TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 24. 1910. guardian ad Oak Nolan, C. W. Tai- Willett appointed ' ‘ Willie Barker COURT ENDS Johnson, “the people” in recent elec­ CIRCUIT rmtge, Webster Holmes, George listen! for defendant Willett. T. H. Handley, Se«j’y., A. J. and case continued. tions, and at the same time to J. II. Filden vs. J. T..Milner t.nd Stillwell, T. H. Goyne, Carl lluber- Tillamook Bar Association get them to vote for deceptive It js reported that the price H. E. Noble, et al, To quit title. luch. of melft is to come down. That bills. It is evidently a move to Paid Judge Burnett a Well The cases which came up since By consent decree entered quieting the title in favor of defendants II. E. ought to please the beef eaters. make the farmers and land our last issue will be found below, Noble and Eastern Investment Co. Earned Compliment. owners pay the taxes. as well as how they were disposed Oak Nolan vs. M. If. Larson. Sale Lt’s generally customary, in The November term of the Circuit of : confirmed. Every once in a while there < ivtlized countries, to invite the Court ciime to a close on Monday John Conklin vs. Mary Conklin. J. B. Caples vs. O. C, Carson. Press to such events as a ban is talk of a milk cotidetu-ing afternoon, mid this* is the lust time Divorce. Continued. Damage. Judgment for defendant plant being established in I ill quet to a prominent jurist. But George Tone and Alice J Tone bis dismissing action and costs ami ’that Judge G. H. Burnitt will |>re- it the attorneys oi this city pre­ arnook City, and at the same i side, after being on the ben. h for 18 wife vs. Tillamook City. Injunction. disburements, which hud not been fer being that exclusive, why, 'time the assertion is mad«.* that ; veins, fm lie was one of the Supreme Defendants motion tor decree on entered at the previous term of pleadings denied. Decree on plead­ court. Í a condensing plant can pay it’s their privilege. George W. ; more for milk than the clieeae 1 Judges elected at the general elec­ ings in favor of plaintiff. Pea rl Phelps vs. tion. The Tillamook Bar Associa- C. F. Singmaster, et al vs. P. J. Phelps. Divorce. Continued. What a muddle the stnte is 1 factories. As the proof of the Action ition siibmitteda motion to thecourt I Sharp and B. C). Snuffer. Samantha Mills and ' C. Mills vs. getting into in trying to «Io ; pudding is in the eating, this Plaintiff’s motion for A. C. Daniele, et al. Suit f.” in equity. ‘ to have the following resolutions for money. ascertained liefore it .cannot be new trial denied. Plaintiff have away with representative gov­ spread upon tlie court journal and leave to serve and deliver to judge a Continued. _____________ u trial. There are a ¡ is given ernment. \\ «• supp«n e that the j ttmt a certified copy be forwarded High School Flashes. new-fangled ideas of legislation whole raft of dtiirx men who are i tl«nt a certified copy be forwarded bill of exception in or before Decem­ ber 12»li, 1910. ready to take their milk to a con- ,o Judge Burnett : will have to run their course be­ Those who had charge of the Nancy E. Olson vs. Norman Ol­ denser, provided they can get ¡ We. the undersigned members of fore the people will get next toi Heard on proceed­ ¡work to raise money for the Gilford more tor it than at the cheese ' the 1 ilbimook County Bar, realize son. Divorce. themselves, for it is only an-1 , . i . .i i . . ■ to the fullest extent, that tbe only ings against defendant for con­ Stillwell Bark Fund seems to have other form euce un«l happiness rests with a complied witli tlie order of the court merchants of the good they would to support liis wife, a warrant was only baking l receive from such u source. Our city more ’monev for milk. The |‘"f' dignified and incorruptible issued for his arrest, and when taken i would be a great deal better off if judi< íary ; before Judge Burnett on Monday he powder made That such a judiciary is only ' possible by the support of a Bar set tip the plea that lie had been un­ those who have money could see that by improving the educational able to earn sufficient money to from Royal So it is that respects putity, ability and send to his wife. He, however, had ’ »how me” with dairy men fearlessness in the members of the deed wliat property he had in town. i life of tlie city that there would be Grape Cream Benell, mid that condemns and dis­ ready to countenances weakness, ignorance With this showing the judge dis­ larger numbers come to live with before they are us aud iu this way the lands would switch from a good thing. amt laek of courage to perform the missed the contempt proceedings. of Tartar Cornelius Desmond vs. George W. be of more value, and we would would like judicial functions without fear, hope of a The Headlight Phelps. To set aside note. Decree have a city to be proud of. milk condensing ol reward of favor ; was to see a That Judge George H. Burnett, dismissing without costs or pre­ The football squad has been plant established in this city way, who has presided over this court for judice to either party. working tlie pust week trying to get that and the field is i still open morethan eighteen years, has prov- RolHe W. Watson vs. Minmi Lum­ those to i make good , en that he isa man pre-eminently by ber Co. Action for Money. Defend­ in condition for the game with the tuis- to nature, stability of character and their assertions that they can ant’s motion fur new trial over­ Dramatics Thanksgiving day, Carl learning, to be a man and a lawyer, Dawson claims tliut his team has a pay more for milk. There is of these invaluable characteristics ruled. E. H. Collis, A. Bonham and Kate formation which can go through Our contemporary has quit no question as to the amount and attainments, to make him an Bonham vs. W. S. Cone. Eject­ publishing the price of cheese of milk, for there is more milk ideal judge, which he is: Verdict for any team. We make no boast, but Jury trial. His home life has always been ment. produced in the vicinity of Till ­ only do our best, and are not say­ in Wisconsin. C. B. Wiley pure and happy ; his private life is plaintiff for n ndivided Vs of lands paid a visit to his old home in amook City than any place in without a single blot ; his moral and for defendants for an un­ ing that we will defeat our op­ life has no stain ; hie public career divided % of lands, with damages ponents, but will at least try to do that state, and being interested Oregon. line been incorruptible, mid his de- in favor of plairftiff for $5.(J0. Plain­ something to make them relish in dairying in this county, he tiff has leave to serve and deliver a The liquor interests see that cisione rendered fearlessly, con­ bill of exception before Dec. 12. their Thanksgiving dinner. naturally inquired into condi­ scientiously, und without favor or tions there, and it surprised it is highly important that partiality, and with rare ability, his Pearl E. Phelps vs. George W. There will be no school Thursday him to hear that the best the something must lie done, and sentences always tempered with Phelps. Petition for support. De­ and Friday of this week, it being was done immediately, to “reform” I mercy and sympathy for the unfor­ cree in favor of plaintiff' for $30 per thought best bv the school board dairymen eotild month and costs and disburse­ tunate, but with firmness. $ .15 | er 00 11m. The the saloon, for they are aware I Resolved, ttierefore, that, as words ments. to let the students have an extra average price paid tins year in .that if they are allowed to run are inadequate to express our un­ Tillamook County’ Bank a cor­ day to get over the effects of the Tillamook is $1.50. Why not ill the manner in which they stinted love and esteem for him, we poration vs. E. E. Tyler and W. A. Thanksgiving dinners. Action for Money. De­ keep on * quoting Wisconsin have done in the past, there is do thus express to him our deep re­ Saling. Because of the holidays this week | every reason to believe there grets in losing him from our Circuit fendant Siding’s motion to set aside puces, Bro. Trombley ? Tilla­ Bench, and at the same time convey judgment overruled. the Emersonian program will lie i will be u revulsion of public mook is the banner dairy county to him in this genuine but homely Nora Welle vs. N. A. Welle. Di- given Wednesday afternoon in « f Oregon, and, ns far as we sentiment which is liable to