Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 05, 1911, Image 2

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    5, 1011
A Critic Remind« U« How Our P«opl« Instrument by Which th« Pr«»«nes of
Electricity 1« Detected.
Hava Bucksd Progr«««.
The electnsa ope 1» an instrument for
We of I bi» big republic complacent­
ly affirm the glory of our national the detection of electricity. It depends
achievements and are uot without for It» action on the principle that
temptation to acclaim them a» proof bislle» charged with like electricity re­
pel, while those charged with unlike
of superior craft and judgment.
But herein do we forget that we are electricity attract each other. The ordi­
ou record ua having cast our vote I nary pith bull »u»i»*nded on a silk
against every move that baa contrib­ thread 1» the simplest form of the lu
uted to the present century’» develop­ strument.
The most common type of electro-
We raised our voices in contemptu­ scope 1» that devised by Bennett lu
ous protest against the first projected 1787 and known as the gold leaf elec-
railways Hud the locomotive waited troscope. It consist» of two strip» ot
Its i U nal from the people It would not gold leaf or thin aluminium foil sus­
pended from the lower extremity of a
yet h l i a started.
M b .1 the electric telegraph was conductor within a glass bottle or jar.
shown to ua we brushed It aside a« a The upper end of the conductor ter­
toy and laughed ita Inventor to scorn minate» lu a ball or a plate In case the
when li * offered to sell ns bls rights instrument 1» to be used as a condens­
for a few thousand dollars.
ing electroscope. If a body charged
We put Into Jail as an Impostor the with positive electricity 1» brought near
first man who brought anthracite coal the knob of the electroscope the nega­
to market We broke to pieces Howe's tive electricity will be attracted to the
sewing ma* blue as an Invention calcu­ knob mid the positive repelled to the
lated to ruin the working classes, mid leaves, which diverge. If now tlie fin
we dlil the same thing to the harvester ger 1» touched to the knob the positive
and the binder We acorned the type­ electricity 1« drawn off and the leave«
writer ns n plaything.
collapse, while the negative electricity
We gathered together In maH« meet­ Is held bound, Removing the charged
ing« of Indignation at the first pro­ body, the leaves will diverge again,
posal to Install electric trolley llril*«. charged with negative electricity. In
mid when Dr. Bell told ns he had In­ this case tlie Instrument can lie used
vented an liMitrument by menus of to determine the nature of a charge of
which we might talk to one another a Irody brought near It, as with u posi­
across tin* town we responded with tive ( barge tlie leaves will collapse and
iiccustonied rhllciilo, and only the ru le- with a negative charge spread farther
less among uh contributed It its be- apart.—Exchange.
Ing. Atlantic Monthly.
Surg«ry and th« Anatomi«t« In the
Olden Day«.
For a long time Alexandria was the
only medical center of the world, and
the physician Galen, bora about 1311
A. D., hud to Journey from Rome to
the African city even to »eo a skele­
ton. He sent hl« »indents to tbe Ger­
man biiltletb-hl« to dissect the bislh*»
of the national enemies, while he him­
self used ii |«* n a» luo«t resembling hu-
uiuu being«
Human illsuectluu wu»
revived lu Bologna lu the fourteenth
eeuttiry, where Madonna Maiixollnn
Inter was professor of uuatuuiy, uu-
(loubtislly one of tbe flrst women doc­
tors, If not tin* very flrst. Leonardo
da Vinci, painter of "The Last Sui>-
Jier." waa a groat anatomist, but dls-
^•rtion bud fnlleu Into disuse when
Vesalln« finally revived It about the
middle of the sixteenth century.
Even li( comparatively modern time«
anulonilst» have been the objeet of at­
tacks by the populace. In 1705 Dr.
John Hlilppen of Philadelphia was
mobbed ns a grave robber. Doctors’
riot» In New York occurred twenty-
three years later and were due to the
belief that Hie lliedk'al atudeiit« rob­
bed graves continually. It was the
luck of op|«>rtunlty to obtain subjects
regularly that led to the practice of
gruie robbing and originated what
Dr. Keene culls "u set of the lowest
posslbl« villain«—the resurrectionists."
—Nsw York World.
Do You H«lp Other«?
Tt has been tritely said that for ev­
ery one who stand« alone there are
twelve to lean against 111 hr How Is It
with you? Are you one of those
against whom others lean for help and
encouragement, or ar» you leaning
against some one and drawing your
InapIraUim and courage from him? it
dc|«*n<1« entirely on yourself whether
you take a positive attitude lu your
work <>r whether your negative char­
acteristic shall dominate. It la much
easier lo go thtvngh life making aa
little effort a« |s«ulhle. but tt la a
poor way If we are going to make
life yield even a small modicum ot
w hat It hold« for us. If you are work­
ing earnestly and hoping tor aucceaa
there la only one way to attain It. and
that la through your |a>altlva cliarac
teristics Philadelphia l-edger.
