. < a =5=± I TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 8. 1*10 F- ! STOPPING A TRAIN THE ÖRAG01TS_BACKB0NE. HEADQUARTERS FOR Remarkable Assortment of Colors of An Odd Incident of Railroad Construc­ tion In China. the Brazilian Toucan, ■ The very peculiar looking Brazilian i When there was undertaken the con- Many Things Combine to Make It bird, the toucan, has a body about as atnicliou of tbe railway between Kirin f* I big as that of a good sized parrot, but aud Newehwang. the sea|>urt of Man­ an Uncertain Operation. its beak la very different and easily churia. It was proposed to make a • ’s- O Á--1 its dominant feature, though this bird junction at a place called Lanplen. out- Is by no menus lucking lu brlgbt and slde tbe city of Mukden. For this per- AÏ«" THE NUMBER OF CARS COUNT striking colors. The toucan's beak is tnlanion bail to be obtained from the half as long as Its body, and ft Is broad Tartar general of Mukden. This func­ 4 Likewise the Momentum and the Brak­ and thin and set ou edge vertically, tionary at ouen proceeded to cull In bl« T ing Power and the Temperature of shapid something like a blunted geomaucera. a species of soothsayers, the Raila—Freight Trains More Un- I scythe, with tbe slightly curving, who gave information concerning (he rounded edge ou top and endlug with good fortune and ill fortune uf sites certain Than Passenger Trains. a book point turned downward—a re­ I and were supposed by tbe Chinese to "lu what distance can a train be markable beak In size and shape—and know what demons aud dragons In Well, that de this beak is tinted with a remarkable ! habited tbe earth under th» surface. brought to a atop? - pends." said tbe grizzled engineer, assortment of colors, purple aud rid These wise men reported that the with a baud like a bam aud uu eye and green aud yellow, while around dragon whose body encircled tbe holy < tbe beuk at the bead runs a line of * city of Mukden lay colled up In such a that could see red. white aud green a black way that If the railway came through mile away down a silvery track. "That Tbe eyes of the toucan are surround­ depends, sou. aud the more I think of ed by circles of a brlgbt light blue, and Lanplen tbe long nails driven Into the ties would pierce bls backbone ana In it tbe more I realize bow It depends ou Its breust. regularly outlined. Is a SB all probability set hlru to raging vio­ i ou circumstances broad aud deep expanse of blight yel­ lently. to the great detrlmeut of tbe "lu the drat place. It depends ou the low In size aud shafie In proportion to people of Mukden. number of cars you have ou your tbe bird about tbe same as the gener­ Tbe general consequently refused the * train. Tbe fewer curs you huve tbe ous expanse of shirt frout shown by a application of the railway people and man lu evening dress with bls waist ­ quicker you can stop, eb? Well, tbut's directed them to carry tbe road In a where you’re dead wrong.” Tbe engi­ coat cut low iwid well rouuded out at straight line from Kirin to New- tbe bottom, this show of yellow being neer rested bis gnarled Hat across bls cbwang, avoiding Mukden. Tbe en­ ! I knee as if It were a fifteen pound edged with a red line. The toucan's gineers thereupon appealed to the vice­ h" X monkey wrench. "Yes. sir." be re­ body for the bulk of it Is black or a roy. showing that, as this proposed peated, "If you've got that Idea you're very deep blue black, but around at route would go through a marshy and wrong, just like folks are likely to be tbe base of the tall run two bands of uninhabited country. It could not be ■F e Just the swimmers lu Scotluml and a well New York Press. other way—you wouldn't have enough known angler. The contest occurred 4 Manufacturers braking |s>wer to overcome what in a pool eighty feet loug and forty ! RICE PAPER. weight you have got. Yes. str, with feet wide. The angler wag furnished