TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 22, 1910 RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. .STKICTLV IN ADVANCE.) tine year............................................... nix month«........................................... Three months...................................... 1 Tillamook Ijrabligbt, Editorial Snap Shots Which school will carry off the honor of sending in the most characteristic and appro­ priate name for the county fair next year ? Th«' editor extends Christ mas gree.iiigs to the citizens of Till­ amook County,with the sincere hope that it will be a merry Christmas to all. And still another steamer is to be placed on the run between Portland and Tillamook City. . The old schedule of steamers leaving Portland on the same day once a week will soon be ¡1 tiling of the past, making it im­ possible for captains of vessels to make any more dickers like that. It is the steamer that will give the quickest service that is likely to get the busi­ ness. Those who are putting on another boat must certainly be figuring on a large increase of business, for it seems to us that the present companies can handle all the business that is offered. City linck. The Headlight ex­ pects to see several towns spring up in the county the next few vears, and those which start right and with the true boost- ing spirit permeating it busi­ ness men and leading citizens, they are I miuik I to take prece­ dence of places where there is factional strife. An effort should l>e made to give every munici­ pal corporation within the coun­ ty a model city government, for it would I k 1 one of the best ad­ vertisement the county could have that the cities were work­ ing along these progressive lines. This is worthy of the best efforts of the citizens of Bay City and other incorporated cities, Therefore, we hope the few suggestions we have made in behalf of Bay City will be taken in the kindly spirit in which they are offered, with this additional admonition,bury the hatchet and all get into the boosters’ band wagon fora loyal, united start in the new year to boost, not only Bay City, but the whole of Tillamook County. CHRISTMAS PRESENT. Par Excellence ! fact, it will soon be here, PRESENT and we are ® going to plO CHRISTMAS c"?efore the pe IS “le COMING of Tillamook a In DANDY CHRISTMAS which thev should not overlook. 1 his present is contained in the property we are now offering the buying public as ‘‘MAPLE GROVE ADDITION, the best that there is in TILLAMOOK CITY in first class residence property, with all of the improvements abso­ lutely guaranteed without further cost to the lucky purchaser who buys now. Time, space and the expense forbids us going into detail regarding our SPECIAL OFFER and the MERITS OF THIS PROPERTY. We have at this time sold a number of the choice lots in MAPLE GROVE to conservative and progressive business men of this city Ask anyone of the following what they think of an investment in Maple Grove: Messrs. M. F. Leach, A. K. Case, Chester McGhee, T. P. Johnson, Omar C. Kiger, W. J. Stephens and others who already placed an investment and selected their lots in Maple Grove But come in personally to this office and let us tell you WHY YOU SHOULD BUY A LOT IN MAPLE GROVE. Strange, isn’t it, how perfect strangers can come into the OUR PLAN IS THIS : We are going to GIVE YOU A CHRISTMAS PRES­ county and hypnotise persons ENT, one that you will look back too with pleasure and profit in time to come. From into buying worthless stock or a pig in a poke. An agent comes the 1st of December until the day before Christmas I am going to divide my selling along selling stock in a com­ commission with you. This means that you get a present in proportion to the amount pany which has no commercial of your purchase on a lot or more in Maple Grove. The price on all lots from $400 to rating, and without making an $700. The terms are from $50 to $100 cash, and the balance on a payment of $10 per investigation, some people be­ month. I am going to give you a present of from $10 on a $400 lot up to $17.50 on a $700 lieve the sugar-coated ami un­ truthful statements, just as lot. This plan will only be allowed to those that take advantage of this offering from the though it was gospel truth. But 1st of December until the 25tli December, 1910. Make selection of your lot now and get what we want to protest against your choice while there are many to choose from. is these fellows "knocking" our banks. For instance, an agent We are under contract