i •<;< If TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 29 Galloway Take Department 1. I lulo. Alley even a fighting chance. How MilkerWtat., The following letter appeared ever, in conclusion will say that if | vocates. Oh, yes ; but it cer­ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Wanted, a Judge Galloway, who hue served our commissioner does not get fair .STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) tainly is a most novel way of in our contemporary : married man. A, 1.50 for six years on the district bench Tillamook, Ore., Dec. 22, 1910. One year........... play, we will keep our weather in. Apply tu , 75 reforming the saloon when the Editor Tillamook Herald: Six months .... here, arid who was recently elected eye pealed, and when the oppor­ aniook. • mik city council allows' convicted 50 If the Herald will permit nie the Three months gamblers and bootleggers to use of a little space I would like to for another term, is to retain De­ tunity does present itself, will be Team for run saloons in this city. Never ask the Headlight to explain to the partment No. 2, instead of taking ready to boost him for something public if the present stagnation in up No. 1, to which his term of ser­ better, where hie ability and in­ One Driving r ~ ^ij» (£ i I lam o oli Ä)cabligbt. will it be possible to regulate the cheese market is caused by the for aale ami control them as long as that election of a Democratic Governor vice would entitle him. Hie work tegrity will perhaps be better ap­ harness o A. Emerso’n.^’J in the equity department has been preciated. class is allowed to run them. and Representatives, also if this ac­ Creamery. Tillain^ Respectfully, for the great strike that has extremely eatisfactoJy, and mutual Editorial Snap Shots. The people of the county are in counts T axpayer . accord with us in this matter. been on in Chicago for some time consent between him and Judge and said to be one of the worst in Kelly, lie will retain that while the For 8ile. Balm, Oregon. If the granting of saloon licen­ the history of that city. last named gentleman will take De ­ 36 acres of rieh vJ fair ses to gamblers and txiotleg- Just now while we have history Information Concerning Eighth bottom land. Fur gers is what is called Horne newly made and making, we would partment No. 1. price call oa or addS Just now the Judge ie strongly Grade Final Examinations. Rule, then every Home Ruler like the explanation so we may George R. keep it for future reference. We Drunkenness. Anyone cuti ought to be ashamed of him­ have read so much in the late num­ contemplating moving from this see there’s more of it already self and crawl into his little bers of the Headlight of dire calam­ city to the state capital and very 1. D ates : (a) January 19-20, 1011. on the streets. To-wit, Friday hole. So much for the so-called ities to come upon us as the result likely inside of six months he will Notice. (b) May 11-12, 1011. "reform" of the saloon and of Democratic selections that we are do eo. At present be baa more to night.____________ . somewhat troubled in spirit and du at Salem than at any other place (c) June 8-0, 1911. A draft No. Home Rule. How ridiculous it would desire to be fully advised so Those dirty, filthy business all looks. (d) September 7-8, 1911. the Bay City TrudUj, we may if necessary, halt before we and by moving there he would be streets are no credit, but a detri­ favor elect a Democratic President. at home much more of the time. P rogram : .. of U. G. — J Jackup ment to the city. Clean them Yours truly, (a) Thursdays—Physiology, Writ­ the Bay City Landa Besides it would be much easier to 'aha The county newspapers have F. E. Norton. ing, History and Civil Govern­ and payment on i up, for they need it badly. given too much space to the It is generally common cour­ reach Albany, just aa bandy to east ment. stopped. Dallas, and the proposition of get­ Those who have complained Zwiefel affair, and ¡is nothing tesy, when asking a newspaper ting from Salem here the same as (b) Fridays—Grammar, Arithme­ Signed. C. ft : bout ho many barrels being further can tie gained by con a question, to address it to the getting from McMinnville to Salem. tic, Geography and Spelling. 