Julius C««««r.
Caeaar wa» a«aa»alnat«*d March 18.
44 B <'., and wns nt the time of his
death fifty-six years old
It I» not
aloue a« a military geniti» that Ms
fam* eudurea. By aliuoat eoiumou
cviiM-ut he waa the lu.sit remarkable
all round mau uf autkiulty - maaterful-
ly great not only a« general, but an
writer. «tatraman and adnilulatrator
’n mldltlou to tlieae high accompltah
irat« he was a great uiatbeiuattclan,
nlilkdogiMt. arvhltect and Jurist Hl«
eouversatlonal powern wert* er.traor
dlnary, and froui all aecount« he waa
lu hl« tnauuer »ne of the most at
tractlv« uf uieu
H«nry sf Navarro and th« Red.
Henry IV of France wa» a Nr IM be-
liver lu tbe adage. "8|>are the rwd and
»poll tbe child " In a letler to ths
goveru**«» of his «on tie wrote lu Oc-
taber. IttPT "Madame I hara to com
|4aln that you have not Inforuied me
of b«vlug flogged my auu
I dvatrs
• nd roque* st that you will liog him
w hen»» er he I« itiaolwdleut or other
wl«e troubhtaome. knowing aa I <k>
that n- thing will do him more good
I aiwk from •■«perlene*. «• at hu «g»
1 wa« frequently btr* h»d " rari» Gau
Th. H..,,
Squlro, Daugktw By th« way. do
ap*S your aaat* «rita a lara* ar ■
•«•il K. Mr» McNab«* VUIagvr Oh.
■toSUa ter**, atea ltate« M A. F.
Calculations N«c««««ry to Produc« th«
Nautical Almanac.
It may safely be said that no one
outside the publishing office has read
tbe entire Nautical Almanac from be­
ginning to end, but each figure of the
printed almanac Is in the office ex­
amined twice and read three times.
The total number of figures exceeds
a million; but. great as that number Is.
It is trifling compared with the num
ber of figures employed In the calcula­
tions, as tbe almanac figures repre­
sent “bare” results only. The maon.
for Instance, requires for Its calcu­
lation more thau a million and a half
of figures, and similarly with other
brandies of the work, such as the
sun, the planets, etc. Contrary to the
general oplulon. practically every fig­
ure In tbe book Is fresh from year to
The tables from which nearly all the
work Is calculated have been original­
ly constructed from the lalsirs of the
astronomical observer, and to a large
extent from the ohsen atii.us of the
sun. iuooii and planets made at the
Royal observatory, Greenwich. Tele­
scopes and other astronomicnl appli­
ances are conspicuously absent, as the
work of the «tuff 1« purely mathemati­
cal and not observational.—London
Some lnterf«rone« Wirol»»» Operators
Cannot Ovcrcom«.
Few are the steamer passengers who
fall to visit the wireless office aboard
ship to watch the operation of tbe in­
strument» and to question the oper­
ator. Needless to Bay, the technical
underotiiiidlng of the well meaning
visitors 1» a variable quantity. The
operator must listen to wondering ex­
clamations. original suggestions for
the Improvement of the service, dis­
courses on the relations between wire­
less telegraphy and spiritualism and
other doubtful topics with uniform
courtesy, At time», however, the
strain Is too great. It was a lady pas-
senger with an eye for details who
came to the wireless room and looked
wonderingly In.
"Oh, here's the wireless! May 1
come in? Isn't it wonderful to think
of sending those those waves—you
call them waves, don't you? How fas­
cinating to work at this! Are those
jars filled with water?”
"Those are condenser jars, madam,
quite empty.”
"Really? I don't believe I could
ever understand It. That coll of wire
looks like a birdcage.”
"That is the Inductance helix.”
"What are those things over your
“The receiving telephones.”
"Then you have telephone connec­
tion too. One can hardly keep up
with tbe times these days. What does
that coll do?”
‘That Is the receiving tuner and In­
terference preveuter.”
"Wonderful! Does It keep out all in­
“Not all," replied the operator wea­
rily. “Some kinds of Interference can't
I m * tuned out; we Just have to stand
It.”—Youth's Companion.
"By calltag it tteawaiie rUst»’-
rtttsbarg |*oat
Fast Steamer
: *
Leaves Tillamook for
A ttorney - at -L aw
Complete set of Abstract Book^
in office. Taxes paid for non­
Office opposite Post Office.
Both phones.
haberlach ,
Çritiecher Abvokat,
Astoria and Portland,
Office acr ««s the street and north from
the Post Office.
THURSDAY of Eaeh Week.
A ttorney - at -L aw .
