TILLAMOOK, OREGON, DECEMBER 1 xxin. No. 26 How about that old miinmer suit? I Have it dyed by the Tillamook Steam Dye Works for winter use. * •is. eye specialist See Mrs. Shrode- for lessons in Hill's home made mince painting'. A sample of her work may be seen at Jenkins' Jewelry le. typewriter, cheap.-D. Store. A party was given at the home of ielivered. $10.00 a ton D Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hansen Wednes­ 9E. day night, it being their third wed­ sewing wanted by Mr?. ding anniversary. »nett Justice E. W. Stanley left the first lots for $1.000, your own of the week to visit his parents in D. L. Shrode. California, whom he has not seen »lent by the sack or the for a number of years. x D. L. Shrode. • Oak Nolan is again able to be Frandcen, of Nehalem, seen on our streets after an illness jwnthe first of the week, of about a week. He has been nurs­ le.—Three Milk Cows, good ing a case of the measles. -Otto Walther. Hemlock. * Lost, a Airedale Terrier, answers J Wahlen. Leading Jeweler, to the name of Clackamas. Please cv for Libbey's Cut Glass, inform superintendent at Fish its, 52V4 X 105, for $1100.00 Hatchery and receive reward. | block 10, Park Addition.— If that suit needs to be preseed for the dance or show, phone the 1 service will be held at the Tillamook Steam Dye Works and ian Church on Sunday they will come after it. You can find a 1 nice new line of Crane and L. Stokes were j goods at Mrs. 1 Wade’8' millinery from Miami, Saturday, on parlor, just north of The News • office in Bay City. Editor Frank Taylor, of the Clo- it Price paid for Hides, Fur- ■j> Pelt*. N. Melchior, Till- verdale Courier, and I., M. Kraner ire. * , of Cloverdale, accompanied by their IT», cheapest and best paper wives, were in the city on Monday. n town. Leave orders at The Union services held at the loiith Co. * Methodist Church Sunday night Ira McCoy, of Colorado, is were attended by a very large num­ at the home of Mrs. Bell ber of people, all the room being taken. f this city. fill is baking at night and For sale, house 0 rooms, lurge supply the demand for her wood house, all out buildings, all ide oread. in good order, 2 lots 50 x 105. Price lie. A Tailor's Shop, in $1350. Inquire at the Heudliglit *k City.—Apply to G. W. Otfice. Ilainook. Ore. * At any time anything you buy d, to buy a feather bed and from Howard Wahlen, the Leading fond band furniture. En­ Jeweler, dou’t give you entire satis­ tile Headlight Office. faction brinjit back and I Will make d. on Thursday, at the Todd it o.k. with you. >y Rev. H. R. Salisbury, Snow Drift flour, $5.90 a bbl. and enicke and Alice Allen. $1.50 a sack. Lighthouse Hour, $5.40 bat suit need pressing? If a bbl. and $1.40 a sack. Im­ it to the Tillamook Steam perial flour, $5.75 a bbl. and $1.45 irks and have it pressed I a Back.—W m . C ortis , The Grain • • | Man. M00K JOTTINGS Special Models, Latest Reducing, and Promating Form, American Lady and Nemo Corsets, New Fall Style« Ladies* Shoes, New Fall Shapes of Imported Suede, and Patent Colt, late Style Creations. Ì v I BALCONY DEPT. VALUES^ TAILORED SUITS. B O c Long Cloaks made of mixed English gray coating, tailored collar and cuffs, piped, medium buttoned neck, semi fitted. A rare $12.50 value. .... Priced at $7.85 Fine Rain Proof Wool Coats, imported herring bone diagonals, full length, tiemi breasted style, mannish tailored collars, fancy cuffs, just seven sizes, positive $16.50 value. Priced at $9.95 p B o o FT A MAMMOTH PURCHASE Ur DDEQC UlXJtvOO Veil Ill Vdr- Automatic Trains, Books, Gun — ~ ’ »—As B o o PT Men’s Overcoats NOVELTY SWEATER COATS Special showing laec lotion was carried authorizing the ; Mh ,t a jq ,, FlXLgY * CsX d,re< tor. to appropriate »im out of Go to F. , WWub.^ * Boa me levy to improve the StHlwel' (M< u play ground The Ladies G.nld of the Freaky teri.i, . hur.h «>11 keM itotol fancy and useful arix lea W ednaa day afternoons for three weeks al their rooms over Psge Fioe ' furni 4..t a|- 1bbbibb<< m write thaa three quarters << lke iasursace writtea la Tiltomoofc r~i« tr—-aer they ere bettar equipped than say use else to ttoe tmaiaeae. %