TluLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 20.J010 illustrative of the lazy church mem­ ber. were greatly enjoyed by all pre­ The meetings at the Commercial sent. Next Saturday afternoon Mr. L.E. Building are being attended by­ large numbers of people each night, Wegner gives an illustrated talk to the numbers having increased great Iv since the building has been fixed so as to destroy the echo which was so noticable at first. At present a person can hear in the extreme rear of the building the words of Mr. Taylor. .At each of the services Sunday subscriptio is were taken to defray The Revival Meetings. That New Year n Dance. That the New Year's dance will be an enjoyable affair seems to he assured licyond all doubt. 1 he be-t talent in the town v. ill furnish t le music and the orchestra will be an extra large ami well balanced With the holiday decorations tnie. and elegant floor mid i.tlu-r things that have been provided to gratify the desires of dancers, a splendid lime is assured. Tile management Inis tiied to make the invitation list complete but realizes that some are always overlooked. If by any chai.ce your invitation lias failed to read: i.u. see one of the committee. Every dub member should come t<. this part', and help with his dollai to swell the proceeds, a substantial part of wliieli is to go to the Gilford Stillwell Park to make improve­ ments. This Park should be fenced and the grounds beautified and the supplying ol funds to do this is al­ most an obligation ol tile entire peo­ ple of Tillamook. \V het her n da neei or not come to the pally and lid, in this worthy cause and, at the s nne time, spend a pleasant even ing. Do not get the date confused. Rememlier next Friday evening, Dec. 30tjl. at 8:30. This is the PAI L B. TAYLOR. Death of Captain Snow. The Interscholastic Debat'. The liebating teams of the Nehalem and Tillamook High Schools met ul the Commercial Club rooms Friday night and debated the question, Re solved, that it would be for the best interests of Hie I'nited States to build and maintain ti large navy. This was Hie first of the series of Interscliohistii: Debates for this year and as it was to decide which team should go to the. vnllev, there was considei able interest on the part of the High School students ol both places. Beuly Stain was the first speaker on the affirmative and in his whirl­ wind speech it was easy to sec how the decision must go. But Herman Sdiollmeyer, the leader of the nega­ tive, was found to have some good points, although logic was lucking. Alter him Elbert Ginn, the first col­ league ot the affirmative, spoil- then Frank Thompson, who seemed Io have a lit tie stage fright but did well for tile worst time. < Iscur Aseliim followed him anil then Mar ' a Alley the little gii 1 from Nehalem < nd secund colleague for till* nega­ tive came before the people. J wo of the Tillamook team immediately became anxious to hear the decision when she begun speaking, tor they had hud experience with the fair sex before in the debat ■ at the I ub Rooms and found it disastrous io them, and when Miss Alley began slinging quest ions nt Hie ntllrmiiti ve their leader nearly collapsed and was kept in his chair only by the efforts of his colleagues. Alter Mr. Sdiollmeyer had summed up for the negative Mr. St nil lignin came before the house with a lust healing heart mid iiinid < heels Iroin nil sides mid not only upheld lus side in all points but tore Hie argument of the negative all to pieces , Alter a selection by the High School Male Quartet! Hie decision of the judges was rend,and although no complimentary votes were CHHt this year the det ÌMÌOII WIIH two to one in favor ol the Curdinnl und W lute. More interest was taken tn this debate Ilian any before and the High School hot only thanks the people tor Hie way they filled Hie auditorium but also promises to do still better next time. Aller the debate a reception was given to Hie Nehalem team to which all their lompatiy. tile Tillamook High S c I hhi I, Student body. Alumni, Faculty, School Board, and the Tay­ lor Evangelistic Company were in- v i ted. Prof. Baker acted « ih Tomd- Master nnd certainly allowed iih that lie knew how. I he High S c I hhi I wishes to thank t ir < uimiieriml Club fur the use of ttu-ii rooms and the Deluding team hone that then argument will ait us di I the "Pliilhpii a” of Demos­ thenes. mill be the cause of a larger navy being built. When you have n cold get n I h > He ot y biiints'rlitiii’s t ough Remedy. It will sn tlx you up alright ami will ward off nny temlem-y t< ward pneumonia This reined' eontiiins | no opium it or other nnrvolic and ■' \t*n as uh von fnit*ut I \ to h n | ! may be given confidently b.lby as to nn adult. Sold I niisr's Drug Store. The ut thè monin Mr K requisite for making the children at 2:30 and on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Mr. Taylor gives his great talk to men only on "Chicken Come Home to Roost.’’ i: VANI ; ELIHT TA Y L< >K. • lie expenses of the meeting and i nougli money was raised for this purpose, one man, B. IL Hathaway giving $25. A h this matter is clear­ ed, up no more collections will I e taken for this purpose during the meetings, which will make it a great deal more pleasant for some. Al­ though there lias not been as much interest shown as might be expel toil there lias been, up to the present lime over thirty who have gone for ward. A collection was taken Wed .'IRS. TAYLOR nesday night for the benefit of Mrs. Conklin who is in need of help. There was$29.31 raised through this collection, which is hoped will help. Mr. Taylor has delivered some of the best sermons the past week that have ever been heard in this place, all three of his Sunday sermons be­ ing excellent. The morning, on "The Power of Motherhood" was to the point in every instance. The illustrated sermon in the afternoon on "The Little Foxes” was filled with good advice to the children, but tile evening sermon was the beat which we have heard Mr. Taylor de- Death claimed Captain H. A. Snow o.i Friday evening, who had been a resident of this county for 20 years, previous to which lie had been a pilot and captain of several vessels on the Columbia River. The cause of death was paralysis, having had a stroke about eight months since, which confined him to his home in this city, where he died. The de­ ceased was buried on Monday in the Oddfellows’ Cemetery, the funeral services being in the Methodist church. He is survived by his wife; also two grandsons, William Snow, of Tillamook, and H. V. Parsons, of McMinnville ; and two grand­ daughters, MargaretKelly.of Seattle, and Ethel Snow, of Portland. Much credit is due Willis Snow for the faithful way which he has cared for his grandfather during his laHt illness. Captain Snow was born near Rock-1 land, Me., in 18311, and went to se i in 1848. He arrived at Portland in 1803, master of the ship William A. Banks, loaded with the rollingstock for the Cascade Railroad and ma­ chinery for shops at The Dalles. I'pon his arrival at Portland, Cap­ tain Snow entered the employ of the Oregon Steam Navigation Company and was made mute of the steamer Nanaimo. In 1806-1869 he was cap-j tain of the John 11. Couch on the Portland-Astoria run. In 1869 he was made pilot of the tug Astoria, owned by Captain George Fliivel, and piloted ships on the Columbia River liar. On New Year’s day, 1871, the steamer Dixie Thompson was launched, and Captain Snow was made her captain. He remained on this steamer for two years. From 1874 until 188!) Captain Snow piloted foreign ships on the W illamette and Columbia Rivers. In 1890 he ctinie to Tillamook, where he has since resided. Bake Day ROYAL Union Gospel Meei Baking COMMERCIAL BUM Powder TILLAMOOK CITY. s Evangelist George W. Taj NOW IN PROGRESS Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar —made from grapes— No Alum No Lime Phosphate Of Los Angeles. PAUL B. TAYLOR, Boy” Soloist. Notice. The deputy game wardens will prohibit shooting from |x>wer boats in tile future as it is against the law to do so. This custom has been going on for many years, contrary to law, and now the deputies