TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. I kes and daughters . I G»brfeiiTG^el*y Clendenin. Lr of Horace Greeley, bas the ■ type case at wblcb Mr. Gree- Stje.1 the printing trade. L. h Miss Clara Barton, the L of tbe Red Cross society In Kjted States, is ninety-one. she Kes personal charge of one of In. hes of tbe society. Harriet M. Martin of Newcastle, | wlio is ninety-three years old. Lldest "office girl” in the world, Llieved. For many years she ¿'charge fcu ‘ L. ----- - of a doctor’s office ■town. I xrnold Lawton, daughter-ln- I'liioiiias Lawson, financier, has I u confirmed dog fancier. She Lgut several fancy priced dogs, Ihleti she means to make a try Les ia the Boston dog show. | Jesse W. Tobey, who Is the Lf the millinery department of Lsehold arts school of Colum- Cversity. says that the woman Cows how to make her own huts L. e,tuipped for life work than Email who knows only algebra Eometry or the une who know» Itotes. » Sarah Bernhardt's debut on tiety stage at the London Coll- Las another triumph to be added [ actress' ulready long list. She led in tbe second act of "L’Al- | It was said to be almost Im- ie to realize that tbe youthful pm 11. of the stuge 1» a giand- t lu private life. 'en, Chisel and Brush, SIRES AND SONS. Attorney General Wickersham Is as great a liugulst as he la lawyer, speak­ ing seven languages. Kidney Bieber. Republican national committeeman from the District of Columbia, is the only Hebrew mem- her of that organization. August Greubel of Munich. Ger­ many. was bora without hands, With the aid of special apparatus he writes with a pen and has become fairly pro­ ficient as a stenographer. Archibald Cary Smith, the noted New York naval architect, studied painting in his youth, but found a greater attraction In shipbuilding. The yachts which he planned number half a hundred,, aud many of them have proved notable sailers. Rowland Gibson Hazard, the well known Rhode Island manufacturer, has bls name at the bead or iu the list of directors of more than a score of na­ tional and International societies of art, science, ecouomks and health. Is a college fallow and trustee and also ts active in'politics. George William Maynnrd. one of the most eminent of American mining en­ gineers. Is »eventy-oue years old. He has been a consulting officer of mining and reduction plants In Europe as well as tn America. He was bora In Brooklyn and has been a resident of New York eity for years. Joseph Pels, a restless little man of fifty-five. devotes most of his time to furthering liberal causes in England and America. After making a fortune he took time to think and decided be had no right to so much money. Now he Is trying to spend it In the wisest way for the general good. DECEMBER 22, 1910 Bonny on the Ibex. The ibex Is a singular, taciturn ant- sal inhabiting Iron cages and the In­ accessible portions of the Alps, which are high mountains situated between two or more countries on the other side of the broad briny ocean. It re­ sembles a goat and is Intensely wild, fleeing far from the haunts of man <>u the slightest provccutlou. Its borus are extremely rugged. The ibex is 1 not carnivorous, but eats grass and vegetables freely. Ouce there was a man who shot an ibex, but could uot carry It home because he lived 9,000 miles away, and he left it for the wolves and vultures to devour, which was not a nice thing to do. for we should always be as kind us itossible to the works of creation aud obedient to our parents aud guardians. Tlie Ibex has a short, obstinate beard, but makes uo use of it.