T1LLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, Money Expended on Road Work in Tillamook County. Jen set as the day 1. I’10 Notice of City Election. DECEMBER 1, 1910 ATE A WHOLE SHEEP. STAR CEYLON. GEM OF TO N otice is H ereby G iven to the Ons of ths Feats sf Nichols* Wood, a i golden spike legal voters of Tillamook City, Ore­ Th» Askaria Brought Health and Far- R oad -D istrict N o . 1. Only Her Hutband, the Mean Thing, Famous Glutton. of the Pacific tun* to It* Woaror. February....................................... 5.15 gon, that there will be a general Had Pinched Her Wadi Tbe following account of a min ,n Company's March............................................ 1025.90 election held in said city on Monday, Familiar to some of the ancient writ Mrn have something to learn from named Nichols» Wood, famed for bls On that date April.............................................. 1185.00 December 5th, 1910, between the gluttony, was written by Johu Taylor, ers and credited with su|>eni8tural women In the art of warding off train will ro11 May .............................................. 178.00 hours of 9 o’clock A.M. and 12 tbe "water poet" of tbe seventeenth power», the asteria, or star gem. was “toucher«" for coin. Wmueu respond June................................................ 1212.00 highly valued for tbe beitelits sup­ to such requests once In about every • sea over this July................................................ 2760.82 o’clock M. and 1 o’clock P. M. and 4 century: posed to be conferred on the nearer thousand eases, but they are •< lentifle inderconstrtic- August..................... o ’ clock P. M. of said day, for the Nicholas Wood was a Keutlsb yeo 1856.37 “Be It kuown to all men to Its bright six rayed star, ever «bang tn tbelr refusals A Cleveland woman ¡ve years and September................................... 3371.36 purpose of electing the following man 2934.95 officers of said city, to wit: whom these presents shall come." ing and »hlfllng with every play ot with n reputation as a borrower Iprctation of the October................................ light and especially ahooting out Its turned up st the home of one of her write* Johu Taylor, "that I. John Tay able to turn the Mayor, Marshal, Recorder, Treas ­ 14,519.85 flumes In tbe direct »iiiillgbt. would friends the other momlug with a much i lor. wuteriuati of St. Savior's lu South ­ urer, one Councilman from the |ch is commonly seem to Is- »ometblng more Ilian an done over story about a persistent aud D istrict N o . 2. wark. will, with plalu truth, bare aud First Ward of said city, one Council­ Ale Road,” over Eebruary................................. 206.00 threadbare, treat of tbe remarkable ac­ ordinary «-rystal. and to tbe supersti­ threateuiug dressmaker and the usual department some March....... tious tulnd It couM readily be l>eil»ved request tor the loan—"pay It back to­ 144.63 man from the Second Ward of aaid tions of Nicholas Wood. [y set for the for- April........ 118.35 citv, one Councilman trom the morrow. certain"—of $5. "He hntb eaten a whole sheep at one to embody some tutelar spirit 638.53 Third Ward of said city, one Coun- j Tbe particular virtue attributed to "Why. my dear, certainly." was the it May 1 has been May_____ »• meal: |mrdou me! I think be left tbe 1588.47 cilman from the Fourth Ward of Hklu. the wool aud bones; and present this gem wh * the conferring upon the pleiisnut respouas to bar carefully re- , President E- K. June........... 2458.92 iilv.......... wearer of "health and eo<*l fortune" - hearsed ------- “ little yarn, "you poor tb'tilf. isun he does not care 1906.32 said city, one Councilman from the ly after he hath »wallowed three peck* August you! lust wait till I ruu upstairs an I when worn a* an amulet, and to those of damNou». Two lolu* of mutton and kerdisappointinentn September 1945.00 Fifth Ward of said city, one Water get my purse " 1521.51 Commissioner from the First Ward one lolu of veal are but three sprat* fortunate to lie horn in th«1 month of Jenty of leeway for October .. she ran tfpstalrs. to bltu. Once at Sir William St. Ledg­ April, with n hb h tbe »tone wns »«*••- of said city, undone Water Com ­ •nd delays from the 10,526.73 er's house, so valiant and staunch of elated or represented, tbe wearer wns the house happeued missioner at large. j that interfere with where she Kept her purse He saw her D istrict N o . 