III. No. 29. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, DECEMBER aa, 1910. Special price on Alfalfa hay, ton ’ While you are looking foi Christ lots $25.00. R osenberg B ros . . j mas Presents, don’t forget Lamar's While you are looking for Christ-1 Variety Store. "Drop in and look mas Presents, don’t forget Lamar’s ! around." Variety Store. "Drop in and look 1 John Asehim bought the property around.” owned by Mra. W. C. Morton the Miss Jennie Wooley, who has past wtek. consisting of a house been in Portland for the past year, and lot near L. E. Morton’s, the If you save $100 from your earnings being $1200. He teturned to her home at Beaver on consideration moved his household belongings the last trip of the Elmore. during a year it is the same amount you would receive on a $2000 investment for Miss Hazel McNair, accompanied into it Saturday. I When you make a Christmas or bv Elmer Payne of Eugene, came in cue xear at 5 per cent. over the Trask road Sunday to New Year’s present, a Gold Watch To save, one must sacrifice. The best or a Gold Chain makes a valuable spend the holidays at her home. things of life are gained in this way. if A Noti-I.eakable Fountaim Pen present that is appreciated. See my you want to lay aside a part of your earn­ sent by mail to an absent friend stock of handsome watches and gold ings, come to this bank and open an ac­ would be suitable. Com- into chains. Eugene Jenkins, the Old count. A bank account will assist you Clough’s Drug Store and let us Reliable Jeweler. show you. • Those who left on the last trip of greatly in the undertaking. Miss Nancy Hathaway, who has the Golden Gate were: Mrs. A. We welcome the small depositor. been attending school in Portland Mapes, W. T. Collins, A. Weening. this winter, is spending the holi­ M. Curl, Otto Curl, J. Kumm, G.W. days at the home of her parents in Carr and wife, Miss Mabie Byrnes. James Langley, Kitty Olds and this city. LAMCOK COUNTY BANK. Edna Garfield. Razors and Safety Razors are sold TILLAMOOK. OREGON Star brand process barley, $1.25 by Clough over his personal guar­ antee that they will give satisfaction, a sack and $31.50 a ton ; oats, $1.85 could you ask for any more? From hundred, $36.00tou ; bran, 95c. sack $29.50 ton ; mill chop $1.05 90 lbs. 25c to $7.50. sack, $22 ton ; shorts $1.35 80 lbs. Miss Edna Garfield baa gone to OK JOTTINGS Don’t neglect your eyea to buy Grants Pass to spend the Holidays sack, $33 ton. - W m . CURTIS, The Xmas presents that are only pres­ • with her stepfather anti brother, Grain Man. ents. See Dr. Morris. ye speciali st T. J. Bibby and son, formerly of If-they have any inclination or The Best Cut Glass to be found in this place. I's home made n ime could nee a Kodak, what could you the city is at Eugene Jenkins, the The Tillamook Commercial Club get that would be more suitable ? illamook levied a IV» Old Reliable Jeweler. will give a new year’s party on Fri­ Clough carries the Eastman Line of An almost new No. 6 Shorapleas day evening, December 30th, which Kodaks, and shows you how to use separator for sale or trade, at a bar­ is for the benefit of the Gilford one after you get it. From $2.00 to gain. D. L. Shrode. $65.00 each. Stillwell’s park. Give your friend a Clock for a pewriter, cheap.—D. Maple Grove Addition is the only Go to Eugene Jenkins, the Old Christinas present. Jenkins has a Reliable Jeweler, for Christmas pre­ "Close in” to the business center nice stock to select from. sents. He has a new line of Hand Real Estate that can now be bought ■ed, $10.00 a ton. D. Nothing like a nice fat chicken fry Painted China, the best in the city at “First hands.” Let us tell you for Xmas, new year’s or Sunday din­ or county. more about Maple Grove Addition ited at the Tillamook ner. Dr. Morris has them. ‘ « We are closing out our line of before it is too late.—Rollie W. Wat­ • Largest assortment of Toys in the Fancy Real China and we will give son. is doing business in county. . See them in our window one-third off the regular price, Her oil tubes not being ready keek. this week.—KING & SMITH Co. ” Clough desires to do this to get when the Golden Gate arrived in >r $1.000, your own Portland, she will continue sei vice How about that old summer suit? more space for other lines. shrode. Have it dyed by the Tillamook Webb Maddux returned to Tilla- on the Tillamook run until after by the sack or the Steam Dye Works for winter use. * mook Wednesday morning after an N'ew Years, when she will lay up « .. Slirode. Go to Eugene Jenkins for Silver absence of about three months in for a short time to allow her to be 1 on Alfalfa liay, ton Ware. Let me show you my splen­ California, where he went for the turned into an oil burner. I senberg B ros . did stock. None better in the city. . benefit of his wife’s health. Clough’s Drug Store has accepted I of Blaine is visiting A large assortment of Lowney’s the agency of Johnston’s Blue Rib­ Does that suit need pressing? If town this week. They are make in so take it to the Tillamook Steam famous boxed candies have just bon Candies. lis in on a visit from Dye Works and have it pressed arrived at Clough’s Drug Store, Milwaukee and are said to have County, Oregon. They cer­ right. * where a good assortment will be made that city famous. found in the future. tainly look and taste as though they ris suggest a Xmas Jim Langley and sisterleft on the on't be glasses this Golden Gate but were not decided Clough’s line of books is of the would make anything famous. Hilma Johnson’s father, J. T. on where they will settle permanent­ very latest titles of the Copyrights iristmas ad of Maple ly- and a large selection of Reprints. Johnson, who arrived the past week I in this issue. Rollie You will never get another offer You will miss it if you don’t look is helping his daughter move her millinery stock into the room nil- like Maple Grove Addition in Tilla­ them over early. of Jewelry, suitable mook Real Estate.