TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 15. 1910. I rniTPT S- A. Brodhead.election exp.. Iti. 42 State of Oregon vs. C. W. l.owden. 1 NERS’ COUKl. Hcte Cassidy, witness........ ... LUI) E. \V. Stanley, justice .... .. 8.15 I Alfred Olofson, roadwork .., 14300 W. C. McCoy, witness .... . 11.90! -lared “Wet”—A U. G. Jackson, plats ................ 6.00 m. Lausegnout, witness . 11.10! ■als, road work ... A. G. Beals, .......... 06.00 State of Oregon vs. Emil Fisher. nber of Bills for Work in R. D. No. 1. E. W. Stanley, justice........ 6 JO ark and Other 7.50 Chas. Lansegnout. witness . 11.10 Fred Zaddach.......... 18.(0 H. D. Madison, i Ordered Paid. W. H. Brobet .......... _____________ _ witness.... . 13.70, (MA 75 Thad Stevens, witness ! Alex Anderson.......... . 11.90 71.00 |U County Commia- E. Worthington .... State of Oregon vs. Emil Miller. 45.00 1,,.,-d of County Judge Fred A. Emery........ 7.15' 6.25 E. W. Stanley, justice.......... . Chas. Easom............ If you knew what Christmas stocks ; • • t,.,l and Commissiou- Fred Kabba.............. we have had in previous years, and 5.(0 Geo. W. Russell, witness .... 15.90 > Lnd Alley transacted John Larsen 3.75 i State of Oregon vs. Uz Nolan. ..... then know that our present one is the largest and best ever you realize 2.50 E. W. Stanley, justice.............. Alex McDonald . .. ■business last week : 2.K5 what a pleasure is in store for you when you come to our store to inspect ¿ik.Tu state of Oregon vh . Emmett Jenkin*. Leion of the court was C. V. Preston............ Emil Larsen.............. E. W. Stanley, justice ............ 2.85 it. It is a pleasure for us to show and explain our lines even if you do not |s to canvas the pro- Hilmer Neistrom ... ./-.j 350. State of Oregon vs. C. F. Short - I it being found that Julius Tohl .............. buy. Bv a careful inspection of our many gifts you are almost sure to see ridge. ■f 18150 w iv L u 484 »otc-s cast for G. M. Knight .......... 2.85 45.00 K- "• Stanley, justice.............. Wm. Schollmeyer .. something suitable for your needs. Ind 795 votes against E. H. Garry................ 21.00 State of Oregon vs. Tom P. John­ Knajority of 311 votes G. Henderson............ 19. (X)! son. Lition in the county. 21.25 R. w. Stanley, justice.............. W. S. Linkhart........ 385 4.50 State of _ ____ „__ _ vs. W. ... J. v Stephens. Oregon L of work on Wilson Ed Braunersreuther 12.00 \v ........................... Stanley, justice........ . 385 L Williams’ place, the C. Doughney.............. Books, all kind. J. Angels............. .... Leather Goods. j State of Oregon i vs. P. J. Sharp. Lis ordered to take G. Wilks...................... Bibles. E. W. Stanley, justice .............. 385 Kodaks. 5.50 ~ Chester Wilks............ ■vork. 2.50 State of Oregon vs. O. A. Johnson. L of bids for the Rock Bert Cornet................ Fancy Stationery. Burnt Wood. 8.25 E. W. Stanley, justice .......... 10.10 August Davidson .. I of 1- J- Redburg and T. H. Pitts.................. 6.60 4300 D. E. Dawson, constable........ Fountain Pens. Cut Glass. liirg was accepted, it Gordon Pitts ............ 1.70 35.75 Frank McGregor, witness .... J. C. Whitney, witness .......... 1.90 Post Card Albums. 35.75 Perfume. Lester Pitts ................ Ipst bid. 1.70 54.00 Al Biggs, witness..................... L of Squires’ road, it G. Ludtke.................... Celluloid Goods. 1.20 E. Rhodes ................... 