31 ca M i a b t • TILLAMOOK, John B. Stetson Hats, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 values, $3.75. OREGON, JANUARY 5, Golf and Negligee Shirts, fall and winter styles, $1.50 to $2.00 sellers, $1.10. Waists, made of Brilliantine and Mohair, $1.75 styles, reduced to 79c. Infants’ Sacques Leggings, Booties, Kimonos, Coats, at marvelous reduction. MEN’S, YOUTHS’, BOYS. HIGH CLASS FURS Enormous SHOE SALE ! Tremendously Reduced Natural Russian Mink Set, lined with duchess satin. new bolster fancy scarf, WO values $29.95 adies’, Children’s, Infants’. epresenting a Stock of 611 Pairs. hoes for the whole family. Don t lay a minute, positively all new 1 and winter styles, no dead lea- r, many lines v.e intend to dis- itinue, hundreds of styles to select This will be the greatest 'ing opportunity of the decade. Austrian Oppossum Fancy Collar, natural Fur, richly trimmed, $10.95 seller $7.68 Tab Collar of river Mink, with tails and head embellishments, very sightly, $7.75 seller. . $5.85 Pointed Brown Coney.two skin shoulder scari trimmed with tails and heads, $11.75 values $8.97 Isabella Opossum, a beautiful rich bur. special long tabs, deep shoulder, reg $17.50 $12.48 Wonderfully Reduced Bulgarian double thread net curtains, Oriental designs, 3yd pattern. $1.50 val $1.19 pr $1.44 pr, English Nottingham Curtains, new eon- ventional designs, cream or white.. . Rennaissance Lace C urtains. beautiful designs, strong net, $1.85 seller Bohemian Net Curtains, unique designs, AA 3 yds long-, our special $2.25 seller ji.w Point de Esprit Curtains, both floral and » E conventional designs. $3.85 seller, . . $1.55 pr, .. pr pr. $2.95 pr yd Tokio Cheeks ami Fancy Weaves of black and white, 47in. wide, regular 83c. EA- __ J seller.................................................. OJJC. yd. $3.15pr 36in. Black and colored Swiss Taffetas, 12 pieces in the lot, $1.50 (Fl 1 J __J salue ............................................. .pl.14 yd. re8ru,ar...*3 00 $2.35 pr $2.19 pr Ladies’ Comforts of soft easy ingress and lace styles, priced leather, 99c. pr turn sen \ ict Dress Shoes tent tip.......... Sizes, 8!4 to h 11 Sizes. 11’4 to 2 sole.«, fancy $1.39 pr $1.64 pr ses Vici and Calf] School Shoes, Blucher d bai styles, clearance sale, $1.45 ’a Vici and Calf Skin Shoes, Blucher and I Cllt. Sizes, 9« to 2.$-2.75 JL65 pr lues ’s Vice and Calf Dress Shoes, Blucher cut. »es, to 5>o, $3.00 values . $1.95 pr sea Extra Heavy Calf Skin School Shoes, ronjjlv made. Sixes, 8’/» to 2. J J p j. .35 seller 's Got zia n High Cut 12 in. and 16 . Shoes: tans and blacks, $6 values y Shoes Vici and Kangaroo Calf, styles, patent tip, 75c. to $1.'23 $4.45 49c. y Shoes, entire line of the soft sole styles, cute little styles, all colors, at real Bargain Prices. WE WANT TO IMPRESS THOROUGHLY È! Children's Cloaks full length, cotera of blue, brown and fancy wool wool wosteds trimmed with velvet, braid and button, regular $5.i values, priced at Sweater Coats for ladir «. fancy weaves, large range of colors, ui ally banded extra coat length, regular $4.(4) sellers............................................................ .............. $7.85 Suit Men’s Underwear and We put these superior Boy’s Suits in lots, regardless in many Sweater Coats 'REDUCTION 4.10 Suit 335 Suit 3.10 Suit cottars» fancy $4.15 C3.. »4- OUIC C,,)* Olllt f Q QJ ^O.Ol women s famg Cloaks, of heavy Scotch Bannockburn, man tailored, neatly OO trimmed inlaid velvet collor, values to $15.14).................................... I .4w«f 14omen s !»ng Cloaks of stylish cut, full length, semi Utting back, plain TC and fancy imported worsteds, also wide wale diagonals up to $25.