1 tinning it, the space could be shipped in under local option For Sale. editor, not to the editor of some The only place that would be more S ources O f Q uestions : w ill remain mum when they see ! better used to advertise the other newspaper. Mr. Norton easily reached from here would be (a) Arithmetic—Practical Arith­ Werner Grand Piaiw tiers of barrels on the sidewalks county. Our judgment proved wants to know whether the pre­ Tillamook, audit ia not handy from metic, Smith. some oak finish. Thy i uts'de the saloons. Strange, correct when we refused to pub­ sent stagnation in the cheese Government—United is practically new andci (b) Civil lish Zwiefel’s first letter that it market is caused by the election either. inn c it ? States Constitution. The Judge will no dohbt retain at low cost. Stool ani* I contained so many’ false state- of a Democratic Governer and (c) Geography—State Couree of ed. Call and see it at We wish the citizens of Tilla­ j ments and that it was trouble Repräsentatives, also the strike hia farming intereats in this vicinity Study ; Redway and Hinman’s and always feel that Yamhill is J oe THEKMcifi mook C unity a happy newyear, 'breeders who were urging Mr. in Chicago. The Headlight has Natural School Geography. i hie home.— News Reporter. The Pop ami the desire of the editor is Zwieiel on because he had a never advanced such an absurd ______________ _ (d) History—List of Topics from that it will be a most prosper­ personal grievance against Mr. idea, so we have nothing to an- [--------------------- “ History Outline in State Course Singei Sewing Mid ous year t • one and all an 1 the Alley- and, we suppose, a wil­ swer in that regard, other than I Defending Commissioner Alley, of Study and Current events. beginning of a new era in the ling and probably innocent tool to say that there is usually dull: Now is your opportua (e) Grammar—Buehlei’s Modern a machine _____ iu their hands. Persons who business in the cheese market | TO EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. history tf the county. that ___ will |ait, English Grammar. D ear S ir ,—We learn that Mr. time, on easy monthly' ¡ire in the habit of signing pe­ ¡during the winter months, not (f) Physiology—Graded Lessons that you will scarcely We a e informe.i that the Bay titions should not do so when it as Mr. Norton calls it, stagna­ Zwietel, of Nehalem, is out with a in Physiology and Hygiene, no interest. petition to oust Mr. Alley from contains false and misleading City cha.t r was correctly pre­ I personally guarantee tion. The only stagnation that office. While we have no desire to Krohn. Let a newsaper we know of in the cheese mar­ pared as to the boundary, and statements. chine and will keepitwi (H) Reading—The teacher will of charge. the mistake was made in copy­ publish false statement against ket was under the last Demo­ enter into a controversy, we feel as send to the County Superin­ Your old machine will [ ing after it had left the office of someone and see how quickly cratic administration and a few though we ought to express our­ tendent the applicant’s class as part payment. the person who drew it up. We some troublesome attorney will years later when a few holders selves on this matter, not for the Machines deliveredafi» standing in reading, which make this correction so that lie working up a case against of cheese in this county were so benefit of those who live in this on free demonstration trig will be taken as applicant's any wrong impressions may not the editor. Mr. Alley has a hoggish that they would not section of the country, but for those Call in and see the Xewf standing on the subject. B urdett S hipman , Tilhn be created by what we stated good damage suit against Mr. j sell at the prevailing price, so who are not acquainted with the Whalem’e Jeif th) Spelling-Reed’e Word Lea­ facts of case, and we think they last week. Zwiefel, but < tir advice is that the jobbers shipped in a large ought to know what - they are sons. the editorsallow the whole mat­ Fine Dairy Fin amount of Eastern cheese. It is signing, before they wander after And still there is to be another ter to droP. (i) Writing—Specimens of pen- not correct to say or imagine tax levy for the water system. manship as indicated in copied false gods. We were some what 386 acres, lying 3 m there is stagnation when the surprised to learn of the course This again punctures the argu matter and from manuscript