TIL i LAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 15. 1Ö10. Tillamook Jottings oval work on the road had been sttspen did for twelve months. A Savings Paes 1!« k with a de­ posit of one dollar or more makes an acceptible 'Xmas, present.— Tillamook County Bank. * The f.adieu’ Guild of the Presby­ terian church will have a sale of useful and fancy articles in Miss llilma Johnson's millinery store on Saturday afternoon. Floyd Woolfereceived quite a scare last Thursday while setting traps with Neil Hiner on the Jogs in the mill jauid. It seems that while he was sitting a trap lie became over­ balanced and fell into the water with a btuicii of trope which he had w th him, and as 1 e could not swim he was in a fuu vTuy to drown. After he hail sunk the second time, Neil Hiner, who is en expert swimmer, j .imped into the water, dived und got hold of the top of Floyd's head, and after pulling him to the surface succeeded jn getti g him ashore where he worked the water out of his lungs. Social at the Club. Last Thursday the Commercial (Tub. with tlie help of the ladies cf the town, gave one of the Lest pro­ grams ever given in this city besides receiving $.125.85 from tlie sale of baskets. The prograin consisted of a large number of selections l>y the Club orchestra, songs by Mas. Fred Poor­ man, Mrs. Frank Rhodes, and Jas. i Vernon; a short talk by President Holmes which was full of the pro­ gressive spirit, and »debate by four representatives of the High School which seemed to be enjoyed by all. According to the decision of the judges, the affirmative, which was handled by Oscar Aschim anil El­ bert Ginn, was defeated by the neg­ ative, Elsie Lamb anil Benly Stum. After the program those who did not care to spend money fora bas­ ket went home while the others stayed and from all appearances everyone was well pleased with this feature. The highest bill received for a basket was one by Morris Leach of $7. Tillamook on an official inspection of tlie road, anti it was his favora ide report to Mr. Harriman which cause work to be resinned after the POWDER mailed free 178 Kind* of Cake Cakes of all kinds for all people are best made with Royal SPECIALLY FINE FOR LAYER CAKE High School Flashes. The Debators are trying out ut present for a plaie on the team which meets Nehalem the 23rd of this inoutli. The choosing of the team will not be done until Friday, idler which the ones who are lucky enough to get a place will start work for the opening of the Inter­ scholastic Debate Season. A great amount of excitement has been causetl in school among the class who are more desirous of Iiav- ing pleasure than of securing an education, by the announcement that there will be only one week of vacation. There have been a num her of petitions circulated through the school this week to Hee if two weeks could not be had, but no one seems to know whether they care CHRISTMAS AHD HEW YEAR’S PRESENTS IS AT JENKINS, The Reliable Jeweler A New Line of Handsome CUT GLASS and HANI) PAINTED CHINA. Watches and Clocks, Splendid Silver Ware, China and Lockets, Etc All suitable for Christinas and New Year Presents. Call in and inspect my stock before the liest is sold. enough for the extra vacation to run the risk of receiving the ill will of the school board. Some have already had their names erased. Notice of Thanks. Administrator’s Notice. Wanted, a First Class Milker, a married man. A good house to live The relatives of the late Mr. W. C. Morton wish, through the columns The debate which the High School of the Headlight, to express their had last Thursday night at the heartfelt thunks for the many kind Commercial Club was enjoyed deeds and expressions of sympathy greatly by thelligh School students. shown them in their late bereave­ The club certainly is getting really to dp a good work and we only ment. wish that we were old enough to Milker Wanted. join. __________________ N otice is H kukhv U ivbn .—That the County Court of the State of Oregon, for in. Apply to J. H. Hathaway, Till, Oie County of Tillamook. has appoluled the unilersigned. the administrator of the aiiiook. estate of LOUIS lll.ATTI.AR. deceased, anil all persona having claims against the Team for Sale. .¡.id elate, arc hereby requieed to present the same, together with the proper vouchers, One Driving Team, with new to the undersigned, either at the oilier of II T. Botts, attorney-at-law. at Tillamook harness for sale. Price $100. Apply City. Oregon or to T. Il Coyne, attor- '.ey-nt-iMW, at Tillamook City. Oregon, to A. Emerson, near Maple Leaf within six months from the date of this Creamery, Tillamook, Ore. notice. tinted tills December 15th. 1910. M. A H Hl. A N A L I*. Administrator of the estate of Louis Blaltlnr. deceased. For the Ambitious SI iUniberöitp ? Oucation/ Fine Daisy Farm 386 acres, lying 3 miles from Florence, the banking and »hipping center of the district, with regular boat to Portland. 