3. teeth he showed himself, that he ate Insured from all evil. The said election will be held in the ns much as would suffice thirty men. >greas of the work, The «tar «'one 1» fonnd prlncipa'lv dig the purse out of a chlffouler draw­ 1212.47 February........... ....................... In Cevlon. Invariably In «oil peculiar er and deliberately remove a wad of licit is 91 miles in March...................................... 48.20 City Hal) iu aaid city, and that C. E. aud afterward* be slept eight hour* _ 1 . sent . . 28.60 Reynolds, Frank Severance and R. i "One morning illsboro, the junction April.......................................... for him to the to ruble* and sapphire* Indeed. It Is bills from It. leaving about 37 cents 11V!I48 i I_ Wiule have been appointed Judges 1»» n I summoued the host ­ es of the entire dis- March........................................ 244.11 heanl him say something about set of the less the danger front pneu- next In hardness to the diamond. ess and commanded that all the vic ­ 51.79 □ put at grade and April..................... ..................... tling a plumber's bill last night when monia uud other aerioua diseases. 1055.73 tuals in the bouse be laid before my ty miles of the per- May ............................................. I was half asleep—and the mean thing 1928.96 Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va., guest. ¡une............................................ lave been laid. has left me only enough for car fare. says: “I firmly believe Chamber- EXPRESSIONS. 3597.23 uly ...................................... "The inn was slenderly provided, but Too had! Of course, you know. If I s cost the Harriman August ..................................... 2274.01 Iain’s Cough Remedy to be absolute­ slx-|>euuy loaves were mouuted two 4542.84 ly the best preparation on the mar­ stories high like a rampart, three six­ Usad In a Metaphorical Sanaa They bad It"—and so on.—Cleveland Plain e the owners, having Septemlier ............................. Ar* Quite Common. Dealer 3227.11 ket for colds. I have recommended roui President Lytle October..................................... it to tny friends and they all agree penny veal pies, one pound of sweet Mnrltfcne expreoslons iiHtii metaphor 'ears ago, a pretty For sale at Lamar’s butter, and n number of other dishes lcally ere. In fad. very common. We 16,921.78 with me.” CURIOUS BLUNDERS. Drug Store. ct, by the time the were set oui. all of which were quickly aay a couple are “spliced." a young D istrict N o . 5. brought to nothing.” epartment has turned February ................................. 75.00 man is tbe “mainstay" of Ills family, Th. Anaehroiilam* Thst Crowded a “I had been troubled with consti­ >ver to the operating March......................................... 38.15 an intruder "puts bis oar In." a man Is pation for two years and tried all of One* Earners Poem. April .......... ........................... 593.18 e completed line will “bard up.” sometimes "tukeu aback” I The medieval roman<*as ar» full of the beat physicians in Bristol, Tenn., RUBBER OYSTERS. May ............................................. 1441.70 it I a v of close to $4,000, - and they could do nothing tor me,” or has “the wind tnkeo out of hla blunder*, rusting rantempurarle* of J une............................................ 3377.37 writes Thos. E. Williams. Middle- They Brought Trade and Saved Thair Balls,” a to|>er Is "Blewed.” a loafer men who were sepaiutnf sometimes >2,090,660 more than July........................................... 2940.49 boro, Ky. “Two packages of Cham­ “spina a yarn." aometlmra "tries the by hundred*, tometliuew by thoiissnd*. Inventor From Failure. ated when the con August ..................................... 