TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 8, 1910. in the , te saloons . 1 taxed Oregon, and court« of the State of the losing party shall pay tbe costs of the same. nle Association j 4th. Sufficient money shall ac­ company each application to pay »mmendations. the license fee for one year. 5th. Where applicant is refused Led from the Oregon | license, the money deposited with ■Bociation a number application shall be returned with­ out unnecessary delay. for the regulation of I F ees F or R etail L icensb . [ if adopted anil en- j 1st. The license fee should not diminate some of the be an exhorbitant tax on the busi­ sc from such places, ness. W’e suggest that the yearly fecommendations in fee be in proportion to the traffic and number of saloons permitted. Extreme license fees lead to adulter­ ■ tions G overning ation of goods, treating, in order to K e of L iqvok . increase revenues, and violations of Keiy prohibit the sale the Jaws. J beverage«* to minora 2nd. Some towns have provided ■inorx from frequent- that each applicant tor license must Kicea where such bev- furnish a surety bond of $1000.00 in K. Make the minor addition to license fee. to guarantee ■ equallv guilt) with the strict observance of all laws, Ells. same to be forfeited when licence is This is a matter for local Kit the sale of intoxi- revoked. ■o habitual drunkards decision. Kd persons. Q ualifications O f A pplicant . ■t women from visit- 1st If an individual he, if a firm ■ting licensed places ■ng beverages, except they, must be American citizens. 2nd. He or they must make affi­ ■erages are sold with Is in a legitimate ho- davit that he or they have never been convicted of a felony. Kt. 3rd. He or they must make affi­ ■ loafers and vagrants Ing such places. \\ e davit that his or their license has Mie power be given to never been revoked for violation of Ker or anyone in pow- liquor laws. 4th. He or they must make affi­ ii to eject such loafers Ling only necessary davit that he or they have not know­ period of twelve being guilty of a mis- ingly within a months permitted a female to re­ ke reasonable hours main longer in their place of busi­ a and closing in each ness than was necessary to eject ■eludingelection day, her. This should not apply to keep­ Lensed places. We ers of hotels and restaurants. 5th. He or they must make affi­ ■saloons close at 12 bpen not earlier than davit that he or they have not sold to minors, habitual drunkards or It all licensed places intoxicated persons, or permitted I or keeping open or them tofrequeut their place of busi­ rating beverages on ness during the preceding twelve [the week, commonly months. 6th. He or they must make afti pit manufacturers, davit that he or they have not vio­ pd jobbers of intoxi- lated any of the laws governing the nng intoxicating bev- sale of liquor during the preceding twelve months. 7th. Make it compulsory upon I gambling in auch s. The ordinance each applicant to tile annually an ■ provision that no affidavit as outlined in Sections 1, louldbe used in such 2, 3, 4. 5 and fl, under the heading r playing for drinks "Qualifications of Applicant.” Btli. Provide that all applicants e number of licenses for renewal of a license, upon full compliance with the foregoing re­ ear the proportion of each 756 of popu- quirements, shall be entitled to such Hiu of one to 75Ö is letiewal, except that the Council lation to the Portland shall reserve the right and may at is u matter for local any time revoke for cause. ■the man who pur- ■ipts to purchase in Bensed places on Sun- ■lours in which such ■s are required to be ■ equally guilty with ■o sells or attempts to ■it unlawful for any ■to display or permit ■ any lewd or indecent ■ires, statue or image b thereof. Be for open fronts in Bees. Openings to be- ■ruund, thus prevent- ■om seeing into the Brmitting all others to GOOD WORD FOR ALLEY. Nehalem Newspaper Says it is Rank Injustice to Invoke Recall on Commissioner. CHRISTMAS PRESENT Par Excellence. CHRISTMAS IS COMING! Iii fact, it will soon be here, and we are going to place before the people of 1 illamook a DANDY CHRISTMAS PRESENT which | which they should not overlook. I his present is contained in the propertv we are now W??MAPL® GROVE ADDITION.’’ the l„.M that there 1» in TILLAMOOK Lil Y in first class residence propertv. with all of the improvements abso­ lutely guaranteed without further cost to the lucky purchaser who buvs now Time space and the expense forbids us going into detail regardin£ our SPECIAL OFFFR ^R^Sw?