—Rollie W. Wat­ Carl Haberlach and wife left on joining B. D. Lamar’s store. He • resents, go to Eugene son. Tuesday to spend Christinas with intends taking her to his home at relatives at Clackamas. While out­ Napoleon, Wash., that she may re­ Leather covered gift books by all gain her health. t>k Steam Dye Works the standard writers make very side Carl will go to the Sound with If your gentleman friend or reln- opposite the Allen suitable gifts. Look over Clough's the idea of disposing of cheese. Moore’s Non-Leakable Fountain , tive smokes, a box of Clough’s ci- display. • Pens are the absolute peers of all ! gurs will appeal to him all right. ey and wife were up While you are looking for Christ­ , Clough don't make them but lie ’ Saving Station on mas presents, don’t forget Lamar’s fountain pens made and Clough guarantees them in every respect, keeps them in just the right condi­ Variety Store. "Drop in and look tion, and that is sotnethinga smoker could you ask more? • X 10T>, for $1160.00 around.” appreciates. We will tell you just Snow Drift flour, $5.90 a bbl. and > 10, Park Addition.— what brand he smokes. • Tillamook County Bank vs. A. H. $1.50 a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.40 ( Malaney is a suit filedin the circuit Since the first of October we have a bbl. and $1.40 a sack. Im ­ le excellent Xmas 1 court to recover $2000 on a promis­ perial flour, $5.75 a bbL and $1.45 sold 14 lots in Maple Grove Addition. (orris can fit them sory note. a sack.—W m . C urtis , The Grain Are you one of the lucky ones ? If The Tillamook Electric Light A Man. not, why not ? Your opportunity to i paid for Hides. Flir­ Fuel Co. expect to put in oil burn­ invest in this Gilt Edge property is Even a Washing Machine would ts N. Melchior, Till- ers to run the electric light plant in Read our ad­ be appreciated for Xmas. If the fast slipping away. • the new year. men had to do the washing there vertisement— Now— Today.- Rollie 1 spending the holi- • If that suit needs to tie pressed would be a Washing Machine in W. Watson. parents and friends for the dance or show, phone the every home. Get her one.—K ing A As no one is desirous of becom­ Tillamook Steam Dye Works and S mith C o . ing the ¡«ostmaster at Netarts, the I hipest and liest paper they will come after it. • If vou want to make an impression editor has recommended to Con­ Leave orders at Tillamook County Bank vs. luor- take along a box of Lowney's or gressman Hawley that the office lie ?o. • rence Olds is a suit filed in the Johnston’s boxed candies and watch discontinued anil that Bay ocean have laid a city county court to recover $50 on a the results, You can find I a full lie given a daily service, via Netarts, I * w«‘tcr In drant for promissory note. assortment at Clough’s Drug to accommodate those who reside L < in the latter place. C. I. Clough has had his store Store. • * Highest grade White Sewing Ma P Kumm, Arthur building enlarged four feet on the Only two took the civil service lenry Davidson were east side to help accommodate his examination on Monday to l>eeome chine latest improved would make | growing business. 9- rural mail carrier for Route No. 1 to an acceptable gift to your wife who I »king at night and What better ’Xmas, present than be established from the Tillamook has been wanting one for a long j r ’he demand for her a tiank account and one of our Post Office next month, being Earl time. $35.00 in cash or $37.30 in , payments is our price. Others I ad. handsome steel Savings Bank.— Rice and Merril Smith. and agents would ask you from Tillamook County Bank. Two I»ts for Holmes A Edwards Silverware, $40.00 to $65.00 for a machine not so terms. Enquire at "Arizona.” Owing to the illness highest quality and medium priced, good.—K ino a S mith C o . Iffice. of some memtiers of the Dramatic ft’s guaranteed. See the large Those |>eople who will not lie able j Club, the play "Arizona” will be assortment in onr window. Every to visit Clough's store during the Iiost|ioned two weeks. piece is placed in plain figures.— holidays can send their orders by • Make your Xmas presents some- K ing a S mith C o . mail explaining about the price I thing that is useful and beneficial. Clough han the largest display of they wish to pay. and we will guar­ I Glasses are such presents. See Dr. genuine Cut Glans in the city, it in antee satisfaction, especially for Morris. the famoim American line and com­ looks, holiday stationery, fountain Mark Curl and son Otto left the petent judges declare it to lie equal |>ena, cigars, and other small items. past week for California, where they to the bent at reasonable prices. We Try Clough's Mail Service. * *. intend to spend the remainder of have pieces from 25c to $25.00. Mr. Farmer : Why not harness j the winter. The incoming and outgoing mails that creek on your place and have You can find a nice new line of have been unusually heavy this electric light in your house and goods at Mrs. Wade's millinery week, owing to so many Christmas barn ? We are prepared to quote MAR. Pre I parlor, just north of The News presents and other mail matter you on the necessary pipes and going through the Tillamook office machinery and give you the benefit office in Bey City. • d in th« of ex fieri advice in installing. Ask L. C. Shilling, who lias been work , at thia season of the year. hotel *. ing in the county for the past year. I Carl Knudson, while starting for I ns atiout It, TlIAAMOOH ELMUTIHC left on the Elmore to spend lhe Garibaldi in com|»ny with his sis , L ight a F ubl C ompaxv . ter and J. Nelson last Sunday, wa* , Il is reported that ths gasoline . Holidays at bis old home. A Savings P sm Book with v de thrown from the buggy which he schooner Anvil han lieen purchased •nd book posit of one dollar or more makes had just hired from Bill Harris, by ; and will he put on the Portia mf und.” (Tillamook run. making with the »cceptible 'Xmas, present.— the horses becoming frightened. Do not rack y