DECEMBER 29, 1910 TlùLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, Murder Revealed by a Dream, Perhaps the most amazing crime mystery ever solved by a dream was that revealed by a murder trial a couple of generations ago. The dead body of Mr. Norway, an Inoffensive L'ortiteb gentleman, bad been found by tile roadside lie tween Wadebridge and Bodmin, brutally murdered. No trace >f the murderer could be found, and t'ie mystery of the crime seemed be- j „ I nil solution, when Mr. Norway's I.-, ■ her. n naval officer, arrived In Fig- land and told the following «iugular Holy* Oil the • very night of his brother's he was on bls ship In murder. wbeu ' tb - We» t Indies, he saw him In a dream v -liking along the Bodmin road, when.from a dark recess in the hedge two ri.Jnu» sprang out. slew and robbed lilru aud then made their way to a bouse in Wadebridge, which be saw vividly in his dream, To this bouse be conducted the police officers, nud there he found the very two men whom lu his vision be had seen com­ mit the murder. They confessed and suffer«) the extreme penalty of the law.—Pearson's Weekly. His Two 6«»t«. A large and pompous person, wear- ng a high bat. a long coat, yellow ipats and a congenial sneer, for sev­ eral days made himself obnoxious around a Washington hotel a bit ago. He announced be was from New York, ragged the bellboys. Jawed the clerks, cussed the service, roared at I the food, complained about bls room mid the elevator and the telephones and the bar and everything else. One afternoon he walked over to the porter and »aid: “Here, you; I’m going to quit thia town and go back to New York, where 1 can get some decent service. I want you to buy me two seats In a parlor car on the 4 o'clock New York train. Get me two seats, now. aud meet me at the station with the tickets. I want one chair to sit In aud one to put my feet in.” The seats were delivered at the train Just before It pulled out. One of the seats was lu car No. 3 and the other was located in car No. 4.—Saturday Evening Post Solon’s Aniwar. “What 1s the most perfect form of government?” was ouce propounded at the court of Perla nder. king of Cor­ inth. one of the »even wise men of Greece. Hl» afx fellows were present and of them Blas answered first, giv­ ing ns his opinion. "Where the laws have no superior.” Thales of Miletus, the great astronomer, declared. "Where the people are neither too rich nor too poor." In his turn said Anaeharsls. the Scytlilnn. "Where virtue 1s honored and vice detested.” Said Plttacus of Mitylene, "Where dignities are always conferred upon the virtuous nud never upon the base." Said Cleobulus. "Where the citizens fear blame more tliau punishment” Said Chilo, the Spartnn. “Where the laws are more regurded than the orators." The last to reply was the youngest but wisest of them all. Solon of Atb- eus, wtio said, "Where au lujury done to the meanest subject Is an insult to the whole community." Burma*« OiWed Pagoda. Ila sjoou . the principal city of Burma, grew up around the sacred »pot on which 1» built the great Sboay Daguu pagoda, one of It» principal wonders, j "Bising to a height of 8U0 feet. Its size I is greatly enhanced by the fact that It stands on au eminence that Is its. if BUI feet above the level of the city." nay» a writer. “It 1» covered with pure gold from base to summit, and once in every generation tills gold Is complete­ ly renewed by public subHcrlpthm. Yet throughout the interval the pruces» of legildiug goes on perpetually. Fiona people who w.*ek In tills way to express their veneration and to add to their store of spiritual merit climb up daily with little buttering packets of gold leaf, which they fasten on some frac- tlon of Its great surface, There te no more picturesque sight offered by it than that of a group of these silken worshipers outlined high «gainst Its gold in the act of contributing tbelr small quota to Its splendor. The pago­ da Itself has no Interior. It Is a solid stupa of brick raised over u chamber.” T-T T. BOITA X X * R « ■ « Complete set of A in office. Tax« The Fast Steamer Reside GATE GOLDEN A tto ÏX i posite Bo,l> pisa. Leaves Tillamook for attorney „U| i fctitôchev Astoria and Portland Office across th, strw, t-) _______ the Post Q.EORGE WILL¡ THURSDAY of Each Week A ttorney - atl , Next to Tillamook Cj Freight and Passengers Old Man of the Mountain. Bank, The title "Old Mun of the Mountain" T illamook . g» wan first applied to llassuu Beu Sab bill, who founded a formidable dynas­ ty In Syria A. D. 10HO. He was the H. GOYNE, prim e or chief of the sect of the Mo­ hammedans Having been banished from Ills country, be took up bls ubode FOR RATES—ADDRESS J. R. GLADDEN, Agent. A ttorney - at L« In Mount Lebanon and gathered round Office : Opposite Coutil aim a bund of followers, who soon be­ came the terror alike of Christian». Jew» aud Turk». They paid the most T illamook , O rem Implicit obedience to Id» commands and believed that If they suerifleed tbelr Ilves for bls Hake they would be T. BOALS, Rii rewarded with the highest joys of paradise, For 200 years these "assas- sins.” as they called themselves, con- PHYSICIAN & SUB tinned to be the terror of the country. TILLAMOOK Whenever tbelr chief, the "Old Man of the Mountain.” considered himself Office Olson Building. Injured be dispatched some of hla us- A live business training school. Endorsed by business tnen. Residence : Mrs. Weiss' hrw, sassin» »ecretly to murder the aggres­ The school whose graduates secure positions and hold them. Mrs. Walk«'. sor. This Is the origin of our use of the Living expenses low. School in continuous session. Send word assassin for a secret murderer. Hor«« Dentists. In every large city there are now d.'titists who devote their entire atten­ tion to horses, and they ure kept »ur- i rlstogly busy the year round. The equine, dentist is of course provided with spisliil Instrument» for the ex­ traction and filling of the teeth of unl­ mala needing attention, it Is rather interesting to observe an operation in horse dentistry. One of the Instru­ ments. culled a spis-ulum. present» the appearance of an Ivory handle and four small bars of nickel working on u rut diet and crossing one another In H'.1< h a milliner as to form a hollow square that can be made large or small l>y the turning of a »crew. Setting this device to the pro|M-r size, the horse dentist will »lip It gently Into the suffering animal's mouth, which, during the operation. Is kept partly open by a groom. «nd when the Inxtru men! I m lllttil upon. «ay. one of the for catalogue. It: Purpose. back teeth the beast'» mouth la kept They stood in front of one of Wash­ M. KERRON, Serpents and Music. open as wide as possible.—Harper's ington's leading furniture stores. The Barnard concludes from bls personal Weekly. windows were full of beautifully In­ observation of cobras lu Ceylon, says PHYSICIAN & SURE laid pieces of furniture, such things as the Scientific American, that the ser- The Par«on Bird. are only within the reach of the rich peut's traditional love for music is a Among the feathered Inhabitants of C oncrete B vild « aud are tueuut to lend au additional pure fable aud that the only effect of New Zealand there Is a bird called the touch to the ulreudy perfectly apiioiut- music Is to arouse the reptile’s curios­ parson bird, or tui. It Is ubout the Tillanicok, .. (M ed home. Among them was an after- ity. which L excited by any loud aud size and shape of a blackbird, but has uoon tea table. It was a frail, deli­ acute sound. The cobra protrudes its n pair of delicate white tufts at Its cately constructed piece on rollers and throat and I h a glossy dark green otb bend from Its burrow alike on bearing J. P. AUDEN. Proprietor. pqR. I. M. SMITH, brought to mind nu artistically gown­ the snake cbaruier's flute, tile rattling erwise. which looks black in the huu - ed hostess servlug tea to a select co­ of a chain or the sounds made by Kblue. It enu be tuuglit to crow, to terie. while the conversation dealt with beating the ground with n switch, speak, to whistle tunes, mid. besides It PHYSICIAN & SUM nothing more heavy than the latest Special Attention paid to Tourists. appears to perceive only sounds of tlirse tricks. It lias a repertory which fiction and comic o|>eras. With a long Office over J. A. Todd ài Is not