1630.12 berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab­ 3629.37 "Rubber oysters laid the foundation other tack,” and a ruler "steers tbe of yeHr*. but as historical criticism i line was authorized. ; September..................... .... lets cured me. ” For sale by Lamar ’ s October..................... ............ 3040.34 of my success." said a millionaire ho­ ship of state" through troublesome hod not then a ts-lng and the general tai cost bus resulted Drug Store. times. tel man. Information of the age was not su­ in plans which have 16,763.34 This last metaphor Is extremely an perior In uni partl'-ular to that of tbs “1 bad a small saloon in them days, When your feet are wet and cold, b . eliminated heavy D istrict N o . ft and your Ixxly chilled through and and tbiugs looked very black. They cient by tbe way. Horace refers to t>oed pieces on Athena In tbe same way. A Tamil to. who might la* supposed to know May ................... ..................... 633.50 before going to bed, and you are April 1 aud fried them lu egg and saying embodies a like metaphor. “The soinetlilng nt least of the truth of bit 702.38 almost certain to ward off a severe 1st Recovering from June.......................................... soul la the ship, reason la the helm, tory. but whose oUi e famous |>o»in. For sale by Lamar’ft Drug breadcrumbs to a tasty brown. 1573.87 cold. July.......................................... . ishing Defeat. 'There was only one man In the bar tbe oars are the soul's thought*, aud "Orlando Furlrwo." Is n tissue of hIS August ..................................... 862.ee Store. when I fetch«*I In that dish of smok­ truth Is the port." An old collection torlcal ahMirdilles from beginning to ........................... 2913.32 ------------------------------------- <* .LAMOUK HEADLIGHT. September Team for Sale. ing rubber oyster». Ills eyes glittered, of English proverbs contains this nue: end 1687.05 ¡Since the election and October ..................................... In thia poem Cbnrlemagne and hl» and be grabtied a fork. Jabbed It Into "The tongue Is tbe rudder of orr *hlp." For Sale, a nice young team ©f ■appointments, I tho- A Malay maxim aaya, "Tbe taint which peers are joined by Edward I. of Eng 8590.01 a big fellow and took a hungry bite. bay mare». Apply to F. N. Elliot. flit want to know if I "Seelug the surprised look that is swamped at sea may be balled out. land. Richard, earl of Warwick; Clar­ Grand total... . 79,238.77 g. Yes, thank God ; spread over hla face. I turned away to but tbe shipwreck of Ibe affections 1* ence and the Hukes uf York and Gloucester; cannon are employed hun­ bide a smile. He gave an awkward final.” em strange to say, but Notice of Final Account. Aristophanes. Plautus and others use dred* of years before the time Of Singer Sewing Machine. laugh and said: ome sweet day all will N otics i* HSKBar Giva.* — That th* ua " Them's flue oysters. 1'11 bring a an expression which come* down to Monk Schwartx. and the Moors are st for us that comes dersigurd. adtuiuiotrator of the e«tate of Now is your opportunity to get SARAH KNIFUNG. deceased, han filed hi» couple of tbe boys In tv sample them.' us as an English saw. 'To row one repr '«ented ns established In Rpaln tn reat question now is machine that will laut you a life final account as *ucb ndrainintrator in the "Sure etiougb. be brought two way and look another " An old Eng- spite of the historic fact that .'