TILLAMOOK. OREGON, DECEMBER 29, No. 30. 1910. $i.5o per year. Special price on Alfalfa hay, ton lota $23.00.—R osenberg BROS. ake It Easy 111 toposcss a bank account, an open an account here with D.)ll;u—yol can add to it as »■> s you w sh in any amount lesire. arc anxious to do our pa t bald urge you to avail yourself advantages and facilities we kt the disposal of patrons. 11 business weltome here. MCOK COUNTY BANK. ,LAMOOK, OREGON. JOTTINGS $10.00 a ton. D. » ut the Tillamook beautifully fine 1.000, your own de. the sack or the [rode. * tl county officials M onday. Alfalfa hay, ton berg B ros . irsery stock for lell at once. —D. L. : 105, for $1100.00 Park Addition.— id for Hides, Fur- N. Melchior, Till- e i to Tillamook go 1er for first class best paper orders at » Jacob Karnin was taken to Port­ land on the steamer by a deputy constable from Multnomah County. Henry Davidson and Bob Huston were in town from Beaver Tuesday doing business with our merchants. Does that suit need pressing? If so take it to the Tillamook Steam Dye Works and have it pressed right. * The Tillamook Commercial Club will give a party at the Club rooms on Friday evening, which will be a New Year’s dance. If that suit needs to be pressed for the dance or show, phone the Tillamook Steam Dye Works and they will come after it. ♦ Marriage licenses were issued the past week to F. A. La Flamboy and Frances B. Moore, andJ.F. Matthews and Rosalind B. Guffy. It is reported that the Hill roud will spend considerable money building a dock opposite Cone's property at Bay City this summer. The gasoline schooner Anvil is not to be put on the Portland-Tilla­ mook run as previously reported, but will go to port further south. The Elmore and Golden Gate, after having been bar bound at Astoria for a week, arrived in port Sunday between 11:30a.m. and 12:00 m. ng at night and 1 he Board of County Commission­ le demand for her ers will meet next Wednesday, when the tax levy is made. A large No. ß Shorapless amount of business is to be trans­ or trade, at a bar- acted. Isaac Quick's barn burned on > Lots for Sale, " ednesday, which was completely ms. Enquire at destroyed with the contents. He was insured in the Fireman’s Fund -c- 'rank Easter, of for $1,500. I lie Gohlen Gate left Tuesday iting friends and ace. morning with F. Friswedue, J. H. many cases of Johnson, Stilma Johnson, U. B. the public school Scott, Sophia Makinster and T. Fitzpatrick on Imard. I all next week. Snow Drift flour, $5.00 a bbl. and ts, who has been 1 for H. T. Botts, $1.50 a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.40 a bbl. and $1.40 a sack. Im- 1 for Portland. aving laying hens pe ial flour, $5.73 a bbl. and $1.45 inferior ones. I a sack.—W m . C urtis , The Grain a k —H. B ooth . • M in. Mrs. McGhee has leased the Watch old summer suit? the Tillamook Tower and will open it aa a rooming for winter use. • hmi«e on the lat of January. The . w ho is attending building has been newly renovated •cific University an I furnished, electric lights. Board • le forthe holidays by month, week or day. Pastor Blalock, of the Baptist I and J son Lynn ‘vt irney mount- church, will preach next Sunday at d the week from 2:40 p.m. in the Adventist house. His subject will be “ Ye must be bom again." We wish to make nice new line of Everybody 1 ade a millinery thia a revival service. • of The News welcome. Star brand process barley. $1.25 a sack and $31.50 a ton ; oats. $1.85 hundred. $3fi.00ton ; bran, 95c. sack $29.50 ton; mill chop $1.05 90 lbs. sack. $22 ton ; shorts $1.35 80 lbs. sack. $33 ton. — W m . C urtis , The Grain Man. • >py and us New all, aud u for the y o u US. The steamer Elmore arrived in port Sunday with A. E. Flint, A. Bailey, F. Lutcher, E. C. Derossia. Mrs. W. H. Bell, R. S. Miller, Ag­ nes Randall and E. Brownon board. She also carried a large amount of Christmas merchandise for our mer­ chants. Those who arrived in port on the Golden Gate were : H. Anderson, Lizzie Van Patton, E. C. Soule, John Diereks and E. Slattn. The passen­ gers of both the Golden Gate and Elmore had to spend Christmas eve on board but they tried to make the best of it. The gasoline scljooner Oshkosh, which arrived Tuesday at Astoria, reports sighting a large number of shingle and a small quantity of lumber adrift off Necarhey'Wouhtain about six miles north of Nehalem Bay. It is supposed that some southbound craft lost a portion of