—Beuuy In Chicago Tribune. T. BO I TH, I « » GATE - Fast Steamer GOLDEN P A ttorney - at -L aw . • Complete set of Abstract Books in office. Taxes paid for nou- Residents. Office opposite Post Office. Roth p!iones. CARI' HABERI.ACH, Lieaves Tillamook for Astoria and Portland, THURSDAY of Each Week Twist Rhyme« on Women. Some women walk in hobble skirts, While others sew and cobble shirts. Equipped with pan for cake and book, The prudent learn to bake and cook, Freight and Passengers Though many, seaward hurling care. Devote their time to curling hair. 3 a : : I I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, £e;ttecliev ¿Xbuohat, Office across the street and north from the Post Office. Q^EORGE WILLETT, A ttorney - at -L aw . Next to Tillamook County Batik, T illamook But all, though coyly seeming chill. For simple youths are scheming ill. O regon . - H. GOYNE, With every eye glance mangling ten, They weave their webs for tangling men. —Arthur Guiterman In Life. A ttorney - at L aw . FOR RATES—ADDRESS J. R. GLADDEN, Agent. Office : Opposite Court House, What a Woman Know«. "So Erma is engaged," said Eleanor, with a curl of her Up. “Well. I'm sor­ ry for the man, that's all. She doesn’t know the first thing about keeping house." "Oh, yes, she does, though, Fannie's assuring reply. “Well, I'd like to know what it is.” was the doubting response. "The ver}' fleet thing, which is to get a uiau to keep house for.”—Judge. T illamook , O regon . T. BO ALS, M.D., [late Frederic Remington was a la; well as paluter uml sculptor, Current Comment, s curious coincidence Lester G. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, k the twenty-seven-year-old TILLAMOOK. Hazing at Annapolis Is to be stopped L who bus sturtled the urtistic | shares bls birthplace, Lowell, forever again.—Philadelphia Ledger. Office- Olson Building. Now that the bird woman has ar­ with the muster of etching. A live business training school. Endorsed by business men. Residence: Mrs. Weiss' house, west of Only Her Face. rived will she or the bird man wear |er. The school whose graduates secure positions und hold them. Mrs. Walker'r. "Only to see her face." he said— Melva Beatrice Wilson of New the tine feathers?— Milwaukee 'Journal. "Only to see her face! Living expenses low. School in continuous session. Send Lity expects to si>end four years There Is nothing like a big automo­ To gaze at her beauty, rich and rare. for catalogue. kg upon the great sculptured bile race for making the aeroplane Would make the world sublimely fair. M. KER RON, Instead of a dismal place. Catholic ca ­ of the new Roman seem ns safe as a pouy cart.—Spring- I in St. Louis. It win depict Held Republican. "Only to see her face.” he said. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, pn scenes in the life of Christ, "Would make my heart rejoice.” The treasury department says there 1 ban Whitaker, the author, has will be no shortage of money this fall. But that which he wished never came to pass. C oncrete B uilding . iervice in the British army and For this assurance many thanks.— For he never could see her face. alas. Hieing Instructor of his regiment Washington Herald. Without listening to her voice. Oregon. Tillanicok, —Chicago Record-Herald. 4 Couiiug to America In 1887, We are still walling for some enter­ is a pioneer In the Hudson Bay prising New York manager to cubie An Objection. fay's territory for several years. Manuel an offer of $10.009 a week to J. P. flUUEJM, Proprietor A woman writer says. "A beefsteak R. I. M. SMITH, enter vaudeville.—Pittsburg Gazette- may be Just as much a token of af- Times. Sporting Notes. fectlou as a bunch of American Beauty PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, roses.” Electric Sparks. I Canadian Chess association's bi- Special Attention paid to Tourists. But when you come to think of It. Office over J. A. Todd & Co. I tixiruameut will begin lu Mout- lee. 20. it Is estimated that electric Illumi­ there are so few gowns aud so few A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation Tillamook, Ore. complexions that would barmoulze mquard Is the name of the latest nation Is used by about ToO.UUO bouse with a first cut of sirloin.