(4) values Ladies’ Skirts, remarkable stylish values (alterations < ¿aigc-d for during the A^ Bate) beautiful creations of all wool wosteda neatly trimmed, sja-vial »8 values «el Misses Dresses of blue and auto red wool serges, trimmings of braid and silk, a pool- tive new model of fashionable design, ages 12 to 15 years. Clearance Sate ^E OQ Reduction Price . ... ....................... >«>.70 Children's Cloaks, never was such a stylish lot put liefore the buying public, strictly man tailored, handsome < r ations, our regular selling price for these were * up to $10.(4). Choice 1 $10.50 Suit »4.85 Suit 4.65 Suit sc. ya. U omen’s one piece dresses of Chiffon Panama ami Sheer Wool fab- ^1 E AC rice, trimmed with]) Irientnl braids and lace to correspond, $22.50 val.^ld,4v " omen a Fris ks of Taffeta Silks and line wool materials, new fall and 40 winter styles, values to $10.50 .......................................................... ................. $0.43 women’s Gowns, one piece effects, made of English Mohair, also broadcloth, neatly tailored, and dress styles, s|s-< nil clearance sale, price ....................... to $15.00, clearance sale ... V serges, a lot compnaiag m I’S SflTS. latent k»cy worsteds. superior workman- »14 CE ip, nobby styles. Inteat waiter creations, $18.50 to >30.00 values OUll ain worsteds, and classy de- regular values to$14.<4) CLEARANCE .Tc““.ik: 19c. ea 211 Tailored Suits, beautiful two piece models, material» of broadcloth, fancy serges and cheviots,-semi flitted coats, hand braided and embroidered, t1*7 *7E C3..J4- up to »30.00 values .................................................................... Olllt Here are some astonis,/ing reductions, new fall and winter gar- nts, from renowned manufactories that we can vouch for, con- cted by good tailors materials of dependable woolens. $4.45 Suit $5.45 Suit $6.45 Suit ” $1.19yd. No sale of greater importance and where we can uhc the word with its full intent and sustain the meaning was ever put before you. 20.35 22.35 s of price, to make quick, energetic, fast selling. I 69c. yd. BARGAIN 24.25 26.65 1—Constating of Fancy CasniowvM, Scotch tweeds and imported tan», a and grays predomvinte in enters, age« 8 to 17 years, values * ” MOO, Januarr sale .... K..............*;............................................ .......... fancy grays and 2—Boy s Suits <>• smart ata 00 sellers owns, extra |>atr trousers, year sixes . also new (>opu 3 Another Boy’s Suit M »1(1(4) values worsted«, latest style cut, Russian Blouse and Huster Brown style». I.ISH SI ITS for the LITT also fancy worsteds. of brown Scoter plaida « 49c. yd. Women’s, Misses, Children’s, Infants Ready-to-Wear Apparel. $20.00 Sil it Hart, Schaffner 8c Marx. Clothes $18.30 20.25 22.50 22.35 25. 25.00 $1.12 yd Contributes Unprecedented Bargains, Hart, Schaffner and Marx 30.00 22.50 Overcoat : 23 83c. yd Balcony Department. uinegood clothes, priced still lower than former low' prices. Values- Supply iliums SALE STARTS SATURDAY MORNING 9 JAN. 7, 1911 27.50 27in. French Taffeta, in the new Winter colors, seven pieces of these AQ ..J regular $1.40 seller............... 5c. seller. Clearance Sale ............................... 1 Olin. All Linen Table Damask, in conven­ tional and flower designs, 89c. value.................. .......}........ 