manner, our individual rejoicing ol vorce. Divorce granted without place of Friday. At this time there make the state “ dry ” in a few his elevation to the Supreme Bench. can ascertain, no place is receiv­ costs. will be an inter society debate That he will ornament, we all years. To ward this off, a ing more for milk. Gus ¡.eon vs. Mabie Leon. Di- know ; That he hue earned this which promises to be very inter­ movement in on foot to put the vorce. Continued. distinction and honor, ia his own esting. The High school orchestra saloons under rigid regulations, Marie Wade vs. Albert Wade, Di- Wanted, in Tillamook City, reward, and our fond desire, hope vorce. Default and decree with will also make its first appearance a mayor, city council, marshal, and cities which want money fulfilled. at this time. We hereby assure him of our custody of minor children. recorder and city attorney with from saloons to run the city everlasting love and respect: B. F. Felger vs. Mary M. Feiger. Last Friday evening the members enough grit and moral back­ government are also waking up May his health, and services as a Divorce, Decree for plaintiff with- of the eighth grade gave a social at bone to sustain the pence and to the fact that they, too, must judge be spared us for many years out costs. Goldie White vs. Leon White the Todd’s hall, • to which the dignity and reputation of the co-operate and pass such laws to come, and may God bless him Divorce. Continued. Below is and his own. faculty and students of the High city und to lie public spirited in mid enforce them. Signed l>> —H. T. Botts, President m Barker vs. Roscoe Barker school and also a number of town preparing for its future growth the kind of regulations which Tillamook Bar Association, S. S. mid Willie Barker. Partition. Geo. people were invited. Among the und development. Every city La Gru tide is about to adopt, and that is the kind of ordi ­ games, the obstacle race was the official elected next IllOlllil most interesting. There were sticks should be a live booster tor the nance that the ‘ wets’’ in this ■? and chairs put in the way of those city, not a puppet put lip and city should insist on passing for elected to protect the liquor the regulation of saloons in to run, then blind folds were placed interests or tiny other interests, Tillamook City, that is if they over their eyes and obstacles taken i lie city's interests should be are sincere in wanting saloons from before them. Those who ran Time will tell. A the first consideration. There regulated. would imagine that they were going is no reason why we cannot large number of our citizens to step on something which was not have a clean respectable and have advocated an ordinance there. Refreshments were served well governed city, like other similar to that which is to reg­ after the games. 1 lie first, is the Desire or Inclination. ulate saloons nt La Grande, and Every one has a wish for money—it is we submit this for their con­ Singer Sew in g Machine. sideration : human nature, for it takes money to l a < iniiide'a ordinance provides Now is your opportunity to get that mi applicant for a saloon li a machine that will last you a life posses the comforts and necessities of A good tnuny candidates for cense muut first pay $13» I, tlie li­ time, on easy monthly, payments life. ■ political favor made it a point cense tee for the year, into tlie City that you will scarcely miss and to say that they were supporters Treasury, and present u bond of no interest. The second requirement in One Dol- I personally guarantee every ma­ of the registration mid primary $ll*ai, bucked by a responsible surety Jar or more. The first deposit need chine and will keep it in repair free laws. As far as the registration I'oinpany, before it will tie consider­ ed I the Council. The applicant's of charge. not be large, and after the first money is law is concerned it is a drill personal character will also be i on Your old machine will be taken deposited, you have a bank account. sion in regal'd to preventing sidered as well us the pro|Mised lo­ as part payment. I poiicon- Machines delivered at yoty home, illegal voting. ITlomuiuds ot cation oi the saloon. The size of your bank