often equaled by any other high pitch, for it pays no atteutlon to i drawn out sigh the woman contem­ A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. feathered Hoiigster. At vespers It has the low notes of the flute or the lieat- Tillamook. Or». plated It. The man. following her a note like the toll of a bell or the lug of the drum. Barnard also coti- gaze, saw It and was unimpressed. lenr, high note of an organ. It can Uriued In Ceylon the results of obser­ ■She hastened to explain. link* every bird In the bush to por­ vations made lu the London zoological "That there Is a teu table. It's Just C. HAWK, tion. Il will break off lu the mid gulden on the supimsed power of fas­ gi'iiud to use when you ain't got no of mi exquisite melody aud ludulge cination exerted by seriienta upon cook lu the bouse and have folks In.”— birds, and lie concludes that this pow- With those you have been In the habit of paring. a a Htniuge melody of sounds which Washington Star. re ImpoMHlhle to describe, but If you er of fascluatlon Is ulso purely luiug- i and you will u*e that we offer you a auhstantlal sav­ ing on ail work au l you cannot get better painless PHYSICIAN & SUM mil imagine "the combination of a luary. work anywhere, no matter how ma ch you pay. Feminine Reeourca. W< finish plate and cough, a laugh, a sneeze, with th«i bridge work for out- Mr. D. went to the club, leaving Mm. Htnnslilng of a pane of glass," It will Arma and th» Men. vn patrons m BAY CITY, ORBfl D. with a lady friend whose abili ­ »y if desired. be »otue approai h to the Idea. “I see you have your arm in a sling.” •• ox traction The valued family re ­ ties as a Hcundalmouger and mischief hen p.atee or said the Inquisitive pnHseuger. "Bro­ work is order- maker were pre-eminent. When be cipes for cough and cold •J. Coasultatioa frea. ken. is It?” Where He Made Hie Money. R. BEALS, returned lie Just poked Ills head Into cure, liniments, tonics and Malar Crewni $5. Years ugo a gentleman settled In the "Yen, sir.” responded the other pas­ the drawing room and said, with a senger. 22k I S'M«oisoii was n native one, as The trio are distinguished from sll oth­ Notice of Sale of Tide Landa. that can't cook." growled William De deadly as nmenic or strychnin«. er Botevlle« by the explanation “of the N otici 1« H brbby G ivbk ,—That the ing a Speculi.' G. HARRIS, Prop. Klkkur, glaring at bls better half. State Land Board of the State of Oregon Inne." or family residence, the title to will sell to th« highest bidder at its office in “I suppose, that If our cook would get which had come to tbelr Joint poxae«- the Capitol Building, at Salem, Oregon, on Argu« Eyed and Hydra H«ad«d. Store in Heins Phot^ married I'd starve to death!" December 27,1910. at 10:00 o’clocE n m., The term “Argus eyed" means slou. John's grandson wus known ss of said day. all the State’s interest in the ■ You ueedu t worry about that. Wil­ tide undoreifiow lands hereinafter described, watchful. According to the Greelau fa­ llalph Botevlle-of-the-lune. from which Gallety- liam.” said Mrs. De K geutl.v. "Our giving, however to the owner or owners of ble. Argus had I0U eye«, and Junu aet the transition tu Kalpb Thyme te easy, iiny lands abutting or fronting on such tide cook has bin'll married ouce. and I Illa descendants have beeu Thyuues und overflow lands, the preference right iloii'l consider It nt all likely that she him to watch all of whom she was ever slue«. S. WHITEHO^ to purchase said tide and overflow lands at | Jealous When Argus was »lain »lie 1 the highest price offered, provided such offer I would care to”— 1 is made In good faith, and also providing I transplanted bls eyes into the tall of Itut her Irate zpouze had »te in tildi He Wanted Fige, 1 that the land will not be sold nor anv offer SON, the pnacock. “Hydra beaded" is a therefor accepted for less than >7.50 per t'.io door behind him. -Cleveland Lead At a small stag dinner the only INSURANCE, FUL term derived from the fable uf Her acre, the Board reserving the right to reject eT. young and unuotewortby persuu pres­ anv and all bids. Said lands are situated culm and the hydra. The hydra lied MARINE, ACCIDÍR i in