her deckload. Mr. Farmer : Why not harness that creek on your place and have electric light in your house and barn ? We are prepared to quote you on the necessary pipes and machinery and give you the benefit of expert advice in installing. Ask us about it, T illamook E lectric L ight & F uel C ompany . Helen, the two year old daughter of Mrs. John Conklin died at their home in this city Monday, at 4 p.m. of bronchial pliareumonia. The funeral services, which were most pathetic, were held from the Chris­ tian Church, Wednesday afternoon, at 2:30 p.m,, interment being made in the I.O.O.F. cemetery. The saloons of the town opened Saturday morning with licenses to sell liquor, although they have been selling just as much without the li­ cense since the November election. Sunday all saloons were closed and Chief Kimball also notified the own­ ers of the Bowling1 Alley to close their doors. Tillamook was certain­ ly dead. The revival meetings gave place Saturday night to the usual Xmas exercises which were held in the different churches. The programs were all very good, the decorations in the different places of worship were well in touch with the Christ mas tide and everyone so far as we have heard received their share in presents. ; ’ The City Council met last Friday night and levied the taxes for the ensuing year. . The tax levy for 1911 is as follows: General fund 8 mills, Water fund 2 mills, Library fund 1 niill, Road fund 1'4 mills. The fol-’ lowing licenses were’also issued: Patterson AWaynick, W.J. Stephens, C; W. Clements, Johnson & Laugh­ lin, and Ese of raising money for their system. They have decid­ ed to have Lewis Larson build the system, which will head on Beaver Creek, having about two miles of main. Work will begin shortly after New Years. Steamer Wilhelmina, Capt. Tyler, Master, reached port Monday from Yaquina with a full cargo of hay for Rosenl»erg Bros. The Ixiat discharged cargo at Small's dock. Rosenberg Bros, have arranged for the Wilhelmina to make a trip from Yaquina to Tillamook about once a month with hay and grain. Special Mention -First Showing Men’s. Early Spring Shoes, the Florsheim make, 1911 Oxford and Pump Models, Leathers of Patent Calf, Gun Metal and Tans. Miss Mabie Goyne guessed the correct No. of Jelley Beans in the Jar, 2916, and won the $25.00 French Bisque Doll Mrs. E. B. Miller, Bay City, 2913. Captain Hanley, 2905. FOR THE FIRST TIME. A little early yet to make such a special inducement, for right now its mid-holidav season, however, the rule of this store is to do something out of the ordinary. We are going to make it possible for you to buy HART SCHAFFNER & MARX Clothes at prices which mean a bigsaving. The former close price we marked these worthy garments at, made them a bargain for those who appreci­ ate good clothes and special values. We are now going a little deeper which must arouse your curiosity, and the prices quoted below bring you to this store. These reductions are unusual : — A OA AA Suit at the home of Hart ilQ QA Aliy ¿V.UU Schaffner A- Marx Clothes^lO.JU $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 $22.50 °cvo';, $25.00 7$ 7» 77 »» 77 77 ♦7 77 77 »» 7» 77 »♦ 7« 77 »» 77 77 $20.35 $22.35 $24.25 $26.65 $20.35 $22.35 OUR GREAT SALE Men’s, Youths and Boys SUITS ANO OVERCOATS. < - ‘ ./ : ; * j «, c«wn«i* hmi scbrfwr* m « Such values are hardly conceivable for they are constructed by the best known reliable manufactures, made of new Fall and Winter 1910-11 Wool ma­ terials, neat effective patterns of gray, tan, brown, fancy mixtures and plain serges, clean cut and nobbily tailored. Delayed shipments make these low prices possible, MEN’S SUITS of reliable wool serges and novelty cheviots, also new gray mixtures, latest fall styles, value to $15.00, priced at, suit $10.50 MEN’S SUITS made of new wool worsteds and fancy English suitings, hand padded, silk sewed, superior workmanship, entire fall and winter 1910-11 styles. Regular $18.50 to $20 value $14.65 YOUTHS SUITS of new weaves and colors in fancy wool worsteds and serges, smart up to date styles, ages from 13 to 17 years, values to $14. priced at, suit $7.85 BOY’S SUITS, ages 5 to 14, knicker bocker style, wool serges and fancy suitings, reg. to $7.50 values,suit $4.50 Important Underprice Sale. badept . y HANDSOME FROCKS AND SMART DRESSES j Suitable for afternoon and evening wear, embracing the most fashionable, I chiffom