
stipation and liver trouble." wrote
Court for an order setting aside as
Loeatad in th*
A. K. Smith, a war veteran at Erie
Death la Roaring Fire
I void the attempted incorporation of May not result from work of fire­ Pa., "but Dr. Kings New Lie
I Hay City and hold for nauglit the bugs, but often fcevxre burns a re Pilla fixed me all right. They're
simply great" Try them for any
' same in order that
new | ro- caused that make a quick need for sromach. liver or kidney trouble.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the quick­
cevilings from the beginning may lie est. surest cure for burns, wounds, Only 25c. at Charles I. Clough.
had herein, so aa to incorporate bruises, boils, sores.
It subdues
“ Drop in and Look
It kills pain.
li.i> City legally anil to insure the inflammation
Do you know that fully nine out
proper assessment of property and soothes ami heals. Drives off shin of every ten cases of rheumatism
eruptions, ulsers or piles. Only are simply rheumatism of the
to insure the legality ot all city 25c. nt Chas I. Clough.
muscles due to cold or damp, or
: taxes snd prevent thereby multi-
I chrooic rheumatism, and require
I farious litigation which must ne­
treatment whatever?
I no internal
cessarily follow unless the city is
Wood for sale. Spnu
ace and Hem-
and see how uukkly rt given
legally incoriMirated. The petition lock body. dry at $1
___ 25 3 a cord on the
11s signed by W. &. Cone.
alace. 7 miles
south of Tillamook. — Store. For sale by Lamar’s Dre»
T. D aepa *.
Our Store will be closed for two days, Thurs
day and Friday to prepare for the GREATEST
SALE of high-class Merchandise ever wit
nessed here. Watch for further announcements
SATURDAY, JANUARY 7th, at 9:30 A.M
A Ticket bearing a number to each of the first 100 persons who
enter our doors at opening hour Saturday Morning. You don't need
to buy a cents worth : the numbers will be handed out as the first
hundred enter. You may have the lucky number.
Holder of one number will be presented with their choice of a
Mason, Pennington & Co
Tillamook, Oregon
on each boat.
Evangelists Taylor and Weg
ner have fully zvon the
confidence of the people of
84 have already come forward.
Many more are expected.
Meetings are drawing toward a close.
Come and enjoy these privileges while
they last.
A Great Day is expected next Sunday.
The country people are invited to bring
their dinners and spend the day.
Evangelist George W. Taylor
L°s Angeles.
The " Boy" Soloist.
Leonard A. Wegner, of Chicago,
Soloist and Chorus Director.
Mrs. Carrie Beale Taylor, Cornet Virtuoso.
Large Chorus Choir.
COMB—B ring a Friend With You—COME