32.00 C. Van Patton, juror .............. ¡that an (agreement be C. Alley ........................ 1.40 1.50 Albert Maroif, juror.................. And other things too numerous to mention. D. Fitzpatrick, juror.................. 1.40 Irith Chas. P. Burton, Work in R. D. No. 3 Erick Glad, juror ..................... 1.20 Lid been accepted for E. J. Bartrow .............................. 28.25' L. E. Morton, juror................... 1.20 Irforinatice of said bid. : Chester Hoskins.......................... 30.00! J. A. Dawson, juror ................ 1.20 L of a bridge across Lew Smith.......... ’ ‘ ‘................... 2300 Claim of Witnesses and Jurors at ■lie bid of E. E. Cross Lew Smith Jr.......................... ... 13 a) ! November term of Circuit Court. I Walter Smith...................... .... 12.001 ¡accepted, and it was Warren Hoskins.......................... 10.00 ! A. A. Imlah. grand jury .... I said bridge be com- Gee. Hoskins .............................. 4.50 Freeman Jackson, grand jury Wants to see you. at his store you will not be urged to buy, and you are Ldy for acceptance by Geo. Eichinger............................. 19.00 F. Lewallen, grand jury ... P. J. Brown, grand jury ... . sure to be interested even if you do not see anything C. Krumloff ................................ 12.50 3.50 Geo. R. McKimens, grand |er of tlie approval of L. L. Smith, gravel .... ........ von want. 11.00 jury ............................... 5.50 i John Hickey and team .......... 8.40! bug Beach, said plat Harvey Crane and team ,. .. 20.00 E. Hall, grand jury ... Frick Glad, grand jury 6.20 I CLOUGH R ELIA BLE DR UGG IS T. Work on Road Dist. No. 3 D. S. McFalls, juror . . . . 1330 i pr of the agreement H. Marble ...................................... 26.25 W. T. Newcomb, juror 12.20 fi< Railway and Navi- N. J. Dye.......................................... 28.25 J. H. Ellison, j juror.................... 12.20 23.75 I. Jones .......................................... I R. O. Allen, jui juror....................... 17.60 iny, as said company Li-Il.- Smith, c —.'.I. juror 2. J. H. Jones..................................... 18.75 1 Sollie .................... 360 )I I building a railroad H. Christensen............................ 31.25 I Kasper Schlappt, juror...... 1340 Foley. I t> to Tillamook and as A. Anderson.................................. 12.50 I F. W. Robitsch, juror............. 14.20 W. II. Hoskins, judge... re to destroy a large Kelly Coffman.............................. 33.75 i M. V. Stillwell, juror............... 12.20 W. H. Sales, judge ........ Earl Marble .................................. 26.25 Brad Batzner, juror ................. 18.00 Maty road, the county ¡John Hickey, judge ... 4.25 i Marcus Curl, juror.................... 17.00 . S. M. Batteison, clerk Wm. Bodyfelt ..« .................... r agreement to rebuild N. Sherman ................................ 17.50 1 Geo. W. Kiger, juror.............. 12.20 : Hugh Rittenhouse, clerk kind in a good work- H. R. Heisseiberg .................... 375 I C. C. Jenson, Juror................... 16.21) ; Clay Daniel, clerk ... 3 75 Arthur Provoost, Juror........... 1340 J. Jenson.............................. ........ ler. was approved. Fairview. 67.50 B. A. Leach ................................. Wm. Armstrong, Juror ............ 18.20 ■er of completing the 1 F. I). Bester, judge ........ le Netarts road, it was Frank Dye...................................... 65.00 L. A. Edgar, Juror.................... 