messalines, Vietiiecc allovcr laces, imported Dresden Bengalines, and I Shear Wool fabrics. All new distinctive 1910-11 models, in strikingly imiipie, braided and applique effects. See North Window Display, and the Broad I Cut in Prices. To Our Loyal Friends, Patrons and Acquaintances in Tillamook County. Tillamook is taking the initiative We want to express our thanks for the for a big blow out when the rail­ more than liberal patronage bestowed road is finished to that city from upon uh during the past year, and to re­ Portland. * This is a step in the right direction and should receive tain that confidence we will with our best the undivided support of every res­ efforts, endeavor, during the coming year ident of Tillamook County. Each to give you better values, the markets section should prepare an exhilnt 1 latest products, and greater service in for the occasion as an added feature. ' your big home store. Wishing you all Thin should be regarded aa one of the events that is to inaugurate a | a Prosperous and Happy New Year. new era for Tillamook County. Let J it be fittingly introduced. Nehalem Enterprise. On the arrival of the Meainer Gold­ The passengers on the ont-bound Elmore were: A. French, J. Kamm. en Gate at Portland today "he will student und a little partial. The ! .d.solutcly a guaranteed |«rfor. P S. Miller, S. Laraon, Mrs. Schnal, be tied up for an overhauling and ! midnight. If these young men can 1 ne»t two games will undoubtedly I mance. New and fomplele scenery O. D. Simmons and wife. Fay Sfm and will probably uot return until ' eliminate the bed features which i be played either the 2nd and 8rd, I lias lern painted for it. ami every- January 7. Captain Hoeford, man ­ I have characterized aome of these mon«. Mr. Lockridge. W. Honkins. or the 3rd ami ftli. Be« ause of the i thing pointe forward Io a great suc­ G. C. Smith. Dr. Milla. H. I. Sbel- ager of the vesael, »aid on Tuesday ! dances, they will not only l»e doing lack of interest shown by the Coni eras. Hear Jim Hiner sing "Adios that tienidea having oil burnera in­ 1 a public good, but thoaewbo like to don and E. Miller. . Amor,** the great Mem an song stalled and tanka provided for the attend these fiances will a (»pre« late mercial Club members the team is Van will Representative A. G. Heals and fuel, ahe would be fitted with an having a raapedalrle place and talking of playing under the name ‘ sung only in the play. I make no mistake in seeing this, ft Attorney H. T. Bott*. President of electric luchtmx plant, and at a comfrany to aaaociate with. Tl»e of the Tillamook thitlawa. ' will require the full strength of »he the Port of Tillamook, left on Mon­ means of (arilitatiaR her departure nett dam e 1« Saturday night. •’Arizona,'* Frulay ami Saturday, I Club to present It Reserved seats day for Portland, where they will from Tillamook nt nitfht a powerful The basket twll game whx h was Ian. • 7, at the fijH-ra House The ..re limited, so it will be welt to ac- meet with three government engi aearchhght would be mounted on Thev arg i |4ayed Wednesday night at the iMamalic Club will lie at its best in , I ure your seats early nevrs who are to pass U(«in the pro her pilot-house. , this play and Mr. Met .»well 1a am now on sale at Lamar'S l»rug -tore. Ofiera House lelwreo the Commer ­ :>osed projects to improve Tills The Saturday night dances are to cial Club team and the Mt. Angel Hdent ttie members will win the ad This will I* a hummer of a play, — mook Haras waft as Hoquarton be under new management in future, Cut>s was one of great interest. I miration of their m toy friends. It uoniton it to yog» friends. ’Sough and Hay The meeting will I stand* forrmost of all American 1 ■■ • w field today > Thuradayt and if a aa Rov Trout. Ross Shreve and , The final score was 17 to 15 in plays, dealing entirely with the Oat Hay Foe Harry Kerr have taken three in favor of the Cub*, although the Ajromble report 4a made there is 1 actions of Western |>rople. and de Four Issi of esira g«a»d oat ha/ ‘.•^y probability of getting M intro hand. They propose to mn decent game should have been the Com­ pitting a life in the West •»( which , fa* sale Enquire of V fE»nalds.m, dance*, and rut out the drinking, mercial lad's game, had it mH been A into the rivers ami hartiors smoking and vulgarity, and quit al or the referee being a Mt Angel we see very little here Thia «ill be Fair view. before Congrres. • «