#*> years ley people. Will they time, on easy monthly, payments office of tbe County Clerk of Tillamook Hah proverb <614i was. “It Is not good elnp'cd after the death of Charts County, State of Oregon, and that tbe friends a half hour later. The friends f they never did do— that you will scarcely miss und County Judge of »aid Tillamook County bau no sooner saw tbe appetlzlug rubber to have an oar in every one s boat 99 mngne before they crossed from Afsl appointed Monday, December 5th, 1M1U, at no interest. . From what I can ea In one place Prester John, wbo hour of 1U o'clock a m , at the office ot oysters than, setting down tbelr beer, I personally guarantee every ma­ the lived 400 years after Charlemagne, lite papers no one is chine and will keep it in repair free the County Jud#e. in the Court Houw. in they ench sunk their teeth In one. H* Sat. i illaiuuok City, Tillamook County (tregon It Is r»lnt» use the argument of my bslr sncrlflced and th* will of God i “A teacher asked a boy tbla question a’ aven them Te may alt doun ” ian religion. Every miracle of Christ of today it would lead usurped by the wlalie* of man As tbe The lieutenant drtipped as If shot : In fractions: was an exhibition of the Word. >f all law. We have a I '• 'Suppose that your mother baked From the "Autobiography of Horace bsrlier clipped my lucks rapidly It re­ Luke 5th chapter: They pressed minded ine <>f the horrible times of •pector. He came to an apple pie and there were seven of Greeley." upon Christ to hear the Word of God. the French involution when the same you—tbe parents and five children. ted into my milk cans After speaking to them he aaid to o|M>ratk>n mi |ierforni»d ufion all tbe Snubbed the Composer. What part of tbe pie would you get wo of them because of Simon "Launch out into tbe deep The boy or girl with any Gustav Mahler bad a queer expert victims mtirilered by the gnlllotloe Ur for your portion?' defect of vision is greatly n the hoops of each and cast your nets.” Simon com­ “'A sixth, ma'am.' tbe boy answered race In Munich one day for wblcb hl* heart sank low ” Further to express .bandicapfied in the pursuit onal liberty waa tram- Hl* hl* grief, th* margin of the |>sg» on '• 'But there are eeven of you.' said name waa partly responsible plained of fishing all night without of knowledge in the school i unhallowed feet. I tbe teacher. 'Don't you know anything new symphony waa being rehearsr-d wblcb this entry was made h» painted room. If your boy or girl catching anything, nevertheless at «» ot the two cans and and he took advantage of an boor'» black about three quarters of an inch does not show a high per about fraction»?' thy Word. The Word never failed centage of average in the n of having it said you “'Yes. ma'am.' said the boy. ‘I know fntermlaalon to get aome fresh air deep all aroand to accomplish. Luke 7-14: Y'oung school report the probabili­ ; all about fractions, but I know all “On returning to the building." say* t. Thia may item man I aay unto thee, Arise. The ties afe that there ia some­ Still WonUeeing. about mother too Mother 'd say ebe a Munich paper "be lo*t hl* way and public good demands thing the matter with the Word of God in the mystery of the tried to reach the hall through a rar Tb* de.vf man gut rat of th« tram­ didn't want no pie' " i must or should will- eyes. To find out coat» you Kingdom of God. Lukn 8-11: The rldor In which plaaterer* were at work rar <>n tu th* other lln» of rxll» nothing if you will bring our laws. Now, men, You cannot pase through here ' he waa "l-ook rat' Tbere'a a rar ramlng*" seed ia the Word of God. 21st verse: The Misguided Friend. examins- them to me for xm regulation. Why D» Chapple- If there's any one nul told 'Rut I am Mahler' tMabler I* the i rlcd th* tonduclor My Mother and my brethern are pay to tion. It doesn ’ t k of regulating the sane» 1 bate more than another It's s German for painter.