n' K III. No. 28. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, DECEMBER i5, 1910 While you are looking fur Christ­ While you are looking for Christ­ While you are looking for Christ­ inas Presents, don't forget Lamar’s mas Presents, don't forget Lamar’s inas Presents, don’t forget Lamar’s Variety Stoye» "Drop in and look Variety Store. “Drop in and look I Variety Store. eve specialist “Drop in and look around.” around.” around.” ill’s home made mince Tillamook County Bank vs. Bruce Those who left on the last trip of What better ’Xmas, present than Fpewriter, cheap.—D. W. Ross is a suit filed in the circuit the Golden Gate were C. Atkinson, a bank account and one of our court to recover $278 on a promis­ Jim Thompson and Beulah Lucas. handsome steel Savings Bank.— sory note. I She will go on the dry dock after Tillamook County Bank. a ton. D. a Brine your old gold and silver and another trip and will have oil bur­ Since the first of October we have have Howard Walilen, Gold and ners installed. sold 14 lots in Maple Grove Addition. mted at the Tillamook Silversmith, make it into a rice ring Holmes A Edwards Silverware, Are you one of the lucky ones ? It while you wait. highest quality and medium priced. not, why not ? Your opportunity to for $1.000, your own If that suit needs to be pressed It’s guaranteed. See the large invest in this Gilt Edge property is i Shrode. for the dance or show, phone the assortment in our window, Every j fast slipping away. Read our ad­ Lon is doing business Tillamook Steam Dye Works ami piece is placed in plain figures.— I vertisement Now— Today. Rollie lis week. they will come after it. W. Watson. • K ing a S mith C o . 1 bv the sack or the W. D. Gladwell, of Blaine, was in The makers of Cheap Imitation' Highest grade White Sewing Ma- L. Shrode. ___ ashamed __ 1______1 1 to stamp ) chine latest improved would make town the first of the week, He re­ Cut Glass are i) of Holmes & Hand­ ports everything being very dead at their name on it. Look for the • stamp 1 ail acceptable gift to your wife who ed by mutual consent, Blaine at present. Libbey. It is on all genuine cut I has been wanting one for a long For sale only by Howard time. $35.110 in cash or $37.50 in hristmas ad of Maple You can find a nice new line of glass. I payments is our price. Others in in this issue. Rollie goods at Mrs. Wade’s millinery Wahlen, up-to-date jeweler. 1 and agents would ask you from Sheriff Crenshaw received Word parlor, just north of The News B of Jewelry, suitable office in Bay City. * from Nehalem that the petition tore-i $40.00 to $05.00 for a machine no« so , good.—K ing A S mith C o . presents, goto Eugene School District Clerk Alva Finley call Commissioner Alley turned up Those people who will not be able missing whole being circulated in informs us that the enumeration in L”.. x 105, for $1100.00 this school district is 435, being a the north part of the county. Some ' to visit Clough's store during the holidays can send their orders by 240 persons had signed it :k 10, Park Addition.— gain of 74 over the previous year. mail explaining about the price Do not rack your brain trying to they wish to pay, and we will guar­ A Nun-Leakable Fountaim Pen ;e paid for Hides. Fur­ sent by mail to an absent friend think oi some article for a Xmas antee satisfaction, especially for iti. N. Melchior, Till- would be suitable. Our assortment of Toys and 1 books, holiday stationery, fountain Come into gift. Clough’s Drug Store and let us useful household articles will solve pens, cigars, andother small items. the problem for you. Come in and Try Clough'8 Mail Service. icin’ left for Portland show you. * p of the Elmore to be Razors and Safety Razors are sold look around.