—Cleveland ho American recruit. He Is u holds In the United States. The telephone Industry three yeurs Plain Dealer. ItxHled Chippewa Indian. C. HAWK, [ball players are trying to cheat ago furnished employment for more The Brut. Again. than live times us many persoti* us fin? tackle rule. They dowu the Brown wants the women all to vote. telegraphy. r with one toot on the ground. He saye It la their legal right. With thews you have l»esn In the habit of par Thirty-four telephones, with two Cd you will see that we offer ton a substantial He says things that the papers quote. PHYSICIAN * SURGEON, ' York bllliardista are practicing ion all work and you cannot get better paUi Which give the suffragettee delight. work anywhere, no luatter how much you yay- hew style table which is 5 by 5 switchboards, are used In New York's finish plats istead of the regulation size. 9 newest theater, nine of the iustru- ige work for Oh, why does he the hustings climb BAY CITY, OREGON. ments being ou the stage alone. town patrons la And mingle in the stress and strife T i day if desirsd. So that he, at election time. rhe valued family re ­ A tiny electric light generating plant nlees oztraclion i Flanagan, the greatest of all » when .plates, or May blame defeat upon his wife. er throwers, has return, d to Ire- has been devised suitable for mount­ »• wortr is ordar cipes for cough and cold —Chicago Post. . BEALS, CBB$MltBti«r free. »here he tins Inherited a landeil ing on an automobile to supply current cure, liniments, tonics and M b U f C fbvbi $1 lie says he will never compete for the lights. By the use of improved A Confusion of Terms. 22kB^r. Twtb- other reined ies have as lamj» a very superior Illumination is GsM FiUhra “A number of performance« are be­ REAL ESTATE, careful attention here as secured. F mim I FiNwfs ing described as Improprieties," said the most intricate prescrip ­ Wvw FIM m « German Gleanings. F inancial A gent , one theatrical producer. IskUr Tales of Cities. tions. PI«!«« “Yes,” replied the other. “It's get­ 8.00 ■••t Red Nskbsr !■ ulture In Germany supports ting harder every year to tell what Tillamook, Oregon. Plat»« ___ 7.80 Chicago purposes to double the num­ improprieties the public regards as Our fresh, high grade 119.000.000 of the population. Painleie fxtr'lta .50 ber of its electric lights. drugs will help to •■ST MSTMODS make F" are In Alsace-Lorraine tliirty- proper.”—Washington Star. All work fully «uarnnteed fwr flftwaa yaara. London has two municipal golf hbani|>agne factories. Of these these remedies more effec- courses, Brighton and Nottingham one Bias fifteen. Co.,i»e. Perfectly Willing. tive than ever. I payroll of Krupps In May last each. Edinburgh ten and Glasgow “Let me like a soldier dis!” Painless Dentists RESIDENT DENTIST, He warbled like a cow. br.-d »>.905 meu, an Increase of three. rstoHMMUit. Third an« WssMwtM PMTLMD.Mt Right prices are also But still he sang it lustily Oflavra BA M . U • ». M BaaAaye. • be I In the United States Boston has I 5.000 In two years. assn red. And raised an awful row. Office across the street froir the ' German toy manufacturers. been the best place to be bora If you His auditors sat sadly by. One of them murmured: "Wow! '"? that their Juvenile customers want to stand a good chance of living Did You Ever Try Court House. Die any way you like, old top. hl the "very latest." are now to be at least • year old. HARRIN ’ N NEW FEED AND But do it now!" Dr. Wise's office. New York Is the largest gas and bg home aud foreign markets —Louisville Courier-Journal. Jo’s suggested by the present lu- electricity consuming city In the LIVERY HARN, world. The companies that furnish >lu uirsbips. Eoonomy. Reliable Druggist. SA RUH ET, If not, give him a call. the supply have a total capitalisation Mrs. Old wed—Warmed over dishes of $227,046.550. k . The Faaliiouable Tailor. reduce expense. Facts From France. Everything first-class. Seconc Mrs. New wed—I know. I always The Royal Box. buy twice us much porterhouse as we ne bas 2G0 state owned mn- Notice of Sale of Tide Land«. block South of P.O. Cleauing, Pressing and Repair can eat, so we can have hash next N oticb IB Hooior G ivsn ,— Tb«t the ing a Specialty. King Alfonso of Spain has won the day.—New York Sun. State Land Board of the State of Oregon Dee has 7.485 miles of waterways HARRIS, Prop will sell to th« highest bidder at lie office lu reputation of being the best dressed Ire regularly used. the Capitol Building at Salem, Oregon, on monarch of the day. Store in Heins Photographic Uevcmber 27. 