13b acres is dyked tide marsh, all in grass and worth $3U) per acre, 41 a :res tide marsh in grass and not dyked, worth $100 per acre. 216 acres rolling l>ench carries4 million feet of virgin timlier, worth $6000— at local mills in logs at $3.00 |>er thousand. This 216 acres after it is logged, will l>c worth $100 ,»er acre for ivasture and apple raising. Fresh water trout stream runs through the tract. Fine building site, but no building. Only 30 minutes by motor boat to bank at Portland boat landing. Good school, church, stores, creamery, mill, etc., near building site. Total present value. $711,700. I want to sell and will take $20 000. with $6- (11) cash and balance long time with 6 per cent interest. G ki >. M elvin M iller . Box 35, Eugene. Or. HANDICAPPED The lx»y or girl with any defcct of vision is greotly handicapped in the pursuit of knowledge ill the school nmm. If your boy or girl does not show a high |>er ventage of average in the school re|H>rt the probabili­ ties are that there ie some­ thing the matter with the eyes. ~ To finii out costs you nothing if i you will bring them to me for examina- lion. It doesn't pay to guess alsiut the eyesight of your child—it is better to wee that the eyes are ___ right. If glasses are needed I am prepared to furnish the exact thing that will meet the needs of the case. Remember f" that they are guaranteed for one year. anil 1 am here to _ ____ make them good, “ Traveling fa- kits are not.IL I fiyiERH is n<» need for von to lie worti ont bv I holitlav prcparntiona if you tuake gootl use of vonr téléphoné. The Bell telephone companies have found that just before Christinas the number of daily con­ nections is the highest fur the year. The telephone has become a necessity of the holiday season, liecause without it most people would not have time to do what they have planned. Christman cheer extends beyond the city limits, and the universal Bell System helps to carry it throughout the laud. PACIFIC TKLFURAPH KVNPANY, Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. For Sale. Werner Grand Piano in a hand­ The quicker a cold is gotten rid This instrument of the less the danger from pneu- some oak finish, is practically new and can be had lllolllll nnd oilier serious diseases. Mr. B. W. I., llall. of Waverly, Vu„ at low cost, Stool un J scaif includ- “I firmly believe Chamber ed. Call and see it at suya: Inin's Cough Remedy to be ubsolute J oe T hekdich ' h , ly the best preparation on the mar­ The Pop Corn Palace- ket for colds. I have recommended it to my friends and they nil agree with me." For sale at Lamar’s Team for Sale. Drug Store.______________ For Sale, a nice young team of Every family has neeil of a good bey mares. Apply to F. N. Elliot. reliable liniment. For sprains, bruises, soteness of the m.tscles For Sale. ami rheumatic pains there is none better than Chamberlain’s. Sold by 30 acres of rich Nehalem river Lamar's Drug Store. bottom land. For particulars and "I hail been troubled with consti­ pation for two years anti tried ull of price call on or address the owner, the best physicians in Bristol, Tenu.. George R. Me Ki menu, Nehalem, and they could do nothing for me.” Ore. writiw Thus. E. Williams, Middle- boro, Ky. “Two packages of Cham­ Singer Sewing Machine. berlain's Stomach anil Liver Tab­ lets cured me.” For sale by Lamar's Now is your opportunity to get Drug Store. a machine that will last you a life time, on eas; sy monthly, payments that you wi ill scarcely miss and no interest. I personally guarantee every ma­ chine and will keep it in repair free of charge. Your old machine will be taken M part payment. e Machines delivered st your home, by mail thoaa who caanot aftau«l la on free demonstration trial. paraitu All iaslrmtiuo, iucludlng final Call in and see the New Singer Wk nx am illation*, la FREI. Fur taacheia B urdett S hipman , Tillamook, Ore. »tiulrnU preparing tor collaga or univnrsl tjr, wu*M*M * duba, grange«, an granar« and Whalem's J ewelry Store hum* in*krr* No preliminar/- nannna- Uoo I* required. Thk* maU ouoiaa menu* opportunity for you you. Send for a deaoriptíea bulletin to the THE ■5 A RUSSIAN SPY. Trepoff’» R um to G«t st ths Plane «f the Nihilist«. B«l«ng to th« S«nd«r< to th* Addrsx^’ Under the postal regutajJ When the fatuuus General Tre|xrff was only at the beginning of bls rulings of the histuss J career Vera Sassullicb wus tils Invalu­ Unltod Stales a letter able ansisiaut. to the persou to whomi« ij Tre|s>ff was the detested enemy of | it Is delivered to btui. Tj, J the nihilists, aud be was very anxious a right to reclaim s^ to obtalu Inside luformatlou as io tlielr sion of It. provided tw^J doings aud plans. Suddeuly oue day the satisfaction et the In 1878 be was tired at while drtvlug through the streets of 8t. Petersburg the office from