TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FAMOUS STAR GROUP. A GASTRONOMIC JOY. A HINDU WIZARD. Th» Constellation Orion In Legend and Literatur». The constellation Orion Is mentioned la the literature of all age». In Egypt it repieseuled llorus. the young or ris­ ing sun. in u boat surmounted by stars, closely followed by Sirius, which was shown ns a vow. It has also been found sculptured on the walls of Theis'» 5.C00 years ago. And on the ini-a of that early tlna- It shone down from the same position and with the lame brightness as it does on us today, a striking example of the unchauge- nblenrei of the heavens. From th-. days of the early Hindus to the r vient the constellation hus for some ii-.iwu borne always a »torniy < linrncter. Allusions to Its direful In Otv-nce lire found everywhere among the cln’slc v.liters. Thus Milton wrote When with fierce wind» Orlon arrived Iiatn vexid the Red »ea coast. The loss of tlie Roman squadron in the first Punic war was ascribed to the fleets having sailed Just after the ris­ ing of Orion. The group has also been employed as n calendar sign. Its morn In" rl“'ng Indicating the beginning of sumnicr. Its midnight rising the season of grape gathering nnd Its early even­ in’: rising the arrival of winter, with Its attendant storms, lu recent times the group has always represented a great hunter or warrior. Its present title cnnie Into Greek astronomy from the Euphrates mid originally signified the light of heaven. English Recipe For tha Fam Soup» a la Crecy. In tlie "Illustrated London Cookery Book.” by Frederick Bishop. late cui- »Iner to St. Junie»’ istlace. Earl Grey, the Mlirqui» of Stafford. Baron Rolli- scliild. Earl Norbury. Captain Dun­ combe aud many of the first families of Great Britain (1852). we Hud this recipe for sou pt- a la Crecy: "Cut half a pound of lean ham In flloe. three onions, four turnips, twelve mrrots (the outer side red only), a bend of celery, a fagot of sweet herbs, two blades of mace. six cloves, a bay leaf mid half a pound of salt butter. Fry all down tn a stewpan until they get n little brown; then add some second stock and stew until all the roots ure quite tender: then rub it through u tammy sieve or tammy cloth with two long spoons. If very thick add more stock. Season with cayenne mid black pepper and salt mid a good bit of sug­ ar. Send up on a napkin some nice fried bread cut In small dice nnd not greasy." This Is far less elaborate than it sounds nnd Is. indeed, in the main the recognized recipe for the royal soup. The spice is. If anything, u trifle over­ done. mid the carrots want to be well < liost-n. us the slightest strlngluess de­ stroys the homogeneity of the com- [found The bread dice are important and should be fried in the very best butter or superlatively good olive oil.— l’all Mull Gazette. Mi» Trick That Puzzled an Occidental Master of Magic. Some "of the tricks of the Hindu 1 wizards are past understanding, ac­ cording to an occidental master of ■ magic who was speaking of his orien- i tai rivals. This is what he says saw a Hindu wizard do In a < lub Lucknow: "He took a board and placed It four glass goblets, thus elevating from the floor. A youngster sitting the Isiard was requested to place his bands together, palms up. Then the Juggler took a glass of water and poured It into the outstretched hands of the boy. In the meantime the boy bad been mesmerized, and his atten­ tion was fixed on u point Indicated by Gradually the water the magician. _ turned green tn color and then devel- opel into a Jelly which increased In density until it became as solid as a stone. Out of the center of this ap­ peared the head of a snake, which gradually developed until In the place of the water there appeared a hissing reptile. I was amazed. 1 can assure you. but the trick was not yet com­ pleted. Hitting the reptile upon the bend with bis wand, the Juggler took It up carefully and placed It back in the glass. As we looked it became transformed Into a Jelly, which In turn melted into a greenish colored water. Clearer mid cleurer became the fluid until it was of Its original color, mid then the Juggler placed it to his lipa and drank the entire contents. This was the most wonderful trick I ever saw performed, aud it is as mysterious to me today as it was then.” CORDITE. BABY TURTLES. A ttorn E y GATE GOLDEN Kcsidents. 