with an every freight train HUd with every Shaved From the Snow White Pith of passenger train there Is a certain eleveu foot trolling rod nnd an un Trees In Formosa. number of ears neceaaary to make the dressed silk line. The line was fixed Tbe so called rice isi|>er Is not made »- train most effective when It comes to to it girth ls-lt. made expressly for the stopptug quickly. This Is u very prac­ purpose, by s swivel Iminedliitelv l»e- from rice, as Ils name Implies, but tical questlou too. Au engineer will tween the slsmlders of tbe swimmer from the snow white pith of a small say to himself. 'Well, I've got more at tbe |s>lnt where he bud tbe greatest tree belonging to the genus urulls. a genus represented In this country by f J cars on today; I'll huve to i>ul ou pulling power. lu the first trial the line snapped, lu j tbe common sarsnparllla and the brakes sooner In order to stop Ju at the sis-olid the stigler gave uud played spikenard. Tbe tree grows In Formo­ right at tbe slatlou ' "I ouee tieaid an engineer say that without altogether slacking Hue. uud sa and. so far as la known, nowhere else. Tbe stems are truu«|>oited to an euglne with a luiggage cur und t wo several porpoise dives were well bun passenger coach»» truvelhig at tlie rate died. The swimmer then tried cross China, and there the rice paper Is of thirty-live miles un hour would re swimming from corner to corner, but tuude. It Is used. aside from a i>um- quire alsiut feet to slop mid trav­ u It I mu t el.v whs beuten. the mutch end­ her of other purposes. by the native I eling at twenty five miles an hour ing with u victory for the rod uud artists for water color drawlugs, and I sometimes It Is dyed lu various colors would require 4(10 feet to bait. Now. line. Another contest took place in whkb aud made Into artificial flowers. he was just guesslug. or else be bud a Tbe tools of tbe pith worker com particular train aud particular cmidl the nugler employed u very light trout­ tluus lu uilml. uud moat likely partic­ lug rod teu feet lung uud weighing prise a smooth stone about a foot ular times lu mind Tbe fact Is you only six snd oue hulf ouuees. tbe Hue square and a large kulfe or hatchet tau't tell wltblu wbut distil lee n tralu being lhe smile as tbut used with tbe with a short woodeu baudle. The trolling rod Tbe swimmer, whose alm blade Is about a foot long, two Inches Best Equipped Saw Mill the lau b» stopped broud aud nearly half an lucb thick at "Why. lake the same type of engine evidently w hs to smush tbe rod. pulled Experienced Workmen He was the buck, und It Is us sharp as a razor. and the same ty|>e of «roaches and run aud leaped luto the water held steadily, however, and In about Placing a piece of the cylindrical them over tlie siime truck anil apply First of the Quality. five minutes was forced to give In. pith ou the stone and bls left buud ou the brakes lu precisely tlie same num The nal was again successful. At tbe the top. tbe pith worker will roll the uer aud the two trains will not stop I US FIGURE YOUR pith backward aud forward for a mo­ In the same distuui e uf tra< k Indeed, finish both competitors were almost exliuusted ment until he gets It lu tbe required take tbe same tralu over tlie very position. Then, seizing tbe kulfe with » same track at different times, ruu her 4 bls right band, be will hold tbe edge Want Their Children Thieves. at exuetly the sume speed and u|iply Tht- Kakha Khels. a tribe that In of tbe blade after a felut or two close the brakes lu the very MMUie nuiuuer aud you can't stop lu tbe NUliie dis­ habits the country of tbe Kbvber pass. to tbe pith, which he will keep rolling to the left with bls left band until tain-» Kugtu-.