Florence, tile bankjngand: It is public spirited men who > retailer is selling cheese at 20c. meut that the receipts from the in Language. taken by Mr. Zwiefel and we ques­ center of the district, vitk water system was going to pay accomplish things, not those • per pound and the average for tion very much whether it is a wise Teachers having pupils who will boat to Portland. who ¡ire continually knocking ; the year to the dairymen is 38c. one. Knowing Mr. Alley as we do, have completed the course and who 130 acres is dyked tides the running expenses of the in grass and worth tic | city. The water system ought ¡mil complaining. We have a i per pound for butter fat or over and being fully aware of the cir­ wish to take the examination, are 41 acres tide marsh, in n to be a financial success when number of public spirited men $1.50 per 100 pouuds of milk. cumstances, we take issue with Mr. requested to comply with Rule 3, in not dyked, worth fl(l)|«i a levy is made every year upon in this city who are always 1 We will now advise Mr. Norton Zwiefel or. the grounds that he is Rules for conducting Eighth Grade acres rolling bench,ramen the taxable property of the city. ready to put their shoulders to i and give him a personal illus- unfair, and is doing a great in­ Examinations, at least ten days be­ feet of virgin timber, vurt at local mills in logs at f wheel. For instance. Word I tration. When Mr.Norton came justice, not only to our commis­ fore the examination. thousand. This 216asmi reached this city that the board to Tillamook soon after the last Wi.b the close of the old year sioner, but to the taxpayers nnd District Clerks, in districts where logged, will be worth ik bury ail peisonal animosities of Government engineers were Democratic administration he the country in general, Mr. Alley is examinations are to be given, are for pasture and anie and strife in this city ami coun­ to meet in Portland to-day to i was, to use a slang impression, no more responsible for the sad requested to comply with Rule 6, in Fresh water trout Jit ty and all get into the boosters' pass on the project for the ini "down on his uppers," and if we accident that occurred on the Ne­ the Rules for Conducting the exam- through the tract. Frat site, but no building, band w igon with one idea in provement of the bar, bay and are right, was hard up for halem than any other individual in ¡nations. These rules have been minutes by motor boat to I slough. It was necessary that money. Certainly he had not view, th it of upbuilding and boat landisf the country. We would like to call furnished the several districts on Portland developing the county, giving Tillamook should be represent­ prospered or been successful Mr. Zwiefel’s as well as the tax­ separate sheet, but they are given school, church, stores, a the glad hand to home seekers ed at the conference, ami Attor­ under the last Democratic ad­ payers attention to a few facts, and on page 189 Oregon School Laws, mill, etc., near buildings present value, $70,71X1. 1 and those who come here t< ney H. T. Botts, president of ministration. But Mr. Norton, all we asks is, “Judge a tree by its 1909. sell and will take $11(1)1 the Port of Tillamook, and Rep ­ like a good many desirous and start industries. Everybody can 00 cash and balance long fruits,” and look around Nehalem Respectfully submitted. do something to boost the city resentative A. G. Beals, who is industrious citizens who came and vicinity and see the great 0 per cent interest. W. S. B uel , G eo * Mura and county, and above all do also a member of the Port, con­ to Tillamook after the hard changes that has taken place in County Superintendent. Box 35, Er something to silence "knock sented to go. To pack up and times, took advantage of the that section of country during Mr. ers" ami those who try to pull go at a moment’s notice, leav­ changed conditions incident to Alley’s administration, you will Sandlake. ing their business for a week or the Republican party coming down. more, is a sacrifice, especially into power. By dint of indus­ agree with us and say that Mr. HANDICAP Hello! Here we are again after so Tillamook City was ahead at this season of the year, try, thrift and good business Alley lias doue remarkably well. $1,(MK> on Friday when five Messrs. Botts and Beals are judgment, coupled with the Before he