1VIU. at looo « l.?. k a m Heed the Lesson. Des of vloleuce have become so of «aid day. all the Htate's Interest In »hr King George was the twelfth bolder There was an old fellow from Catlin, mg and so numerous In Paris tide and ovei flow land« hereinafter described, Gallery. ribs had a habit of rattlin'. giving, however to the owner or owners ol It is now proposed to resort to of the title of Duke of York and the Whoso They made ouch a din anj lands abutting or fronting oo such tide eighteenth holder of the English title Bi: the culprits. That they drove him to gin, ,er One Adventage. Hu; !oyment for her workers and daughter of the Duke of Teck. is said acre, the Board reserving the right to reject INSURANCE, FIRE, "Has matrimony been of any advan­ an^ and all bids. Maid lands are situated “ raw materials for her facto to take a rigidly Puritan view of all in Tillamook County, Oregon, and described MARINE, ACCIDENT, questions. The queen is affirmed in a tage to you?“ asked the young physi­ as follows BONDS, Etc. French weekly to bare “a nervous cian. Tide lands fronting snd abutting on Lot Ko. fl af flection 4, T. 2 N . IT 1U W "Well,” replied the old doctor, “It horror of the new woman.*' Beginning at a point where the section What Thay WiU Da for Y oh T illamook . . O kkgon . College and School. has made me do more thinking and line between flections 4 and W. T. 2 N,, tt IO Both Photie*. W., Intersects the high water of Nehalem leas talking.”—Chicago News. They will cure your backache, Bay, located B. HP' flP W 4754 fl feet from Culinary Conceits. Andrew, university. Scotland, to corner common to flections 3. 4. V «nd •trengthen your kidneys, cor­ the U preparation« for the eelebra- lu and running thence A luUV fl. BO* fll* W . 1B.V.7 feet to low water L à un ormi He.,««.. Tbs addition of a l*aten egg to the >r It« five hundredth annlveraary rect urinary irregularities, build s »esciAi-vv line. mashed imtstoes used for potato cakes 2*' B . flfll.d feet along low water up the worn out tissues, and N. IT line OWING A COW INC koi children are >* ih ouraged to i will ba found worth while. 17* ftp* B.. fl77 feet along low •ter N. eliminate the excess uric acid The chicken meat left over after the art muaeuuM of New Tort line LAWYERS. fll* B, 13AO.2 feet to high water I-a»t year 7.W children and making soup can be used In croquettes that causes rheumatism. Pre­ M. Mif line. and salads. Chop or mince It after Woacarraa Ht'ii.mao, rrv vbitted the Metropolitan. •° 02* ss-s At ths Breakfast Table. vent Bright’s Disease and Dia­ ». Une W . 34fl B feet along high water Moos ak mimst « . T his » «an O — — — - freeing from gristle aud fat and sea­ Vniveraity of Berlin Mrs. Heapack— You were talking in *oou> N,«l to th* U S L««d OHe». OO* 40* W.. V.lfl.l feet along high water bates, and restore health and a. line to place of beginning, containing student«. Munich nearly 7.000. son it highly. your sleep last night. Henry. 43, V acres PORTLAND, OREGON. A Bordeaux padding is made by cut­ * 4 B"nn 4JO) and Heidel Mr. Heopeck—I l>eg your pardon, my Strength. Refuse substitutea. Applications and bids should l$e addressed to G O. Browa, Clerk Ntate Land Board, -wo lu the principal nnlveral ting sponge cake into two or three dear, for having Interrupted you —Cas- flalem. Oregon and marked A ppi feat Lor Sold by Ch««. I. Clough thin layers, spreading each with come * the empire about 55.000 «tu seU'» Saturday Journal and bid to purchase tide lands ” A,',C,A PHELPS, are now enrolled kind of tart jam and crowning all with O. G BHOWN, Clerk State Land Board. whipped cream appropriately flavored t DH.’l this October 4 1B1U. W. I STALEY. Principal. Salem, Ore The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, — Headquarters for Travelling Men. Compare Our Prices FAMILY RECIPES. I « « i Wise Dental t I CLOUGH, : » Pills J ç JRS- Science Siftings. GRADUATE NURSE, Aviation. s. VIERECK, Tillamook Bakery, Llr°* *’ "><*lutety »? rad.um emanati.,tn. «ceorUta» Ita’lait «rienttot. ’* •’rttvw.u,* perfected by two 'b Wlenfte. — i . f I 1 New Discovery foncsœr.jïïjfi. an pam? un une rssssus. au ou ABAjman SATxsraotoaT on lour aaruvDXD. MRS. PAGE’S TILLAMOOK, OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. masonic Corner Stillwell Ave. and First St. West, and both Phones. SFECI ALT» IN ALL KINO OF OAKES ALL KINO OF MEAO, HOUSE, ORE LODO K. I Mo. 87, inooia on Setur« I