with the owners to sell Twenty Lots out of Sixty-two Lots in who went over the county and the tract; after Twenty Lots are sold out of Maple Grove the balance of Forty-two Lotsail roped in a few innocent victims advance in price to future purchasers One Hundred Dollars on the lot. Now is the time into taking stock and parting with their money, ascertained to investigate this Christmas offering. The unfortunate drowning of that a certain individual had Claude Laughlin on Sunday is money in one of the banks—this another added to the many sad is oiii* of the first things where drownings which have occurred these agents prv into and find in this county in recent years. out. Finding that he could not I'lie untimely death cast quite "work” this person, the agent a gloom over a large number then tried to scare him by sav­ of persons, for Claude Laughlin ing that the local bank was not was a relined, gentlemanly safe ami was going to bust up. young man respected by all who A statement like that naturally knew him, mid we deplore the makes a depositor look up and loss of a good citizen. This is take notice. It did in this case, only another instance of the un­ for the person came to town to certainty of life, for the old see about it, but went home book says in the midst of life we congratulating himself that he are in death. It was so in this had not parted with his money case. Yet it is hard to under-) at the solicitation of an agent into a bank and stole money. TWO PROJECTS ARE UN­ land why a young man, full I who was a bare faced liar, and Oh, no. As we said before, we KNOWN. of hone mid promise, mid with ; if our citizens would look at I I class cards with other games, | a kind,genial disposition,should these smooth, persuasive fel- land if not abused, it is hardly Nehalem and Yaquina Rivera Men­ lows in that light, they would logical to say it is wrong to be derived of lite so suddenly. tioned in Bill for Surveys. not part for ever with their i 1 play cards and perfectly right Oregonian. money. We know this, as does I to play checkers. We will draw The old city council appears Two appropriations are included a number of citizens, that these I another contrast. Whist play- to be lighting shy of the bad i unscrupulous strangers have1 I ers have to use some intelli­ in tlie rivers and harbors bill as it reputation which it would heap fleeced a good many willing' lias passed the House at Washing­ (CAPT P. SCHRADER) upon them in granting saloon victims, whereas the present I gence, and it affords them con­ ton, which, it actually intended for licenses to confessed gamblers local banks have protected and j siderable enjoyment. It is the the purposes named, probably will same with the other games we prove productive of but little, as and confessed bootleggers, soit given good advice people I • have mention Now take some looks that it will he passed up who were a little more cautious ' Of the foolish games that are one ia for an examination and sur­ Io the incoming administration before parting with their hard played in some social circles. vey of the Nehalem River aud the to act on. Will Mayor-elect earned money than others, A picture of a jackass is placed other for the same work on the Talmage take a stand for good (CAP. T. LATHAM). could live in ease and luxury. on the wall and blind folded a Yaquina River. « ity government and recom­ Major Morrow, Corps of Engineers, Anyway, it is a case of conti- person has to walk so many mend in his message that saloon , H khki . v G ivkh .—That the Rule straight in Tillamook City some churches have placed the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Major Morrow has not been ap-I with no crawfishing. "The peo­ ban on card playing, while some the County of Tillamook, has appointed the undersigned, the administrator of the prised by Colonel Biddle, chairman ' ple" nt the county voted for other churches allow cards at estate of LOUIS BLATTLAR, deceased, Home Rule, mid they did so their social gatherings. Here and all persons having claims against the of the Board of Engineers, to puss i estate, arc hereby required to present on the Tillamook project, the time are two opposites. From an with the impression that what the same, together with the proper vouchers, of his arrival from Washington to to the undersigned, either at the office of H thi‘ Home Rule Associotion ad­ unbiased standpoint we place T. Botts, attorney-at-law. at Tillamook meet here with residents ofTilla-i vocated would lie carried