took office road work and long a time. Eugene Atkinson is making the ►al >on licenses were granted. making in behalf of the people steady advance in the price of public improvements in general, The boy or girl i Efforts of men butter fat ami farm land, placed were in a lamentable state of affairs, logs and stumpe thinner every day It won't be long, however, lie­ of this county. defect of vision « and the people of Nehalem were like this are not appreciated by lore those who patronize the on his place with hie donkey en­ Mr. Norton, as well as a large handicapped in the; of knowledge in tbr saloons will have re-paid this the public as much as they number of deserving settlers, iu held up in ridicule for their negli­ gine. rooin. If your bo; « for the privilege of frequenting should lie, for it not only means "easy street." Why Mr. Nor gence, pertaining to good roads Mrs. E. V. Wilson and daughter does not show a w saloons. The "dry" era proved an expensive trip but the loss ton should cling so lovingly to and good bridges. We remember May made a trip to Tillamook Sun­ centage of average < to a great many moderate drink­ of business as well, with often the Democratic Mule after the very vividly our first introduction day to spend a few days with Mr. school report the to the Nehalein a few years ago, ers, that iu ordering tneirdrink little or no thanks. We men­ G.O. P. has been so good to him ties are that there ic Wilson, whois cooking at the Hotel thing the matter from wholesale places, they get tion this with the hope that the is a conundrum we will not just previous to Mr. Alley taking Ramsey. eyes. To find outcl* mote for their money, and pro­ people of this county will ap­ touch upon now. We want to office, and we must say we failed to The Dimond saw mill is still nothing if y®u ’"b bable better quality, and they preciate our public spirited citi­ tell Mr. Norton there will be no find anything but a trail, and not a them to me (of ii i have to stand their share zens morr in the future than in stagnation prices may fluctu- bridge in sight, and to get to Ne­ grinding away. tion. It doeant N C. S. Atkinson, of Tillamook, guess about the e« the past. < i paving seme of the $1,000. : ate in the cheese market until halem city in winter time was of your etiild-it » j there is stagnation in the money a great undertaking, and could not spent Christmas with his folks at to see that the market, and it is liable to come lie done without taking a great risk. Sandlake. right. If glaiMje« Most all of our county officials whenever there is a possibility We would like to ask Mr. Zwiefel The Christmas tree at Sandlake I am prepared tu ¡ire underpaid audit is to lie of another Democratic adminis­ how is it to-day. He will have to was well attended. There were lots the exact thinH meet the need« of * hoped that the State Legislature tration. Since the November admit that the roads are as good as of presents and everybody received Remember that - will adopt some uniform sys­ elections many bankers have I in any part of the county, the something. Everyone that could, guaranteed for tem for all the counties, either become somewhat alarmed for streams all bridged and the country took dinner, which was spread at and I ain here J" I upon a population or assessed fear that this may occur two in general, because the people are the noon hour, and everybody eat them good. I valuation of each county. If years hence, and an* governing not handicappea by bud roads, Und to their heart’s content. The house i kirs are not.' the credit is due to our indefatigable ! tree and curtains were nicely decor- our joint senator ami joint rep­ themselves accordingly so as resentative would introduce a not to lie cramped as they were comniisaioner H. V. Alley. When sted. Mrs. Wilson ia given great bill to make the salaries of during the hard timesand lack we stop to think of the lienefits the credit for her skill in the mani ge- Dr. H. E. Mof1 is true that Home few persons the county officials uniform it of confidence in the Democratic Zwielel place ia deriving from the ment of the affair, Following is EYE SPBCUtB knocked the mill companv would meet with popular favor party. It is reasonable to sup­ recent improvements, we not only the program by the school children: and put it to unnecessary ex- and choke off a whole host of