account rests x ii tioil before the t ity Recorder of on free demonstration trial. illegal volets were railroaded to any violation of tlie criminal laws with you. Call in and see the New Singer 60. the polls lieforv the State had a of the stut« or provisions of the or­ B urdett S hipmax , Tillamook. Ore. registration law, and the same dinance governing tlie sale of liquor, Whaletn’s Jewelry Store The boy or girl with i»H thing was curried on in the re­ the offender loses his license, for­ defect of' vision is gre»g| cent election. Most every feits his bondund may also be pun A Household Medicine. islied by fine and imprisonment. handicapped in the pur»« ' floater” in this city wus“fixed” I’lie ordinance provides that there To be really valuable must show of knowledge in the equally good results from each with the necessary blank so shall be no dice, curds, slot mu r room. If your t*oy «* *¿1 member of the family using it. chines, or music in the saloons und that he could vote, mid it is re does not show 11 1»K“ jrl Foley’s Honey and Tar does just Ju. that there shall be no frosted win ­ £ cent age of average >■ I ported thin at Eugene 11MM1 per­ this. W hether for children or grown dows or screens. W omen are pro­ school report the proto.1 sons voted who had not regia hibited from entering u saloon. persons Foley s Honey and Tur is ties are that nun there mv.- it . ■ 4 best and safest for all coughs and tend. Our idea of a registra­ Gambling is also burred. thin, K the matter With w I colds. Sold by C. I. Clough. tion law, mid to prevent, it pos eyes, i. To find out ling if y*’11 ",l1 hn—.1 sihle, some of the illegul voting, nothing Will Promote Beauty. _ me for exam«*] them to Women desiring beauty get won­ would Is- to require a person to Rural Free Delivery Route It doesn’t l“) tiou. derful help from Bucklen’s Arnica register IMJ days before un elec­ No. 1 go into operation Jan. guess about the is eye*«*! salve. It banishes pimples, skin het« tion, und failure to do that of • your child—it eruptions, sores and boils. It I 3, 1910. Patrons along this me ,’. vi ‘L¿ j | should deprive a person from Io see that t the makes tbe akin soft and velvety. route who have n^t given ns :ire - n«*""! ... SI s ;i.f —ja right. If gl hisses It glorifies the face. Cures sore voting. Our present registra­ their order for Box and Lock, - 11 t<> >nn2| I am prepare« eyes cold sores, cracked lips, chap tion law needs amending in tint with name on box for fl.50, the exact tiling t!....» tlwt - _ _ I ped. hands. Best for burns, scalds, this respect. meet tlie needs but want to, must do so not ,~'er s°res, cuts, bruises and piles. Remember I m.u i net * 25c. at Chas. I. Clough’s. Tbe liquor interests found thnt later than Tuesday noon, Nov guaranteed f<>r one J* there wn» n political sentinient 29th. KING * SMITH CO. anople” gredients of Foley i- ” ' ¿*»1 summon relief tn an emergency, or sav the won! b?C. LoXgF** ,h“nM- S’'d eerlain a Liniment und hind dfl Chatnlterlsin's Stomach and Liver and authorities n- •' »nent, which, unfortunately for it over the seat of pain the liell System has stretched out its lines to vent and anti-ceptic F* There is or «DM*. »n«l Take Folev's *tlie |>e<»ple,’* enrried hv a meet hia unexpected needs. K'«¡jM may tie taken «nth |>erfect safety by small majority. “The |ieople” the most delicate woman or the promptly the U rh ,e Te,e »* hn “ * " ‘ ‘ t only furnishes neigh trouble and avonl •« * r | youngest child The old and feeble "etc trickcil into voting for it Títere ia little danger from a cnl<| will also hnd them a most suitable i i Long IHatauce liecause it abolished the poll or from an attack of the grip except remedy for aiding and strengthen­ Service throughout the whole system. tax. not knowing that the bill When followed by pneumonia. and ing their weakened digestion ami Dressed ia “Diack for regulating the bowel“ Eor sale .When Chamlu-r t an In* used to revolutionise the Gin »?''’ lain S tough Remedy ia naed. Thia "F««*'«1' ' I by lainiur's Drug Store. tuxatiim system o|iticiaiiB was to “‘,’Umjp and cun Is- The line of Foley Kidney Pills. sah st rough renn«!' a ( t a rahedi pm with tmnlk it confidence, and i old- INi »!• ' ',