Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 22, 1910, Image 4

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Red Tape and Matrimony.
Lucky Ho Stuck to Hit Opinion.
Pride of opinlou la perhaps the most
common fault of us fairly educated
and Intelligent moderns. IVe form our
Judgments and then, as It were, defy
any one to change them. It Is said
that no one has ever been converted
by abstract argument.
At the lime of the grent disaster In
Martinique the Italian bark Orsollna
was taking on a cargo of sugar there.
Her captain was accustomed to volca­
noes. mid be did not like the appenr-
nnce of Mont Pelee. Not half his
cargo was on board, but he decided to
■all for home.
"The volcano Is all right," argued
the »kipper*. “Flulsli your loading.”
“I dou’t know anything about Moul
Felee.” said the captain, "but If Veeu-
vlus looked that way I’d get out of
Naples, and I’m going to get right out
of here.”
The shippers threatened him with
arrest. They sent customs officers to
detain hlrn, but the captain jierslsted
In leaving. Twenty-four hours later
the shippers and the customs officers
lay dead In the rulus of St. Pierre.—
Christian Herald.
Mistaken Modesty.
The lesson aud aigiiificuiice of an
Rome of the reasons why a French­
ex|ierleuce incorporat»si by Mr. Miu-
man may not marry nre given by a
rice Baring in his book. "Russiau Es­
correspondent of a Purls newspaper.
says and Stories.” are undoubtedly the
He lias been trying to get married for
mistake of uuderratiug oue’s wares.
three years mid has net yet succeeded.
One is likely to be taken nt one’s
French marriage law Is a tricky thing
word. Once when Mr. Baring was
to deal with. If the prospective bride­
competing in a civil service examlua-
groom has not lived more than six
tion and appeared as a candidate lu
mouths at his address nt the time of
the German viva voce the German ex­
the u. .i lage he must get a certificate
aminer asked him If he could speak
signed by the landlord mid concierge
of every bouse where he has lived pre­
"Yes. a little,” he answered mode.st-
viously till he gets buck to one where
he did live for six months. Birth cer­
“Oh,” said the examiner, I will
tificates are required uud the written
then wish you good morning, 1 will
consent of parents.
no doubt have tbe pleusure of seelug
As no paper must bear a date more
you again the next time there is au
than two months old. It often happens
that the marriage must be postponed
Tbe next time there was an exami­
to get the papers renewed. The man
nation Mr. Baring presented himself
who hud been foiled for three years
again. The German examiner, who
on e succeeded In making nil Ills pa­
happened to be a different man. asked
pers correct, when he was called up
Mr. Barlug If be could speak German,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
for bls periodical term of military
lie replied:
service, and this threw Ills papers out
"Yes. I speak It as well as Bismarck
of date.
spoke II. and mv written style com­
Another time he arrived before the
bines tbe solidity of Lessing's, the
mayor with his bride, but the cere­
limpidity of Goethe’s and the lightness
mony was not performed, ns ti certi f-
of touch of Hellie’s, as you have no
Agents for the Great WesternSaw.
lente of his first wife’s death was not
doubt observed from my written pa­
A Miser’s Luxury.
There was a Middlesex couple once pers."
"Then I need not trouble you any
who lived on a sum to shock the most
reckless of our correspondents. Daniel further.” said the examiner.
Fascination of the Thiro Rail.
That time Mr. Baring got full marks.
“You can talk all you want about Dancer was the man. He looked o:i
The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
the way some people want to Jump off saving ns an art and saved for art’s
tall buildings, but the men who walk sake. His father left him a farm and
A Camel’s Stomach.
the elevated tracks cau sympathize eighty acres, and bls sister helped him
The stomach of a camel Is divided
with them.” said a man the other day carry out bls scheme of life. He let into four compartments, and the walls
whose business It Is to work along the the laud He fallow, says tbe Loudon of one of these are lined with large
elevated railroad lines and see that Gest. It costs money to cultivate laud cells, every one of which can be opened
For food the couple lielieved iu one and closed at will by means of power­
everything Is hi good condition.
