Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 22, 1910, Image 5

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Amending His Constitution.
A well known attorney of heavy
bull! and pompous to a degree that
reaches tbe state uf being
Bird Lived and
overbearing «as leaving his office in
d Again.
a Broad street buildfug tbe olber day.
I coii.i-rnlng the
With uis high bat on aud carrying a
I Into nearly er- walklug stick, he had step|»*d upon tbe I
of apply lug that sidewalk wlieu he sllpiied aud lauded
singular or un­ flat iqiou the pavemeut with a thud
til .V'cordhtg to that slxH-ked him as well as caused
luenlx «.'is a bird embarrassment.
Just then another attorney who en­
t ttie size of an
ll most lienlltiflll joys an equal distinction In the legal
Its plumage con- world lutssed and laughed at the falleu
Wlieu the latter was trying
tint of tlie ram
park led like tlia- to get up he remarked to the other:
"1 guess 1 am getting old. My con­
birds could live stitution will not stand what it did
isleliie covered » years ago."
As he arose to his feet his friend
years. When Ils
the bird built for facetiously remarked, "Well. then.
of «-cod and »ro­ Dick, you ought to get an amendment
wings fanned the to your constitution."
IjNiking at Ills friend with a cold
tllereiu roil -Hilled
ties a worm was stare, ns cold ns tbe Ice be bad fallen
lleli another phoe- upon, he asked:
■Well, what kind of an amendment
lug all the vigor of
would you suggest. If you kuow so
the new phoenix much?"
"I don't know exactly." was the re­
parent’s obsequies.
It made a ball of ply. "I don't give advice to tuy clients
e and other fra- uithout some kind of a retainer, hut
eliopolis. a city In as .von are au old friend of mlue I
«11» a magnificent would suggest a cushion or u
the san. To this I ress."—M i tin ea | >o 1 is J on run I.
would carry the fra-
Salt Water Cataracts.
i it <>n i be altar of
There are a good mauy salt water
•e. The priests then
ter and found lliut enturncts in existence. They may be
r exactly (Ml years found In Norway, southern Chile nnd
that same ceremony British Columbia, where narrow fiords,
or arms of the sea. are obstructed by
barriers of rock. Tile rising tide flows
over »nd filters through such reefs Into
the great natural reservoirs beyond,
but the* water is held back at the ebb
■et In Parting With until It breaks over tbe obstruction In
riant Tresses.
nil Irresistible torrent. Most curious
t «rites from Pon- of all Is the waterfall at Canoe Pas­
Ing Home Interesting sage. where the Island of Vancouver
nurket" there, it is approaches the British Columbia main­
Ifferelil parts of the land. Here the flood tide from tbe
re «ere three or four gulf of Georgia to tbe southward Is
■rs of this coni mod held back at a narrow cleft between
tlie country for the two Island» until it pours over in a
Ing the fairs mid btiy- boiling cascade eighteen feet high, with
>f the peasant girls, perhaps double tbe volume of tbe
■iilurly line hair ami Rhine. At the turn of the tide, how­
greatest abundance, ever. the waters from tbe uorth rush
lie no difficulty iu back Into the gulf, producing a cas-
« of beautiful heads cade of equul height and volume. The
willing to sell,
waterfall actually flows both ways.
al girls sheared. one
like sheep. and a«
In the Spring.
tiding ready for t tie
Tbe country schoolteacher had been
)r caps In I heir hands telling her «cholars alxiut tbe seasons
hair combed out and aud their peculiarities, and to Impress
> their «»1st«.
their miuds with the facts she ques­
» reason of tbe Intlif- tioned them upon the |»>iuts she had
tresses on the part of given. Several queries had been put.
ties is to be found in »nd Anally she reached tbe stupid boy
lade which cover» eV- I in the corner.
hildhiHid upward with
"Well. Johnny.” she said, “have you
•It entirely preteut any been paying attention ?"
r from being «evil and I "Yes'tn." he answered promptly.
ally conceals the want i "I'm glad to hear it. Now. can you
ey given for the hair is tell me what there is in the spring?”
or else n gaudy cotton
“Yes'tn. I eau. but 1 don't want to."
