TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 1. 1910 Tillamook Jottings. Next Sunday, at 2.30 p.m., at the AdventietChurch house, Elder Bla­ lock, pastor of the Baptist Church of Tillamook, will preach from the text "Woe unto him that givetli his ueighbor drink, that putteth th» bottle to himandmakesthim drunk­ Hab. 2:15. Come and hear en.” him. This is the beginning of hie campaign for Tillamook and Ore­ gon dry in 1912. It is reported that Alva Williams, who left here about a week ago foi Port In.id, was united in marriage to Miss Rose Bryan of that place. Both young people are well known in this place, Alva being a son ol George William», a prominent far mer and dairyman, anil Miss Rose, who is a niece of . D L. Shrode, hav ing lived at this place for sometime. All join in wishing them a long and prosperous life together. The Tillamook Commercial Club will give a basket social next Thurs­ day evening, Dec. 12, to which all the live anil progressive citizens who are interested in the welfare of There will be the city are invited, a program, anil the management will be in the hands of the ladies who gave such a fine time Thanks- giving evening, Ladiea are request- ed to provide baskets with supper for two, which will be auctioned off. Colonel Iliddle, stationed at San Francisco, and Major C. W. Kutz, located at Seattle, will meet with Major Morrow and citizens of Tillamook and Portland be­ tween December 15 and December 25 to discuss the proposed improve­ ment of Tillamook Bay with joint funds of the Government and the Port of Tillamook. A final report will be made to the War Depart­ ment on the project, which is ex­ pected to be given every assistance. of the evening, and a delightful I time wire enjoyed by all present. The receipts from sale of lwooh were over Cake, sandwiches and coffee were provide 1 for those not c ¡ring to buy baskets. At a city caucus on Saturday last at the opera house, a ticket was nominated, anil although a number of the citizens stayed away because the caucus is usually dominated by the saloon interests, the latter suc­ ceeded in carrying most of their ’"slate,” with C. W. Talmage at the head of the ticket for mayor, The ticket was made up as follows : Mayor—C. W. Talmage. Recorder—F. A. Rhodes. Recorder—!. H. Handley. Marshal— tohn Asilum. Councilmen : let ward C. F. Shoitridge. 2nd ward—Geo. P. Wilt. 3rd ward —Alex. McNair. 4th ward-C. H. Vantree». 5th I. H. Hathaway. All Bottom band--Equal to Water Commissioners: 1st ward—R. F. Zach man. the Best Tillamook Bottom At large - F. D. Small. Land. The pool rooms closed up for the caucus and a number of "floaters” >3,500 Will Handle This. participated in the voting, the bal­ 55 Acre farm, all bottom lot being "stuffed” eeveral times. Die slate prepared at the pool room land, the kind that will joints did not go through intact, for raise 5 tons of alfalfa hay, >t was broken in several cases. 55 Acres—16 Cows. BURN YOUR BRIDGES. Whan Alt Retreat Is Cut Off, Then Yew Mutt Go Ahead. Young nieu often make tbe mistake when they start on an Important tin Jertaklng of leaving open a way o." retreat If things go t< <> bard."»ays Orl acu Swett Jlardeu In tiuae»» Maga zine No one can call out pis greates reserves. do tbe great eat ¡||b. ng |a* *lble to him. while be know» that 1: the battle get» too bot he litis n llue ol retreat still left open Duly wbei. there 1* uo hofte of escape will an army tight with tbat spirit of des perutlou which gives uo quarter Mauy h great geueral In bis march >u tbe eueiuy lias burned hl» bridges behind him. made that a* long nr there 1» H chime" to retrial, as lon> I ns there are tirldgea behind us. we are I tempted to turn back when the great test cornea. "Will you hold this fort?" asked General Itosecruns of Geueral Pierce at Stone river "I will try. general .” "Will you hold this fort?” "I will die "That wou't do. in the attempt." Look me in the eye. sir. mid tell me If you will bold this position." ”i will!" said Geueral I’ieree. and be did Royal BAKING POWDER MAKES THE PERFECT HOT BISCUIT Also Rolls and Muffins Crusts and Cakes Send for Royal 135 Willi« St New York 3 tons of timothy and clover to the acre, sugar beets, Oil Monday the monthly meeting pears, apples and cherries of the Tillamook Commercial Chib THEY SEPARATED. wa» held in the Club rooms, with equal to any section- White President Webster Holmes in the clover cornea up spon­ But ths Parting Was Mor» 8trenuous chair, and there wa» a large attend­ Than Jim Expected.' ance of members, who took consid­ taneously without seeding. A man named Royuur when gqld bunt­ erable interest in the deliberations. Onions grow equal to the ing In Alaska bad as partner a vener­ The matter of new member» was output of beaverdam land. able prospector. who went about habit­ taken up and a committee was ap­ ually with Ills boot legs stuffed full of and all garden dyuamlte stick». The old man bad a pointed to induce those who did not Cabbage belong to do so. Between U0 and 70 truck does the best in this pleasantly casual way of filling tbe For Sale. Team for Sale. I stove oven with the»» sticks In order mimes of desirable persona were Driving Team, nJ rich land, and it's right at that they might thaw out there. Some ­ 30 acres of rich Nehalem river mentioned who should be members times, too, be forgot them, which was bottom land. For particulars and harness for gale. Price S m I of the Club. the doors of Portland. 