Itaòligl) > *1 TILLAMOOK, OREGON K JOTTINGS fe specialist Ps home made minte rife of Chester Stuart, >ewriter, cheap.—D. ed. $10.IK a ton. D. r $1,i>e of ises were issued the making a lietter display of their ich Wyss anil Lizzie jewelry. It is run by a compressed r Mathews anil Ro». air engine which they have installed for tliepurtxise, ands(>eaka' well for them as window decorators. a nd wife, of Brooten N. S. Olson and wife, of Astoria, i town the past week nghter, Mrs. Claud but formerlj- of Coos Bay. were in the county this week with the in­ tention of making thia their home on Powell left last if they are suitably impressed with and where Roy met the conditions, which they seem to «turned to thia city lie. Mrs. Olson visited with Mrs reek. W. Kimball. feds to be pressed >r show, phone the in lije Works and liter it. $i So per year Exclusive Agents for Nobby Eagle Shirts,'New Fall and Winter Styles and Patterns.---- Nntangl •’ teperate dress and business Trousers, English Tweed and Fancy Wool Serve. THE BEST VALUE WE EVER OFFERED. __ New Styles. CLOTHING \Ve are in receipt of a large shipment of the latest Fall and Winter* Sui7s and () vet coats of exceptional « SALE MEN’S YOUTHS, BOY’S FALL AND MINTER goodness. 1 lie materials are the new mixtures or plain wools, the linings anti trimmings are the best 1 lie design of these suits are far in advance of ordinary garments. If von want to know the real difference between good clothes and ordinary clothes let us show von We put these on SALE Saturday Morning, December 10th, 1910. Buy your Holiday Suit. Do it now. Holiday Novelties for Men. MEN’S SUITS-—Single and double breasted, late Fall model«, material« of novelty wool Cheviots, Serge ami New Gray Mixtures, New Cut Collar and Sleeves. Values up to $15.90, priced nt $10 50 Sult. MEN'S SUITS—Of New Wool Wonted« English Tweeds and Plain Materials. Our entire line of Fall and Winter 1910-11 designs, Hund Tailored, Silk Sewed, high class trimmings. $K50 to $31.00 values, $14.65 Sait. YOUTHS SUITS—Made of stylish new wool materials, all of the latest Fall models, the tailoring on every garment is faultless, valuer to $14.1X1 Priced at $7.83 Suit BOY’S SUITS—-Nobby Tailored Knickerbocker Cut. sturdily made for wear, fancy Wool Wosted. Values to $7.50, priced nt $4 50 Salt. SMOKING AND LOUNGING JACKETS—-Some made of heavy double faced beaver doth, others of heavy broadcloth, trimmed with silk velour, button and frogs, then tlx* more subdued jackets, materials of heavy im­ ported Scotch cloth, with fancy collar and cuffs, frogs and button«. Priced from $4 SO to $12 50 BATH ROBES—Materials of heavy eider (lanneln, both plain and figured, oriental fancy terry cloth, with cord and tassel to correspond, wide fane bordered collar and cuffs, Prices range from $5.75 to $8.50 SUIT CASES—Either light wicker strongly bound with leather and brass riveted, or heavy sole leather cases with straps, brass trimmed, also imi­ tation alligator, solid Imllt steel frames. Prices range from $¿.25 to $11.90 MEN’S UMBRELLAS -Light and heavy Imild, mission handles, silver and gold mounted handles or natural sticks, material of «ilk. Freni h Twill Silk mixed Italian, strong ¡»argon frames, bma« rust protectors. Prices run from $1.25 t<> $3.00 a pest and best paper Leave orders at » ■o. L'ourt has made an that the county is Lamar’s Variety Store, » nice new line of Wade's millinery irth of The News iy. ble Fountain, Pen » an absent friend 'table. Come into Store ant let uh B. D. LAMAR. Pre. •* 1 rooms, large °«» buiklings, all lots 50 z MR Pricr •t the Headlight Loeated in th« TODD fvty Razors are «nid i *”■ personal guar, [ WiPveamirfactte'i *a"-T more? From HOTEL. “Drop in and Look Around.'’ * a"y thing I NECL1 GOODS on each boat. » HART-SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS AND OVERCOATS Our Special Holiday Styles are here, whatever design in a Suit you may choose you’ll find it here, perfectly made, all-wool fabrics and correct fashion. Copyright Hart Schaffner k Man SUITS PRICED AT $20.00 to $35.00. OVERCOATS PRICED AT $20.00 to $25.00. BALCONY DEPARTMENT. attractive AFTERNOON AND EVENING DRESSES. A group of beautiful one piece dresses for all occasions, dainty and exclusive designs, materials of soft clinging bengalines nicely trimmed with Persian silk of blending colors, others of handsome Satin Messalinf* A most fttshionable display. of shimmering quality and the net gowns with deep borders of Duchess Satin $ 9.95 For All Dresses Formerly Sold at $11.75. $1545 $18.50. $17.85 $21.50. Mrs. E. Morgan, who has Ixiught the old Watch Tower building, has had a new foundation put under it, and also had other needed improve­ ments made. She intends making it a first class rooming house. Maple Grove Addition is the only , “Ctcai in” to the business center Real Estate that can now lx- txmght * at '’First hands.” Let uh tell you more about Maple Grove Addition ; before it is too latr.— Roll e W. Wat- ! eon. * Don't Ire buncoed on buying cheap imitation cut glass. Buy Libbey’s, the World’s Best. It is white. Other > cut glass has a green an to $05.00 each. • A h a result of the effort of the Commercial Club to obtain more members, the committee appointed for that purpose succeeded in ob­ taining 44 members, and it is more than likely that another 25 will lie added to the list. W. H. Eberman and family re­ turned from Seaside, Wednesday aftermxm. after an absence of about six months. When they left it was with the intention of going to Cali- forma Put never went further than Seaside They returned by way of Necarney Mountain. Lost,« Sunday .supposed in Presbyterian Church, «ontaining g«i in bills and about V’ in silver The purse contains a numix-r of Oddfellow«’ receipt«. Person find ing the same please return it to the Headlight office Nathan Sherman Since the first of Octol-er we have is th- |»r*>n who lost the puree ami •old 14 lot* in Maple Grove Additior. it contained all the money he had. Are you owe of the lucky one* ? tf The Hoard of County Commission not. why not ? Your opportunity to invest m this Gilt Edge |»roperty ia tr» la in sesaion tins week with fast elippir\g away. Er al mtr sT- County Judge if. F. Goodapee«! and vertiaement No*-T«a!w ’- Itollie < owimi«a« per light per month. With you on the necessary pi|»e* «"'• thia number of light« distributed machinery and give you the benefit ; over the city the reeideme portion of expert advice in installing. Ask I will lx* Letter p ovided with street us about it. TllAANOO* EUM.TMM ' light«. The applications lor «alocm licenses were continued LIGHT A Ffgl. CoMFAXY. session of the present board, the Judge retiring after serving four years, and Commissioner Bixlylelt eight years. The newly elected officers will take their places in the New Year. Commi raiooer Alley i* down from Several choir* lots were «old in Nehalem attending court thi« week, Maple Grove Addition during the with the u«iial pleasant «mile on his week, *he purchasers being Mr F countenance. notwithstanding a |* ‘ Geinger. Mr. Fred F. Fessenden and lion is being «in itiated lor hie re Mr Ks«per Schlappi Mr Geinger call, which contains false and Itebl- made hi« wile a Christmas present When tire improvements ous accusatiims. Mr Alley will ¡of a l«>i. have his recon»« in damage suits are completed in Maple Grove Ad­ against tlx>se who have cin ulated dition. conaieting of graded sad and «igned the p-titior , sn l H is lor (graveled street*, cement eidewalks. that reason, prd persons ha re fell so uneasy anti City water mains, this wi.l twvome have gon* to 4 minty < l*rk Holden die lw«t kx ation in filla-ivxik C ity to have tlwtr names rr.iw ed. and for many handsome homes. Tlie who want to sign a protest ■ gainst water main« are on the ground and railing a ep* tai election ft may will sorrn l