*vrs would like lu Ml Up at In northern India, are thieves und con each station at precisely the Huiue spot slder thieving a most bouoruble occu­ nothing remains to unroll, for the pith I has. by tbe application of tbe knife, that they did the day before. l>o they pation. A youug woman of the Kakha Khel will not look at a young mon been pared Into a square white sheet •ver du It? Nu. « h > u . they dou't. be All that re­ who would like to become her husband of uniform thickness. |K\ cause it euu't be doue mains to lie done la to aqua re tbe i "The stupplug of a tralu di'ts uds on unless he Is proficient In tbe art. Tbe ■ edge*. M for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. coudltlouu, just as 1 said la-fore Kn dearest wish of a mother Is that her i If one will roll up a sheet of paper, little boy uiav become a cunning thief. giueers wlio have traveled over a |air T oley's Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse substitute»« i lay It on a table, place tbe left hand tk ular mad for yctira can't do It Hoine- Every child Is consecrated, us It were, i at Its birth to crime. A hole Is made on top and geutly unroll It to tbe left Sold by Chas. I. Clough. [. i tliuee th» conditions vary tn such an In the wall similar to that made l>y a be will have a go,si Idea of bow tbe i extent that the truin is run past the feat Is a ecu ui pl I n bed —New York Her- i 1 Notice station Kerry body has seen that done burglar, and tbe mother passes the In aid. funt backward and forward through I Aud then tbe i-uglueer says tilings uu- N otice is H ereby G iven , — That the hole, singing In Its ear: "Be a der hie breath and tanks up his train I within sixty ilnys from the date of Saws« Sawge. thief! Be a thief! Be a thief!” They t i tv let the passengers on mat to take I Here Is tbe olj King R leba rd II. snid notice it will be unlawful for al-v probably tbe only trllie In India I oo baggage Kuuny. englueeta never a who glorify fas ulatlon and rulse It to way of making sausage: "P.vggn In stock to run at large, under ¡tenalty kuuw within yards wln-rv their trellis the dignity uf a regular calling.—Chris sawse sawge." or pigs with sage of Ten dollars for the first offence t will atop. sauce. “Take pyggs y ska Id Id (scald­ and Twenty dollars for each and tian I lem Id. I I “Freight trains are more nneertaln ed, and quarter them and sevtb them < every subsequent offence, in the than paiuwngrra. This Is so lasniise It < lu water and salt; take them aud let Jenny Lind as a Child. dis-au't matter ns much. An applies Precinct of Carnahan for Tillamook i them kele (cooil; take imrsel (parsley), • ■ Jenny l.ind as a child of three years tloa of teu pounds of air may produce I County, State of Oregon, according suwge (sage> aud gryude It with brede I no braking at all. due to the near uf was the lurk of her parents' house. As and yolkes of ayreu (eggs) bards to a vote taken at a General Election 4 tin, system, aud. ou the other timid, flf a girl of ulne she attracted the atteu ysode (bollwli: temper It with vinegar duly held on the 8th day of Novem­ < t«-»u pounds might put on naire brake tion of all lovers of music and entered somewhat thk-k. and lay tbe pyggs In ber. 191ft c; » the Stockholm conservatory as u pupil tliau the Miglui-er wiiuft-d He may « a vessel aud «ewe uuoward (the sauce In witness whereof I have here­ throw uu a small quantity of air. aud Iler continui«« studies at so tender an over them), and serve It forth.” "Take 1 without expactlug It the emergency are caused the «miden loss of her voice, pyggs" Is pretty good. 8Ise or number unto set my hand and seal of said i brakes get Into action ae u result and for four full years she pursued county this 17th day of November. /'.'4 V seems of no consequence.