I iff i Hl I ■i TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 1. N10. w ■ 1 & I report that the Tillamook Com mercial Club would s«x>n bust 1.50 i up. This is the same pull down 75 Six months .... 5<> spirit which have characterize«! Three month» so many undertakings in this city. It is a easy thing for the í ^ilhmoob Ijnibligbt, “knockers” to stand back and “knock” and peddle gossip, but we want to say this, that for once, anyway, the progressive Editorial Snap Shots. citizens who are at the back of the Commercial Club have Wasn’t that another rotten made a great success of it, for caucus Saturday' ? Tillamook City has one of the most commodious ami well fur­ Was that Home Rule at the nished quarters of any city of city caucus Saturday ? To a its size in Oregon, and there is CHRISTMAS IS COMING ! In fact, it will soon be here, ami we are going number of persons it looked as greater interest taken in the to place before the people of Tillamook a DANDY CHRISTMAS PRESENT which though it was blind big rule. club to-day than any time since it was organize«!. In proof which they should not overlook. This present is contained in the property we are now The bur-mess men, not a few ibis the large, enjoyable social offering the buying public as ‘‘MAPLE GROVE ADDITION, the best that there is in b totleggers who have assumed ; given on Thanksgiving night, TILLAMOOK CITY in first class residence property, with all of the improvements abso­ the role of dictators, should and the large am! enthusiastic lutely guaranteed without further cost to the lucky purchaser who buys now. Time, have some voice in the matter J business meeting at the club space and the expense forbids us going into detail regarding our SPECIAL OFFER who should be city officials and J rooms on Monday evening of how the government of the city real live boosters, «loes mit look and the MERITS OF THIS PROPERTY. We have at this time sold a number of should be conducted. Why not as though the club was about to the choice lots in MAPLE grove to conservative and progressive business men of call a meeting of business men ¡give up the ghost. Not much. this city. Ask anyone of the following what they think of an investment in Maple Grove: to discuss the matter ? Now is The club is a permanent fixture Messrs. M. F. Leach, A. K. Case, Chester McGhee. T. P. Johnson, Omar C. Kiger, W. J. the time to act. Mayor Coates in this city, no matter what the Stephens and others who already placed an investment and selected their lots in Maple I "knockers ” may do or say, and said it was not right that a few men should dictate who should i by the activity of the club the Grove. But come in personally to this office and let us tell you WHY YOU SHOULD be city officials, the same as was next few weeks in obtaining BUY A LOT IN MAPLE GROVE. done on Saturday. new members, there is going to be a large increase in member­ OUR PLAN IS THIS : We are going to GIVE YOU A CHRISTMAS PRES­ If the saloon people want to ship to help boost and upbuild ENT, one that you will look back too with pleasure and profit in time to come. From run decent saloons why won’t the city and county. This is for the 1st of December until the day before Christmas I am going to divide my selling they allow conservative business the information of “knockers” commission with you. This means that you get a present in proportion to the amount men to run city affairs decently und no one else. and respectably ? Their efforts of your purchase on a lot or more in Maple Grove. The price on all lots from $400 to Saturday to put through their The only interest we have in $700. The terms are from $50 to $100 cash, and the balance on a payment of $10 per slate, with C. W. Talmage at the city election is the desire to month. 1 am going to give you a present of from $10 on a $400 lot up to $17.50 on a $700 the head of the ticket, is the see live, progressive officials lot. This plan will only be allowed to those that take advantage of this offering from the first nail in their own coffins. It elected, men whose aim is to 1st of December until the 25th December, 1910. Make selection of your lot now and get is time they go next to them­ make this a wtdl governed, up- selves. ltut they have again to-date, business center and a your choice while there are many to choose from. undertaken to run the city, and moral town. It matters not to We are under contract with the owners to sell Twenty Lots out of Sixty-two Lots in this is; the first point gained by us whether the “wets” or the the “jrys” and there will hr “drys” are in control as long as the tract; after Twenty Lots are sold out of Maple Grove the balance of Forty-two Lots all plenty of others we intend t < » this is attained. It is necessary, advance in price to future purchasers One Hundred Dollars on the lot. Now is the time show up as time goes on. however, to have public spirited to investigate this Christmas offering. men to conduct city affairs, and Do you Itelong to the Tilla­ for that reason we hope the mook Commercial Club ? It is voters will use their best judg­ live, progressive boosters who ment in electing a city council belong to it and who are banded that will put our city on a par together for one common pur­ with the progressive cities of pose and for no selfish, persoli- the Willamette valley, It takes al or special interests. Those live men, not drones, to make Who are progressive citizens live towns. Which are we anti want to see a clean, well­ going to have? Is the city governed, up-to-date business going to develop and go forward city are invited to join and help I the next twelve months ? Or carry out this long overdue re­ is everything to be subservient form in Tillamook City. Tem­ to the liquor men ? It is cer­ perance and church people have tainly gratifying to see the civic conscientiously striven to im­ pride that is being taken in prove conditions but have not other cities, und the people of met with the success that theyifthis city should take the samel Talmage has shown no disposi­ mid loyal friends all over the' expected, so it is up to the mem- lively interest in Tillamook tion to pungle up like the rest county, and the first time that of the public spirited business they have an opportunity to hereof the 'Tillamook Confmer- City. For instance : cial Club, compost'd of men of| There is an encouraging report men. Men who aspire to the “coine back” at Amos they will! ditierent political and religious from Eugene to th«1 effect thst the office of mayor of a city should do so good and hard. Another . ...........I not expect support when they views, “drys” ami “wets." to civic spirit in thnt city . is tlxirough thing, with two republicansi Í fc ly aroused to the value of intelligent I have fnilt.