which It » uj by uo other Ilian Vera Sassullti h. She he was the writer vt it J was at once seized by tlie soldiery and the letter has arrived M J waa charged with the attempted mur­ which is Its destination w J der of Trepoff. living tried in the ordi­ has beeu delivered >o the«( nary manner; hut. to the amazement whom it is addressed ¡t , called by the writer bj J of the public, she was acquitted! Ou her release the ulhllists gathered through the mailing „dj,, * The regulations <>t 11» pod about her. desiring to udmlt such a friend of the people to their closest ac- partuieut of course rvqnir»1 qutiintauce. In this way she was ad­ utmost care shall I* mitted to all their private circles aud postmaster at the o S ti J was made acquainted with tbelr se­ ascertain that the ts-rsue tG to withdraw the letter b J cret H These she at owe communi­ cated to the Russhiu government. The one who is entitled to do truth was that the whole business, in­ postmaster is responsible turd if be delivers the letter to «J cluding the attempt on bls life, was or an uuuutboriied persm faked by Trepoff hlmaelf. and It was The vital principle iu wJ »imply a clever ruse to get from I be system Iles at the bottom st* nihilist» what could not tie got In any ter. lu this country tbeaj other way. Thereafter Vera Sassu- , servant or ugeut ot the d m liteb played the part of government ■ master. It remains tuemt j »l>y on luuumerable oecaskma. throughout the transiulssud ter. The state may presmq tlotts under which Its »< with Wallis sheep dvgx. TRI Ing taring dime In mleiillFI the present race of St. #1 though mongrel, like the first* aud stronger ibnu the Mil «1 said. The railways have madrsi Bernards almost unuenwarrs they continue on the old stxaal ter when the sut>w Ilex high « mule dogs are used for nw* In distress. They tire foltasdl on snowshoes, who carry Each of the older lings baa wl young isitupaiilosa. wblrt kl the business.—Boston I’ost Seen In a Ortas. Mr. nilpreeliL professor if I og.V In the LTilversIty of l*M In 18113. when piizzllnc orsi of objects exi-iivHlHl si RtbfHi ed lu s dream the solutm«»1 culty that confronted him. Tn Ings represented fngiuevurff scribed with iharseters TV supposed to la- lilts of lilts*l^ lielltg nppiirently of differegl wette not closely ussuc I xih I »»I the professor. Bin In a dmal • n Assyrian priest, wbstdfll I the priests of tlie Temple Ing received « votive e. tnnny resident of Bridgtwaar. M« He ret It up at I'reudlz. Bohemia, in was while lie w»» If ring tktf 1754. and It was 130 feet high. Though Incident occurred trbkk h the Emperor Stephen and the Empress low. It Illustrate» hl» ta»** Maria Theresa publicly proclaimed whimsical temper. their confidence In the Inventor, a and He was awakened ow L-*1 most disastrous drought that afflicted wife, who told him tbr O’** the country a year later was ascribed were burglars In the borne > by the »uiwrstltloiia populace to the newfangled device, and Dlvlsch was put on bls dressing «’>»• compelled to take It down. It Is not downstairs. In the tact probable that Franklin waa acquaint­ a rough looking nun try®« door that led Into the l»df* ed with Diviach's experiment. The burglar had nnlrert * and was pulling it wiik«®*! Wrong End of ths Milk. “ft doe> <>i>en that shouted th squire. m M k ** predicament Instantly. ■It’** One morning while trade waa slack and be bud settled himself In ths »tors chair fur a few minutes a north side grocer was Interrupted by the entering of a very small daughter.of Africa, who. bracing herself in the middle of the store, said. "Mam wants some aium milk.” whereu|s>u she received the asked for amount of skimmed milk Net a O'«»* “I can’t underitsod <' doctor | am afraid th* 1 thing terrible the man« •’* "What are his •ytnp»«*J’ "Well. I often talk <• * an hour at a time, aad •* through he haan t tb» * The grocer had Just settled himself flor another rvit when be »«a again Interrupted by that selfsame bottle of Ink: "Man don't want this. She want that what’s scummed off the top.“— Indianapolis News. Pre been earing.” “Doot worry any "‘"j husband i«l«blk»d*F Saved From Awful Death. How an appalling calamity in hia family waa prevented ia told by A. D. McDonald, of Fayetteville. N. C.. R. F.D. No A “Myalster hadconanmp- | tion." he write*, “»he wa» thin and |mle. had no ap|»etite and seemed to grow weaker every day. a« nil rem ■ ediea failed, till Dr. King'« New Dim'overv w.xa tried, and so com-1 nletely cured her. that ahe has not ‘ twen troubled with a cough since. It's the best medicine 1 ever saw or heard of.” For coughs, colda, ia- gTiptre. asthma, croon, hemorrhage, all bronchial troubles. It haa no ■ equal. 3tlc. $1.(U. Trial bottle free. | jGuaranteed by Chaa. I. (. lough. j i Warna* “Too many rooks W* * quoted Te». the Just trine aa tV to» ■* * . •poll the appetite." »*** * mug -Pbt,addpbla R*** I