25 Imprudent, to say tbe least. Roy:.or I price call on or address the owner, to A. Emerson, near W A proposition for a monthly pub­ miles away. Equal to the was not at all of a timorous disposi­ George R. McKimens, Nehalem, Creamery, Tillamook, On J lication was referred to the Publici ­ "Nobody’s Fool” at the Opera but tbe ancient prospector's reck­ Ore. best Tillamook bottom tion. less carelessness troubled tils nerves, House. The Dramatic Club will ty Committee. Stray Calf. Saved From Awful A vote of thanks was tendered the land. He remonstrated wltli film repeatedly present this funny comedy Friday and strenuously, but bls protest did How an appalling caL_ and Saturday, Dec. 2nd anil 3rd. lailiea for the social time they gave A »tray Jersey heifer calf, about 51 acres in a high state not seem to have tbe slightest effect, family was prevented aka This is the best play of its kind yet on Thanksgiving evening. six months old, has been on H. H. McDonald, of Fayetteville! It wan decided to give a basket of cultivation. 4 acres has “Jim." he said finally when driven Hayes’ place on the Sandlake road F. I). No 8. “My airier MJ offered by the club. No pains will to desperstiou. "If you can’t be more be spared to make this the beat of social on Thursday evening, Dec. 8, some timber on it, but is careful with tbat dynamite we’ll bare for about a month, and the owner is I lion,’’ he writes, "riiexuE to which the public is invited. The pule, had no appetite and« the season, and everyone is looking hereby notified to claim the same. to separate.” grow weaker every day,»! forward to the success it will so ladie» will have charge of arrange used for pasture. That Uigbt aa be approached tbe edies failed, till Dr. Kirfl richly merit. Seats are now selling ments, and another enjoyable social This is an ideal dairy shack h «terrific concussion rent the air ‘‘I hail been troubled with consti­ Discovery was tried, Ms evening is anticipated. The ladies and the many inquiries for tickets knocked him Insensible. When be pation for two years and tried all of pletely clued her, I hat six j ranch, fully equipped and and recovered consciousness he perceived the best physician» in Bristol, Tenn., been troubled with a uaa shows there will be a bumper turn are invited to bring bakets. It wa» decided to offer the club making a fine income, and one of the aged prospector's legs lying aneople of the Christian ata t In R with them, hir teomA'baps." $3,500 will handle it. Commercial Club Meets. d Bank’s First Duty i hurcli Inst biiilny evening at the Oddfellows' Hall was a most enjoy­ able affair, anil despite theunfavor. able weather condition», which kept many away, the attrndam-r was ex- cell«nt. A good program was ren­ dered conaisling of recitations and xy<»l and inatrumnnta! music. Dr nW Mr». Monk delighted the aud­ ience with »everal guitar and man dolin duet», and Cheater McGhee added the violin in a few trio num tiers, all of which was highly enjoy, rd and fully appreciated. Much ■ ntercat «'entered in the sale of l>aa- keta. and with Henry Crenshaw aa yitioneer, this par? of the program wa» an entertainment in itaelf The i Ifhskets were indeed a handsome Ivt. every one artistic without and , dehetuua within, and they »old at good price». Among the unique designs were a cross. heart, twin Larges. |' H. Revenue « niter. grs|w- artair, and other «xritrinal aha, tea. After »upper. games were the orsler I Damar’s Variety Store, B RALPH ACKLEY LAND COMPANY, »05 COBBBTT 1UII.D INQ, POMTLAMD, ORB. * Did y*w ■el1 *“«>.» ml« bricks. Silas? querM t»W Squnahaeek 1. ■n*w«*d Uncle SI '*■* I »eed a feltoe peddlin’ nrti- aclal Ice-bad th' alga right on bbi »•gon an blamed ef th etnimps dl.i b«y It fer th reel thing, by « tm »” -CMear» News. Uo«at«d in th« HOTEL*. Be j»«t want« the Drop in and book Around," • HI •freíd tn 'gtv NECJU GOODS each boat. T The Bell Sign becomes an old and tried D. ÜAMAR, prc. TIUÜAM00K HE Bell Telephone keeps the eler in touch with all the retw® of civilization. He can order his dinner, explni'1 summon relief in an emergency, or say . forgotten in the hurry of starting. this from almost any point on the nuu :rf>B [the Bell System has stretched out *** meet his unex|«ected needs. The Bell Telephone not only furnH1* * IvorhiMwl communication but gives Service throughout the whole system- PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COMPANY. A Every Hell Telephone is the i>i the System. ASD ,