Tillamook County, Oregon, and described ent sat throughout the meal commun­ as follows. nine heads, and Hercules wns sent BONDS, to Wall Answered. For Stomach Trouble, Sluggish ing with his own bashful soul, afraid Tide lands fronting and abutting on Lot “Why do you weep over the sorrows kill It. As soon as he struck off oue or lest by speaking be betray ills sophis­ No. A of Section ♦. T. 2 N.. ft. 1<) W. Liver and Habitual Constipation. Beginning at a point where the section uf people lu »Iwiii you have no In tta bead« two shot up tn Its place. T illamook . - tication. Dessert being served, be felt line tyetween Sections 4 and 9, T. 2 N,, K- 1 <> Both I’lioDc-' j tcrvst when you go to the theater)" It cures by aiding all of the W. iaterseets the high water of Nehalem be must have some of the candled Bay, located 8. H9^ 51* W 4754 6 feet from i.sksd the uiau No Fire Within. fruit at the other end of the table. digestive organs—gently stimu* i th« corner common to Sections 3, 4. 9 and Times have changed Our fathers "1 don't know,” replied the womau. ,1U and running thence : Orrics B»UMM 1**J Clearing his voice, he flxed the nearest . 1637.7 "Wb.v do you cheer wildly when a for some strange reason preferred a waiter with n glittering eye and. atnld lates the liver and regulates the S. S9® 51* W ,71 «37.7 feet to low water » SracuLW. J line. man with whom you are uot acquaint­ cold tneetiag house to one which wns way that 12* 26* E a sudden total silence. |>eretnptorlly bowels—the only 631.3 feet along low water line OWING A ed »Udi's to secund base)“—Washing­ warmed by artlfletel heat. When a called out nt the top of bls voice, "1'igs. chronic constipation can be N. 17° 59* E-. «77.0 feet along low stove was put luto the Old South ton Star. water line. LAWYERS- fleasKxc ha uge. cured. Especiallyrecommended N. MW 51* H , 1350.3 feet to high church. Boston. In 17SI n newspaper water line. of contemporary date contained thia Starting a Family Jar. for women and children. 8. 8« O2* W., 3M.» feet along high w □»e«*’* Si Found Wanting. water R oom 3»-« A«p <)*« ST,' Uae. "No num ever obtained anything slgulflcaut lament: Taina Clears blotched complexions. 8. OO* 49* W Mrs Laytebyrd tas Ijiytebyrd comes Room Next to tb» US-1* Extinct the «acred Hr» of lov< worth hsrlux without working bard hl* fl»« to ■iiST LEL"?"« « h h water PORTLAND. 0 in unsteadily at 3 a. tn.l—You have do Pleasant to taka. Refuse substitutes. ♦3.« » ctt » « beo»nl»g, h, containing Our «»al grown cold nod eland. tor It.” «aid Mr» Bickers to her hu«- toW““;«^ «0*be addreaaed In th« houtn or God «• fixed a «torn excuse for coming borne at thia hour l anti, who was In » discouraged mood To warm ua tn thnlr «land. and In thia condition. Laytebyrd—I Sold by Chas. I, Clough «alen., o±2* I'*“d Bo«rd' "Quite true.” replied Mr. Bicker» •aa bid to p’rcb.« tMe"ÍS. " APP"'*“ur M RS. ALICIA had one. my dear, and It was • grand reflectively “I remember that I ol>- Th» Batter Way. _. <*• « »»OWN, eno. but I can't think what It waa. t:ilu,sl you without the »lightest dit» Oxtel tM. Oetobir » L,"d Bo*n’ Barber—Shall I take a little of tb« »ulty Uvervoul Mercury GRADUATEN end» of your hair off. »Ir? Cuatomer— The Head ef the Family. Yeo. 1 think you had 1*1 ter take It oft1 ino CURE th « LUNC8 In Germany the father la the bead of A Ph,f»»»»h«r. at the end» unies» you can got It out of the family, lu France the mother. In Little Willi« Hay. pit. what I* a the middle MRS. PAGE'S England the eldest son. In America phUoaopher? I*a A pftlloaupher. my WITH the daughter—Don C. belt* r,M> te a man who can pretend to have Whit D.d Hn Meant TILLAMOOK. L jbt b, irt w li< a lie has a lltfbt “Have you noth-cd. uiy friend, how ^A.'.etlwuk.-Exchange The Present Time. OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. many fool« there are on earth?” i >■ Now 1» the ooly point of time of M A8O1Í "Yen. and there'» always one mum X Th» Sup«'/. Corner Stillwell Ave. and Firut greet moment to you If you devote than yon think “ -Sour I re Knkk*^*1 .1 ,h* •rr" ’ dead yourself to now the pant will be ■ St. West, and both Phone». dream, the future a preeent rvsltzattoa *•- -«Al»<’