TlbGAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 22, 1910- » > “DELAYED CHRISTMAS BUYERS, the 11th hour is here, we have 25 sale people to wait upon you. See our big Special Holiday Reduction Tables Patrons. BIG REVIVAL MEET INGS NOW ON. Large Audiences in the Commercial Building Every Evening. CONDUCTED BY EVANGE­ LISTS TAYLOR & WEGNER Large Chorus and Special Music Great Attractions.- Taylor is a Great and Interesting Sp iaker. The meetings being held at the Commercial Building are being at­ tended with great interest, large numbers being present each even­ ing, eager to hear the music as di­ rected by Mr. L. E. Wegner, and the soul thrilling sermons of G. W. Taylor. There is a seven piece orchestra each evening which is directed by Mrs. Taylor, a cornetist who can make any man sit up and listen. The solos of Mr. I.. E. Wegner, who has one of the clearest voices ever heard in this town and of Paul Tay­ lor who has the best voice for a boy which we have ever heard, are cer­ tainly worth listening to. BAKING POWD MAKES THE PERFECT HOT BISC Also and Muffin, Crusts and Cakes Send for Royal 135 Willes, NwTuk HALTOM’S < "Mwlti *s « Right now from the Balcony down you will find marvelous values. Price cutting on Holiday Goods in every de partaient at the wanted time have such service and that in the i Ed. Laughlin, of tin. interest of no particular phase or host of friends in J ism but in the interest of a great I mourn their loss. A great deal ofcreditJ Gospel for all and with all the chur­ ches as united agencies for the same tain Emmett Jenkins it J effort in trying to sated great end. It is a great opportunity for char­ in the recovery of tlietwJ acter evolution that no man or wo­ Laughlin.almJorthetpJ man or home can afford to neglect. he brought the Itody »j Fine crowds are attending every From the time that J night and deep interest is being overboard until the tin»: recovered the body and | manifested. Come and hear and see for your­ 0.1 board the launch than ten or twelve iiiimag self. , was not more than thirty I I utes when the body was I I Lamb's dock. CLAUDE LAUGHLIN IS DROWNED. Tillamook Jottings. time the Panama Canal is complet­ will try and see all the Club mem­ Entertainment at Itdfl ed. It is planned to give Bay City bers, but if »hey happen to miss Below will be found tl»|S While you are looking for Christ, and Tillamook Bay a channel 20 feet I you, see James Walton, Burr Beals. for the entertainment kfl mas Presents, don’t forget Liimiir’s deep on the bar anil 16 feet in the | Henry Diehl, Henry Blanker or at St. Alfdionsus Aolfl buy. Walter Baker and the matter of a V ariety Store. "Drop in and look A sad accident occurred Sunday (Thursday? everting : H Several choice lots were sold in ticket for you will be taken up. around." evening while the Henrietta No. 2, Charge of I bland»...... Jfl The Elmore left port for Astoria Maple Grove Addition during the Captain Emmett Jenkins, Master, Florence Morgan, Alircfl Death of Mrs. S. E. Ray. Thursday with the following pass­ week, the purchasers being Mr. E. was returning from down the bay. Song the Angels Sang... fl engers: Mr. and Mrs. F. Lewis, Geinger, Mr. Fred E. Fessenden und As the boat was passing Dick's Point Recitatio ii..................Dasjfl Death claimed another of our old G. W. Kiger, Mrs. Mitchell, Frank Mr. Kasper Schlappi. Mr. Geinger jetty, it seems that Claude Laugh­ Greatest Pleasure in 1A.® Mitchell, James Mitchell, A. Hern- made his wife a Christmas present citizens on Sunday, when Mrs. S. lin, who had been down the bay, Christmas Joy............ FMfl E vangelist G. W T aylor . When the improvements E. Ray, mother of Mr. Chas. Ray, berg, Kaspar Schwivel, A. R. Him- of a lot. Marie Holden. I fell from the boat, but no one selberg, C. R. Fleming and wife, J. are completed in Maple Grove Ad­ passed away at her home at Clover­ knows whether he slipped and fell Christmas Gift ........... ..fl The union revival meetings are French, L. C. Shilling, G. Hoffman, dition, consisting of graded and dale, and the remains were buried demonstrating that the different or whether he had heart failure. It Scene I. I Miss Boynton and E. F. Reynolds. graveled streets, cement sidewalks, I on Tuesday in the Oddfellows ceme­ churches can work together for the seemed that something had been Singing the Magnificat M| the planting' of Maple Trees and tery at that place. Her husband, She also carried a full cargo of Nonna Daniels I The bothering Claude all day. City water mains, this will become Lester Rsy, died about eight years interests of the Kingdom. freight. Scene II. I He had just been forward and efforts thus far utidertbe leadership the best location in Tillamook City ago. tin the advice of Chief of Police styatedaft when W. G. Dwight said Sweet Story of