Freight and Passengers
Next to Tillamook County
T illamook
O regon
A ttorney - at -L aw .
Office : Opposite Court House,
T illamook , O regon
T. BO ALS, M.D.,
Office- Olson Building.
A live business training school. Endorsed by business men. Residence : Mrs. Weiss’ house, west ot
The school whose graduates secure positions and hold them.
Mrs. Walker’r..
Workers’ Pay In England When Board Living expenses low. School in continuous session. Send
Waa a Shilling a Week.
for catalogue.
There was a time when n workman
In England received 8 cent« a day a»
an ordinary wage, when «killed ar­
tisans commanded 12 cents a day and
when women worked in the field at
such tasks a« reaping straw, hoeing,
planting bean« and washing sheep
for 2 cent« a day, and a wise student
of the subject has expressed tbe opin­
ion that tbe British workman of that
day was better off thau be bus ever
been since theu.
That sounds paradoxical, But the
explanation 1» this: The workman
who sold his services for 8 cents a
day could buy good beet or niuttou for
lV-j cents a pound. Wheat cost him on
the average only 18 cents a bushel.
He could get board for 12 to lii cents
a week. Tbe pay he would receive for
fifteen weeks’ services would suffice
to purchase a supply of suitable food­
stuffs. according to the standard of his
time (consisting uf wheat, malt and
oatmeal), to maintain his family for
an entire year.
A Legend of Mount Omi.
Under these circumstances 8 cents a
Mount Omi. ou the border between
wmterii Chinn and Tibet. hum the long­ day Increased to 12 cent» in harvest
est ■tairenee in the world. Ou top of time- was a fair wuge. and “times
th<> mountain there stand« n Buddhist were good" for the average workman.
temple, around which gather some of —McClure's Magazine.
the holiest tradition« of that religion
and which I* made a Mecca to the
Opa-a In Dumb Show.
The late Clara Novell» In her remi-
Chine«*. To facilitate the aacent of
Its allppery sides some 20.UK I steps nlacences telle how Mallbran once ap-
have lieen cut III the mountain, form­ penfed In 'Sounambula" without ut­
ing a single flight, up which the pil­ tering a note. She bad taken cold
grim tolls. Because of It« inaeceaal and waa prevented from aiuglng at
blllty few European« have ever visited the lnat moment, though crowd« of
the «|ait. but a number of traveler» early comer« already tilled the houae.
have ascended the atnlrway and are "On the mnuager telling her, In de­
pualtlve that It 1« no legendary myth. spair, that, besldee loss of money,
Then* 1« a legend that In earlier time» these disappointed people would be
the pilgrim waa forced to amend the daugcroua «he said, T can't «|>eak
mouutalu without artlliclal aid« uutll above my breath; I should have to do
the monk« conceived the plan of re It tn dumb abowf Bunn at once
qulrlng every pilgrim w ho would gain caught at thia outburst aa If seriously
especial lieuedt of Ida jouruey to cut a meant and on his knees begged her
alugle step
to try this, snd she. fired by the nov­
elty. did so The grateful public rav­
Som« C«n«alstion.
ed In praise of thia surprising tour de
He was a frugal Scot and when tbe force, and the sensation it made filled
collectlou plate came rouud drop|H*d the liepers."
In a fiurlu lu mistake fur the humble
copper. 8|H*edlly discovering his mis­
Bathing Maehinoa
take, however, he stepped softly down
Somebody has Inquired why “bath­
tbe aisle mid reqii»*«t,«l the oof gath­ ing machine«.'' tbe comfortable priva­
erer to give bliu I>ack the coin, which cy of which for ocean bathing ha«
request wa« politely but firmly re never attracted bathers in thia eoun
fueed. A shade of disappointment flit­ try, are called machines, remarking
ted over the uortheruer's face as lie that there Is nothing of a machine
walk<d slowly back lu his pew.
about them except the burse which
“Aweel," he said, "tt'e a lo«a. but draws them to tbe Imach The a nu wer
there'« some sms' consolation lu re­ ha« been found in the new Oxford
flectin' It'a a l*»d oue it might have IMetlonary
It appear* that a “ma­
gut me luto trouble anywhere else.”— chine“ waa originally a "structure of
IstiMiou Telegraph.
any kind, material or Immaterial." and
has nothing to do with machinery, a
Dictan« and Hi« Wits.
later word
Ships were called ma­
Commenting on the unhappy rvla chines and it would have been proper
tlou« betweaci Idckeus and hi» wife. to speak of a pulpit aa a machine.-
Uoldwlu Nmltb wrote lu one of hl» last Argonaut.
impero “It was a cwunuon case. Dk-k
ena ha.l married st a low level, and hl«
Laughter and Death.
wife had not risen with him; otherwise
lie can be said to kava won the game
there was no fault ou her aide The of life who at the last can laugh That
matrimonial history ot writer« of final sp«*cb of o. Henry, the abort
works of Imagination has often been story writer. was finer than any •tory
unhappy Their Imagination turn» the be ever wrote. ,*
Just ‘ a« he was
aroman Into au angel, and theu they be turned to the doctor and aakl "PuU
find that she la a woman
up the curtain, doc I'm afraid to go
borne la tbe dark." The apeecb had In
Tw« I« Csmgany.