12.80 ■ Luke Wolfe, judge............ C. Dye ...................... .................... 57.50 Chas. A. Johnson..................... 14.40 ■W. B. Alderman and ! Dolph Tinnerstet.......................... 12.50 i Jacob Jordi, Juror...................... 12.80 1 J. H. Jones, judge .......... The man who labors six days in the ■1 be apjtointed as view- . C. Christensen.............................. 55.00 IE.E. Cross,Juror........................ 16.40 ! I). R. Tinnerstet, clerk . week for a living, should make an W. E. Noyes, clerk ............ ■ on the practicability A. Sherman.... .......................... 30.00 Frank Paul, Juror........................ 12.40 W. H. Leach .................................. 25.00 A. J. Huston, Juror................. 15.80 M. Abplanalp, clerk....... effort to save a part of his earnings for ■lew survey on the Ne- Wm. Thun,Juror......................... 8.80 Garibaldi. Work in Road Dist. No. & that time in the future when Age l)i< next term of County j A. W. Atterbury, Juror .......... 12.20 N. McMillan, Judge.. Albert Darby........................ '........ 25.25 shall reduce his earning capacity. Marion Darby ............................. 2225; . M. W. Harrison, Juror.............. 12.20 A. S. Bent, Judge..... I A. M. Ginn, special vinirc 6.20 J. M. Harrison, Judg ■ ng bills were also al- ! Amos Vaughn............................. 29.20 Tile man with a bank account is iu 9 40 C. A. Johnson, Clerk H. R. Heisselberg...................... 22.25 Geo. S. Young, special vinirc a position to do this for this plan of i John Biggs, special vinire . . 6.20 E. Kahkee, Clerk....... Jack Jensen .......... .. ..................... 9.50 6.20 Otto Shearer, Clerk .. ■ Co., mdse........ . 11.3» ' A. Sherman and team.............. 12.00 F. Hadley, special vinire... . setting aside a icgnlar amount each 4.9t)| A. Swager and team ................ 6.20 it. mdse.............. 3.00 A. Zurcher, special vinire.... Hebo. month or week from the salary, is the 3 80 Amos Vaughn.............................. 70. 6.20 pulse................... M. W. Storey, special venire . (M) ideal method of saving money. 6.20 J. J. McGinnis, Judge let al. R. W. .. . 30.84 ' Frank I.ong A Co ...................... 50.00 J. D. Jones, special venire...... 6.50 Bay City Lumber Co......... Is, mdse ............ 6.20 Alex Nelson, Judge.... Your deposit will lie welcomed at 61.90 Paul Erickson ............................ 6.20 C. C. Jenson, Judge ... 1. piling............. . 32.40 Fred Wheeler............................ 134.11 N. McMillan................................... this bank—we will help you save. Dumber............. . 34.98 H. M. Farmer............................... 3 20 Geo. Worthington,Clerk ... Work on Road Dis. No. 4. 4. OU Frank Hadley............................... 3.20 Frank Worthington, Clerk Bell, towing..... .. 9.001 Alwin Blum and team.............. 65.5Ü Charles Burke.............................. 320 J. R. Lawrence. Clerk........ Hoquarton. 320 ■ Co., mdse .... . 3). 60 Elmer Hall...................................... 350 Robt. Watt................................... 1. mdse............. . 29.15 Riley Simmonds and team... 41.00 State vs. Leitheiser. Thus. Coates, Judge............ 7.68 C. E. Pearson and team ........ 40.00 ■ 11, road plank. 4.20 F. S. Whitehouse, Judge . .8.35 Carl Possetti . klse ..................... ............ 