The pnn-ltasers net itu
"Oil. yes. you do. Don't be »fruiti
by their trips through j You have beard tbe others. Be H good
lloxtoii Herald.
boy. now. and tell us what there U In
| lhe spring."
ian Humor.
"W'y—w’y—mum. there's tt frog an*
> would scarcely be sus- a lizard au' a dead cat in It. but I
itr. and yet on oue occa- didn't put 'em there, it was auotber
Icine chief gave me a boy. for 1 seeu him do it.”—Exchange.
It was his custom in the
his life to watch for the*
Sending a Man to Coventry.
Ite visitors to Fort Sill
The expression "sending to Coven­
Isson’s mission, near h.v. try" bad a military origin. It arose,
t lie might sell beaded so it is suld. In tbe days of Cburles
From the proceeds lie I., when tbe Inhabitants of Coventry
>e«j t<> purchase certain strongly objected to auy Intercourse
forts not supplied by lhe with tbe military quartered In their
but on which lie relied towu. and a woman knowu to sjieak
I Ills old age. Oue day I to a man In a scarlet eloak wns at once
to him about them. He tbe subject of scandal. So rigid were
take me walk straight— tbe natives that the soldier was con­
nd tbe mescal. Yes. they fined to tbe mess room for conversa­
into me. and I lesti ou tion. Thus the term "sending a man to
lose beady eyes
red with hatred
gleam of humor
»11 these calles,
buys them-botli
ley help us to
thaï «o
and cru-
île con-
and the
for oue
thing Romance.
to me." said Bnttersby,
r knocking u«-»rl.v all tbe
1 Imagination out of life
mmerclnllze marriage. for
I « hut we are doing. I
I old way of courting, the
us the classy thing when
• bold. I like the Idea of
crons the drawbridge and
p the girl of my heart and
on the «addle before me
■g away like mild. Wouldn’t
ouldn’t.” replied tbe other
girl of my heart weighs
-Cleveland I'laln Dealer.
Coventry" if you wished to shut him
from society took root in the English
language.—Loudou Chronicle.
Distances at Ssa.
That man wns laughed at who on
Ills first voyage said that the ocean
<lltl not look so large aa he supposed It
would, but be was not alone in expe­
riencing disappointment. The horizon
at sea gives no idea of tbe limitless
water beyond. A sea captain declares
' that the average landsman cannot see
mure than ten miles from tbe ship In
auy direction, and it would hare to be
,a mountain or some stationary object
for him to be able to distinguish IL
The Free Ridara.
“A good many people get on this
earth who aren't worth tbe room they
take up." said tbe cynical sociologist
“Yes." replied the eminent astrono­
mer “It's a good thing for many of
us that we are not obliged to get
1 boa rd this whirling planet on a pay as
you enter basis.”—Washington Star.
A Good Way to Cook TrouL
Build your tire and let it burn until
you have a good lied of hot atones and
astiés. Have your trout, cleaned and
washed, ready at hand oil anything
convenient. Pluck au armful of bal­
sam twigs. Bake out your tire, leav­
ing a base of hot stones ami ashes.
Upon this base lay balsam twigs till
you have a layer from six to ten
Inches thick. Now put your imul in a
row upon this layer and cover with
another layer of equal thickness. Over
all lay ashes and hot stones. Then
smoke your pipe for. say, twenty min
utes. When at last you gently remove
tbe coverings you will think at tits!
that tbe trout have not been cooked at
all. There they lie iu all their moist
beauty, colored as when they first
came to your basket Bat be careful
how you handle them or they will fall
apart, so tender are they. Steamed
through nnd through by the henttsl
essences of the balsam, they give «mt
a faint aromatic redolence that adds a
subtle perfection to the flavor.—Ban-
nlster Merwin in Outing.
The Old Turnpikes,
The first great American highway.
that between New York and I’bllndel-
pbia. was long known ns "the old York
roud.” Its construction lu 1711 was
an example which led the colonists nt
other points Hlong the Atlantic sea­
board to construct similar roads where
there were no water routes. They
were usually built by chartered com­
panies and were called turnpikes or
toll roads. Pennsylvania. Connecticut
and New Jersey had many roads of
the kind. Tbe first macadam road in
America wns built in 1792 between
Philadelphia and Lancaster. In 1811
there were said to be 4.500 miles of
chartered turnpikes lu New England
and New York. During the uext twen­
ty years the national government
spent many millions of dollars in con­
structing great highways, but the pan­
ic of 1837 and the building of railroads
and canals put an end to that branch
of government work.—Youth’s Com­
Cape of Good Hope.