—K ing A S mith C o . ” Captain Hosford, manager of the by Clough over his personal guar­ Beulah Lucas, who has been Portland A Tillamook Transpor­ leapestaud best paper antee that they will give satisfaction, nursing for Dr. Beals in his new tation Company, is considering the rn. Leave orders at could you ask for any more? From hospital, left for Portland on the advisability of ordering the steam­ 25c to $7.50. last trip of the Golden Gate, to re­ er Golden Gate on her old schedule Co. * Homer Mason is platting his farm sume her work in the St. Vincent of weekly sailings until she has oil baking at night and burners installed the last of the fly the demand for her north of town into acre tracts, which Hospital. makes desirable residence property, read. The Shakespeare Club met at the month. Adverse weatherconditions , No. 57, received the each acre to be supplied with water home of Mrs. F. S. Whitehouse in hamper her operation on the five- this city on Friday for its regular day schedule. >er pillars on the last from the new system. Go to Eugene Jenkins, the Old monthly meeting, when the ladies I have the same high grade line pore. Two Lots fqr Sale, Reliable Jeweler, for Christmas pre­ enjoyed another delightful after- of Jewelry as you find in the large terms. Enquire at sents. He has a new line of Hand noon. Mrs. Whitehouse served a i Jewelfy Stores in Eastern Cities. Such high grade jewelry as Bryant I Painted China, the best in the city dainty lunch. office. 1 and Arch Crown 24 k set rings. Lib- or county. * When you make a Christmas or it Glass to be found in We are closing out our line of New Year's present, a Gold Watch bey’s high grade cut glass. Water- 1 Eugene Jenkins, the Fancy Real China and we will give or a Gold Chain makes a valuable man Fountain Pens. H. A. Kirby j 'eweler. Brassier Co. 14 j one-third off the regular price. present that is appreciated. See my fine 14 kt. jewelry. lew No. 6 Sliorapless Clough desires to do this to get stock of handsome watches and gold kt. jewelry and Woodhind A Jones | »ale or trade, at a bar- chains. Eugene Jenkins, the Gid 18 kt. jewelry. All for sale at II more space for other lines. ¡hrode. ard Wahlen, Lending Jeweler. A large assortment of Lowney’s Reliable Jeweler. A Tailor’s Shop, in We deceived the following tele­ famous boxed candies have just There will be a meeting of the Uy.-Apply to G. W. arrived at Clough’s Drug Store, Spanish-Pliillipine War Veterans of gram on Saturday : »k. Ore. Washington, D.C., Dec. 9, 191C. where a good assortment will be this county on Saturday, the 17th Fred C. Baker, Tillamook, Ore. friend a Clock for a found in the future. of December, 1910, m the office of River and harbor bill just passed sent. Jenkins has a Frank Fitzpatrick sold kis team Rollie W. Watson, jTillamook, with the house, carrying $5,HD tor Tilla­ elect from. nnd outfit'the past week to G. W. a view toorganizing a camp. Come mook for next fiscal year. Report ■ a nice fat chicken fry Alexander, lhe ,consideration beiug and. bring along your discliwrges. . on re<’^|iftsurvey for new uiuifi t not yet receivetb but am urging early year’s orSunday din­ $4 uy a feather bed and Hawley took the initial step to have Clough’s line of books is of the cheaper from Howard Wahlen, hand furniture. En- Nehalem bar surveyed, which was Leading Jeweler, than any place in very latest titles of the Copyrights eadlight Office. ” also included in the bill. and a large selection of Reprints. the United States. I also sell the e revival services the Y'ou will miss it if you don't look Waterman, Parker, Autofiller and What is known as the Elmore farm /vices at the Preaby- them over early. Mooney. was sold last week by Fred R. Beals will suspended. Star brand process barley. $1.25 to John Hathaway for $50.000. Three The civil service examination for »rtment of Toys in the a sack aiqj $31.50 a ton ; oats, $1.85 years ago Mr. Beals paid Samuel a mail carrier for the rural route to them in our window hundred, $30.0Uton ; bran, 95c. sack Elmore $10,000 for the place, and the be established from this city on the Headlight at the time predicted that I ng a S mith Co. • 3rd January will be held at the post $29.50 ton ; mill chop $1.05 90 lbs. sack, $22 ton ; shorts $1.35 80 Ibt*. in a few years he would sell it for Non-Leakable Pena, office on Saturday. suck, $33 ton. W m . CURTIS, The $50,000, but it sold for $0,000 more »rd Wahlen, Leading Moore’s Non-Leakable Fountain than that amount. The stock is • Jem and Tillamook. . Pens are the