21.75 Mrs. Earl Ford............................. ¿20 Alex watt, judge John Zurfluch................ . ............. 17.50 Earl Ford ...! >. road construe T. B. Handley, Clerk........ State vs. Tyler. . 685.50 Will Turner .................................. 300 S. A. Brodhead, Clerk...... mauling lumber 52.05 Ame Blum and team.............. 24.00 W. A. Saling................................. 5.40 C. B. Vantress, Clerk........ Ell, lumber.......... 4O.(X) Wm. Korth ............ .................... 11.25 M. W. Harrison......................... .. 2.20 Little Nestucca. L roadwork ........ 1U(X) Chas. Desmond ...................... 1635 Erwin Harrison....................... .. 320 2.75 Linzey Goldsworthy.................. 14.35 Stella Heilmeyer.............. .... p. roadwork........ 5.(0 S. H Rock, Judge............... ■ Co., mdse......... 98.00 Henry Schield, team.................. 19.00 Mrs. Delia Tyler......................... 2.20 T. R. Wilson, Judge.......... Fred Scherzinger, Judge . lumber................. 188.91 " Earl ‘ Pearson “ 5.00 [mdse .............. 26.00 John Proctor. 300 Claim of Deputy Sheriffs of Election. W. H. Christensen, Clerk ~---- ---- .. . . 3 (J|) Chas. Fox, Clerk......... I os., mdse ........ 23 (X) B. W. Turner 7.50 Jas. E. Effenberger, Nehalem ______ Parrish I Est., gravel.... 1310 G. VV. 18.75 W. H. Easom, Foley ................ 300 J. C. Dunn.................... [Co., mdse.......... 322 H. Edgar Netarts 7.00 J. J. Iztncore, Bay .................... 300 Btdse .................. 270.75 ~ Ren steinnon................................ 1.50 Will. Kimball, Tillamook .... 300 B. O’Hara, Judge pn. roadwork ... 10.75 H. B. Johnson, team .............. M25 wn," 300 Chas. Lee, Judge .. *.V~. Bodyfelt, Hoquorton ... I, lumber ............ 5.86 Marion Darby ............................. 350 Bell Johnson, South Prairie . 3.00 M. J. Cone, Clerk For the next 30 days, Commencing Mercantile Co. . . 20.65 Russ Johnson .............................. 350 A. Foland, Beaver .................... 300 A. A. Yager, Clerk roadwork ....'. 11.50 M. W. Storey ........... f.... 19.00 J. J. Hollett, Blaine ................. 300 Nehalem. 31.71 J. Salwey................................ . Iwon, mdse 4.50 James Atkinson, Sandlake MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 3«) Mdse................. 87.05 300 Frank A. Rowe. Judge Work on Road Dist. No. 5. G. W. Parrish, Carnahan .... board.................. 21.25 At PAGE BROTHERS, Salvage Store. 300 Fred Zaildach, Judge Cliff Mattoon, Hebo.................. Ben Collier...................................... )r. Co................. 32.10 A. Curl ............................................ : 6-00| T. A. Porter, Little Nestucca. 300 Wm. Tubbeiiing, Judge 1350 I Hall, Clerk.......... Iber Co............. 37.10 \crt>88 the street from Rosenberg’s Grocery. 300 Albert Earl Ayer, Union ...................... mdse ................ 6451.20 C. Curl ............................................ 1350 1.. Hickman. Barnegat............ 300, H. F. Effenberger, Clerk R. McClay ...................................... 9.75 Boyakin, Clerk ...... D. s. Everything will be sold at a sacrifice to L stationary ... .. 1.00 General Election. Heilmeyer.................... 50 Sandlake. ter Works . 1600 George G. M. Heilmeyer ................ 50 600 (luce the stock for removal. W. H. Effenberger, Nehalem Meed, salary . . . 50.0) J- Edwards, Judge..... 3.00 W. H. Easom, Foley................. 3(1) Ill, salary .... . 