TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 15, 1910 usual summer showers of rain the past summer caused a fall­ 1 ing off of pie flow of milk as well as curtailing the amount of green fee«!, but the early fall ' rains heljH-d to produce an un­ fl’itiainooh Ijcafcliabt, usual large amount of green •pasture. There would have' la-en a good increase in the out-' • put of cheese this year had it i Editorial Snap Shots. ' not tieen that the usual summer ■ showers failed to materialize. Considering everything,ami the long dry summer in Oregon, Tillamook county cannot com­ plain It held its own as the ! banner dairy section of the state, CHRISTMAS IS COMING ! In fact, it will soon be here, and we are goiiw ¡and as for profitable anti suc­ to place before the people of Tillamook a DANDY CHRISTMAS PRESENT which cessful dairying, we may state which they should not overlook. This present is contained in the property we are no v that the dairymen received on offering the buying public as “MAPLE GROVE ADDITION,” the best that there is in i an average of a little over $1.50 TILLAMOOK CITY in first class residence property, with all of the improvements abso­ per 100 of milk, or between 37c, and 38c. per pound for butter lutely guaranteed without further cost to the lucky purchaser who buys now. Time fat. And douiile the amount of space and the expense forbids us going into detail regarding our SPECIAL OFFER cheese c«>uid have been manu­ and the MERITS OF THIS PROPERTY. We have at this time sold a numbe7of factured and disposed of had a lhe choice lots in MAPLE GROVE to conservative and progressive business men of whole lot of the non-productive this city. Ask anyone of the following what they think of an investment in Maple Grove land in the county been dearie«! iii > and brought under cultiva­ Messrs. M. F. Leach, A. K. Case, Chester McGhee, T. P. Johnson, Omar C. Kiger, W I Th< ■ only interest that some tion. __________ ___ Stephens and others who already placed an investment and selected their lots in Maple p -ople have in this city is to t t- tend the city caucus and city The local newspapers take an Grove. But come in personally to this office and let us tell you WHY YOU SHOUID election and vote as the liquor active interest in boosting the BUY A LOT IN MAPLE GROVE. interests request, on matter if city ami the county. No one it is a yellow dog. That is the docs so much good as the home OUR PLAN IS THIS : We are going to GIVE YOU A CHRISTMAS PRES­ extent of their interest in the newspapers, ami they deserve ENT, one that you will look back too with pleasure and profit in time to come. From < ity. better support than they are re­ the 1st of December until the day before Christmas I am going to divide my selling ceiving. The Headlight has The pleasant, bright, warm commission with you. This means that you get a present in proportion to the amount been sounding the praises of weather in Tillamook is ¡1 great of your purchase on a lot or more in Maple Grove. The price on all lots from $-HX) to Tillamook county for 22 years, contrast to the blizzard weather doing an enormous amount of $700. The terms are from $50 to $100 cash, and the balance on a payment of $10 per in Eastern states. There are no gratuitous work, in fact, the month. J am going to give you a present of from $10 on a $400 lot up to $17.50 on a $700 crop failures, no cyclones, no whole of the business interests blizzards, no droughts, no zero lot. This plan will only be allowed to those that take advantage of this offering from the in the county have not done as weather and intense cold, no 1st of December until the 25th December, 1910. Make selection of your lot now and get much to advertise and Imostthe excessive heat and dry spells in county as the Headlight. Quite your choice while there are many to choose from. this county. Taking it as a n large nuinl>«*r of our present whole, Tillamook is a good place We are under contract with the owners to sell Twenty Lots out of Sixty-two Lots in settlers first became impressed to live, and after settling here with Tillamook by reading the the tract; after Twenty Lots are sold out of Maple Grove the balance of Forty-tv.o Lots all but few want to return to Headlight ii Eastern and mid­ advance in price to future purchasers One Hundred Dollars on the lot. Now is the time Eastern states. west status. We mention this to investigate this Christmas offering. as a plea for the citizens of this county to give their loyal sup­ port to the home newspapers. Take an interest in them. And 1 there is no better time than at Christinas and the New Year to renew your