pose that Mr. Norton would I m * think he is ungrateful, but labor­ Song—“Ringout the’Xmas Bella" TILLAMOOK • pease not the right spirit to bills which are introduced each troubled in spirit" when he ing under a delution. We admit School. "A Song of Xmas," Lester Ed­ help give the city a good pay year to increase the salaries of takes a retrospective view of that the affair was a aud one, and roll but now the mill is not county officials in different parts his own financial troubles ami one to lie regretted, but to try and wards. Music by Graphaphone. Tillamook coun­ lack of opportunities for indus- throw the blame on an innocent running the loss of the pay roll of the state. "That Baby,” Gustia Edwards. to the city is felt by every bttsi ty puys it county judge, deputy trions persons to make a living Song—"Merry Snow Flakes," ----------------- g party ia not only unjust, but an (It'lHltv *1. . •_ A. Sv tiess, clerk, deputy sheriff and deputy under the last Democratic ad­ insult, and which all good citixena School. “Who’s Old Santa ?" Boys. assessor the small sum of $50 ought to resent. Those of us who "The Angelic Song," Mary Ed­ Wonder whether the saloon each per month and the county ministration compared with the know Mr. Alley personally, and wards. many opportunities for making keepers and the attorneys will commissioners $3 per day when know of the deep interest he has Song,—Children. take the sain • interest in pro in harness. In the case of the money since the Republican "Two Pilgrims,” Willie Webb. tecting bootleggers now ns they county judge, the salary isi party came into power. It ought taken in public affairs for the good ' Searing Santa Claua,” Florence <’i I u tiler local option ? Then enough to |>av traveling expen­ to give Mr. Norton the cold of the country, we feel that we have Hayes. got the right man in the right shivers for fear, should another "Under the Stars.” Carrie Brown. informers were denounced as ses going over the county. “ I k tnocratic administration as ! ,’,uce’ “nd hie record lias a public Song. Ange ’a Chorus,” School. So“». —“ Angel bad men and one was runout of office of deputy clerk is a HW re-' sume the reins of government, I "dicer shows it. Of course we hear "The Ki “The Three Kings, ” Minnie Hoyt. town. It depends entirely on sponsible position, requiring that Graph a phi Graphaphone. —._t some of the values 111 i1*** deal about the rock-crusher "A whose ox is being gored. Boot­ skill and ability to till it, Wu! _” A Christi Christmas Problem.” Bertlia will drop out of hia property “"d “pending money foolishly, but — Ha area. ----- leggers may now expect that yet $50 a month is all the law and i | imetite amt aeemed to I country. So in regard to the rock Dialogue,- "Santa Claus At Cosar.» grow weaker every day. aa all rem- crasher, don ’ t condemn it until you the Cosate they would not obey the law deputy sheriffs should be paid the under»»«*’!- «lies failed, till Dr King’s New i have tried it, if it is a success in Home.” catate __ LOI I« themselves they have no ruom more than $50 u month. ~~‘‘^i’ elcome Kria Kringle,” and »H This Lhaxovery araa tried, and so com. to complain if others continue county is paying its officials less pletely cured her. that she haa not one county, why shouldn't it be in •eld eatate. are «".j to bootleg the same ns they did. salaries than moat other coun­ •*•*> »roitbled with a cough since. another. We hope Mr. Zwiefel will The children were well trained to the ooder»<«’«*ml * 1 ever saw or Teconaider thia matter before it which proves that Mias Graves is s T Sott«, a’j j f ties, .1 and O. the * moat - ------ sensible ------------ - thing ....... heard of. For coughs, colds, la- Citr. Otar»00* Reform the saloon wan one of tor the State legislature to do asthma, croup, hemorrhage 1 roes to far. but if not we do ask to good instructor. •'«¿1 see If «* _ _ no oo **** Alley a fair show, but the the arguments put forth hefure — * - a uniform - is tn adopt system i all bronchial troubles, it has Miss Josie Hoyt is visiting with ■otta* J oe T he Trial »»•« “r* taken by Mr. Zwiefel > |i’>l fug Tnal butt!« Is.ttle free. free | I tocWc* ’ >«m«e tile election l>v Home Rule ad of salary forali the counties. .Guaranteed by Ch.^ I. Clough/" -rr unjuat. and do uot give Mr her psrents and relatives of Sand, The Fop iske thia week.