28.00 R. McClay and team................ E<1 wards. Judge ..... s. Our stock comprise*» Furniture, Stoves, Tronbouh .......................... . Z25 Fred Paquet, Garibaldi .......... aoo V Salary ................ 38.60 Ed Hays, _ . Judge _ ........... K. R.___ A . G riest......................................... 4.50: 3.00 C. H. Blaser, Barnegat .......... L damages ... l(X).0l) Dishes P remier pressed Cut Glass Ware, Gninite 325 W. B. Elliott, Bay .................... 0.00 I I. R. Thompson, Clerk I, extra work .. .. 125.1X1 Merril Davis.................................. Eugene Atkinson. Clerk 7.50 T. F. Fisk, Tillgmook.............. 9.01) 1 ...... Ware, Gi xs, New and Second Hand Home fa work.............. .. 125.00 R. Thompson .............................. Walt here .............................. 300 Wm. Bodyfelt, Hoquarton 9.00 N. J. Myers, Clerk............. n, extra work.. .. 135.IX) Otto South Prairie. 11. fohl ............................................ 5.75 A. Foland, Beaver ................... Furilishings of every discription. 6.00 Is. printing 7.50 300 G. C. Vaughn, Judge (y. road work., .. 38.20 U. S. Edwards and team ... 28.50 Hans |en»on, Blaine .............. U. S. Edwards .......................... 5.00 300 I A.F. Biliby. Judge James Atkinson, Sandlake NOTE We will hold Auction Sales Christ- braid .......... .. 3U. 75 J. Galloway............................ 350 G. W. Parrish, Carnahan.... 300 I. F. Leach, judge liner A Co. ./. 5.50 M. H. A. Balberg ............................. 350 _____ , Clerk Ik 00 I). Fitzjiatrick. Cler E. W’orthington, Hebo ........ idge Co.............. 4281.40 300 T. A. Porter, Little Nestucca 6.00 T. W. Lysler, Clerk idge Co .......... 2895.15 IC. R. Haya...................................... I W. B, Edwards .......................... 8.75 6JM) C. C. Murphy, Union E. J. Geinger, Clerk fndse.................. 3(M) 3. W. Ramsey.............................. 6.75 Bel) Johnson, South Prairie.. &IJ0 Tillamook. wing, printing 320 ■ Jay Hoyt.......................................... 5.00 Harrison Booth, Fairview.... 600 ler, work. .. . F. I„ Sappington. Judge )• Thompeoi n 4.50 pror k.................. Judges and Clerks of Election. P. W. Todd, Judge .... 350 latnages ........ Bay Precinct. M. I Stillwell. Judge C. Creecy and team ................ 375 I ....... ........ 370 Frits Drebert .. .............. .. ............. D. Hoag. Clerk.. Elliott, judge .... w. S. 1.00 mdse ............. 23 40 Oscar Werechkul, Clerk 325 A. E. Nichlas. judge ... Igh, mdse.......... .... 34.19, Frits Uhlig...................................... Julius Mercier, Clerk E. B. Jacoby, judge .... [care of J. Bush. Work on Road Dist No. 6. 4.44 ! Union. F. E. Bornertiann, clerk Ph n son.................. 4ft 00' Wm. Glick.......... 18.60 Hicks, clerk........ H. A. Allies, bulge ... U. •, Co. poor ..,.. 35. (M> Ed Knoblock ... 5.O) Miller, clerk ........ R. Alien, Judge ........ 5.60 Jeff Flick............ Truant officer.. 21.00 W R. Rolieder, fudge Braver. It*, salary.......... 1.160 Webster Hudson 5350 B. S. Clark, Clerk......... i salary .............. 4351) Tom Edwards .. >.uv A. O. Jackson, judge 7.00 E. R Ayer, Clerk .... M. Sup . ............ .36.00 Elmer Calkins .. 8.00 Otto Walther, judge ... C. F. Murphy. Clerk taillight................ 148.06 Will Hudson ... 8.25 I W. N. Hava, judge ... ty ..................... 4.00'E. K. Gilbert, clerk ... 1.06 A. Hill.......... Hl. lx»ard........... .. 