72in. Imported Barnsley Satin Damask, all linen, beautiful style pattern $1.50 yd., seller......................... Turkish Bath Towels, full 20 x 45 size, extra long value.............. « Huck Towels. heavy large size, 20 1 A _ x 45, bleached, regular 16.ljC. seller IvC'Ca- 501) Yanis heavy out« ng tlnnnells, A j plain colora, valúen to i5c............ 751 55c. yd. Take advantage You have been waiting for this Your Needs for Months to Come This includes Trousers, Rain Coats, Hats, in fact every article nen s wear, except a few contract items, the reductions are k, sharp and to the point—no dilly dallying. Included in this be a memorable sale of « ■r- YOU MOST Just what this January Clearance Sale means to you as a money saving event. Pw ice a yeat this store makes a general clean up, the thought of profit is not considered, reduc­ tion and price cutting will be very marked in every department. Thanks to our friends and patrons we have enjoyed a marvelous business the past year far beyond our fondest expectations, however, our shelves show an immense stock and counters heavily burdened with merchandise. In many instances we have marked them at a price that scarcely represents the cost of production. very Man’s, Youth’s and Boy s SUIT and OVERCOAT arked Down at the Clearance Sale »5,75 Values, J 5.50 Values, V 4.90 Values 4.00 Values. Start right in at the left main aisle of our dry goods department, see the bevy of Silks and Dress’''Goods displayed, further on the thrifty housewife will be gladdened by the clearance sale prices of needful, necessary, domestic wants. 24in. China Silk will be on sale, 33 pieces to select from, for draperies, waiats *>Q_ _rzl and fancy work, 50c. value«... J*fC. yO. 21in. Japanese silk, 23 pieces to pick from, soft shimmering quality,¡priced^ $2.95 pr pU,w$2.19 pr DRESS GOODS Beautiful Silks, Household Wants. FOUR HI NDKED PAIRS TO SEI.El T F Nottingham Lace Curtains, pretty tloraldesigns. QO lull 3 Mis long, good »1.25 values..................... */OC 'a Vici, Blucher cut shoes, beveled welt complete line size.«, guiar $4.00 seller ’s Gun Menai Shoes, strong welt soles, ucher cut, all sizes, regular 00 seller s Gun Metal Shoes, special winter style, ucher cut, welt soles. s \ ici Shoes. neat beaveled welt soles, ucher cut, lues ies’ Patent Leather and \ ici Kid Shoes, iban heel, short vain $<100 values medium weight ies’ (bin Metal Shoes, le, Winter style, $3.00 seller IMPORTANT INDISCRIMINATE CLEARANCE. Beautiful Lace Curtains Values that mean a positive Clearance Rain Capes, for < hildren, a very special the lot, regular $3.75 seller, ages 5 to Silk Petticoats, entire stock put in geous taffetas of two toned and plain Clearance Side >4.95 $2.68 »3.50 $248 item, English tan rubber cloth, 9 in 15 Clearance Mali . .................... one massive bargain heap, sightly and gor- effect», deep rutiles, values to »10.(4). >1-97 >545 Unsurpassed Underwear and Hosiery Bargains 41 doz fune derby riblied I nderwear, For Ladiea, mi mm * a and children of every known weave, plain French knit neck shirts, Light Blue, and fleeced cotton, AtiMtralian wool, natural grays or white, nilk 59c. dollar values One lot of 7(4) garments Men'« Inder and wool or pure silk. wear of Cooper's wool rib. Alpha non Ladies’ Vest and Pants, extra and regular sizes. white and natural shrinkable and iloutde breasted wool. colors, regular 45c. value« 93c gar regular Ki.Ill values Ladies ’ fine wosted knit garoient». new form sha|a., Jersey ribbed, »125 373 plus 11 wool Shirts ami Drawers for elters men in natural colors. regular »2.25 seller .................... *................. »1.15 gar Ladies’ Union Suits, extra and regular sizes, Swiae wiki I mixed, »'Z1 58 Suit Hose for the Children, fast sanitary black, our good M’ m seller ..... Children'11 Heavy School Hose. medium and heavy ribbed, good value anywhere ...................................... . German Woo, Hose for (mites. old time Mue knit. Very special . 38c gar. 27c gar* 11c Pr. *: 16c. Pr. 27c Pr.