"Truckwalkers often have the same day. oue meal. The batch of dump­ ful muscles. When a camel drinks It
Impulse to step ou the third rail that lings baked ou a Saturday lasted out drinks a very great deal. Indeed, it i
climbers have to Jump. You wulk the week. For clothing be depended goes drinking on for such a very long
along mid see that shilling rod of steel on bay bands "swathed round his feet time that really you would think that
and watch the sunlight glisten on ft. for boots mid round his body for n It never meant to leave off. But the
n ml then the thought comes to you. cont.” But Daniel had a weakness fact is that it is not only satisfying
•If I step on that It will kill me.* and He would buy a clean shirt each year Its thirst, but Is filling up Its cistern
then you wonder how It would feel to And out of this arose the tragedy of as well. One after another the cells
Just put your toe ou it. Of course a Ills life—a lost lawsuit over three­
fellow slink vs those Ideas off Ills mind, pence which, in Daniel's Judgment, the In Its stomach are filled with the water,
but they keep coming buck, uud I shirt seller had wrongfully pocketed and as soon ag each is quite full It Is
tightly closed. Then when the animal
Manufacturers of
hine known more than one man who He died in 1794 worth X3.000 a year.
becomes thirsty a few hours later all
has quit his Job been use lie was afraid
that he couldn't tight off much longer
Gypsy Wordless Language.
the Impulse to stand on the track mid
To communicate with one another the cells and allow the water to flow
put (lie other foot on the third rail, gypsies now use letters—and they use I out. Next day It opens one or two
and when I hear of a trackwalker the telegraph, too. when necessary— more cells, and so It goes on day after
being killisl by the third rail I won­ especially In this country. But the day .until the whole supply Is ex­
der If the fascination of the third rail modern Romany also follows the "pat- hausted. In this curious way a camel
got the better of him.’’—New York reran," tracing the footsteps or wagon can live five or even six days without
tracks of his friends on the road by drinking at all atid so is able to travel
the same method employed by liis an quite easily through the desert, where
Ths Title "Esquire.”
dent prototype, rending directions the wells are often hundreds of miles
The title “esqulle” Is derived from where no words are written ns clearly apart.
the French word ocuyer (a shield bear­ as the gorglo does a roadside algu-
A Bit Too Clover.
er> mid originated In the old days of board, But the pntteran can be rend
noIman Hunt used to tell how u car
chivalry, when, ns is well known, by the gypsy only—It Is hidden and
each knight appointed one or more secret. although It may be In plain penter saved one of Ills best known
persons of gentle birth to carry his sight, as a* slgnliourd Is open mid pub­ pictures from a serious error. The
shield mid perform other honorable lic. The pm tern n may be formed of man was doing some odd Jobs about
services. These persons were known as sticks or stones or gruss placed cross the house mid was found frowning at
squires, or. more accurately, esquires fashion at the parting of roads In such •‘The Shadow of the Cross" in the
mid were of su< h birth ns would per­ manner that only n gypsy would lu- studio—the picture in which Christ,
mit of tbelr being In their turn ere stautly notice and understand. To him who has been sawing a plank in the
nted knights when they should have It meuns much—first of ull. the direc­ workshop, rises to his full height anil
merited the distinct Ion by deeds of tion taken by Romany predecessors.— stretches, his shadow forming a cruci­
The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County.
valor or otherwise, lu the reign of Century Magazine.
New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and
"Well?” asked the artist interroga­
Bil liard H. the status of an esquire
wus granted for the first time by let­
The Hungarian Crown.
Birst Class Lumber of the Best Quality.
"Don't think much of it, mister,”
ters patent ns a title of honor merely,
The Iluugarlan crown worn at their
no duties being attached. Tills meth accession by the emperors of Austria was the blunt comment.
od of creation Is now obsolete, but It as kings of Hungary Is the Identical
"Why?" demanded Hunt, amused,
marks mi advanced singe In the de­ one imide for Stephen anil used at Ills but a trifle nettled.
cay of chivalry, which decay resulted coronation over 800 years ago. The
“Any one that can saw wood with­
In the titles "knight" mid "esquire" whole Is of pure gold, except the set­ out making any sawdust is a sight
becoming wholly honorary.— Pull Mull tings. mid weighs almost exactly four­ ciever'n any 1 ever seed.’’ was the
teen pounds The settings above allud­ answer.
ed to consist of fifty-three sapphires,
It was true—the floor was clean be­
A Lazy Man.
fifty rubies, one emerald and 338 neath the bench!