subscription or add I another one to the list of home i subscribers. It took strenuous work to run newspapers in this county on account of sparce population, and it takes a great deal of hard work and long hours Christmas is the sense in even now. It would lx*st time of the year to remem­ the busi- ber friends, and the editors are Tillamook county's best and loyal friends. They plead not True ; but as the county has contracts of that nature and you Did those who voted for a for charity, but for loyal support the reputation of containing a won't be “stung.” I lemocratic senator and a I >emo- in their effort to make this an whole lot of people who readily Banks On Sure Thing Now. cratic governor for this state industrial center and the ganleti "bit” at every proposition that conies along anti are relieved of everstop to consider that they spot of Oregon. "I’ll never be without Dr. King’s their money, we consider that New Life Pills again,’’ writes A. voted fora return of Democratic We wish to inform Bro. Ef- we have a perfect right to ex­ Schingeck, U47 Elm St., Buffalo, N.Y. hard times ? If it does come, "They cured me of chronic consti­ we want to give this advice, fenherger that the snap shot press our opinion. Tillamook pation when all else failed. I'n- man is not looking for any com ­ county was visited this year by Don’t be caught with a big (CAPT P. SCHRADER) equaled for Biliousness, Jaundice, mortgage plaster on high priced pliments, for we have passed an unusually large number of Indigestion, Headache, Chills, Ma­ I that age of life, and have been persons who make a fat living laria and Debility. 25c at Chas. I. Tillamook land should another Clough’». _______ _________ Democratic blight hit the coun­ I in the newspaper business so on those who readily put con­ try, forvalues in real estate will ’long that harsh criticism and fidence in strangers and their When your feet are wet and cold, Those who and your lxxfy chilled through and lake a t remendous drop, as well . compliments are treated some­ bunco«* schemes. We want to say “bit” this year, with their hard through from exposure, take a big as in other things. When that what alike. of Chamberlain’a Cough Rem­ (CAP. T. LATHAM). time comes it is well to be out •thin, however. Any fair mind­ earned money gone for go«xl, dose edy, bathe your feet in hot water of debt with a little motley ill ed person, who understands all see now, like Jeffries, it won't l>efore going to bed, i and you are th«1 circumstances connected “come hack.” The fact is, so almost certain to ward off a severe the bank to buy up snaps. with the petition to recall Com­ many of the agents who have cold. For sale by Lamar's Drug missioner Alley, cannot but come to this county have lied Store. admit but what it is an attempt to the people as fast, if not to do Mr. Alley an injustice and faster than a horse can gallop, ^•■nuauuaur»« a wrong, That taring the case, for they rely on that anti slick the Press is only doing its duty talk to fool the people. Those when it defends a worthy citi­ wn«> have liought st«K*k in com­ I zen and conscientious public panies which have no financial The boy or girl with any servant. Another tiling, we do rating had lK*tter consult some defect of vision is greatly not want to see another neigh­ of tilt* l«K*al bankers as to the handicapped in the pursuit borhood feud similar to that worthlessness of their st«K*k or | of knowledge in the school room. If your boy or girl which existed at N'elmlem a few insurance. The fact is, t«x», does not show a high per years ago. That important part many cautious persons art* ro|K*d ventage of average in the of the county suffered in con­ into dropping considerable of , school report the probabili­ sequence, and to «mr way of their money. A few years ago ties are that there is some­ thing the matter with the thinking, now that there is a an agent of a San Francisco con­ eyes. To find out costa you united effort to build-up and im­ cern came here with a building nothing if you will bring prove that section of the coun­ and loan proposition. Quite a .i----- to *- — * examina- them me for ty, it is certainly to I k * deplore«! numlier went into it with the tion. It doesn't pay to guess about the eyesight that this will cause more strife idea of borrowing money to of your child — it I at Nehalem. is better W e expect to see build homes, being under the to see that the eyes _ ____ are the Nehalem country become impression that they could do right. If glasses are needed It might I m * ns well to try and an important _ so ut 5 per cent, but it amount­ manufacturing I am prepared