1 Office opposite p^J Bo,h phot* C arl haberi ,ÂC8 i heaves Tillamook fon attgrney . at . u , ©entacher Astoria and Portland, Office across the stiwt t- J the Fugt THURSDAY of Each Week. I Q.EORGE A ttorney - at -U Freight and Passengers Next to Tillamook (J Bank, T illamook H. FOR RATES—ADDRESS 1. R. GLADDEN, Agent. ' M GOYNE, A ttorney - at Ln Office : Opposite Court 1 T illamook , 0 reg <* R. Two Powerful Explosives T. BOALS, RD. Kneaded Into Paste. ENGLAND. Cordite Is the outcome of the strange paradox that If you mix together two PHYSICIAN & SUM powerful explosives the result Is u Started by London Goldsmith* In the Seventeenth Century. TILLAMOOK smokeless slow burning powder. Ni­ The business of banking was not In­ troglycerin mid gun cotton mixed to­ Office- Olson Building. ! gether with a little petroleum Jelly troduced Into Englund until the seven­ A live business training school. Endorsed by business men. Residence: Mrs. Weiss’ hnMJ make cordite. It Is curious to see Hie teenth century, wbeu it began to b» The school whose graduates secure positions and hold them. Mrs. Walker's. ] two deadly e> plosives being kneaded undertaken by goldsmiths lu Loudou, School in continuous session. Send together into a puste by women with who ap|>ear to have borrowed It from Living expenses low. the same unconcern us dough is knead­ Holland. It was attacked, as Innova­ for catalogue. M. KERROX, ed for bread. Indeed, machlues simi­ tions commonly are. Mr. Gilburt In lar to those used In bakeries take up bis "History aud Principles of Bauk- the work and kuead the buff colored lng” quotes from a pamphlet publish­ PHYSICIAN & SURGI cordite paste for seven hours. Then it ed In lGTfJ, entitled "The Mystery of Is forced through molds mid Issues In the New Fashioned Goldsmiths or C oncrete B cudim loug cords—heuee the uame cordite— Bankers Discovered.” a passage that the thickness of which is varied ac­ may be reproduced: Tillatncok, .. Ottjt cording to the weupon lu which it Is “Much about the same time—the to be used, time of the civil commotion—the gold­ For big guns cordite Is half no Inch smiths (or new fashioned banker») be­ J. P. AULiB]4, Proprietor. R. I. M. SMITH, thick and cut Into lengths of tblrty- gan to receive the reuts of geutlemeu’« seven luche». Rather more than a I estates remitted to town aud to allow thousand of these cordite sticks pack­ them and others who put cash luto PHYSICIAN & SUWa ed In two bundles make up the car­ their hands some Interest for It If It Special Attention paid to Tourists. Office over J. A. Todd 4 (1 tridge for n twelve Inch gun. For the remained but a single mouth in their Tillamook, On-, j rifle cordite Is pressed Into a very thin hands or even a lesser time. There A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation» string, like the Quest in uronl. and was a great allurement to put money sixty of these strands one inch and a into their hands, which would bear half long make the neat little bundle interest till the day they wanted It. C. HAWK, which Iles Inside the cartridge case. and they could also draw It out by For some European armies cordite Is £100 or £50. etc., at a time ns they made in Hut thin strips like whale­ wanted It with Influltely less trouble —Ith *hM»ZO« •>»»» I-»» la th» habit of parla». bone. Kept away from tire, cordite than if they hud lent It out on either •ad you will that »• offer you »•uUlaatiaftav. PHYSICIAN & SURfll i« 2" •1_7"rk •"‘1 »»“ <■•» ""t «•« b^r Suaiii can be bundled with Impuuity.—Lou­ real or personal security. The conse- «nywherw, uo matter how much you pay. don Graphic, quence was that It quickly brought a Wo finish plat« and bridge work for o«t- great quantity of cash into their BAY" CITY, OREGOl or-town natrons ¡a on day if deaired Th» Roar of China’» Duck». Mountain* of Moab bauds, so that the chief or greatest of lainJe«« oxtraction The valued family re ­ rtee'whea plate* or Tourists in China ure always sur­ Most travelers who visit the Holy them was now enabled to supply wor** cipes for cough aud cold •d CsssvRatitfn free. prised by the uumber of ducks they Land content themselves with a visit Cromwell with money In advance on R. BEALS, MeierOewnt $5.00 see. There are more ducks lu China to that restricted part west of Jordan. the revenues as bis occasion required cure, liniments, tonics and 22k Bridie Teeth 4. 00 than lu all the rest of the World, The mouutuinous regions of Moab as upon great advantages to themselves.” other remedies have as FJh-n 1.81 Their voice* are a fuinillur wound In seen by them from Jerusalem are lost REAL ESTATE, careful attention here as f.Mwl fiHint, 1.00 every towu nnd country i|K>t of the lu a purple bate tliut constantly bnugs A Chines» Hero. Jilwefllll.,, .50 the most intricate prescrip ­ seacoast aud the Interior of the vast over them, and the great stretches be- F inancial A gì Seed Rubber _ At Loping Hsieu is a statue draped .Me« 5.80 tions. empire, Even lu the large cities ducks youd are covered lu mystery. Thls in full dress of a mandarin (the pu •Mtff.dtt.hbw_ abound, They dodge between the cool- Is true partly because of the fewer ting or police master) named Chin, Tillamook, Orqjw. H.IM 7 les' leg* Tboy tilt squawking out of hlstork nl Incidents connected with the who gave his life for the people. An Our fresh, high grade r,ml.,, trtr'tlM a >■«, tnwam a w-niw mot MrraoM the way of the horses. Their ludlg- eastern regions, but mainly on account exile who was in the camp at