Old......... I of Evangelist Taylor are thorough ­ Sarah Elizabeth Ray. whose for many handsome homes. The A. M. Cox, of Portland, Sheriff Marie Dürrer. I ly united and harmonious. Taylor he saw something fall overboard, Crenshaw went to Nehalem on water mains are on the ground and maiden name was Hopkins, was is a master in every detail and is but only thought it was a box. Scene III. i born in Indiana, August 23rd, 1831. Tu -s lay an I arrested JacobKainiu. will soon be placed, the street im­ Then someone said they heard a Heilege Cliristnacket..... J provements are about Completed I On December 9th, 1848, she was downright, dead earnest. hotel keeper of that place, on a Marie Holden, FlorenceM The excellent orchestra, the large cry, which caused the captain to and the other improvements i are | united in marriage to Lester Ray Four Leaf Clover............ J charge of soliciting and enticing order the boat stopped, or an inves ­ chorus, the special solo features children for immoral purposes. He guaranteed for the near future. • | in Wisconsin. Later they moved to Vesta Baker. tigation made to see if all were on Go to F. S. Whitehouse Sc Son. Missouri, and in 1871 they came to and the competent direction of Mr. is a man 59 years old, and the infor­ Norma Daniels, aivomf" board when it was found that Claude Oregon. In 1881 they came to Tilla­ Wegner are high class and enter­ mation of the complaint reads that the leading agents, for Bond, Acci­ Galop Brilliante ........... J was missing. taining. and best of all very helpful mook County and settled on the old thia net bus been committed U|s>n dent and Fire Insutance, as they Vesta Baker. Ruby Anda A search was immediately started in living character values. person of his 16-year old step­ write mure than three-quarters of homestead at Cloverdale, which and the body was found floating Santa Claus .................. ■*' But greatest and high over all are now belongs to her son Chas. Ray. laughter, who Inis recently given the insurance written in Tillamook Alta Sheets. The fact that he She leaves four sons, Chas, and Taylor's tremendous gospel mess- against the jetty. birth to a child. Officers will come County, because they are better Sleigh Bell ................ . . did not sink makes it appear equipped than any one else in the Bert, of Cloverdale, Lester of Ore- m from Portland to take him out. Alice Stasek, Vesta Hn« that he must have been knocked town and Frank of Oregon City; business )oe Emmenegger wishes to correct senseless when he fell. three daughters, Mrs. Ella Russell’ From One Sweetly Solemn Though the statement iii ide in last week's the time that Captain , Jenkins New Year’s Party. of Kansas; Mrs. John Filer, of Herald in regard Io the price of the heard the alarm that a man was Bernice Dayton, I. Welk I- Heptmer; Mrs. John Lucy, of Port­ Arrangements are well under way land. four day old bull calf liought of N. Daniels. overboard until the time the body John Hathaway, ns the price was for the party to lie given by the was recovered was not more than Deceased came with her husband ¡fl.VJ. Its in it Iler, D? Hoop, of Cm...... erdial Club, which, while Fine Dairy Fam ten or twelve minutes. and family into this county nearly Riverside, a true Holstein Frvnian termed a New Year’s party, since Dr. Hawk held an inquest Monday 386 acres, lying 3 «•ow, averaged 70 lbs milk per day. New Years comes on Sunday, the •«> years ago and has ever, during when it was decided that death was Florence the b.inkingasdW’fl that time, exerted an influence for Iler mother was imported from party will be held on the evening of caused by accidental drowning. center ol the district, mtn good. She was for years a member Holland, and made an official seven I the Friday previous. Dec. 3lMh. . ■ All who were aboard the boat at boat to Portland. of the Presbyterian church and has day record of 25 lbs. 10 ox, of butter. t’lie first impression was that this 139 acres is dyked tide the time were residentsof this place always been n strong fuctor in the Mr. Emmenegger has a 70 acre party would lie a masquerade ball, in grass and worth and it was all the more sad to them 41 a-res tide marsh m 1 farm of the finest bottom land in but the Committee found some support of that organization where- after spending the afternoon togeth­ not dyked, worth $1«« the county south of Tillamook City, opposition to a masquerade at this ever and whenever it has been pos­ er and enjoying the beauty of the acres rollili- b.nell carne* an I expects to stin k it with Holstein time and ttiereu|H>n decided to post- sible for her to do so. She had a feet of virgin timlier, w«*1 bay. clear strong mind up to her very- cattle iu the near future. |Hine it to February 14th, St. Valen­ at local mills in log* ’’ 1 Mr. Laughlin was a salesman in last days and it was more than a thousand Th.