The Cape of Good Hope lies at a
considerable distance from the end of
South Africa and is. in fact, the middle
of the three promontories, severally
Incousplcuous. which jointly terminate
a slender peninsula, some twenty miles
in length, forming the barrier between
False bay and tbe Atlantic ocean on
the west. These three headlands, lying
near together and commonly undivided
on a map of moderate scale, are locally
deslgna'ed Cape Point It was here
that Bartholomew Diaz first encoun­
tered in full force the prevalent south­
easterly gales and denounced the rug­
ged. threatening, threefold promontory
under the sounding appellation of the
Cape of Storms, to be afterward re­
christened by pious, trustful hearts tín-
Cape of Good Hope.
If you knew what Christmas stocks we have had in previous years, and
then know that our present one is the largest and best ever you realize
what a pleasure is in store for you when you come to our store to inspect
it. It is a pleasure for us to show and explain our lines even if you do not
buy. By a careful inspection of our many gifts you are almost sure to see
something suitable for your needs.
Leather Goods.
Books, all kind.
Burnt Wood.
Fancy Stationery.
Cut Glass.
Fountain Pens.
Post Card Albums.
Celluloid Goods.
And other things too numerous to mention
The Poor English Landlord,
I have been u property owner for
nearly forty years and during that pe­
riod have lost from depreciation £25,
000. from empty bouses £10.000 mid
from defaulting teuauts over £5.000. or
a total loss of over £40.000. During
this forty years 1 have never knowu a
defaulting teuant honest enough to
pay a shilllug off tbe arrears when
once be removed from the neighbor­
hood.—Letter In London Telegraph.
“So your club Is going to give • lec­
ture tonightsaid tbe tall suffragette.
“What will be tbe topic?”
“Home Industries,” responded th?
“And what do you consider home In­
"Why. our busbands, who remain at
borne and mind tbe liable* and wash
tbe dishes while we attend I be club.
—Chicago News.
"Told ber «hat tny salary was."—
(.levels nd Leader
«n -»
■■■' ■ i i- e ■■
Wants to sec you, at his store you will not be urged to buy, and you are
sure to be interested even if you do not see anything
you want.
When you have a cold get a bot­
tle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
It will soon fix you up alright und
will ward off any tendency toward
pneumonia. This remedy contains
no opium or other narcotic and
mny be given as confidently to a
baby as to an adult.
Sold at
Lamar’s Drug Store.
When you feet are wet and cold,
and your body chilled through and
through from exposure, take a big
! dose of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­
edy, blithe your feet in lint water
before going to bed, and you tire
almost certain to ward off a severe
For sale by Lamar’s Drug
The Best Place in the City to Buy
The Reliable Jeweler.
Banks On Sure Thing Now.
•'I’ll never be without Dr. King’s
New Life Pills again,” writes A.
S liingeck, 047 Fini St.. Buffalo. N.Y.
“They cured me of chronic consti­
pation witen all else failed.
eqttaled for Biliousness, Jaundice,
Indigestion, Headache, Chills, Ma­
laria and Debility.
25c at Chus. I.
Fvolsd the Poor Savages.
Robert Louis Stevenson used to re­
late tbe following amusing story told
him by a south sea trader, lie bad
been lu the habit of carrying all sorts
of tinned meats, which tbe natives
bought with avidity. Each tin was
branded with a colored picture—a cow
for beef, a sheep for inuttou and a
flab for sardines. It happened that tbe
firm which furnished tlie inuttou
thought it a good plan to alter its
labels, that Its goods might be more
easily distinguished from the others.
Tbe mark choseu was the figure of a
frock coated Stigglns-like Individual
in a chimney pot hat. The natives at
once came to tbe conclusion that tbe
tins coutalned potted missionary, and
there was a great run on the uew line
of gorxla.