A wide courage and a reuse of value«
"Have you «v«r k>»«d be foro?" «sk«d One forgive« tbe royal Cbark-a mu. b
ths coy maM
frivolity for the aake of hie dying
“Y«~ yawuari th« worldly yuttag •pooch, “i lent lemon. 1 fear I'm an un
man. "but a«v«r bvfura a cbaprroa. conactoaable time a «tyingHarper’s
two «mall broitwrs ami a p*i bnlhl.«"
And than «b« suggrotnl a trip down
I be oM road to aee tb* star*. Chicago
A «»gar Coaled PitL
"How did you iwrouad« your datigli
ter to learn kIchea wort*"
T. BO'lTd,
W. I. STALEY, Principal
Salem, Ore
The Best Hotel
J. P. ALtLtEfi, Proprietor
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
A First Class Table.
Comfortable Beds and Accommodation.
The valued family re­
cipes for cough and cold
cure, liniments, tonics and
other remedies have as
careful attention here as
the most intricate prescrip­
Our fresh, high grade
drugs will help to make
these remedies more effec­
tive than ever.
AB work fully (uartDtMd for flftoow year*.
Wise Dental Co«,i-c.
Painless Dentists
Right prices are also
?«M m I«MI«|. TMr« •»« WsakMm
OfflM iMfi
ratTUM). OflL
SAM tai k If. hsUyi, t to 1
Did You Ever Try
Reliable Druggist.
If not, give him a call.
Everything first-class. Second
block South of P.O.
For Stomach Trouble, Sluggish
Liver and Habitual Constipation.
Notice of Sale of Tide Lands.
1« Haaaav Give»,—That the
V.““1 P0?,"1 of tb* St“te
,T r
hJ,5?**t bldd»r at Its oWre In
the Lnpitol Building, nt Salem. Oregon, on
December 21. l»to. nt 10:00 o'clock a m..
tatovm In the
tide and ovetkow lands hereinafter dexribed,
«I*1««- however to the owner or owner, of
nny land, abutting or fronting on nueh tide
and oversow lands, the preference right
**d »'"*«» lend« at
the highest price otered. provided sneh offer
»«‘b. ««d atao providing
th*’ „the land will not be sold nor any offer
therefor accepted for levs than »T.SO per
r”rr»t«« the right to reject
•nZ *“d nil bid«. Said lands are situated
la Tillamook County. Dragon, and described
a« follows.
Tideland, fronting and abetting on Lot
No. S of Section ♦, T. 3 N.. B. IO W.
Beginning at a point where the section
line between Section, « and 9. T. 3 N.. K. 1<>
W . interre-t, the high water of Nehalem
Bay. located B. «9» At’ W. *75* « feet from
the corner common lo Sections 3. ♦. V and
lu and running thence
k. »9» St’ W.------------ *
N. 12* 8«' E
M. IT* SW*
51* A.
• - •* 02*
It cures by aiding all of tha
digestive organs—gently stimu­
lates the liver and regulate« tha
bowels—the only way that
chronic constipation can ba
cured. Espcciallyrecommendeto
for women and
Clears blotched complexions. a.
Pleasant ta take. Refuse subsbtates.
Sold by Cha«. I. Clough.
B uilding .
Office over J. A. Todd & Co.,
Tillamook, Ore.
c - hawk ,
Compare Our Prices
&*4( R.d R.toU?
C oncrete
M m .
b^toiteE ZSUtaC
♦3.9 acre«.
*“* b*4* •*»»« be .ddre.^d
1 ■
. »row«. Clerk Blate Land Board
B«lroc Oregua and marked " Applicatior
•■d tod to pntvham tide laada "
... _
Clerk State Land Board
Otte I thl« October ♦. l«lu.
Tillamook Bakery,
Stülwell Ar*. aBd Rm
8frt. and troth Phon*«.
F inancial A gent ,
Tillamook, Oregon
~j~y. p. j. sharp ,
Office across the street frotr the
Court House.
Dr. Wise’s office.
. The Fashionable Tailor.
Cleauiug, Pressing and Repair­
ing a Specialty.
Store in Heins Photographic
Phone A. 100W
R oom 13*4 W owckstbr B vildixo ,
T hi «, ano O ak S tkbbts .
Room Neit to the U.S. Land Office,
•"•Dr. King’s
New Discovery