£ J5LSrk^OPBRTY- We * thi* time ¿Ma num ™ the choice lots in MAPLE GROVE to conservative and progressive business men of this city. Ask anyone of the following what they think of an investment in Maple Grove Messrs. M. F. Leach. A. K. Case. Chester McGhee. T P. Johnson, Omar C. Kiger W I Stephens and others who already placed an investment and selected their lots in Maple Grove. But come in personally to this office and let us tell von WHY YOU SHOULD BUY A LOT IN MAPLE GROVE. X OUR PLAN IS THIS: We are going to GIVE YOU A CHRISTMAS PRES­ ENT, one that you will look back too with pleasure and profit in time to come. From the 1st of December until the day before Christmas I am going to divide my selling commission with you. T his means that you get a present in proportion to the amount of your purchase on a lot or more in Maple Grove. The price on all lots from $400 to $700. The terms are from $50 to $100 cash, and the balance on a pavnient of $10 per month. I am going to give you a present of from $10 on a $^HXI lot up to $17.50 on a $701» lot. This plan will only be allowed to those that take advantage of this offering from the 1st of December until the 25th December, 1910. Make selection of your lot now and get your choice while there are many to choose from. We are under contract with the Owners to sell Twenty Lots out of Sixty two Lots in the tract; after Twenty Lots are sold out of Maple Grove the balance of Forty two Lots all advance in price to future purchasers One Hundred Dollarson the lot. Now is the time to investigate this Christmas offering. Rollie W. Watson, Uz Nolan, J. S. Stephens, W. G. Dwight and Wm. Curtis for particulars. Call at Once and let us show you the lots. According- to reliable information we learn that two of our prominent citizens went down through the southern part of the county with a The Kingdom of God. petition to secure signatures to in­ "For of such ia the kingdom of voke the recall on Commissioner Alley. In our opinion it is a rank God.” When a child, the kingdom injustice to Mr. Alley or anyone of God was a reality, that sense of else to have a recall petition circu­ God’s approval or displeasure was Be for the punishment It would tie hard to find a lated in a territory where people acute. ■r oremployee found cannot and do not know the facts person who would not allow that Bf the liquor laws, ■ders and employees involved. If the grounds were all children are subjects of the ■iquur dealer should When I became sufficient to warrant thia move why kingdom of God. ■Bible where they vio- binst positive instruc- was it not circulated in this precinct about 14 I went to a camp meeting id without the know. first where the work of our Commis. where I was impressed that I was n fciployers, and should sioner would show for itself without sinner in great need of salvation. misdemeanor. Where exaggerating or deducting there­ I was baptized anil joined the ■ dealer can prove to b of the Council that from? In this instance, however, it church. My earnest search tor sal­ vation ended in being sent to an in­ b committed without is entirely uncalled for. lor connivance, only Commissioner Alley has the indi­ sane aBylum, where I soon cauie to hiself should be pun- vidual support of the great majority the conclusion that the whole pro­ ■cond offense by the F should be regarded of his constituents in this vicinity position wasn confounded lie, that b committed by his and should it result in a special I never had been - lost therefore I "The election we are quite sure that he did not need any salvation. bl all holders of licen- sick need a physician.” If there ia [same in a cons picu­ would be re-elected by an over­ whelming majority. Therefore, we a deplorable sickness it is to labor ls bar room or hotel, le for the publishing deem the action of the persons cir­ under the delusion of a lost soul. ■11 laws pertaining to culating the petition unnecessary If therein anyone in need of an Ic, one or more copies and uncalled for to say the least ; asylum it is a person in that infer­ W with each license, k of same shall post and they need not expect the approv­ nal condition, imaginary lost, look­ of business. al or sanction of our people by so ing for an imaginary salvation. re to the (Council the doing. On the contrary it will work “Seek ye first the Kingdomof God." I any license at any to their disadvantage. If there are two things Opposite it i and make violation In outlining the work done by Mr. ia the Kingdomof Godand the pop­ >eenalty if we do not. 1 absolute revocation the future attention of our Com­ I L pon license being missioner, having declared himself recorded in the Bible, while the : it impossible for the to that effect. These are as follows: Kingdom of God is the leading I vrr obtain another, Putting crushed rock on the roads issue of the new testament. Hum­ ihe numlter of offen- an nature is about the same tbe now built, build a road to the •ae is revoked is also To really enjoy any­ local decision. Some Wheeler property, and finish the world over. e first offense forfeit Necarney rood to connect with Clat­ thing we first have a thing, then From the sop County. When this is done we loose it, then regain it. L ok R etail Ltquoit will have the situation well in hand. time in childhood when we enjoy L ickxsk . A renewal of the strife that was ao the Kingdomof God until we return applicant shall make marked in the pant would frustrate in after life is a miserable Idank.