A worthy old citizen of Newport pearls. It will be noticed that there
who hud the reputation of being the are uo diamonds among these precious
Some Nautical Facts.
laziest man alive among "them hil­ adornments. This Is accounted for by
A knot is 0.080 feet long. The dis­
locks." so lazy. Indeed, that he used to the oft quoted story of Stephen’s aver­ tance from New York to Liverpool is
weed Ills garden hi a rocking chair sion to such gems liecause he cousld 3.004 nautical miles by the northern
■ or a stomach troubles—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bit
by rocking for»aid to take hold of the ered them "unlucky.”
track and 3.139 by the southern track.
* breath,sick headache,torpid liver, biliousness and habituel constipation. Pleasant to tike.
weed mid backward Io uproot It. lind
The former course is taken by vessels
n way of fishing peculiarly Ills own
Battle of tho Herrings.
bound for New York, the latter by ves­
Sold by Chas. I. Clough
He used to drive his old white facial
The battle of the herrings was the sels bound for IJveriiool. From Liver­
Inure to the spot where the fulling . ..... leal name given to a tight between pool to New York the distances ere
iblni ktlslil might be depended on
for an English force and a Freueb detach­ respectively 3.039 and 3.109 miles.
G iven ,—That
any weight, from two to I welve ment not far from Orleans iu 1429
Ju estimating records the |>olnts tak­
pounds. Iiacked Ills gig down to
I the The English were conveying a large en ou either side are Sandy Ilook and within sixty days from the date of
water side, put out Ills line mid 1 when quantity of supplies, mainly herrlugs. Haunt’s rock. Queenstowu harbor. said notice irwill be unlawful for
the tautog was safely hooked start for It was Lent, to the army that was The first light sighted on the British stock to run at large, under penalty I
cd the old mare mid pullial him i out.
besieging Orleans. The English had coast is the Bull. Cow aud Calf, Ire­ of Ten dollars for the first offence 1
l.ikJO men. the French 0.009. The for­ land. and on the American coast ei­ and Twenty dollars for each and j
A Slight Diffsrsncs.
mer repulsed the assailants and saved ther Nantucket or Fire island.
every subsequent offence, in the
1'ndue rapidity of speech or Indi** the herrings, so the battle was named
Precinct of Carnahan for Tillamook
tlnct utterance often leads to curious lu honor of the supplies.
He Was Cautious.
Au Install e of
Frederick the Great was always fond
tills Is given by Walter Seymour In
Willing to Taka Them Back.
of disputations, but as he generally to a vote taken at a General Election
his "l!pa uud Downs of n Wandering
A letter came from the ckthlng firm terminated the discussion by collaring duly held on the Sth day of Novem­
Unsurpassed. Non-Intoxicating-
Life." "A clergyuinn.” he says, "was saying that the cloth that bad been his antagonist aud kicking bis shins ber. 1910.
scut for by a sick old parishioner win, sent them was full of moths. Waa the few of his guests were disposed for
In witness whereof I have here­
was not a churchgoer uud who was wholesale house taken aback? Not It. an argument. He asked one of his unto set my hand and seal of said
deaf. The clergy mail said
What In By return ( km I went a missive to this suit w hy he did not venture to give county this 17th day of November,
duced you to send for me f 'tV hn t effect:
bis opinion on some particular ques­ 1910.
does be sa.» ?’ said the num to Ills
"On looking over your order we find tion. "It is impossible, your majesty,”
J. C. H olukx , County Clerk.
wife. ’lie says why the deuce did you that you did not order any moths. It was the reply, "to express an opinion
■end for hluir-
wus our error, und you will please re­ before u sovereign who has such con-
Special Brew
turn them at uuce at our expense.**— vlct ions aud wears such very thick
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
A Patron.
within sixty dava from the date of!
"Mr, I'arrlmnn U very busy now,”
said notice it will tie unlawful for j
Couldn't Help Himaalf.
nald the private secretary of the rail­
Live Table Talk.