to furnish vote tin* single tax, which is to the exact thing that will TILLAMOOK, OREGON. inakt* th«* land pay the taxes, in part of the county, and it is ed to 15 per cent interest, and meet the needs of the case . united effort, not strife, which the comimnv hung on to their this county, for w«* have it great I Remember that they »re guaranteed for one year, many persons here who have will bring this alsiut. Mr.Allev money so tight that when an has done more t . . _..2 ‘ to open up and ¡application fora loan was made and I am here _____ to uj ake populistic ideas and Republi­ them good. " Traveling fa­ cans so called who vote for a I «levelop Nehalem than any man the word came back that Tilla­ kirs are not." in the county, for which he is mook County was so sparsely Ih‘niiK*ratic senator ami gover- • nor. Wouldn't it jar those wlio| to I k * commended. We may say populated that it was ail unde­ voted that way ami who own| in connection with this matter sirable field to invest money in, high priced land to have to lx*ur that tin* “pull down” and “do consequently one after another the bunlen of taxation ? But I up” spirit is not dead in this drop|>e«i out and h>st the money county. ’ Ù ’ <‘t we observe there thev paid EYE SPECIALIST. in. I-arge Office, Dining Room and I.adie»' P»«1' . This will give go the whole hog in tlu* effort a.. — .r. of ..t men .. ........ • r •• are a whole raft ______ „ ’ ’ ..... who ■ ___________ some i«lea of “working the peo- to do away with representative TILLAMOOK - OREGON. fteat Hotel in Tillamook County. reudv to pull down but ... verv . ?ry pie pie for for all al! thev they could could get get out out of of government ami allow the | h * o - f are --------- *•-- • • 1 - ___ ple to rule, for every ‘‘flouter’’ few who put their shoulder to ¡them an«l giving nothing in re- 2 ¡turn. .------ Then there was another ami noti-pro|H*rtx owner will the wheel and held upbuiki the Sturt an industry s«> j company, called coun ty . • . _ as _____ ,__ , ........ ..... the ■... Aetna, and vote, on general principles, to place the bunion of taxation on to give a pay roll and there are after jiaying into it for some .. class _i of . parasites ... here who - | this concern became im- th«* land. Th«* timber owners of a this county pay 75 per cent «»( scheme to work a graft or do J barrnsed. There are a whole the taxes, and if the valuation something that will put the in­ lot more that could I m * mention- is taken off timlier, those who dustry t«> trouble or annoyance. I «*d, in which the money j»aid in­ own large farms, instead of |»ay- Bonus men were a curse to the to them will never"come back.” iug 25 ,H*r cent, will have to pay country for years, and some of It is a good rule to adopt, if you A»4 Civ» y.» fall val»» la •»»tf»rt ui i«a< v«ar 75 |H*r cent or more of the tax«*s. them arc still looking for op- do not know the financial stand­ How's that for our freak sty le of |H>rt unities to make money in ing of fakir concerns,consult the that amt other “butt in” trans­ local Ixinkera, an«l don't be fool­ legislation ? •OARMTtn WkTtRPtMf actions. ed into signing an application kM ky f .rtVc tea iMuten U. waatiy which is nothing more thau a The output of cheese this It maybe that some people aw. fa»4 fw mt Tn. 0»takfw ye ir from Tillamook C« unty will say that it's none of our note to pay a certain sum, for A. J. TOWCR CO. will be about the same ns lust business if they have been bun­ this is a trick that was success »■■W.M. A. A. fullv worke«l this year to de- year, \¡4., Iba. valued coed ________ _ TOW» CAX4DUX COu 1*4 • and ____ relieved of some of the Poor to T.ff-«—» ’ ** Ireive people. Moral: Don't It $H0,UU0. The lack of the ' money ia th« ir bunk T..«■»». €*■*•• IKJd® i acct unt. m. i » , put your siguature to notes and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. .»»rMICTI.Y IN ADVANCE.) One year............................... Si X mouths........................................ •••• T hice mohtlis....................................... CHRISTMAS PRESENT Par Excellence Rollie W. Watson, Uz Nolan, J. S. Stephens, W. G. Dwight and Wm. Curtis for particulars. Call at Once and let us show you the lots Steamer “ Sue H. Elmore J HANDICAPPED ■■ :■ fl I : : I I I : Dr. H. E. Morris, Tillamook & Portia Sail Every Tuesday and Satur Couch St. Wharf, Portland “ That’s fill ■New Furnishings—Modern Fixtu Centrally Located. -Hot and Cold Water on Each B Meals 35 and 50c. as 35 cents and up accordioi Room. P’ W- Todd, Prop. On Rainy Days A Fish Brand Slicker will keep yon dry »3.00 R. H. Todd HARNESS, COLLAR1 You 0* li R W. A. WILLIAMS *