Jao- drugs will help to make w<»ra full. luar.alMd f»r nrtaw .Mn. nnut quack will not uiiseldoni drown of the great abyss of the Jordan val­ chow nnd who owed the hslen (district R. P. J. SHARP, these remedies more effec- the roar of urbuu commerce. Chlhlreu ley that lias always acted as a barrier. magistrate) a grudge, rode a black tive than ever. herd ducks on every road, on every Few who descend luto the valley 1.300 horse to Loptug and, havlug killed the Painless Dentists RESIDENT DEXTS pond, on every farm, on every lake, ou feet below sen level undertake to climb hslen. got back for the Jaochow roll Right prices are also every river. There Is no back yard the hills beyond, which rise to a call next morning. As the murderer assnred. without Its duck house. There Is no height of 3.000 feet. Though Its glory could not be found orders came from I Office across the street h* boat, little or great, without Its duck Is far outshone by that of western the capital that a large uumber of the Did You Ever Try Court House. quarters. All over the luud there are I’alestlne, stUI, both in the old mid the people should be killed. To prevent great duck hatching establishments, new dl»|s*nsatlons. It tins a history of this slaughter of innocent folk the pu HARRIS’S NEW FEED AND Dr. Wise’s offi«- tunny of them of a capacity huge Its own nnd.from an economic stand­ ting, a gisxl old man. said he stabbed LIVERY barn , enough to produce 50.000 young ducks point will always enter very Inrgely the hslen after a few words over the If not, give him a call. every year. Duck among the Chinese Reliable Druggist. SARCHKT, into the life of Palestine.—Christian wine cups, and he was consequently Is a staple delicacy. It Is salted mid Herald. L . The Fashionable» beheaded. No resident of the district Everything first-class. Second smoked like ham or beef.—New York would deal the fatal blow, but an ltln- World Victor Hugo's Double. eraut cobbler or bamboo worker did It block South of P O. Cleauing, Pressing a«> Pj> Victor Hugo had a real double tn for a reward of 40 taels. Tradition Notice of Sale of Tide Landa. Willing to B» Reasonable. flesh and blood, who exploited his adds that he was struck dead by light­ iug a Special SraiTTL'L. U «nr»«.—That the "Do you believe In long engage­ physical resemblance to the man of arris w.H'-u 7*.a °!!’duOf ,he Oregon ning after leaving the execution ground. ments?" he asked after she bad con­ genius. He cut bls beard like Hugo’s, the 2 h . b,dder «t't. office in —Chinese Mercury. Oregon on sented to be his. Store in Heins I’b»«^ copied the master’s dress In its small­ 27. lBK, at 1(t:00 se In a |>oetteal attitude with the soiled collar and baggy trou­ S. WHlTEHOfi thePm i'1**.' "ild ,n « «he right to reject INSURANCE, "Let uie se*! Would you think It oughly enjoying the murmurs of curi­ hriff™ S"kl ,“,>d’ arr situated "No." answered the stranger after MARINE, ACtH* was too long If we dldu’t get married osity and applause proceeding from « Ml™ ,“* Vo"nt» Oregon, and described until a week from next Thursday?”— the gaping crowd which he deceived. suing him up; "frankly s|>eaklng. I For Stomach Trouble, Sluetiah BONDS, E* . wouldn ’ t. ” *Dd «butting o> Lol Chicago Record-Herald ofSretlon ♦. T. 2 N.. K. io w We do not hear that he reaped any Ow Liver and Habitual Constipation. “Neither would the millionaire." re­ - linebeTi’r.* 5..1 PO,,,, '“here the section Tli.LA.MOOK other reward but bls pleasure. joined the young man sadly. "I asked Both Phon«- Fallow Worms, It cures by aiding all ol the Mar *215, ? water of Nehalem him last night.“—8t. Paul Ploueer ticor^r^l "* ? 51 ' W Before Longfellow bought the bout» •’.*? l'_* e fertfrutn Didn’t Like th» Sult. digestive organs—gently stimu­ i"tL'j£2* --------------- ----- -'»■■■■,, XP Bl IM J Press. r**‘ in Cambridge so associated with his rthfn« ” "Sir." said the young mail as be en­ lates the liver and regulates the s. w ® 51* w ._ 1637.7 feet to low water L ind O ffick memory It was owued aud occupied by tered the library for the purpose of In­ line. A SFBCIALTT. Stuck to Hia Bargain. old Mrs. Cralgle Mr» t'ralgle was ■ terviewing the father of the only girl. bowels—the only way that M. 12 26' E . <1.11.3 feet along low water OWING * il Exasperated Purchaser Didn't you line. woman of uiauy wc«ntrlcltlea. Some "I am In low with .... your daughter. ___ guarantee that this parrot would re­ chronic constipation can be N. 17°line. E 677.0 feet along low water one once tried to iwrauade her to have i Ha,e you auy objection to my »ult?" lawyer peat every word be beard? cured. Especiallyrecommended N HV* 51* B , 1350 3 ra »taiffC. water "But be doenn't repeat a single Mat. neighbors’ tree» She refused to be oo . ”1 «ure hare." be replied. "Why t Clears blotched complexions. a. ^Hne^t^Ài*36 leí*1 a,o®< word." water cruel to the caterpillar* "They are I wouklu’t wear a tul»At »ult like that XeXrJ«*** ** be