“He lived next door to a man for
road president. "Is there iiuytliiug I
“I hope you will be interested In
can d«< for you?"
teu years without even learning his yonder gentleman," said the hostess, “I of Ten dollat s for the first offence'
“Oh." replied the pou>|sius visitor, neighbor’s name."
have assigned him to take you out to and Twenty dollars for each and ‘
"just a friendly call. I thought bed
• t’an you Imagine anybody being so diu tier.’
every subsequent offence,in the Pre- .
llke tv kuow that I ride on Ida subur unsociable I"
”1 shall be,” resjionded the lady ad­ cinctof Helio for Tillamook County, I
hau brau. h now
I’m t't.louel Nu
”<>h. yes. You see. the warden dressed. “That gentleman was for­ State of Oregon, according to a vote
Mich." Catholic Standard ami Tim»
wouldn’t let them talk."—Birmingham merly my husband, and be’a behind taken at a General Election duly held
Noda Waters. Sipthons, Bartlett Mineral H«ter.
with his alimonyLouis v Hie Courier- on the 8th day.of November,!1910. "
Similari ty.
In witness whereof I have here­
“Whnt a nolsy tbliig thst basi Orimi
Ono Consolation.
unto set my hand and seal of said i
la!" remarked lite i larluet «llscuatedly.
It Oftan Is.
"My wife la suing me for divorce."
County this 17th dav of Novemt>er •
“Tee." rapii M thè troni lame: just sighed the man. "I wish I were dead."
“I was In hope« when I married that 1910.
llke a hutuau tielng. Isti t li?"
“cheer Up. old boy. It’s a whole lot I could give my wife everything she
J. C. H olden , County Clerk.
“Lite a humnu helng?”
better Io have your wife spending ali­ wanted."
"Yes. It’s tlie Olle a Itti thè big bt>ad mony than life Insurance.”— Detroit
Want* To Help Some One.
thnt mak<*M thè must uo|se." laminili Free I'rises
“I didn't think her yearning capac­
For 30 years J. F Hoyer, of Fer­
ity would be eo much greater than my tile, Mo.. needed help a’nd couldn’t
earning capacity.”-Washington H*r- j hnd it. That’s why he wants tohelp
Close Mouthed.
Shaking Hands.
Caller So your sister and her fiance aid
someone now
Suffering so long
Few people know how to thake are tery clow mouthed over tbelr en
I himself he feels for all distress from
banda well. The rooeraI ran <»f fol« vagvinent? l ittle Ethel -Chaae naiutb-
Give* Him Na Ch »nee.
| Rachacbe, Nervousness. I oms of 4
either gbe a limp imw mul allow It to etl’ I on ought Io see them together*
"Were you quarreling with yoOT Appetite. lassitude and Kidnev 4
le sinken or el-e cr.isp vuiirs
wife when I came In? 1 heard you disorders. He shows that Electric 4
Auckland News.
Bitters work wonders for such Iron-
«ad nearly disks ate It with thetr »Io
talking loud "
Five bottles.’’ he writes.
teni e - Lombo tVorhl.
"No. When we're quarreling she a , . ,**•
..... . cured
Boiler Work. Loir’ll Work «ad Heavy !'•«»•<•
me and now I am well
sight. ehT
It’s also ixMitn-elv
The wise are |v»i|te all tbe o-.i-IJ
Flu« Machine Work a Specialty.
; guaranteed for Liver Trouble. Ova-
fir«t time be
over; hails are |s.ttte only »I In w
Ipep-ia. Blood Disorders. Female
slw n .«■ an
»•ilef Is crowned with coasolatwa -i Complaints -----
and *■«.«»•.,.
| them. ®®c.
U •»
- t has. * 1. — Clough’s.
"V 5T V V WF V - V wr wr ww «v wp
4P 5F
LlLji h*
fi II
We carry a Large Stock of
h 1
and China,
Lumber Manufacturing Compy.
H emlock LUMBER
We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook
County’s Most Famous Cheese.
Columbia Bottling Co*
Astoria, Oregon'
Tillamook Iron Works
General Machinists * Blacksmith*
T illamook ,
okegon *