—New York 191ft M hen tbe brakes are already on the her theoretical aud technical studies, Press. t euglneer may relenae them n little ami when smldeuly the full sweet sounds J. C. H olden , County Clerk. I by »• doing release them entirely, no came back, to tbe delight, as every 1 A Herd One, Notice $ that th» train leaps forward Ho. you one knows, of thousands for many “Father!" ( see. you can't alwuys tell what the years N otice ta H ereby G iven ,-That “Well, what la KT i brakes are going to do. I "It says here. A man Is known by within sixty days from the date of Merk Twain's DefinHiene. "You wouldn't aapiaia» thm the tern t tbe company he keeps.' said notice it will be unlawful for It la told of Mark Twain tliat during persturr of the rails would make any i fbttarr atoch to run at large, under penalty c dltrereuce ainmt brakes, would you? a conversation with a young lady of "Yea. yea. yea." of Ten dollata for the first offence I It's a fact. A rule uf thumb Is that a his acqualutsM-e he had «K-caafam to "Well father. If a good n.ao keeps and Twenty dollars for each and < train will brake twice as quickly lu mentlou the word drydock. comiMtny with a bad man Is ths rood I every subaeqtient offence,in the Pre- “Whet Is a drydock. Mr t'iemeosT* the wlutrr as In the summer The uiau laid because tie keeps company I * J w lo-eis atlch to the rails more w hen she asked cinctof Hebo for Tillamook County, 1 with the bail man. aud la tbe bad man “A thirsty physician.” replied tbe hu tl»»y are cold The a, lentlUc folk tell State of Oregon, according to a vote I goml because be keeps company with you that the isihewloii Is greater And. morlat. t taken at a General Election duh- held the good ruen’"Umdon Punch another thing, tbe oil th» rail when i on the 8th day of November. 191ft t It te warm la ns ire nllp|M-ry Alt the Te Show It Off. In witness whereof I have here­ Why He Wept. el eel n«ls, pl|M>e. etc . on a warm day "The Cross of tbe Legion is • won Spartan Mother-WhaTe tb» matter? unto set my hand and seal of said ■Ä I» are expanded and ao they have h- ilerful thing for health." What are you crying for? Stung Hara County this 17th day of November, w* it "How s that?" »s>v» through greater dlatam-es to be 1910. ’ •who ba« been taught n»v»r to cry for « <1 came rffei-tlv». When they are con _ ___ _ There's nothing Ilk» ______ It to enraurara J. C. H olden . County Clerk bodily paln>-Ok. I-Tve eat down oo ■!» trailed by the c«»d the brake« grip th.- ,”n»! l*"iu»nadra In tbe park.“—Fti»- • be», and-I'm afraid 1 mu»t have w beets (hat murti quicker amt lighter rende Flutter hurt It I-London ranch Wants To Help Some One. with the same amount of air that y,m . f°L® .''**’■* J- F Hover, of Fer­ applied on a wnrui day Parental Blunder. tile. Mo., needed help and couldn't > ”t«MI nee sonny, every mad In the "1 know it's ridiculous for me to it. That's why he wants to help ; pxyfubto * country kreyw tabs on the temperature powder my face so thickly.** said tbe eralure Is quire mi named am I’esrt. and r»» gm t„ ||T, Bachsche. Nervousness. l oss of ItiiWuetant thing in rallrnmtlnc AH up to I hr aatus “-Ckhago Tribune I iApfwtite. Lamtude and Kidnevi th'» «>*« ta abow that tlwrv Is quite a .disorders. He shows that Electric' j Bitters work wr>nmt their tm-lnes- vra u>«n about town Lmlsvibe C-mHer * Ip psia. R’ood Disorders. Frannie I «iwaje learning -N»a turk IrUam Jonraal C nnplaints and Malaria. ' rv • • I them Me. al Chas. I. Clough's. I •• A GROTESQUE BIRD. DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES. _Q We carry a Large Stock of 1 o Hardware, 4 Tinware, Glass *3 8 t and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, X •A « Agents for the Great Western Saw. ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. I Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy. of ! ! » FIR, SPRUCE and H em lock LUM BER KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING. RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. in The New Machinery, Class Lumber LET < >N [A ' ■* County. and Best LUMBER BILL. FOLEYS MDNH PILLS K ■Ji A. K. > ■ CASE, I A-*"M I 1 Tillamook Iron Works General Machinists if Blacksmith5, TILLAMOOK, OREGON*^ « < I 4