— •the City Council in z all plana for the betterment of the J. C. Gov«- *t two weeks liefore entire Nehalem Valley, and we ain- ig such license. k» On Sure Thing Now e for the appointment cerely trust that thia may not be re­ •Til never be wiibout Dr. King'» *» committee of three peated in the future ; which will New Life Pill* Bgnin,” jrrile« A. er» of the Council to * he Liquor License undoubtedly lie the case unless Schingevk. 647 Elm St., Buffalo- N.Y. Require them to fix thia agitation ia atopfied at once.— I 'They cured me of chronic consti­ Vn- places for hearing of Nehalem Enterprise. I pation wheo all else failed. »••r liquor licences, equaled for BiliouaneeB, Jaundice. bhc notice tiiereof by Indigent ion. Headache. Chill*. Ma­ Ends Winters Troubles. 25c at Chaa. I. To many, winter is a season of laria and Debility * lawful for any three trouble. The frost bitten toes and C tough' a._____ __________ skiers who »re re«i- fingers, chapped hands and lipa, W hen your feet are wet and cold, remonwtrstr in writ- chilblains, cold sores, red and rough * granting of such skins, prove this. Hut such trou­ and your body chilled through and j through from exooaurv. take a lag | Je ground ot diaqual- bles ffy before Bohlen's Arnica hgibilty of the appli- Salve. A trial convinces Great­ doae of Chamberiain'a Cough Rem , the impropriety of est healer of Burna. Boils. Piles. edy. bathe your leet tn hot water bcense on account of Cut«. Sores. Eczema and Sprains. before going to bed. and you are " ’he propnned toes Italy 22c. at Chas. I. (Rough s »cbool house« The quicker a cold is gotten rid if the proposed Inca ■hie the reaadential of the less tbe danger from pneu- rn notice of such re monn »nd other serious diseases. Wether with a copy Mr H. W L Half, of Waverty, Vs, »served upon tbe ap says: **I firmly believe Chamber­ »all I m - given ten Jaw lain's Cough Remedy to he absolute ■ >*.*"TTr **■*• An ly the host preparation on tbe mar­ hearing including ket for roMs. I have recomneadei »< »ilwMe., ahall ____ it to my friends and they all agree “ Lacenae Co ___________ .lire -with me." For sale st Lamar's •t as wosld ba «*•« Store Saved From Awful Death. How an appalling calamity in his family was prevented ia told by A. D. McDonald, of Fayetteville. N. C., R. F. D. No 8. "My sister had consump­ tion,” he write«, "she was thin and pale,had no appetite and aeenied to grow weaker every day, aa all rem­ edies failed, till Dr. King’s New Discovery was tried, and ao com­ pletely cured her, that »he has not been troubled with a cough since. It’a the beat medicine I ever »aw or heard of.” For coughs, colds, la- grippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhage, all bronchial troubles, it has no equal, 50c. $1.0). Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Chaa. I. Clough. Every family haa need of a good reliable liniment. For sprains, bruise», aorenes» of the muscles and rheumatic pains there is none lietter tlian Chamberlaiu’s. Sold by Lamar's Drug Store. HANDICAPPED I The boy or girl with any defect of vision is greatly handicapped in the pursuit of knowledge in the school room. If your boy or girl does not show a high |>er centage of average in the school report the probabili­ ties are that there In some­ thing the matter with the eyes. To find out costa you will nothing if “ you ~ J“ ‘ bring " them to me for rumina pay to tion. It doesn’t _____ guess about t the eyesight ia better of your child—it ___ ___ _ eyes are to see that the If glasses are needed right. I. _... I am prepared to furnish the exact thing C’ _ ••-- that will " meet the needs of the case. Rememlier that they are guaranteed for one year, to make here and I am *" ---- --------------- u* them good, “ Traveling fa- ktra are not* II i k Sue H. Elmore” (CAI’T P. SCHRADER) MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH (CAP. T LATHAM). Tillamook & Portland Sail Every Tuesday and Saturday Couch St. Wharf. Portland. " That's AIL” ■< TILLAMOOK. OREGON. New Furnishings-Modern Fixtures. Centrally Located. Hot and Cold Water on Each Floor. Meals 35 and 50c. Beds 35 cents and up according to Room. Dr. H. E. Morris, EYE SPE4.IAf.IST, TILLAMOOK • OREfioN. Steamer 1 I.arge < >ffi< e. Pining Room and Ladies' Psrtae Peat equipped Hotel in Tillamook County. P. W Todd, Prop. R. H. Todd. Mgr. THE a£AXt5T [‘S*« ™L5£r UOTBE CDKWWU POMMEL (SUCKER in the ■ & '* HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Them. We Sell Them. W A. WILLIAMS A CO. S< b < boor to Ti>UoH*ok < <>•••</