27.(1) John Imlah 2.0U S. C. Wood, clerk .... Ends Winter» Trouble» 1- A F. Co.......... 4.00 W. F. Bissell 4.00 A. W. Bunn, clerk .... To many, winter is a season of Ir. Sup................... 17.40 Martin Jenk 10.00 I Barnegat. trouble. The frost bitten toe» and ■ ». Sup . ........ 31.») J. J. Hudson fingers, chapped hands and lips, »ell. deputy .. . 4065 Dan Fletcher chilblain», cold sores, red and rough •n. Su»> .......... 3100 David Werechkul •kina, prove thia. Hut such trou , current exp .... 370 tiles fly before Buklen'a Arnica John A. Biggs, jr.. clerk Coat Bill. State of Oregon vs. Jim ee. expence .... 300. Salve. A trial convinces. Great .F. D Mitchell, clerk . Wilaon registrar............. 1.1»)' ent healer of Burna. Boils. I’des. 'A. C. Robinson, clerk Co. poor.............. 15 tn E W. Stanley, justice.......... 690 Cuts. Sores. Eczema and Sprain Blaine. 4.90 4.00 D. E. Dawson, constable Only 22c. at Chas I Clough a wiomtne »50 J D. Jones, juror ................ 1.20 W D. Giedweil. judge JEW El.ER LEADING md Tel. Co . When you ha%e a cold get a hoi 1.20 I. C. Creecy, judge ... M38 C. B. Wiley, juror ................ (hone Co .... 1.20 H. A. Walter, judge tie of Chamberlain’a Cough Remedy. 4.90 . A. Dawson, juror.......... Of ’• election .. 2 3) R O. Richards, clerk 1.(1) - C. Quick juror................ It will fix you “P alright and i Co. poor, 13> E. E. Rowland, clerk will ward off any tendency tanaard .x>.uu J. H. Ellison .............. . board pneumonia Thia remedy contains 65) To Judges and Clerk» of Special F. J W elsh, cleik 4 salary no opium or other narcotic and »ICO! Election at Bay City Carnahan. Mrv .. .1ft on S. W Elliott, judge........ may be given as confidently to a .TOO L H. Moore, judge ... Til.I AMOOK ■ salary habv as to an adult. Sold at .’<100! bS. Craig, judwa................. K>> Elmer Hall, judge........ » salary . . •ale th<- remoli« 11 m II J’mbrelln 133.31, ’. B. Elliott. )i>d(n.............. Lamar* • Drug Stor e _____ James Christensen, judge _ 3 00 IHI1< Ii k salary ... 5ft <11 H R. Gregg, clerk .. . 300 Chariea Desmuwd. clerlt "I had lieen troubled with const in W ah h* I» fftld »Mt. aolarv \\ allien < MlOt I. ii. Hicks, clerk G. H Craoe. clerk .......... 4. to pation for two years and tried all of »n. nxiae I'-wrlf) fh4n dii V t»la< e rl*e 3.8; H H Miller, clerk .............. .300 ' Alwin Mum. clerk .... the best phvaiciane in Bristol. Tenn . Mlary ... in United HUitee. iJOaO J. J Longcor. deputy ..... 3 0C and they could do nothing lor me, ' Dolph. i »Mary........ I.« 31' Cost Bill. State of Oregon vg. Jake writes Thns. E Williams, Middle »alary .... |H C. White, judge .... W.® bora. Ky. "Two packages of Cham Miller Mlary Orter. Keltow. judge .. •a 3* tierlain s Stomach jnd Liver Tab etpenae Stanley, justice ... 7.13 Wm Baxter, judge w <1 K ..«DI let» cured me." For »ale bv Lamar « !<-' ol . mdse It .5 *.ha- Adkins, witneaa............ 6 30 Gen. Baxter, ilerk.......... Itfl1 Drug Store G t. Culver, witness ............ 11.10 CLOUGH’S Christmas Announcement,. OUR STRONG LINES ARE S take good care of WHAT YOU SPEND YOUR LIFE P0 EARN. I® 101 TILLAMCOK COUNTY BANK. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. REMOVAL SALE EXTRAORDINARY PAGE BROS Props . i UI: Is white and has not lead green tints like other Cut Glass you buy I ibbey elsewhere. only for Sale by Howard Wahlen i 1 have the finest line Watches, Jewelry and Siiv (i ware ever shown in