* 'You look It. guess alxiut the eyesight "WbafT" aald th* darf man are these which hear the Wold of lardware man, etc. ? waa the uoaympathetlc reply of the of your child—it is better fellow wbo Is always going around In ■Thore« a car eotnlng ” God, and do it. —J. C. Govg. to see that the eyes are I ia all right, and we trodm-lng people Tber»'a flood heart man wbo blocked lila way 'B'r ore not "WkatF right. If glasses are needed ready for the ( mi Inters yet. *o run on ' how can we charge Jn«t th«n th» rar raugbt end kaark for Instance. I am prepared to furnish Saved From Awful Death. And the cunt**>aer. realising that argu t-d down th» deaf man and aa h» pl> k Bouttows-What's be been doing? year to do bueineaa in the exact thing that will How an appalling calamity in his De Chapple—The Idiot! Tbe other ment would be useless plunged into wl hltn*elf up b» aald 1 restrict the houra of meet the needs of tbe case. family was prevented is told by A. D. "I sonder »hat thaf fonl k»pt ma _ ,___ _ day be Introduced me to ■ man I "»*1 the labyrinth and Anally reached hie they are Remember tbat 1 closing, and who shall McDonald, of Fayetteville. N. C., R. ther» lalklng *t>os*t!"--t.ra4ra Mall moory to. and I'd bora owing it eo destination " guaranteed for one year, I, etc. r Look out or F. D. No 8. ”My sister hod consump­ Ion« br'd forgotten all about m* Now and I am here to make tion.” lie writes, "she was thin and I nufier injustice, " Traveling fa- them good, Camels la Arabia. ITI have to pay up or be sued.-Loa Just th* Opgoait*. imle.had no appetite and seemed to y in closing, don'taak ktf* are not” There are two variellee of ratneh An Irishman at a Mir got pok'd In doo Teiegrapb grow weaker every day, as all rem­ he saloon people, but edies failed, till Dr. King's New la uj « In Arable, the dromedary and th* eye with a stick and took p'x-eed the freight camel The dlw-lol <1 roun­ Ing* agati»*t th* offender put them under, en- Discovery waa tried, and eo com­ Catching On. 71 Ing the beat for Tilla- pletely cured her. that she has not Held the magla'rst* “Come now. Yoos« Mr. Btruckstt-Rltcb was Mt- ds rle* are celebrated for flirtr eea» rfcl id our people in gene- l>een troubled with a cough aince. Ing bis first meal st a real restaurant Ing gait and apewl A dbelnl carrle* yon don't really believe be meant tn it'a the twat medicine I ever saw or “WUat are those?” be asked, point about »si pounds and travels abotu put yonr eye oat " Icovenng EYE SPECIALIST, heard of.” For coughs, coida, la- "Faith you're right thia time" ••‘4 Ing st th» Anger bowls th* waiter had eii miles a day It ran be pan bleed PkOHIBITIoXlWr. gripue, asthma, croup, hemorrhage, for 100 to 150 Marla Theresa dollars Pet. "for I believe be tried to put It TILLAM42 50 to PI3 75i Trial txxttie free. f equal, Sic. fil.tii. carries about 500 pound* sod travels Guaranteed by Chas I. Clough. sir.” «akl tbe waiter o Help Some Owe. The Moral Stimulus of Gesd Cloths* "Ob. I know thaL" rejoined young about two and a half miles aa hour It J. F Buyer, ot Fer­ Mra grow In self respect as they Rnsrkett Rltcfe. with remarkable f«s roars am Marie Theresa dollars <|)TTi Banka On Bure Thing Now. ie! bel p and <'•iildii't wear good elotbec Their rlothee earn aensl-'O "I mean ire they cut glassT' or more » why he sant» tohelp •TH never be without Dr. King’s Jrf OUT DOOR WORK i iem the approval of tbelr fellow« v Suffenng »0 long New Life Pills again." writes A. —CMrngo Tribune IN THE WETTEST WEATMEIf lafor alldiMreas troni •ohingeck.B47ElmS*.. Buffalo. N.Y. Net 14'* Curiaady la rttni they are forced to grow to Si! NOTH1H« EQUALS ervoltanens. I. oms of 'They cured me of chronic conati Mr* Waatvrknowa—I abunld like ra the measure of r>4 opinion ao that, Mitude and Kidney pation when all elae failed Vn- kaew. Ur W wbv »at *rv *u crowi forced forward by tbositivcty lana, eaergerp rartoeitj It wee ever my Ends Winters Troubles r laver Tr< ubi». Dys- I Dieorder*. Female fate to eoraunter " To many ami Maiali». Try trouble, Cha*. I. CtaMsarh’s- linger a. chilblau_ . akina. prove thia But awch trow »•lea fly before ___ Hakten* Amica Halve A trial convinces Great- eat healer nl Hum*. Brale. Pile«. Cute. Sorea. Ecxema an 1 Sprain«. Chaly J3r. at CMMk. L Clough a. MARITIME HANDICAPPED ! i Dr H. E Morris,' BILLING LEND.