It was 4 a. m_. and Bllklns crept
In the Vote Mart.
softly Into tbe bouse and removed hl»
r of a certain city eounell
shoes. but a» be tiptoed u,Mtalrs one
s*l Io a ready made suit of
Ths Doctor*« Viswpo.nL
of tbe treads gore a loud creak, “la
forgot to remove tbe price
Buxom Widow—Do yon understand
(league called his attentloo tbe language of Dovers, Dr. Crusty? that yon. John?” demanded Mrs Bll
be displayed signs of much Dr. Crusty tan old bachelor)-No. kins from shove.
“No, my lore." replied Bllklns.
tua’am. Widow—You don’t know if
r«k afraid people would yellow means Jealousy? Dr. Crusty— the stair»."—Judge.
t you paid?” Inquired tbe No. ma’am; yellow means bilkraaneM
Broke It Gently.
“You broke your engagement
■ the reply -1 was afraid
Ml«« Jsulller?”
lobby tats would think It
"Yes. but I broke It gently
charge."— WsUilngtuc Star.
Might Work.
dws a player ptek up two
goes to tbe piate?”
>oe bet *»■ lighter
Christmas Announcement.
A New Line of Handsome CUT GLASS and HAND
Watches and Clocks,
Splendid Silver Ware,
China and Lockets, Etc.
All suitable for Christinas and New Year Presents.
The boy or girl with any’
defect of vision is greatly
handicapped in the pursuit
of knowledge in the school
room. If your boy or girl
does not show a high per
centage of average in the
school re|»irt the probabili­
ties are that there is some­
thing the matter with the
eye». To find out coat» you
nothing if you will bring
-------- '—
them to nte for examina-
pay to
It doesn’t
guesH about t the eyesight
of your child—it is better
to see that the eyes
right. If glanse» are needed
I ant prepared to furnish
the exact thing that will
meet the needs of the case.
they art-
Remember that
guaranteed for one year,
and I am here to make
“ Traveling fa-
them good,
kirs are not.”
Dr. H. E. Morris,
For the Ambition«—
ainibersitp ?
Call in and inspect iny stock before the best is sold.
f INHERE is no need for yon to be worn out by
I holiday preparations if you make good use of
yonr telephone.
The Bell telephone companies have found that
just before Christinas the number of daily con­
nections is the highest fur the year. The telephone
has become a necessity of the holiday season,
because without it most people would not have
time to do what they have plauned.
vbo MO« «tumi >B I
■ctH«, ùx ludibf AnaJ I
F<< iMk-liera I
for eolUfo or murerai- I
«««•»’• •«•r««"'« *«41
«jwallafM»/ essala» |
Christinas cheer extendi beyond the city limits,
and the universal Bell System helps io carry it
throughout the land.
Every Bell Telephone is tlie Center
of the System.
Saved From Awful Death.
Il»» an nppslliitg < slnmity in his
| family was prevented ja told by A. D.
Mi Donald, of Fayetteville. N. C.. F
IF D No* ” My aMer had consump­
tion." he writes, "she was thin and
pale. Ii,<d no apf>etite and seemed to
grow weak«r every day, as all rem­
edies failed, till Dr King’s New
Dtatovery was tried, and so < Om-
pletely < ured her. that she has not
Iwen trouble«! with a rough sinre.
1 Every fsniily has ne««1 of • goo«! It's the t«e»t medicine I ever saw nr
heard rd "
For coughs, colds, la
| reliable liniment
Foe «prams. grippe, asthma, croup to morrliage.
, Itruises, soreness rd the muscles all Bronchial troubles, it has no
I >n«1 rfieumstM pains there is none I equal. Me. Il f/'.
Trial bottle free
i l*etter then t haml«erl«tin'e Sold by It.usranteed by 4 baa. I C
l.inizr'i Drug Mor«
I of the les« the danger from |*nen
rnonia arwl other aerion« «liiwaaea
Mr. H. W I.. Halt, ol Waverly, Y a .
j «ays
"I firmly l>elie»e t hamlier
, Inin a Cough Remedy to l*e alxMilute
| ly tbe l«e»t preparation on the mar­
ket for cold« I hate recommrn'ied
In tn tny frien«?» ami they all agree
| with me.”
For «ale st l^iniaPs
| Drug Store