«| to help when caliNl and a democrat in the race, it | < organizaition iVirii n I u o t ion ¡oxi ,««1? n model city. those who are wanting to blame i feel that he has been ill-advised him for the sail drownings at but few havelieen public spirit­ (CAP. T. LATHAM). Nehalem and make him the | ami that it is a wrong thing to ed enough to become member» From what we can gather it put the taxpayers to the expense scape goat for the county tim ­ of tin* Tillamook Commercial is generally thought that the of an election so soon after the I Club, organized for tile purpose race for mayor is lietween C. ber cruise. Commissioner Alley general election. If there is to1 of improving coixlitions an hard of personal matters, it is tube ber, 191ft to find a sulMcription list circu ­ running lietween Portland and In witness whereof I have here-1 1 io | m *«1 that Rudolph Zweifel I illamook over the I*. R. ¿c N. lated in Tillamook City which will take the advice of his beat Co.'s ixuid. thick in th«- sum­ did not have Mr. Leach's name friends and not force the county unto set my hand and seal of said county this 17th day of November mer it was stated that the road on it with a liberal douation. We into expending $150 on a special 191ft would lie completed and in op­ tiiav add this that there would J- c. H olden , County Clerk. Meals 85 and 50c. . J eration by Jan. 1, IVI1. Nowit be no grafting'' going on in election, for it is a few demo­ crats who are urging Zweifel is extended to May 1. Most city affairs if he could prevent Notice. Beds 35 cents and up according ilny other enterprise, with so it while lie filled the office, for on, for they see this is an oppor­ N otkk is H eheby G iven ,—That Room. large amount of money tied up he is a man head and shoulders tune time to stir up strife and within sixty days from the dnte of I-arge Office, Dining Room and Indies 1’arloT. J in it, would have gone broke above those who aspire to pub­ trouble. Probably a large num said notice it will be unlawful for berof those who sign«*«! the pe ­ Heat equipped Hotel in Tillamook County. ' lic office to work a “ graft. ” As with no revenue coming in, but stock to run st large, under penalty it» seems different with build­ one of the oldest business men tition were not aware of these of Ten dollata for the first offence P. W Todd. Prop. R. H. Todd, M0f facts, and would opiatse the ing a railroad. Someone lias to , in th«* city then* are those who and Twenty dollars for each and Uix money being ex|>ended to pay for nil the money invested i think the honor should lie con- every subsequent offence, in the Pre­ in the building of the naul that Iferradon Mr. Leach, for he is satisfy the personal and politi- cinct of Hebo for Tillamook County, cnl whims of a few persons, for has been tied up for so many Uitg’rul und public spirited. As State of Oregon, according to a vote years on account of slow con to the caucus uomin«*e, C. W. that is what it all amounts to. ,akeu at a General Election duly held An«i it is n*|H»rted that Ainos I Talmage, he has fill«sl the office •truction. It wus an expensive on the Sth day of November. 191ft road to build, but it makes it two terms, and it is only right Vaughn is the republican who In witness whereof I have here- i i» to oppose Mr. Alley, should I I that the honor should be |Nissed much more expensive when the unto set my hand ami seal of said tui election take place. We are Const met ion is spread out over around. Nor has Mr. Talmage thia 17th day of Novemlier a numlierof years. The way to shown himself to tie public i sorry to hear that Mr. Vaughn County 191ft ' I has twen drawn into thia strife make the P. R A N. Co. pay ¡spirited, for when the railroad J. C. H olden . County Clerk. •nd unnecessary ex|M*nditurv of V* to get it running mid earning committe«- was hustling for I something, not k«*«*p on pn»- i money and all th«* business m«*n I public money to satisfy a few .i * Ji*yo? h,v* ■ coW «nd • hot Even shouhk Mr. V. -A « Cough Remedy. Crst mating froni tint«* to time were sulMcribing liberally. C. I •lemiH-nits. us to when tin* lìmi traiti* nr«* W. Talmage did not contrilxit»- i Vaughn win the election we It Will MM,n fix you Up alright ami ward off any tendency to want to run; ¡and help. It is the same with { pant to aav this tluit it would' will pneumonia. Thia remedy contains other public matters when a la« t ns a boomerang al some or other nan-otic and There'» h nigger ill the W ish ! 'little money is re«|uirv an adult Sold at is a large numher of staunch ----- ,1 and bcH'tu the city, Mr Km J»»« «« o ">*r 3 RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. .■TB1CTLV IN AUVANCB.) »Ine year........... « I « t » k ■* » I I* ! $-C| CHRISTMAS PRESENT Par Excellence Rollie W. Watson, Uz Nolan, J. S. Stephens, W. G. Dwight and Wm. Curtis for particulars. Call at Once and let us show you the lots. I I Steamer Sue H. Elmore” r «r MOTOR STEAMER OSHKOSH ' I 1 1 ■ t I » % I I I I I I • I I I t I < < 1 I I * 1 I Tillamook & Portland. New Furnishings—Modern Fixture Centrally Located. Hot and Cold Water on Each Floor. HARNESS, COLLARS, etc You Use 1 We Sell 1 « Ii lb. A W. A. WILLIAMS latinar a Drug Store. ' *■>• i-í? s.* -'i’ ” - I