out. cards, chess, checkers, pool, bil­ City. Oregon ; or to T. H Goyne, attor­ at Tillamook City. Oregon, mook and Bay City. Colonel Biddle W ill the new city administra­ liards, etc., in the same class, ney-at-law. within six months from the tiate of this and if used properly for recrea ­ wrote recently that he expected to 1 notice. tion undertake to throw over- Dated this December 15th. 1910. lie in Portland tietween December biM.rl what Home Rule advo­ tion and diversion it is fool- -M A bplanalp , Administrator of the estate of 15 and Christmas, but no informs-! cates preached mid the will of ishness to even intimate that Louis Blattlar. deceased. tion has been received since. the |H*ople op|Mia**d to granting there is harm in one kind of Major Kutx, of Seattie, also a saloon li.-enses to those who these games and not in the Milker Wanted. others. It is knowing how to member of the Board, has returned have v iolnted law ? Wanted, a First Class Milker, a to his station and can tie reached use these games pro|ieriv and man A guod hmiae to live ricci man. not abuse them. We are aware married ' j Apply ,o J- H. Hathaway, Till. on short notice, but Major Morrow Buy City lias and it hasn’t a of the fact that a good many in. is desirous of being notified a few a mook. ------------------------ legal city charter, according to well intentioned persons argue I days in advance of the gathering, Nome of the legal lights of this that it leads to gambling to play 1 Team for Sale. so that he can inform those on the Large Office, Dining* Room and Ladie* city. The boneof contention is cards, and for that reason argue ’ One Driving _ Teum, with new Coast who wish to tie present. It ¡a Best Hotel in Tillamook. County. the faulty manner in which the against cards and even look up­ harness foratile. Price jl«l. 1MJU. Apply estimated that the improvement of original charter was drawn, the on it as a sin to piny. We do not to A. " Emerson. . near ___ Maple Leaf Tillamook Harbor will entail au ex boundary lines not connecting take that view, for if it is wrong Creamery, Tillamook, Ore. penditure of $2,0«),000, of which lip, leaving a loophole to quar­ toplav one style of game fori the ports of Bay City and Tills- rel over. There a p| tears to lie a pleasure and pastime, then it is For Sale. mook are to contribute SffiO,(XX) good «leal of contention and wrong to play* all other games. Werner Grand Piano tn a hand­ personal feeling over the matter We admit that a great many some oak finish. Thia instrument Singer Sewing Machine. amongst the citizens of that men become gamblers on ac­ ia practically new and can lie hud burg. Our advice to the Bav count of card playing, mid we nt low coat. Stool an.I acari inclini. Now is your opportunity to get Cityites is to start right. First know also that men gamble in ed. Call and see it at a machine that will last you a life employ an attorney who knows wheat, corn, stocks, etc., and time, on easy mon I hl* payments J ob T hirdicm ' b , how to draw up n citv charter ; go to extremes in emtiezxeling, that you will scarcely miss and The Pop Corn Pa lace- no intereat. second, bury nil personal and stealing, even to the taking of I personally guarantee every ma­ factional strife ; and. third, ull life to obtain money, but we chine and will keep it in repair free For Sale pull, with a long und a strong have not heard of a person who of charge. pull, to upbuild and improve refused to eat brvnd because Your old machine will be taken SI aerea of rich Nehalem river Hay City. Strife mid conten­ the ■‘bulls" and the "bears" bottOM I s nd. For («articulara and •a part payment. Machines delivered at your home tion, with petty, |>ersonal and gutnlded in the wheat pit, or price call on or address the owner on free demonstration trial ’ factional lights will hohl that refused to take or handle money twvrge R. Mc K iinena. Nehute? Call in and see the New Rmger flfc BVBDBTT SmPMAM, Tillamoofo.u T.ll*««-* £**1’ place l ack as it held Tillamis>k| because someone hail broken Ore. ’(<«» Poor to T,IW * h-lem a Jewelry Store. Rollie W. Watson, Uz Nolan, J. S. Stephens, W. G. Dwight and Wm, Curtis for particulars. Call at Once and let us show you the lots. Steamer “ Sue H. Elmore Tillamook & Portlan Sail Every Tuesday and Couch St. Wharf, “ That’s fill TILLAMOOK. OREGON New Furnishings—Modern Fixtu Centrally Located. Hot and Cold Water on Bacn r* Meals 35 and 50c. Beds 35 cents and up accor Room. P. W. Todd, Prop. R» T i HARNESS, COLLARS, I ÏMlH feM W. A. WILLIAMS*