absolute peers of all Grain Man. included in the purchase price. Mr. that old summer suit? fountain pens made and Clough If they have any inclination or Beals improved the place while he Id by the Tillamook guarantees them in every respect, could use a Kodak, what could you held it, expending a large amount t»rks for winter use. • could yofi ask more? get that would be more suitable ? * of money doing so. tie Jenkins for Silver Could anything benicer for Christ­ Clough carries the Eastman f.ine of Several choice lota were sold in e show you my splen- mas present than something manu­ Kodaks, and shows you how to use Maple Grove Addition during lhe one after you get it. From $2.00 to ine better in the city. . factured ? Howard Wahlen, Gold­ week, the purchasers Iteing Mr. E. $05.00 each. Geinger, Mr. Fred E. Fessenden and lit need pressing? If smith and Silversmith, makes rings Maple Grove Addition is the only Mr. Kasper Schlappi. Mr. Geinger [the Tillamook Steam while you wait out of your old gold “Close in” to the business center made his wife a Christmas present and have it pressed and silver. Real Estate that can now be bought of a lot. When the improvements Snow Drift flour, $5.90 a bbl. and at “First hands.” Let us tell you are completed in Maple Grove Ad iver tret another offer $1.50 a sack. Lighthouse flour, $5.40 and $1.40 a sack. Im­ more about Maple Grove Addition dition, consisting of graded and »ve Addition in Tilla- a bbl. before it is too late. —Rollie W. Wat­ graveled streets, cement sidewalks, tate. —Rollie W. Wat- perial flour. $5.75 a bbl. and $1.45 * the planting of Maple Trees and a sack.—W m . C urtis , The Grain son. Don't lie buncoed on buying cheap ! City water mains, this will become Man. Ids sold his place in imitation cut glass. Buy Libbey's, the beat location in Tillamook City would Even a Washing Machine I Wednesday to Geo. If the the World’s Best. It in white. Other for many handsome homes. The consideration being lie appreciated for Xmas, men had to do the washin« there cut glass has a green and lead tint. water mains are on the ground and would be a Washing Machine in I Libliey’s cut glass can only be will soon be placed, the street im­ red gift books by all every home. Get her one. —K ing A bought of Howard Walien, leading provements are about completed writers make very Jeweler. and the other improvements are I-ook over Clough's S mith C o . Clough’s Drug Store has accepted guaranteed for the near future. * Miss Ollie Case, who has l»een It is studying music st Salem the past the agency of Johnston's Blue Rib­ • “Reaping the Harvest.” * looking for Clirist- bon Candies. They are make in I many days since the show going winter, Js homeon a visit at present. don I forget Lamar’s Milwaukee snare it to l»e equal what brand he «mokes • play you should see this one. [ to the tiest at reasonable price«. We Mr. Farmer . Why not harness Watch for ’’Arizona." its coming. have pieces from 25c to $25.(II. • Qo to F. S. Whilehotiae Sr Son* that creek on yow place and have n and Ltook The Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co. electric light in your house and | the leading agents, for Bond, Acci­ 'ound.” received several rafts of Rigs from Ism ? We are prepared Io quote dent and Fire Inearaace as they F. S. Whitehouse and Fred Barton. you on the necessary pipes and 1 write mo»« than three quartet • of ■ nd when the remaining logs are machmerv ami give you the benefit the Inaerance written in Tillamook brought in the < isnpaay will have of expert advice in installing. Ask , County, because they a»« better enough log« to run the mill three ua about it. TlLLAMOitK KUCTMC equipped than any one ties in th« months. L ight a F url C unfaxt . • OK JOTTINGS I nion Gospel Meeting NOW IN l’R OC. BESS COMMERCIAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK CITY. Evangelist George W. Taylor, Of Los Angeles. PAUL B. TAYLOR, The “ Boy” Soloist. L * Leonatd A Wegner, of Chicago, Soloist and Chorus Director. r’s fiety Store, GOODS on h boat. I Mr». Cartie Heal» Taylor, Cornet Virtuoso. Large Chorus Choir. COME- Bring a Friend With Yon—COME.