have orders to stop it. So as not to be too I busty in thia mutter, they wish to give due notice of their intentions. Wants To Help Some One. For 30 years J. F Boyer, of Fer­ tile, Mo., needed help and couldn’t find it. That’s why he wants to help some one now. Suffering so long himself he feels for all distress from Bachaclie, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite. Lassitude and Kidney disorders. He shows that Electric Bitters work wonders for such trou­ bles. "Five lsittles,” he writes, wholly cured me and now I am well and hearty.” It’s also |>ositively Card of Thank». guaranteed for Liver Trouble. Dvs- nepsin. Blood Disorders, Female The relatives of the late Cnpt. B. Complaints and Malaria. Try A. Snow wish to use this means to j them. 50c. at Chas. I. Clough's. express their thanks for the kind assistance which they have been , "I bud been troubled with consti­ pation for two years and tried all of given in thia their hour of sorrow. I the best physicians in Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing for me,” M rs . h . N. S now , H kriiert P arsons . writes Thos. E. Williams, Middie boro, Ky. "Two packages of Cham- W illis P. S now . iierlain s Stomach and Liver Tab­ lets cured me.” For sale by Lamar’» Go to F. S. Whitehouse Sr Son, Drug Store. the leading agents, for Bond, Acci- i dent and Fire Insutance. as they write more than three-quarters of the insurance written in Tillamook County, because they are better equipped than any one else in the business Team for Sale. Leonard A. Wegner, of Chicago, Soloist and Chorus Mrs. Carrie Beale Taylor, Cornet Virtu«» Large Chorus Choir. COMB—Bring a Friend With You- When you feet are wet and cold and your laxly chilled through and through from exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem- edv, bathe your feet in hot water before going to bed. and you are almost certain to ward off a severe cold. For sale by Lamar'a Drug Store. • Saved From Awful Death How an appalling calamity in hie For Sale, a nice young team of fanuly was prevented is told by A D bay mares. Apply to F. N. Elliot. McDonald, of Fayetteville. N. C„ R. F. D. No i “My sister had consump­ tion. he writes, ’’she was thin and Banka On Sure Thing Now pale,had no appetite and seemed to "I'll never lie without Dr. King's grow weaker every day, as all rem­ New Life Hila again,” writes \ edies failed, till Dr. King’s New Schmgeck. 647 El in St. Buffalo. N.Y’ Discovery was tried, and so com­ They cured me of chronic consti­ pletely cured her. that she haa not pation when all else failed. Ln- •*«•» troubled with a cough since equaled for Biliousness. Jaundice It s the beat medicine 1 ever saw or NIMICAI. DIRECTOR WKGXEIt. For cough», colds, la- Indigestion, Headache. Chills, Ma­ heard of. laria and Debility. 25c at Chan. I. gnp|»e, asthma, croup, hemorrhage, all bronitiiul troubles, it has tin liver yet. The subject was "The I lough a. »spial. HOc. Il in. Trial bottle free People’s Savior " All Ilia sermons Guaranteed by Chas. I. Clough. are spicci! with sometimes witty I quicker a cohl is gotten less the danger from pneu ■ nd other serious diseases. W I . Hall, of Waverly. Vs.. ______ I firmly lielieve Cliainlier- I.IIII s Coligli Remedy tn he a Lenirne ly tlie l>est prepnratMbn on thè mar­ ket for cohls. | liste ret-on imeni Ini eople chilblains, coldsore», red and rough nee*’ <‘< • K'esl from getting restless. rei labi» liniment. For sprains skins prove thia. Hut such trxiii " egner s solos, "Yim must Nes Hy Jwtore Buklen » Arnica bruise», «are nesa of the muscle, it nd rteeumaih- pains. then' is none I'nliMii,” which is illustrative of i A Great­ •**Hei UlauChanilw-rlaiu's. Sold In the pleusiirv seekingchriatinn. anil eat healer of thirns, Hoile, Piles Luwir’i Drug Store. Brkema »ml Sprains' '’swerving the Lord in My Weak Way" Only .-A at Chaa. I. Ckmgh’a. For Sale. " erner Grand Piano in a hand­ some oak finish. This instrument is practically new and can b« had at low coot. Stool an 1 scarf incJud ed. Call and see it at Jot TBBRDICB'a. The Pop Corn Palace T hsu