-2Wacre* It in hoped that this The Interscholastic Debate be­ tine • day. K. T. Haltom's Department store, logged, will be «orthl« PJ treat to listen ¡to her stories in re- tween the Nehalem High H.liool arrangement will give all ample gartl to events that transpired and was beloved and respected by for pasture ami api* □ Fresh water trout and the Tillamook High School time to plan and prepare their cos­ from that period just before the all who knew him. through the tract. r>or (-,i will take place at the Commercial tumes in order that the St. Valen war and during the war up to the The funeral of Claude I^iughlin site, blit no blllldl«. ,1 Club rooms on Friday evening, tine’s party may lie attended by a present time. She had n wonderful was held from the Commercial minutes by motor l*>at •’ J predominant majority of masque when the subject for discussion is Building, Wednesday afternoon, nt Portia ml •"»>' memory anil could give dates and Resolved that it would lie for the raders which is necessary to make facts with great clearness. ,1W »■ 2 o clock, under the allspices of the school, church. mill, etc., near j ,wtj best interests of the I'nited States a masquerade a success. Owl I-odge.of which he was a mem­ Admission to the New Year's par present value, J ti> build and maintain a large navy." ber at the time of drath. A large sell anil will take ’J. Team for Sale. Those who will take part in the de­ ty will be by ticket at the fixed delegation from the Tillamook Com­ Otk) cash and bilance«*« bate are Nehalem Herman I price of one dollar, and it aubetan- mercial Club, which I^ughlin had 0 l*r cent inter. For Sale, a nice young team of ial part of the proceeds will go Siholhueyer, Murtha Alley and just joined, attended in a body. buy mares. Apply to F. N. Elliot. Box r. K«** Frank Thompson ; Tillamook - { toward the Gilford Stillwell Park The funeral service«, which were i for improvements which are no bud- Beuly Stain, Kiliert Ginn and Oscar ! conducted by Rev. D L. Shrode. Ends Winter« Troubles. The improvement of Notice Aschim It is to lie honed that the 1 ly needed. with the assistance of G. W. Taylor To many, winter is a aeaaon of this park is a matter which the people of this city will turn out , ■nd L. E. Wagner, were very im­ The front bitten toes and Commercial Club realizes it is in trouble. A draft No. 1308» und hear the delate. . •F5.r*' chapped hands an 1 lips, pressive. [duty bound to aid anti feels that all ' chilblains, the Bay City Trust CoJ coldsores, red and rough Heartily indorsing the Tillamook memban The procession which followed favor of L'. G. Jack»1 |M>J skins prove thia. But such trou ............ want to do something lor Harbor project, the Portland Cham- the body to its l..t resting place the Bay City laindCo.^ it. Whether a dancer or not, get a ; bles fiy tiefore Buklen'a Arnica ber of 4 vniineree. in n aeries of res- tvalve. A trial convinces. Great was one of the largest ever to pay and payment on *••« ticket for thia party and aid in the < eat healer of Burns. Boils, Piles. olutions, expreaaed the sentiment I good work, respect to a deceased friend in this 5?**."' .»? ’ ***•' «nd Sprains. of the organization on the expemb- ■ c*D. there being over eight hun­ ........... . .... The High School txiya will aid in Only 23i . at Chaa. I. Clough a. lure of HUD»») fur the improvement the sale of tickets, and assist it. dred persona who attended the "I had Iwen troubled with consti­ M V81CAL D mctv » L. E. W boxer For Sale. of the harlsir. Among other enter- funeral, moat of the busmens placea providing decorations which will tution for two years and tried all of prises interested in the project at1 lie made elaborate, and in harmony tlie tieat physicians in Bristol, Tenn Werner Grand Pu»« '"2^ closing in respect for the deceased. ages ; they are thrilling with inter­ lillamook is th, Whitney Co.ufH.ny they could do nothing for me.'f At the tune of his death, Claude some oak finish- with the holiday season. Refresh snd writes Tho^ K. Williams. Middle est. gripping with conviction and Ltd., which is planning to build wa» thirty years old. he having1 is practically ne« ‘,n. inenta will be aervsd and pains SSuir iSXSrSFdiigS: compel one to realise that life's very at low cost. St<"»i »"’*** large mill. here. It i. hol>rd to rwen born in Illinois in ltWft taken to provide a very enjoyable i foundations are being dealt with. lia.e the harbor in slm|w by the j party for ail. The High School boys I SUsS.-" ■'“-‘•»v He leave. . fMhtr mo|her -fld ed. Call and see >t *• r. It is a rare privilege for the peo­ young 8jMer in DbnoU an<1 |wQ joe I nt ple of this city and community to sisters in California, and a brother. The Falls Off Henrietta at Dick’s Point.